Syllabus Departmental Exam – JE / Electrical TRD

June 7, 2022, 2:36 PM

Syllabus Departmental Exam – JE / Electrical TRD (ELECTRICAL TRACTION DISTRIBUTION) 


Establishment – General knowledge about Railway organization and Electrical Department in particular, Level Rule, Pass rule, PNM, DAR and Service conduct rules. Procedure of imposing Minor & Major penalties, Workmen’s compensation Act, HOER, provisions of Minimum wages act, incentive schemes etc.

Store –

imprest, Type of stores, stock verification, Tenders, types of tenders. stock and non-stock items and initiation of indents,

General Knowledge

Current world and Indian affairs including sports, politics, science, health, literature etc., abbreviations, General knowledge concerned with Indian Railways.

Raj Bhasha.

The details on Rajbhasha Rule 1963, 1976 pare 3(3) along with various awards, and benefits given for motivation to work in Rajbhasha. Progress made in Rajbhasha.


Design Aspects:

Traction Sub-station: – Insulation Co-ordination. Spacing of substation Transformer and switchgear capacity, CT PT etc. OHE- Installation and checking of new OHE, detail procedure of commissioning of new OHE.

Power supply arrangement

Layout of 132KV/25KV Railway Traction sub-station, and its components. Earthing lay out of TSS/SPISSP. Capacitor banks, need of capacitor banks. Calculation of KVAR needed to improve power factor, maintenance and troubleshooting of Capacitor bank. Traction Power Transformer, accessories, its protective devices, routine test and type test and parallel operation.

Circuit Breaker & interrupter

Principle of working, construction, special feature of SF-6 gas type and vacuum type circuit breakers used as Gas and interrupters and their maintenance & routine test.


Protective Relays

Fault level & relays setting calculations. Details of protective relays provided at traction Lib-station. Type of relays, Electromechanical & Static, Microprocessor based relays provided at TSS, their purpose & setting calculations. Periodical testing of relays. Insulation co-ordination.


Principles for lay out plans. Sectioning arrangement in 25KV AC Traction. Type of foundations employed in AC traction, their construction & usage. Different type of masts, portals employed in AC traction, their construction & usage. Types of OHE, construction details, speed potential & usage. General arrangement of OHE on tangent, curve track, points & crossing, neutral section etc Safety rules for TRD, Engineering, Sigki. staff for working in electrical section. Safety precautions in electrified sections as regards to fire, electric accidents, electric shocks, power blocks etc. Maintenance schedule for OHE [AOH & POH]. Bonding & Earthlings. Movement of ODC in electrified section. Design aspect of OHE. Regulation for electrical crossing of overhead lines and underground cables. Periodical testing & up keep of tools tackles and meters_ OHE layout, crass section, drawings, SED, SWR, Sectioning diagrams etc. Pantograph entanglement, investigation of causes, measures taken from TRD & Loco side to avoid panto entanglement. OHE maintenance car (Tower Wagon) general idea about its operation maintenance and troubleshooting. Record to be maintained in OHE depot. Casting of foundation, erection of masts/portals, fabrication & erection of cantilevers, ATD, stringing of catenary & contact wire, adjustment of OHE etc.

Remote control 

Working of Remote Control. Type of Battery. SCADA (working advantages & special features). Working & record keeping of TPC. Power block & MN, coordination with operating and other department Liaison with supply authorities, isolation of faulty sections during breakdowns.

Function of EIG in Railway.

Electrical TARRIF and types. Concept of Open access of power drawl and its advantage.

Reporting of Electrical Accident and its procedure.


This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 6 Departmental Examination, Syllabus, Railway Employee