Wheel and Axle Plant (now Rail Wheel Factory)

June 25, 2019, 11:11 AM

WAP was set up in 1984 at Yelahanka, in Bangalore, for the manufacture of wheels and axles, since other local manufacturers such as the Durgapur Steel Plant were unable to satisfy IR’s needs, and imports were costly. WAP uses some advanced techniques such as pressure-moulding of wheels. A lot of WAP’s products are made from scrap metal generated by IR itself.

ये भी पढ़े – आयुर्वेद: क्यों बढ़ता है मोटापा? इसे दूर करने के ये हैं 4 आसान उपाय

WAP has a capacity of around 40,000 wheelsets, over 170,000 wheels and over 60,000 axles, annually.

Source – IFRCA.org


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