RBE (Railway Board Establishment) Circulars – 2017

December 10, 2021, 12:03 PM

001/2017 Discontinues of Festival Advance on the recommendations of 7th CPC –Correction slip to IREM, Vol 1,1989 Edition 2016/E(LL)/FA/1 Dated 09.02.2017
002/2017 Exemption from passing the Typewriting Test Implementation of instructions of DOP&T issued vide their letter dated 22.04.2015 E(NG)I-2015/CPF/7 Dated 16.01.2017
003/2017 Fowarding of notification – Rule 11 of the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992. E(MPP)/2017/6/1 Dated17.01.2017
004/2017 Amendment of provisions relating to the Railway Staff Benefit Fund –Chapter8 of the IREC Vol-I, 1985 edition (Second reprint edition 2003)  E(W)2014/FU-I/1 Dated 18.01.2017
005/2017 Recognition of Boxing Federation of India-regarding. 2016/E(sports)/4(3)/9/Boxing Dated 24.01.2017
006/2017 State Railway Provident Fund-Rate of Intrest during the year 2016-17 (Ja17-Mar-17) F(E)III/2003/PF/1/1 Dated 30.01.2017
007/2017 Inclucion of training slot on ‘Railway Security” in Training Modules at Railway Training Centres for the area affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE)/Maoist attacks. E(MPP)2016/3/14 Dated 31.01.2017
008/2017 Revision of rates of stipend to apprentices and trainees on Railway. PC-V/2016/PS/1 (Stipend) Dated 02.02.2017
009/2017 Revised Training Modules of Traffic (Commercial) & Traffic (Transportation) Department.  E(MPP)2009/1/34 Dated 31.01.2017
010/2017 Grant of Advance -7th CPC recommendations –Amendment to rules on computer Advance to Railway servants  F(E)Spl./2016/ADV.4/1(7CPC) Dated 07.02.2017
011/2017 Status of Volleyboll Federation of India. 2017/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/VF1 Status Dated 08.01.2017
012/2017  Comprehensive Transfer Policy -Exemption from 5 years service condition  E(NG)I-2015/TR/20 Dated 10.02.2017
013/2017 Filling up of the posts of dresser Gr III/OTA Gr.III PB-1+ GP1900(Level-2) in the medical department. E(NG)I-2000/PM10/2 Dated 17.02.2017
014/2017 Grant of Transport Allowance at double the norma rates to deaf and dumb employees of Railways. PC-V/2014/A/TA/1 Dated 22.02.2017
015/2017 Syllabus for professional paper for selection from group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts in EDP centers /IT Department of Railways/Production Unit. E(GP)2016/2/25 Dated 27.02.2017
016/2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment wef 01.01.2016. PC-V/2009/A/DR/1 Dated 28.02.2017
017/2017 Revision in the Rate of Ration money allowance in respect of NG RPF/RPSF personnel. E(P&A)I-2005/ALL/RPF/2 Dated 28.02.2017
018/2017 Promotion from GP 1800 (Level-1) to GP 1900 (Level-2) against 16-2/3% quota- Minimum eligibility condition of service for selection. E(NG)I-2016/CPF/5Dated 01.03.2017
019/2017 Conducting of online Written test of GDCE. E(NG)I/PM1/6 Part Dated 02.03.2017
020/2017 Revised classification and mode of filling up of NG posts- scheme for filling up vacancies after 31.12.2016. E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 Dated 03.03.2017
021/2017 Technical Resignation & lien -Consolidedated guidelines. E(NG)I-2016/AP/2 Dated 07.03.2017
022/2017 Extension of the period of retention of Railway accommodation at the previous place of posting in favor of officers/ staff posted to E C Railway
E(G)2009 QR-1-2 Dated 22.03.2017
023/2017 Admissibility of HRA in the event of non-acceptance /surrender of Railway residential accomodation. E(P&A)II-2015/HRA-6 Dated 16.03.2017
024/2017 Grant of TA/DA to retired Railway Servants, re engaged after retirement. F(E)I/2015/AL-28/58 Dated 16.03.2017
025/2017 Forwarding of Gazette Notification No. G.S.R.63 (E) Dated 20.01.2016 , regarding Amendments in the Rule 14 of the Apprenticeship Rule, 1992 E(MPP)/2017/6/1 Dated 22.03.2017
026/2017 ग्रुप सी से ग्रुप बी मे पदोन्नति के लिए 70% चयन/30%एलडीसीई के भाग के रूप मे हुई लिखित परीक्षा के संबंध मे कार्मिक अधिकारियों, पेपर सेट करने वालों एवं इनका मूल्यांकन करने वालों के लिए समेकित दिशा-निर्देश E(GP)2015/2/8 Dated 30.03.2017
027/2017 Grant of Advance -Seventh Central pAy Commission recommendations -Discontinuance of Advance of Leave Salary. E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-2 Dated 23.03.2017
028/2017 Restructuring of Group ‘C’ RPF/RPSF (Combatised) Staff. PC-III/2016/CRC/2 Dated 27.03.2017
029/2017 Simplification of procedure for payment of Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) dues- regarding. PC-III/2017/GIS/2 Dated 31.03.2017
030/2017 Grant of Dearness allowance to Central Government Employees -Revised Rates effective from 01.01.2017 PC-VII/2016/I/7/2/1 Dated 31.03.2017 (17/PC-VII)
031/2017 Removal of hardship being faced in availing higher class passes/escort facility in cases where both the employee and his/her spouce are physically challenged. E(W)2016/PS-5-1/5 Dated 06.04.2017
032/2017 Fixation of pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR15(a) -clarification regarding. 2017/F(E)II/3/3/1 Dated 06.04.2017
033/2017 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme 1980- Tables of Benefits for the saving Fund for the period from 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017 PC-III/2000/GIS/2 Dated 07.04.2017
034/2017 Engagement of Act Apprentices in erstwhile Group D Substitute. E(MPP)2009/6/14 Pt Dated 12.04.2017
035/2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to Railway Pensioners /family pensioners Revised rate effective from 01.01.2017
PC-VII/2016/1/7/2/3 Dated 21.04.2017
036/2017 Inordinate delay in conducting LDCE and intermediate Apprentice quota selections on zonal Railways. E(NG)I-2016/PM7/1 Dated 21.04.2017
037/2017 Recording of educational qualification acquired during intervening period by compassionate ground appointment.  E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/1 Dated 21.04.2017
038/2017 Promotion from GP 1800 (Level-1) to GP 1900 (Level-2) against 33-1/3% quota-minimum eligibility condition of service for selection. E(NG)I-2015/CFP/8 Dated 21.04.2017
040/2017 Implementation Guidelines for Third Party Agencies under the Apprentices Act, 1961-regarding.  E(MPP)/2017/6/1 Dated 25.04.2017
041/2017 Clarification regarding commutation of a part of pension on retirement under Rule 67 of Railway Service (Pension) Rules, 1993. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/8 Dated 25.04.2017
042/2017 State Railway Provident Fund– Rate of intrest during the year 2017-18 (April 2017-June 2017) F(E)III/2003/PF/1/1 Dated 25.04.2017
043/2017 Reduction in the residency period for promotion from Helper (GP 1800, Level-1) to technician –III (GP 1900, Level-2)  E(NG)I-2015/PM1/20 Dated 03.05.2017
044/2017 Regularization of promotion by selection of SC/ST candidates throught the “Scheme of best among the failed candidates” 2013-E(SCT)1/25/6 Dated 09.05.2017
045/2017 Grant of HRA to Railway Employees posted at SAS Nagar Mohali at par with Chandigarh rates. E(P&A)II-2015/HRA-7Dated 12.04.2017
046/2017 Modification in the AVC for promotion to Guard (Goods) in GP 2800 (Level-5) E(NG)I-2012/PM1/22 Dated 12.05.2017
047/2017 Amendment to the provisions of State Railway Provident Fund -Liberalization of provisions for withdrawals from the fund by the subscribers – regarding D-43/11/2017-F(E)III Date 15.05.2017
048/2017 Recommendations of 6th CPC –Encashment of Leave on Average pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass/PTO-Relaxation of rule-reg. F(E)III/2008/LE-1/1 Dated 16.05.2017
049/2017 Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of 7CPC  -Revision of pension of pre2016 pensioners /family pensioners, etc.
2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 22.05.2017
050/2017 Revision of Minimum Rates of wages and variable dearness allowance w.e.f.01.04.2017 2016/E(LL)/AT/MW/1 Dated 07.06.2017
051/2017 Introduction of special leave connected to enquiry of sexual harrasment. E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-3 Dated 29.05.2017
052/2017 Grant of Advance – 7CPC Recommendations- Discontinuance of “Natural Calamity Advance” E(G)2017/AD 1-1 Dated 30.05.2017
053/2017 Retantion of Railway Accomodation by Railway Officers/staff of their deputation on Railway PSUs.
E(G)2008 QR-1-15 Dated 31.05.2017
054/2017 Forwarding of Gazette Notification No. GSR 186 (E) Dated 02.03.2017, Regarding Amendments in Apprenticeship Rule, 1992. E(MPP)/2017/6/1 Dated 31.05.2017
055/2017 Grant of House Rent Allowance to Railway employees posted to new Zones/new Division regarding E(P&A)II-98/HRA-6 Dated 06.06.2017
056/2017 Retention of Railway Accommodation by Railway employees upon permanent /immediate absorption in PSUs/Societies etc. E(G)2014 QR 1-2 (PSU Abspn) Dated 07.06.2017
057/2017 Grant of Dearness relief to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment -revised rates wef 1-7-16 to 1-1-17 PC-VII/21 PC-V/2009/A/DR/1 Dated  14.06.2017
058/2017 Admissibility of deputation (duty) allowance while on deputation –beyond 5 year. 2010/F(E)II/1(1)/1 Dated 19.06.2017
059/2017 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980-Tables of Benefits for the saving fund for the period from 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017. PC-III/2000/GIS/2 Dated 30.06.2017
060/2017 Initial /Promotional Training of Supervisor at Technical Training Centre (TTC) for All Production Units.
E(MPP)2017/3/2 Dated 20.06.2017
061/2017 Filling up 50% of DR quota vacancies through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) -eligibility of staff in same grade pay/pay scale.-regarding.
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/6 part Dated 23.06.2017
062/2017  Recruitment of persons with disabilities from open market on the Railways-regarding. 
E(NG)II/2017/RC-2/1 Policy Dated 28.06.2017
063/2017 Amendment to the provision of State Railway Provident Fund –Liberalization of provision for drawal of advance from the fund by subscriber-regarding. D-43/22/2017-F(E)III Dated 29.06.2017
064/2017 Recognition of Diesel Training Centre, Hubbali, SWR
E(MPP)/2010/3/46 Dated 30.06.2017
065/2017 Ayurvedic/Homoepathic dispensaries under Staff Benefit Fund (SBF)
E(W)/2016/ISM/9 Dated 07-07-2017
066/2017 Revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in implementation of Government’s dicision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC- Concordance tables-reg.
2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 11.07.2017
067/2017 Reorgnization of six Red Snooker
2017/E(Sports)/4(3)Snooker Dated 11.07.2017
068/2017 Validation of Duty/Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) in Hamsafar Express Trains, Gatiman Express Trains and all other Special Trains including Suvidha Express, Special Trains on special charges, etc
E(W)2016/PS 5-1/10 Dated 12.07.2017
069/2017 Restoration of full pension of absorbee pensioners in view of the order dated 01.09.2016 of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 6048/2010 and Civil Appeal No. 6371/2010. F(E)III/2005/PN1/23 Dated 13.07.2017
070/2017 Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017
GSR 882(E) Dated 14.07.2017
071/2017 Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Railway employees. E(P&A)II-2017/HRA-7 Dated 19.07.2017
072/2017 Filling up of DR Quota vacancies through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE)
E(NG)I-2008/PM1/6 part Dated 24.072017
073/2017 Minimum education qualification for recruitment of staff from open market in Level-I of the pay matrix of 7th CPC.  E(NG)II/2017/RR-1/12(3192238) Dated 27.07.2017
074/2017 Reckoning of pay element for fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’. E(P&A)II-2014/RS-22 Dated 28.07.017
075/2017 Grant of Fixed Method Allowance (FMA) to the Railway Pensioners/Family Pensioners on recommendations of the 7th CPC.  
077/2017 Discontinues of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms recommendation of 7CPC.Discontinues of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms recommendation of 7CPC. PC-V/2017/A/FPA/1 Dated 28.07.2017
078/2017 Revision of additional relief on death/disability of Government servants covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS) in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC-reg. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 31.07.2017
079/2017 Availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in context of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 – regarding PC-VII/2016/I/6/2 Dated 31.07.2017
080/2017 Recommendations  of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s – Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway Employees. PC-V/2017/A/TA/1 Dated 03.08.2017
081/2017 Recruitment of sportsperson on Zonal Railways /Production units against sports quota. 2015/E(Sports)/4(1)/11 Dated 31.07.2017
082/2017 Recommendations of 7th CPC-Grant of Non-Practicing Allowance(NPA) at revised rates to IRMS Officers. PV-V/2017/A/NPA/1 Dated 04.08.2017
083/2017 Revision of Pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of 7thCPC-Concordance tables-reg. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 03.08.2017
084/2017 Revision of Rates of Daily Allowance to Railway Employee on tour. F(E)I/2017/AL-28/40 Dated 08.08.2017
085/2017 Recommendation of 7th CPC – Decision relating to grant of Additional Allowance to Running Staff. PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/5 Dated 10.08.2017
086/2017 Recommendation of 7th CPC – Decision relating to grant of Special Train Controllers’ Allowance to Section Controllers and Deputy Chief Controllers. PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/3 Dated 10.08.2017
087/2017 Recommendation of 7th CPC – Decision relating to grant of Risk & Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers of Indian Railways. PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/4 Dated 10.08.2017
088/2017 Special (Duty) Allowance for Railway Employees serving in the North Eastern region & Ladakh- Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.  F(E)I/2017/AL-4/2 Dated 10.08.2017
089/2017 Revision of rates of Conveyance Allowance to Railway Employees: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. F(E)I/2017/AL-4/5 Dated 10.08.2017
090/2017 Abolition of Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowances: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/5 Dated 10.08.2017
091/2017 Grant of Special Compensatory Allowances subsumed under Tough Location Allowance: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. F(E)I/2017/AL-4/5 Dated 11.08.2017
092/2017 Revision of rate of Coal Pilot Allowance. F(E)I/2017/AL-4/6 Dated 11.08.2017
093/2017 Revision of rates of Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations F(E)I/2017/AL-7/1 Dated 11.08.2017
094/2017 Recruitment of sportsperson against sports quota through Talent scouting and open Advertisement –clarification regarding.
2013/E(sports)/4(1)/2/Policy Dated 11.08.2017
095/2017 Grant of Hard Area Allowance to Railway employees posted in the Nicobar Group of Island and Islands of Union Territory of Lakshadweep other than Kavaratti & Agatti.
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/7 Dated 16.08.2017
096/2017 Recommendations of 7th CPC –Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway Employee. PC-V/2017/A/TA/1 Dated 17.08.2017
099/2017 Revised methodology for fixing the pay of Running Staff category in 7th CPC scales. PC-VII/2016/IC/2 Dated 21.08.2017
101/2017 Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 – Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance F(E)III/2009/PNl/6 Dated 22.08.2017
102/2017 Eligibility of divorced daughter for grant of family pension-clarification regarding.
F(E)III/2007/PN1/5 Dated 23.08.2017
103/2017 Travelling allowance rules -Implementation of the seventh Central Pay Commission. F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 Dated 24.08.2017
104/2017 Selection for Promotion to upgraded Group ‘B’ post of Law Officers in Level 8 in Pay Matrix with GP Rs. 4800/- E(GP)2005/2/26 Dated 25.08.2017
105/2017 Placement of Ancillary staff of RPF/RPSF in revised pay structure/GP based on the recommendations of 6CPC-Clarification. PC-VI/2008/I5/8 Dated 30.08.2017
106/2017 Revision of the rates of Breakdown Allowance E(P&A)II-2017/BDA-1 Dated 30.08.2017
107/2017 Guidelines on leave and voluntary retirement of Railway servants in light of the provisions of the Section 47 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 Dated 30.08.2017
108/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – National Holiday Allowance. E(P&A)I-2017/HL/1 Dated 30.08.2017
109/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Abolition of Allowances. E(P&A)I-2017/VII CPC/AL-1 Dated 30.08.2017
110/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Special Level Crossing (LC) Gate Allowance to Track Maintainers E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/CE-1 Dated 30.08.2017
111/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Special Allowance to Chief Safety Officers/Safety Officers. E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/WS-2 Dated 30.08.2017
112/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – relating to grant of PCO Allowance to Staff of Production Control Organization. E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/WS-1 Dated 30.08.2017

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railway Employees – Clarification regarding.

PC-V/2009/ACP/2(Vol.ll) Dated 30.08.2017

Acceptance of certificates/qualifications awarded by various Boards of School Education in India for the purpose of employment on the railways.

E (NG)- II/2007/RR-1/38 (3000863) Dated 31.08.2017

Complimentary Card Passes issued on gallantry account to recipientsof Ashok Chakra and Kirti Chakra Awards

E(W)2008/PS5-6/8 Dated 31.08.2017

Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission, clarification on CTG etc. reg

F(E)I/2017/ AL-28/41 Dated 31.08.2017

Retention of Railway Quarter at the previous place of posting by Railway officers posted as DRM.

E(G)2010 QR-1-1(DRMs) Dated 04.09.2017
119/2017 Permission to retain Railway accommodation at the place of previous posting by Railway officers/staff going on deputation to “National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited: (NHSRCL) E(G)2016RN-2-1 Dated 04.09.2016
120/2017 Payment on account of discontinued allowances — Daily Officiating Allowance. E(P&A)I-2011/FE-4/1 Dated 05.09.2017
121/2017 Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Flag Station Allowance E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-1 Dated 5.9.17
123/2017 Permission to retain Railway accommodation at the place of previous posting by Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited. (IRSDCL) E(G)2013 QR-1-18 Dated 08.09.2017
124/2017 Permission to retain Railway accommodation at the place of previous posting by Modern Coach Factory Raebareli. E(G)2013 QR-1-3 Dated 08.09.2017
126/2017 Recognition of Basketball Federation of India- Reg. 2016/E(Sports)/4(1)/6/BF1Status Dated 11.09.2017
127/2017 Recognition of Volleyball Federation of India- Reg. 2016/E(Sports)/4(1)/6/VF1Status Dated 11.09.2017
128/2017 Re-Engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis in exigency of service. E(NG)II/2010/RC-4/6 Dated 14.09.2017

Provisional grant of Special Train Controllers Allowance -Clarification reg.

PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/3 Dated 15.09.2017

Relieving of staff on transfer on mutual exchange basis

E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 Dated 15.09.2017

Rule 14(ii) of Railway Servants (D&A) Rules, 1968 – Following of proper procedure regarding

E(D&A)2017 RG6-21 Dated 18.09.2017


 Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2016-17.

E(P&A)-II-2017/PLB-3 Dated 20.09.2017

Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tours – Purchase of air ticket from authorized agent.

F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 Dated 21.09.2017

 Clarification regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under RS(RP) Rules 2016.

PC-VII/2016/RSRP/3 Dated 27.09.2017

 Fixation of employees in 1S scale of Rs. 4440-7440 in GP 1300 (6th CPC) and without GP.

 PC-VII/2016/I/6/1 Dated 28.09.2017

Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Dress Allowance.

PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/7 Dated 03.10.2017
143/2017 कोर द्वारा शुरू की गई चालू विद्युतीकरण परियोजनाओं मे पदों को भरना। E(NG)I-2014/TR/17 Dated 05.10.2017
144/2017 Revised Rates of stipend to Special class Railway Apprentices PC-V/2017/PS/1 (SCRA) Dated 06.10.2017
145/2017 Revision of rates of Training Allowance and abolition of Sumptuary Allowance for Training Institutes. E(MPP)2012/3/28 Dated 06.10.2017
147/2017 Recommendations of 7th CPC –Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance. E(W)2017/ED-2/3 Dated 12.10.2017
148/2017 Payment of arrears arising out of leave salary consequent to the implementation of 6th CPC report for the period 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 on WCR to Running Staff. E(P&A)II-2016/FE.2/5 Dated 16.10.2017
149/2017 Grant of ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to the group ‘C’ & ‘D’ RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2016-17. E(P&A)II-2017/Bonus-1 Dated 16.10.2017
150/2017 Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of services E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1
151/2017 Grant of Dearness Relief to Railway Pensioners/Family Pensioners – revised rate effective from 01.07.17 PC-VII/2016/I/7/2/3 Dated 18.10.2017 
152/2017 Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railway-Classification of posts as safety Categories in Civil Engineering Department. E(NG)I-2010/PM1/19 Dated 18.10.2017
153/2017 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980-Table of Benefits for the Saving fund for the period from 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017 PC-III/2000/GIS/2 Dated 24.10.2017
154/2017 Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of 7CPC-Revision of pension of pre -2016 retired medical officers. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 24.10.2017
155/2017 Revision of pension of pre -2016 pensioners/family pensioners in Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of 7CPC-Concordance table reg. 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/7 Dated 24.10.2017
157/2017 Charter of commitment on various matters- Time line thereof.       in Hindi  E(G)2017/Employees/Charter/1 Dated 25.10.2017
158/2017 Revision of Income criteria to excluded socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs)-Reg. 2017-E(SCT)I/71/1 Dated 26.10.2017
159/2017 Implementation of the recommendation  of 7th CPC as accepted by the Government -Health and Maleria Allowance   E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-2 Dated 27.10.2017
160/2017 Recruitment of sportsperson against Sports quota through Talent Scouting and open Advertisement on the Railway-Videography of field -trials regarding.  2014/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/Policy Dated 25.10.2017
161/2017 Adoption of clarification issued by Ministry of Finance regarding modifications of Level-13 of Pay Matrix. PC-VII/2017/RSRP/1 Dated 31.10.2017
165/2017 Implementation of the recommendation  of 7th CPC-Additional HRA for Railway Employees serving in the States of NER, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshdweep and Ladakh
E(P&A)II-2017/HRA-9 Dated 08.11.2017
166/2017 Revision of rates of Nursing allowances to the nursing personnel- Implementation of the recommendations of 7CPC-reg.  E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-3 Dated 13.11.2017 
168/2017 Recognition of Basic Training Centre at Kollam/Trivnedrum. E(MPP)2013/3/18 Dated 17.11.2017
169/2017 Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable wef 01.01.2017 & 01.07.2017 to Railway Employees continuing to drawa their pay in the pre revised scale/grade as per 6CPC. PC-VI/2008/I/7/2 Dated 17.11.2017
170/2017 Ad-hoc promotion to senior scale in Chemical & Metallurgical (C&M), pscho-Tech and printing & Stationary (P&S) Departments. E(GP)99/1/33 Dated 20.11.2017
171/2017 Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the 7CPC -Fixation of Medical officers retired during 01.01.2016 to 30.06.2017 2016/F(E)III/1(1)/8 Dated 20.11.2017
172/2017 Safety & other safety category -Revision of list & format. E(MPP)96/1/15 Dated 21.11.2017
173/2017 Applicability of Railway Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016to personsre-employed in Railway Service after retirement and whose pay is debitable to Railway Estimates. E(G)2017/EM1-7 Dated 22.11.2017
175/2017 Grant of Overtime Allowances (OTA)to Railway Employees consequent upon revision of pay scales and allowances. PC-V/2017/A/OTA/1 Dated 28.11.2017
177/2017 Marks given by the Trial Committee in sports recruitment. 2017/E(Sports)/4(1)/14/irregularities Dated 30.11.2017
179/2017 Special benefit in cases of death and disability in service- Revision of Disability pension/family pension under CCS (EOP) Rules of pre-2016 disability pensioners in implementation of recommendations of 7CPC-Reg. F(E)III/2008/PN1/20 Dated 30.11.2017
180/2017 State Railway Provident Fund –Rate of interest during the year 2017-18 (October,17 to December, 17) F(E)III/2003/PF/1/1 Dated 30.11.2017
181/2017 Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission-Revision of the rates of Tenure Allowance to officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services posted as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors, Directors and Group ‘B’ officers when posted against senior scale post in RDSO.
PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/6 Dated 04.12.2017
182/2017 Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission-Revision of the rates of Railway Board Tenure Allowance applicable to the officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services on their appointment as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors, Directors in Railway Board’s Office. PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/6 Dated 04.12.2017
183/2017 Grant of advances- 7CPC recommendations- Amendment to rules on House Building Advance (HBA) to Railway Servants. F(E)Spl./2008/Adv.3/6(7CPC) Dated 05.12.2017
189/2017 Recruitment against sports Quota 2017/E(Sports)/4/3/15/system Dated 05.12.2017
190/2017 Recommendations of 7CPC – Implementation of decision relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities. E(W)2017/ED-2/4 Dated 07.12.2017
192/2017 Minimum educational qualification for recruuitment of staff from open market in Level-1 of the pay matrix of 7th CPC – Catering Staff-reg E(NG)II/2000/RR-1/17
193/2017 Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of services. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1
195/2017 Minimum educational qualification for appointment in Level-1 of the pay matrix of 7th CPC on compassionate grounds
E(NG)II/2016/RR-1/12 (3192238) Dated 18.12.2017
203/2017 Revised Training Module for Human resource/Personnel Department of Indian Railways. E(MPP) 2017/3/30 Dated 20.12.2017
204/2017 Training calendar for the year 2018 for imparting training at Personnel Training Centre, Jodhpur to the employees of Human resource/ Personnel Department.  E(MPP) 2017/3/30 Dated 20.12.2017
205/2017 Decision of the cabinet for enhancement of age of superannuation of Dental Doctors under Ministry of Railways. E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 Dated 26.12.2017
206/2017 Implementation of Recommendations of 7th CPC Accepted by Government-Grant of Extra Work Allowance (Abolition of existing Library Allowance) E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-6 Dated 27.12.2018
207/2018 Revision of rates of Operation Theatre Allowance (Special Allowance) to the nursing Personnel working in Railway Hospitals as per the Recommendations of 7th CPC-Reg. E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/MH-1 Dated 27.12.2018
208/2017 Implementation of Recommendations of 7th CPC Accepted by Government-Grant of Extra Work Allowance (Abolition of existing Rajbhasha Allowance) E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-5 Dated 02.01.2018


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