RBE No. 141/2019 – Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016- Clarification Reg.

October 29, 2019, 9:54 PM

RBE No. 141/2019
No.E(NG)l/2008/PM1/15Vol.III                                              New Delhi, dated August 28, 2019
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units etc.
(as per standard mailing list)
Sub: Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016- Clarification Reg.
Ref.: Dy.CPO(WS)/ICF’s letter No.PB/S2/2/90/SSE dated 10.09.2018
As the Railway Administration are aware, consequent to implementation of 6th CPC recommendations and merger of grades, instructions were issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 03.09.2009 regarding scheme of filling up of non-gazetted posts and classification of posts. This scheme has been extended from time to time and was last extended vide letter dated 03.03.2017, wherein it was inter-alia stipulated that till
such time instructions for benchmark for regular promotion are issued, after receipt of clarification from DoP&T, the existing methodology and benchmark for promotion as enumerated in Board’s letter dated 03.09.2009 may continue till further orders.
In the backdrop of the aforesaid provisions, clarification has been sought from Railway Board by ICF regarding filling up the post of Section Engineer in GP Rs.4600, the classification of which stands as “suitability with prescribed benchmark” as per instructions contained in ·letter dated 03 .09.2009 ibid read with letter dated 03.03 .2017 ibid. Specific clarification has been sought regarding the period of assessment of vacancies i.e. whether the vacancy assessment period should be taken as 15 months, as in
the case of selection post, or 6 months as in the case of non-selection post (which has now been changed to one year vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2018/PMl/65 dated 07.12.2018).
The matter has been examined and it is clarified that as the mode of promotion prescribed in Board’s letter dated 03.09.2009, has been extended till further orders vide letter dated 03.03.2017, and as per these instructions the vacancies of Section Engineer in GP Rs.4600 is to be filled in by the process of “suitability with prescribed benchmark”, the vacancy assessment period for filling up these posts shou1d appropriately be one year as per instructions dated 07.12.2018 ibid, applicable for non-selection posts.
Promotions in other categories are also to be regulated accordingly.
Please acknowledge receipt. Hindi version will follow.
This disposes of ICF’s letter No. PB/S2/2/90/SSE dated 10.09.2018 on the above subject.
Jt. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board
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