Transfer / posting of officers / officials working in vigilance unit

July 15, 2022, 8:08 PM



No. 2017N-1)ALSL/1/1 New Delhi, Date 11.07.22

Sub: Transfer/ posting of officers/officials working in vigilance unit

CVC circular no.020-VGL-054/502950 dt. 03.02.22 on the above subject is enclosed herewith for perusal & necessary action. In this connection, it is advised that for officers/officials who have completed three years, a review may be undertaken for extension of tenure on the basis of factors such as integrity, efficiency & requirement for work on hand. After review, if considered necessary, a proposal for continuation of such officers/officials beyond three years in vigilance unit shall be submitted to Board vigilance for obtaining the concurrence of PED/Vig.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Srinivas Malladi)

Director Vigilance Engg

Railway Board

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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Circulars -Transfer, Policy / Guideline, Vigilance, Railway Employee