What are the different classes of stations?

July 19, 2019, 12:37 PM

IR’s classification of stations is linked to their rules for block system working.

Class A: Such a station is one where the Line Clear indication for the block may not be given unless the line where the train is to be received is clear at least for up to the starter signal (or, in some cases, for at least 400m ahead of the home signal). These are stations where many trains normally run through without stopping at a high speed, hence the need for the safety margin to prevent accidents in cases of trains overrunning signals. [4/00]
Class B: Such a station is one where the Line Clear indication may be given before the section of the line within the station has been cleared for reception of a train. Branch lines and routes with lower running speeds fall into this category.
Class C: This is a station (or block hut) marking an end of a block section, with light traffic or where no trains are booked to stop, such as an intermediate block post. (Sometimes these stations exist only in the form of a signal cabin that controls the approach to another station.) Permission to approach may not be given for a train unless the whole of the last preceding train has passed complete at least 400m beyond the home signal and is known to be continuing on its journey.
Class D: This is a station which does not form the boundary of a block section but which does form a stopping place for trains. Trains are stopped by various ad hoc arrangements prescribed in view of the local conditions — the driver may simply know to stop the train there, or it may be flagged down on demand, etc. Also known as a non-block station or flag station.
Stations of classes A through C are known as block stations. The Class C stations are also sometimes known as block huts or block posts. Class D stations are known as non-block stations – they do not mark the ends of block sections. (Note that there also exist Intermediate Block Posts where block sections can be terminated without the presence of a station.)

Any station that is not classified under one of the classes A through D is known as a Special Station and must use specific working rules issued by the Commissioner of Rail Safety.

Sometimes stations are classified as Class A if there is a bridge or steep gradient just before the station in one or both directions, so that it is not safe for trains to stop there before entering station limits.

See the section on signal placement at stations for details of how signals vary among the different classes of stations.

Interlocking standards Stations are also classified based on the interlocking mechanisms used (‘Standard I’, etc.). See the classification of stations based on interlocking standards for more information.

Commercial Classification: Stations are also classified based on their commercial importance into categories ‘A’, ‘B’, … etc., which is rather confusing. The particular classification scheme used has to be inferred from the context. In the commercial importance classification scheme, a non-suburban station with annual passenger earnings over Rs 60 million is a Category A station. Category B stations have earnings between Rs 30 million and 60 million. Any suburban station not falling into the ‘B’ category is considered to be a Category C station. Non-suburban stations with earnings between Rs 10 million and 30 million are Category D stations while non-suburban stations with lower earnings fall into Category E. Halt stations are classified as Category F stations. Interestingly, the commercial classification determines many of the construction aspects of the station: Stations of Category A or C have high level platforms, while those in categories B and D have low level platforms. Statiosn of categories E and F have only rail-level platforms.

Source – IFRCA.org


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