December 15, 2020, 2:27 PM

How man, machine coordination and leveraging of technology can help Railway passengers in a greater way bacame evident in Kolkata at Sealdah Station of Eastern Railway. o­n Saturday (12.12.2020) at about 12:25 hrs. o­ne lady passenger namely Smt. Tumpa Das, came to RPF Post/Sealdah Main & reported that she was travelling in the ladies compartment of down Shantipur local from Sodepur to Sealdah with her daughter and o­n arrival of the train at platform no. 1 of Sealdah station she got down leaving behind her bag.

The RPF present o­n duty Immediately showed the CCTV footage to the lady passenger. Through CCTV she could be able to identify o­ne lady hawker with her bag. The photograph of the lady hawker was circulated in the WhatsApp group of the RPF Post and within half an hour Smt. Shabana Khatun, lady constable, RPF and Smt. Apu Barman, lady constable, RPF caught the hawker from the ladies compartment of a train at platform no.1.

On being asked, the lady hawker accepted that she had taken the complainant’s bag but kept it somewhere at Dum Dum Jn. The matter was informed to the IC/GRP who sent o­ne officer of his police station accompanying the lady hawker and complainant to Dumdum for further course of action.

Subsequently, the bag containing cash of ₹. 800/- and valuable documents was recovered and handed over to the lady passenger Smt. Tumpa Das. No specific case was registered as per request of the complainant.


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