RBE 34-2017 – Engagement of Act Apprentices in erstwhile Group ‘D’ Substitute

May 11, 2017, 7:11 PM

RBE 34-2017 – Engagement of Act Apprentices in erstwhile Group ‘D’ Substitute

Pursuant to amendment in the Apprentices Act, 1961, Board has issued instructions vide RBE No. 71/2016 (E(NG)II/2016/RR-1/8 dated 21.06.2016), providing that 20% of the vacancies in case of direct recruitment to posts/categories in Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5,200-20,200 having Grade Pay of Rs 1800/- shall be filled giving preference to Course Completed Act Apprentices (CCAAs) trained in Railway establishments and possessing National Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
In view of the above, the instructions of Board vide E(MPP)/2002/12/26/Vol.II dated 21.06.04 (RBE No. 136/2004) stand withdrawn with immediate effect.


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