WDG-3A – हॉर्न फेल हो जाना (Horn Failure )

January 4, 2021, 12:36 AM

 Horn Failure 
1. If horn is failed at originating station than the loco to be declare failed and other loco is to be arranged.
2. If horn is failed in enroute than inform to station master at first opportunity. The station master will arrange other loco with consult of PCOR. If loco is not available and permitted to work with same loco than train should be worked with speed restriction of 25 Kmph if visibility is clear otherwise 8 Kmph.
Cattle Run Over 
If train is running with high speed and Loco pilot sights cattle on the track than he should reduce speed. If cattle is run over than train should stopped and following action is to be taken – 
1. Put on flasher light.
2. If track is obstructed than clear it with the help of railway man or volunteers.
3. If other line is obstructed than protect and clear it.
4. Check the loco.
5. If not able to clear the track than give memo to Station master/ Cabin master without clearing block section.
6. Note the event in repair book and inform PCOR.
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This entry was posted in 7 Study Material & Guide, Diesel Loco, Loco Pilot General Info, Locomotive, WDG - 3A Locomotive, Railway Employee