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General Manager’s Safety Award for 10 Staff of Central Railway
क्षेत्रीय हिंदी प्रतियोगिता 2023 संपन्न
General Manager’s Safety Award for 10 Staff of Central Railway
जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
WR EMUs are numbered differently, identified by 3-digit numbers identifying the rake and a letter (e.g., ‘C’) added to distinguish the individual coach in the EMU rake. (Contrast this with CR’s use of ’72’, ’70’, ’76’ prefixes.) ‘A’ : Trailer coach, ‘B’ : Motor coach, ‘C’ : Driving trailer coach
Hence a 3-coach formation could be something like this:
(849A 849B 849C)
These 3-coach units are formed into 9-coach rakes. Usually the serial numbers of successive 3-coach units are sequential, and the rake is denoted by quoting the numbers of the end 3-coach units. E.g., a ‘501-502’ rake has a 3-coach unit numbered 501 at one end, and another numbered 502 at the other end, and a third, 503, in the middle. A ‘505-506’ rake has 505 and 506 as the 3-coach units at either end, and another, 504, in the middle. The driving trailer coaches of the 3-coach units at either end are on the outside so that the entire rake can be driven in either direction. So, for instance:
(501C 501B 501A) (503A 503B 503C) (502A 502B 502C)
Usually a 12-coach rake of WR is set up like this (ex-Churchgate): CBA – CBA – CBA – ABC (contrast with CR, whose rakes are usually like this: CBA-ABC-ABC-ABC (of course, CR uses 72/70/76 instead of the A/B/C nomenclature.)
Additional spare single coaches (not 3-coach units) were ordered in some series, e.g., in the 800 series. They were numbered 8001, 8002, 8003, etc.
Note: 1928 and 1950 EMU stock had a different letter suffix scheme. The configuration of an 8-coach rake then was ‘A-B-C-D-D-C-B-A’. With 1928 stock, the ‘D’ coaches on the Virar side were first class, and part (quarter) of the adjacent ‘C’ coach with ladies’ first class.
With 1950 stock, ‘A’ and ‘D’ were both motor coaches. Half of the Churchgate side ‘C’ coach was the men’s first class and the Virar side ‘C’ coach was half men’s first class and half ladies’ first class. Later an extra motorcoach was added to each rake. With the 1928 stock, the extra motorcoach was added between two units: ‘A-B-C-D-B-D-C-B-A’. For 1950 stock, a custom trailer coach by Jessop was added between the units: ‘A-B-C-D-T-D-C-B-A’.
The oldest rakes in use until recently were in the 5xx series, e.g., 505-506 (formerly numbered 105-106), which were introduced around 1965. These have now been withdrawn. WR rakes are numbered roughly in chronological sequence. Originally simple sequential numbers were used, but when new Jessop rakes were introduced in the 1960s, the existing rakes were renumbered.
ये भी पढ़े – योगासन का इतिहास तथा योग से होने वाले फायदे
001 – 040 : 1928 Cammell-Laird / BTH stock. All withdrawn, in use untilthe 1970s. Not renumbered.
041 – 052 : 1950 Metro Cammell rakes, renumbered to 101-112.
053 – ?? : 1960-1961 converted Jessop stock, originally made for ER. Renumbered later to 2xx.
07x+ : SIG rakes
?? : MAN rakes from Calcutta awaiting conversion from 3kV to 1.5kV at Kandivali (KILE) shed. (These became the 4xx series, see below.)
101 – 118 : Original numbering of old Jessop rakes, later renumbered to 501-518.
101 – 112 : Renumbering of 1950 Metro Cammell rakes. Now withdrawn. Formerly numbered 41 through 52.
201 – 2xx : 1960-1961 Converted Jessop rakes (made originally for ER) All now withdrawn. Formerly numbered 53 onwards.
3xx : 1963 ICF rakes. These numbers are being re-used for new AC-DC EMU rakes from ICF/BHEL. Some BHEL 3xx rakes have been transferred [2005-2006] to CR.
400+ : MAN rakes from ER converted to 1.5kV DC from 3kV DC. Original numbers? Probably just after the SIG rakes in sequence.
500+ : Jessop rakes. 501 through 518 are the older ones. All now [2/11] scrapped.
600 : ICF rakes. All now [2/11] scrapped.
701 – 703 : Standee train by ICF. All 7xx trains have now [2/11] been scrapped.
8xx : Jessop rakes. Some of these have been [2010] transferred to CR, where they retain their WR style numbering. Some have been scrapped.
9xx : ICF rakes. These rakes are also undergoing conversion to AC-DC traction.
10xx : Originally ICF, now renumbered to 9xx. Now 10xx are MRVC rakes.
July 2006 bombings on WR EMU’s: Perhaps of some interest to number crunchers, the EMU coaches in which bombs exploded in the terror attacks of July 11, 2006 ih Mumbai were: 849-A, 0528-A, 935-A, 634-A, 846-A, 864-A, and 8003-A.
WR now has some MRVC rakes. See the list of these MRVC rakes and their numbering.
See the section on sheds for information on where the WR and CR EMU car sheds are.
Source –
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