Shortcomings in the UMID Card

October 29, 2019, 9:45 PM

No.AIRF/101 Dated: October 22, 2019
The D.G.(RHS),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Shortcomings in the UMID Card
The initiative taken by the Railway Board to issue individual UMID Card to the Serving and Retired Railway Employees and their family members is highly appreciable, however, the undernoted issues need to be addressed while issuing UMID Cards to the Railway beneficiaries:-

(a) The column for filling in Blood Group does not provide any option for Sub-groups, such as A1B+, A1- etc., as such, the applicants have to opt for AB+ or AB-, which may cause unwarranted for inconveniences in case of emergency.
(b) However, it is understood that, in Defence Services, Defence Personnel are entitled for “Semi-Private Ward”, who are in erstwhile GP Rs.4200(photocopy enclosed for ready reference), however, in case of Railway beneficiaries, the level of entitlement is “General Ward”, which is quite unjustified and needs to be upgraded to “Semi-Private Ward” at par with their counterpart Defence Services Staff.
It is requested that, the above issue be considered with all seriousness and necessary corrective action taken at the earliest under intimation to this office.
Encl: As above

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