बाइक से घूमने में आता है मजा, तो बेफिक्र बुक कीजिए ट्रेन का टिकट, रेलवे ने शुरू की ये सुविधा

December 23, 2020, 11:12 AM

Uploading of work experience/service of retiring employees on Anubhav Portal in the prescribed format and uploaded 10th of every month – Railway Board Order No. 2020/PR/13/5 dated 07.12.2020
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board

No. 2020/PR/ 13/5

New Delhi, dated: 07.12.2020

The General Managers,
A Zonal Railways & PUs

Sub: Uploading of work experience/service of retiring employees on Anubhav Portal.

Vide CRB’s D.O. letter No. E{G)2015/PN2/3 dated 18.01.2020 (copy enclosed), General Managers of the Zonal Railways and Production Units were advised to educate the officers/staffs about the “Anubhav” Portal and encourage them to share their notable achievements on their retirement. Railways’ Production Units were also advised to organize workshops on the subject at Headquarter and Divisional levels. EDIP/Railway Beard has been nominated as the Nodal Officer in this regard vide para-4 of the said letter.

2. A Google sheet has been shared with the CPROs of all Zonal Railways and Production Units calling for the data in respect of employees retired since March 2020 and their contribution to “Anubhav” portal. Data in the said sheet is to be uploaded positively by the 10th of every month. It is, however, seen that some of the Zonal Railways/Production Units are not sending the feedback on a regular basis. Even for those Railways/Production Units who are sending regular reports, at is observed that participation of retired employees in the process is far from encouraging.

3. It is reiterated that adequate steps should be taken to encourage retired employees to share their service experience on the “Anubhav” portal and data in the prescribed format must be sent to Board by the 10th of the following month.

4. This may please be given ‘top priority’ as the mater is being monitored at the Apex level of the Ministry.

D.A.- As above.

(Rajesh Dutt Bajpai)
(Executive Director (I& P)
Railway Board

Source – GConnect


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