General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
Final Seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Department Indian Railway
Loco, coach, and wagon manufacturers whose products have been used in India | |
ABB | ASEA Brown-Boveri, Switzerland |
ALCO | American Locomotive Co., Schenectady, NY, USA |
BBUNL | Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam, Ltd. |
BEML | Bharat Earth Movers Limited |
BHEL | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited |
BLW | Baldwin Locomotive Works, USA |
BP | Beyer Peacock, Manchester |
BSCL | Burn Standard Co., Ltd. |
BTH | British Thomson Houston |
BWEL | Bharat Wagon and Engineering Co., Ltd. |
CLW | Chittaranjan Loco Works, |
also | Canadian Locomotive Works (now Bombardier) |
DLW | Diesel Loco Works, Varanasi |
EBW | E. B. Wilson |
EE | English Electric |
EMD | General Motors’ Electro-Motive Division, USA |
GEC | General Electric Corporation, UK |
GM | General Motors, USA |
GMD | General Motors Diesel, Canada |
HL | Hawthorn-Leslie, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK |
ICF | Integral Coach Factory, Perambur |
ISW | Indian Standard Wagon Works, Satna |
KS | Kerr Stuart, Stoke-on-Trent, UK |
LHB | Linke Hoffman Busch GmbH, Germany |
MLW | Montreal Locomotive Works |
MV | Metropolitan Vickers |
NBL | North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow |
NW | Nasmyth Wilson, Manchester |
O&K | Orenstein & Koppel, Berlin |
RCF | Railway Coach Factory, Kapurthala |
RS | Robert Stephenson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK |
SFAC | Societe des Forges et Ateliers, Creusot |
SIG | Schweirische Industrie Gesselschaft |
SLM | Schweizerische Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik, Winterthur, Switz. |
TELCO | Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. |
USATC | US Army Transportation Corps., USA |
WB | William G. Bagnall, Stafford, UK |
WIL | Wagon India Ltd. (an intermediary firm for wagon contracts) |
Trains | |
AP | Andhra Pradesh Express |
DQ | The Deccan Queen |
GT | Grand Trunk Express |
JJ | Jayanti Janata Express |
KK | Karnataka-Kerala Express |
TN | Tamil Nadu Express |
POW | Palace on Wheels |
Technical acronyms (loosely defined — see the miscellaneous section also.) | |
ABS | Automatic Block Signalling |
ACD | Anti-Collision Device |
ADAM | ARTS Data Manager (system for managing EPROMs and station configuration cartridges for ARTS) |
AE | Automatic Emergency or Auto-Emergency (type of brake system) |
AFTC | Audio Frequency Track Circuiting |
ATC | Automated Train Control |
ATP | Automatic Train Protection |
ATS | Automatic Train Stop |
AVB | Automatic Vacuum Brake |
ATS | Automatic Train Stop |
BPC | Brake Power Certificate (issued before train departure) |
BS | Braking in Series configuration |
BSL | Block Section Limit |
BSP | Braking in Series-Parallel configuration |
CDO | Coaching Depot |
CLS | Colour-light signalling |
COCR | Confirmatory Oscillograph Car Run |
COFC | Container on flat car |
CTC | Centralised Traffic Control |
CTR | Complete Track Renewal |
CWR | Continuous Welded Rail (0.5km and longer sections of welded rail) |
DAC | Digital Axle Counter |
DBFO | Design-Build-Finance-Operate (a scheme for private parties to build and run railway lines with IR’s help) |
DJ | From the French disjoncteur, the main circuit breaker of an electric loco (usually pneumatically operated, roof-mounted) |
DLBI | Double Line Block Instrument |
DEMU | Diesel-Electric Multiple Unit |
DETC | Diesel-Electric Tower Car |
DHMU | Diesel Hydraulic Multiple Unit (hydraulic transmission DMU) |
DMH | Dead Man’s Handle (on EMUs) |
DMU | Diesel Multiple Unit |
DPC | Driving Power Car |
DS | Disconnecting Switch (to switch off OHE power to loco circuits, usually manual) |
DSC | Dual-Stacked Container service (or Double-Stacked Container) |
DTC | Driving Trailer Car (unpowered driving car in EMU rake) |
DW | Double wire (of semaphore signals) |
EA | Extra (time) Allowed (make-up time noted in working time-tables) |
ELCM | Electronic Load Control Module (governor for DEMUs and other diesels). |
EMU | Electric Multiple Unit |
EOG | End-On Generator Car |
ETCS | European Train Control System |
EY | Empty (notation for empty rake in real-time train information systems) |
FEDL | Fully Electrified Double Line |
FM | Fouling Mark |
FMVFT | Frequency-modulated Voice-frequency Telegraph (used for control communications by signals / electric traction / traffic control staff) |
FOR | Forward motion (position of master controller in loco) |
FP | Fouling Point; also Feed Pipe (at couplings of vehicles) |
GTO | Gate Turn-Off thyristor |
HEP | Head-end Power (power from the loco for the coaches) |
HFTC | High-Frequency Track Circuit |
HOBC | High-Output Ballast Cleaner |
HOG | Head-On Generator |
HHPDMU | High-Horsepower Diesel Electric Multiple Unit |
HPDMU | High-powered Diesel Multiple Unit |
HSCB | High-speed Circuit Breaker |
HT | High Tension |
HTCBC | High Tensile-strength Centre-Buffer Coupler |
HTS | High Tensile-strength Steel |
IGBT | Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor |
JRI | Junction Route Indicator |
LOB | Lube Oil Balance |
LTPDS | Live Train Position Display System |
LVC | Last Vehicle Check (automated detection of rake integrity) |
LWR | Long Welded Rail (5-15 rails welded together in a section) |
MACL, MACLS | Multiple-Aspect Colour-Light signalling |
MCB | Master Circuit Breaker (in locos) |
MCI | Malleable Cast Iron |
MEMU | Main-line Electric Multiple Unit |
MLRI | Multi-Lamp Route Indicator |
MNI | Modified Non-Interlocked (in working timetables) |
MOG | Mid-On Generator Car |
MOT | Motoring (position of master controller in loco) |
NBT | Neale’s Ball Token |
NI | Non-Interlocked (in working timetables) |
NTES | National Train Enquiry System |
NX | eNtrance-eXit (interlocking panels) |
OCV | Other Coaching Vehicle – non-passenger coaches, e.g., pantry cars. |
OFC | Optical Fibre Cable |
OHE | Overhead Equipment (or foreman for same) |
OMS | Oscillation Monitoring System |
PCS | Pneumatic Control System (loco shut-off/idling control which takes effect on application of emergency brakes) |
PCV | Passenger Carrying Vehicle (regular passenger coaches, as distinct from OCV – restaurant cars, mail cars, etc.) |
PI | Panel Interlocking |
POET | Passenger Operated Enquiry Terminal |
RCC | Remote Control Centre (for electric traction) Also, Reinforced Cement Concrete (Also see below in Miscellaneous) |
REV | Reverse motion (position of master controller in loco), Reverser |
ROSHAN | Rolling Stock Health Analyst (accelerometers and other equipment that monitor coach movement and report deviations from normal behaviour). |
RPC | Resistance Power Control (or Compartment) (in EMU power cars) |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (monitoring and control system for remote control of electric traction systems) |
SE | Superelevation (of curved track) |
S/L | Shunting Limit |
SLBI | Single Line Block Instrument |
SOD | Schedule of Dimensions |
SPAD | Signal Passed At Danger |
SPTM | Self-Printing Ticket Machine |
SSDAC | Solid State Digital Axle Counter |
SSI | Solid State Interlocking |
STR | Schedule of Technical Requirements |
STRI | Stencil type Route Indicator |
SW | Single wire (of semaphore signals) |
SWR | Short Welded Rail (2-4 rails welded together in a section) Also: Station Working Rules |
TAB | Train Air Brake |
TALQ | Two-Aspect Lower Quadrant |
TAWD | Train Actuated Warning Device |
TBTR | Through Bridge Timber Renewal |
TFR | Through Fitting Renewal |
TLC | Traction Locomotive Controller |
TM | Traction Motor |
TMS | Train Management System (train monitoring used in Bombay suburban sections) |
TOFC | Trailer on flat car |
T/out | Turnout |
TPC | Traction Power Controller |
TRC | Track Recording Car |
TRO | Traction Rolling-stock Operations |
TRR | Through Rail Renewal |
TRT | Traffic Recovery Time (a kind of make-up time allotment in working timetable) |
TSS | Traction Sub-Station |
TSR | Through Sleeper Renewal |
TTR | Through Turnout Renewal |
TWR | Through Weld Renewal |
UPF | Unity Power Factor |
USFD | Ultrasonic Flaw Detection |
VCC | Vacuum Continuity Certificate (issued before train departure) |
VCB | Vacuum Circuit Breaker |
VRP | Voltage Regulating Panel |
WF | Weak Field |
WILD | Wheel Impact Load Detector |
WSR | Wheel Slip Relay |
Source –
This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 5 Question Paper / Bank, Abbreviations, Railway Employee
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