Vacancy Notification – Selection of Staff & Welfare Inspector in Level-6

May 17, 2023, 11:05 AM

Government of India Ministry of Railways South Central Railway : Guntakal

Division Divisional Railway Manager’s Office (Personnel Branch), Guntakal-515801.

No. SCR/P-GTL/209/09/Admn.Sec./2022
All Concerned
Dt: 15.05.2023.


Sub:- Selection to the Post of Staff & Welfare Inspector in Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix against 35% LDCE quota in Personnel Department GTL Division calling volunteers from all Departments of GTL Division(Except RPF & Accounts Departments) — reg.

1. It is proposed to conduct a selection for filling up of 04 vacancies(UR-03,SC-01,ST-00) for post of Staff & Welfare Inspectors in Level-6 of r CPC Pay Matrix against 35% quota from amongst eligible staff of all Department of GTL Division.

2. The selection consists of written examination as per Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2018/PM/4 dated 14.12.2018(RBE No.196/2018). The question paper will be 100% objective type multiple choice questions for the written examination and 10% of the total marks will be from Official language policy and rules (Which will be optional).

3. The examination will be conducted on OMR sheet. There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers. One third of the marks allotted for each question will be deducted for wrong answers. Cutting, over writing, Erasing or alternation of any type in the OMR will not be accepted. Zero marks will be given for answer having correction / over writing.

4. Eligible volunteers should apply in the enclosed application format complete in all respects, duly enclosing attested copies of all the required certificates and forwarded by their controlling Officer/Supervisor. The respective supervisor forwards the application to Personnel Department.

Eligibility Criteria:-
The following staff will be considered eligible to volunteer for appearing in the selection for promotion to the post of Welfare Inspector in Level-6 of Pay Matrix (GP 4200).

(i) Group ‘C’ staff in possession of any of the following qualifications irrespective of the grade or length of service or other educational qualifications. (

a) Diploma in Labour Welfare/Social Welfare.

(b) Diploma in Labour Laws.

(c) LLB with paper(s) in Labour Laws.

(d) Post graduate Diploma in Personnel Management awarded by an institution recognized by the Government of India and

(e) MBA with paper(s) in Personnel Management awarded by an Institution recognized by the Government of India.

Provided that staff working in pay Matrix Level 6 (GP Rs.4200/-)or above on regular basis will not be eligible to appear in the aforesaid selection. The eligibility of staff in possession of qualification as mentioned above will also be subject to the condition that they have successfully completed the probation in the respective grade.

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