Selections Procedure & Syllabus of LDCE, Group ‘B’ of AFA in Accounts Department

January 9, 2023, 7:25 PM

Selections Procedure & Syllabus of LDCE, Group ‘B’ of AFA in Accounts Department

In supersession of this office letter of even number dated 28.10.2022, the pattern of examination for 70% Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AFA in Accounts Department is modified as under:


a) One paper on Professional Subject including optional questions of 10 marks on Official  language  policy  & Rules

100 Marks
b) Qualifying marks 60 Marks with reservation as per extant rules
c) Duration 2 hours



(As per order dt 07.11.202 )

1. Professional Subjects:

i. General Principles of Accounting and Audit with Special Reference to Railways

ii. Books and Budget including Traffic Book

iii. Traffic Accounts and Statistics

iv. Establishment

v. General Expenditure

vi. Workshop Accounts

vii. Stores Account

2. Management Accounting and Financial Justification for expenditure

3.  General Financial Rules

4. Information Technology in general with specific reference to Railway’s IT Applications.

5. Taxation matters with special focus on GST & Income Tax.

6. Basic knowledge of the working of other Executive Departments including the technical terms.

7. Any other topic felt necessary from time to time.


Part – Official Language

– Official Language Policy,

– Act, Rules,

– Incentive Schemes etc.

Syllabus for Establishment Rules

1 Organization of the Personnel Department in Railways objectives functions and policies of Personnel Department.

2. Recruitment and Training, Classification of Services, Recruitment in Different services, Railway Recruitment Boards & Railway Recruitment Cells Compassionate Ground Appointments, Initial & In Service Training, Refresher Courses, Central Training Institutes, Training Centers in Zones, Divisions & Workshops, Training Modules for different posts, Training under Apprentices Act, Online Training, APARs.

3. General conditions of service in Railways, Seniority, Lien, Inter Railway & Inter Division transfers, Deputation, Promotion Policy & methods. Selection, Suitability, Trade Tests, Leave Rules, Pass Rules, Joining Time Reservation policy, HOER, Overtime, Payment of wages, current CPC Pay Rules, Advances in Railways.

4. Manpower planning, Rightsizing & Benchmarking, creation, extension and surrender of posts, creation of posts against new assets, different types of posts including work charged posts.

5. The Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1968 and related instructions.

6. The Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 and related instructions.

7. Retirement benefits, qualifying service, pension, family pension, commutation gratuity, new pension scheme.

8. Staff welfare, SBF, Railway institutes, Railway schools, Ex-gratia payment, Incentive Bonus Scheme, Staff Grievances Redressal Mechanisms.

9. Industrial relations in Railways, recognized trade unions, industrial disputes. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The Industrial Relations Code, 2020. The Trade Unions Act, 1926, PNM, PREM, JCM, Various Associations & Informal Meetings.

10. The Factories Act, 1948. The workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. Functions of Labour Enforcement Officers, Right to Information Act.

11. The scope of Information Technology in Railway


 Syllabus for Financial Rules

1. Parliamentary Control over Railway Finance, Public Accountability, Cannons of Financial Propriety.

2. Railway Budget – Budgetary terms, Types of Budgets, Budget cycle, Demand of Grants, Budgetary and Financial Reviews.

3. Rules of Allocation – Classification of expenditure – Control of expenditure – Responsibility Accounting – Performance Budgeting – Exchequer Control – Financial Results of Working lines.

4. Works Program – Financial justification of Works – Surveys – Preparation of Estimates – Capital Budget – Control over Capital Expenditure – Re-appropriation of Funds.

5. Financial control over Stores Expenditure – Purchase and Stores Keeping Procedure – Inventory Control and ABC Analysis.

6. Financial & Cost Control in Railway Workshops/Sheds/Units.

7. Rules and procedure relating to Tenders and contracts for execution of works and Procurement of Stores, M&P Program and RSP.

8. Procedure for Possessing and finalizing Audit Objections and Draft Paras.

9. Delegation of Powers.

10. Losses, Frauds and Embezzlements.

11. General Financial Rules

12. Government e-Market (GeM)

13. Classification of Railway Revenue (Earnings)

14. Information Technology in general with specific reference to Railway’s IT Applications

15. Taxation matters with special focus on GST & Income Tax

16. Organization of CGA and C&AG

17. Any other topic felt necessary from time to time


Indian Railway Question Bank

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This entry was posted in 6 Departmental Examination, Group 'B. Exam, Selection & Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Railway Employee