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Vacancies of Investigating Inspectors in the Railway Board are filled by drafting suitable persons from the different disciplines of Railway working for which purpose a notification is issued and applications are called for. Those recommended by the SDGMs / CVOs are subjected to a written test followed by Vigilance Aptitude and Computer Knowledge Test by a duly constituted Selection Committee. As applicable to Vigilance Inspectors of the Zonal Railways, Investigating Inspectors in the Vigilance Directorate, Railway Board hold their post on a tenure basis, the period of tenure being four years extendable to six years in individual case of special merit. The Recruitment Rules framed for filling the posts of Investigating Inspectors in the Railways Board clearly lay down the categories of persons who can be considered for appointment as Investigating Inspectors in Railway Board.
Grades applicable to Vigilance Inspectors/ Investigating Inspectors:
The Grades approved by the Pay Commission and accepted by the Government for Vigilance Inspectors / Investigating Inspectors are Level 6 and 7 of Pay Matrix.
820.3 A Written test and a Vigilance Aptitude and Computer Knowledge Test may be conducted as part of selection procedure. The distribution of Marks for selection is stated below:
S.No | Criteria | Distribution of marks |
1 | Written Examination | 50 |
2 | Vigilance Aptitude & Computer Knowledge Test | 30 |
3 | APARs for the last 3 years (Outstanding S-5, Very Good-4, Good-3 & Average-2) | 15 |
4 |
Academic Qualification (Engg. Degree/ Post Graduate -5, Diploma in Engg. / Graduate-3 & Under Graduate-1) |
05 |
Total | 100 |
Candidates who obtain at least 60% marks in the written examination will be called for appearing in the Vigilance Aptitude & Computer Knowledge Test. The above instruction may be followed for selections for the Posts of Vigilance Inspectors in Zonal Railways also.
1. In terms of Board’s letter No. E57/VGI-155 dated 01.02.1960, the posts of Vigilance Inspectors are to be treated as ex-cadre post and filled by suitable persons with a flair for Vigilance work. They should be of proven integrity. Vigilance history and reputation of the official should be checked minutely. However, applicants in the following situations can also be considered for the post of Vigilance Inspectors:
(a) Where a person was issued a major / minor penalty Charge-sheet in a vigilance case but was subsequently exonerated at a later stage in consultation with Vigilance.
(b) Where a staff who was issued verbal / recorded warning or counseling in a vigilance case.
(c) Where a staff was issued verbal / recorded warning or counseling in a vigilance case and at a subsequent stage was exonerated in consultation with Vigilance.
2. Zonal Railways / other units may notify the vacancy circulars for seeking applications from eligible candidates from across Indian Railways for filling the vacancies of Vigilance Inspectors. It may be specified that only those applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria would be considered and that, on completion of their tenures would be repatriated to their parent cadres on the Railway where they hold lien. Selection of outside candidates as Vigilance Inspectors on another Railway will be strictly for the period of their tenure and will not entitle them to any rights to further postings / promotions or change of lien to the Railway/Unit where they are selected as Vigilance Inspectors.
3. If the Zonal Railway/Unit is unable to fill up the vacancies of Vigilance Inspectors as a result of inadequate response in two successive notifications, SDGMs/CVOs may request the PHODs from the departments concerned to give a list of three eligible candidates to be considered for filling up of vacancy of a Vigilance Inspector. Posting of Vigilance Inspector in the Vigilance Organization of the Zonal Railway will be made out of these names recommended by the PHOD with the approval of the General Manager. It must be ensured that the official recommended should have proven integrity and a good record of service with adequate experience in the particular department.
4. Similarly in case of two failed attempts for selection of investigating Inspector (Vig.) in Railway Board, a panel of volunteers may be sought from SDGMs and appointment of Investigating Inspector (Vig.) in Railway Board may be done from this panel by Railway Board
5 The normal establishment rules applicable to regular selection posts need not be applied in the case of selection of Vigilance Inspectors, but the panel so drawn, is to be approved by the Chief Vigilance Officer of the Railway/PU personally. For filling up of a vacancy of a Vigilance Inspector, the normal procedure of considering candidates from the respective departments (e.g. Civil Engineering, Traffic, Stores, Electrical, S&T, Mechanical Engineering, Personnel, Accounts etc.) should be followed. Along with these candidates, the Vigilance Inspectors of the particular discipline already working in the lower grade in the Vigilance Organisation may also be considered provided they are eligible on the basis of their grade in their own cadre in their department.
6 It is also necessary for the SDGM as Chief Vigilance Officer to keep a constant watch over the work of Inspectors so that the staff who have not met the grade or who are otherwise considered unsuitable for continuing in the Vigilance Organisation are repatriated to their parent departments at the earliest possible stage. In any case, the performance of each Inspector should be reviewed a little before he completes two years in the Vigilance Organisation and thereafter further extension and tenure, if warranted, should be made only on a year to year basis with a similar review before every such extension is decided upon. Such a review and extension should be subject to the personal approval of the SDGM as the Chief Vigilance Officer.
7 At the time of initial appointment of any person as the member of the investigating staff of the Vigilance Organisation, it should be made clear to that person that the posting in the Vigilance Organisation is on a purely temporary basis and that the Railway Administration has a right to repatriate the person at any time and without assigning any reason even if he has not completed initial period of tenure or extension, if any, granted thereto. It is necessary that the order of appointment or the order of posting to the Vigilance Organisation as also any other communication to the person concerned in this connection, is so worded that no staff will have or can claim a legal right to continue in a post in the Vigilance Organisation either indefinitely or for a specific period.
This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Job & Career, Know About, Selection & Eligibility Criteria, Vacancy, Railway Employee
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