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जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
South Central Railway has registered yet another milestone in its freight traffic business, surpassing the earlier best ever annual performance, by crossing the same in the current fiscal 2018-19 (well before the end of the financial year). The Zone has recorded the highest ever freight loading of 117.16 Million Tonnes (MTs), touching the mark yesterday i.e., 18thMarch, 2019. This feat was achieved in comparison to the earlier top most freight loading performance of SCR in the financial year 2014-15 when the Zone had transported 116.80 MTs of Goods.
Having been set a target of 111 MTs by the Railway Board for SCR to attain in the financial year 2018-19, the Operating Department of the Zone, in close co-ordination with other wings, formulated a multi-pronged strategy to enhance its Operational efficiency and identify traffic trends all through the year, so as to tap the freight traffic sources and cater to the demands, prevailing over other competitive transport sectors. Shri N. Madhusudana Rao, Principal Chief Operations Manager, SCR envisaged an intensive action plan with a system in place to analyze the requirements of freight customers on a every day basis and positively respond to the same.
The best ever freight traffic record of SCR’s achievement has been possible to a significant extent on account of the heavy rise in demand for Coal from power houses in the region. The Zone rose to the needs of one of the biggest Coal enterprises in the country,
M/s. Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL) by making available the required number of rakes for transport of Coal to various destinations, a win-win situation for the Coal Company as well as SCR. 64.14 MTs of Coal has been carried in the current financial year 2018-19 till yesterday i.e., 18thMarch, 2019, surpassing the earlier financial year best performance of 62.09 MTs registered by the Zone in the FY 2014-15.
The Krishnapatnam Port Company Limited (KPCL), located in South Coastal Andhra Pradesh has been the other core customer for SCR, enabling transport of huge Freight loads to and from the port to various destinations in the region, ably served by SCR.
Amongst the other commodities which contributed to SCRs performance, the Cement Industry which has got a huge presence of Cement Factories located in the region served by SCR, has given good business to the Zone during the year. Around 27 MTs of Cement has been transported by the Zone in the current fiscal. Other commodities include Fertilizers which generated 5.88 MTs of freight loading, imported Iron ore to the extent of 5.45 MTs, Food Grains to the tune of 4.33 MTs and Raw Material for Steel Plants to about 2.75 MTs. The Container traffic has been about 1.21 MTs, Petroleum Oil Lubricants to the extent of 0.77 MTs, while other Goods also contributed 5.65 MTs of Freight business to the Zone.
The outcome of this sizeable surge in freight traffic is the significant rise in freight earnings of SCR. The freight earnings of the Zone rose to Rs. 10745.00 crore in the current fiscal 2018-19 till yesterday i.e., 18th March, 2019. This compares an increase of 2414.00 crore over the previous financial year (2017-18) freight revenue earning of Rs. 8331.00 crore.
Shri Gajanan Mallya, General Manager, South Central Railway reviewed the highest ever Freight performance of the Zone and took stock of the result yielding marketing plan of the Operating Department. The General Manager was highly appreciative of the entire efforts and congratulated the entire team of SCR for acting cohesively to record the best ever Freight Loading Performance, besides surpassing the target set by the Railway Board too.
Shri B. Gopinath Mallya, Chief Electrical Locomotive Engineer; Shri B. Nagya, Chief Freight Transportation Manager and Shri P. Ravi Kumar, Chief Motive Power Engineer (Diesel) were amongst those who called on the General Manager along with Shri N. Madhusudana Rao, Principal Chief Operations Manager, SCR to apprise him on the record performance.
The General Manager was optimistic that the Zone will be able to further enhance its status as one of the best freight carriers on Indian Railways. The momentum can be carried forward with commitment during the remaining days of the current fiscal so as to generate a record Freight performance, both in terms of Traffic and Revenue, he opined.
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This entry was posted in 1 Rail News, 2 Railway Employee, Railway Employee
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