Railway Board – Merger of OHE & PSI cadres of Electrical Department

April 19, 2023, 2:18 PM


No. E(MPP)2022/1/28 Dated: 172 .04.2023

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways, including Production Units and Others

Sub: Merger of OHE & PSI cadres of Electrical Department

Rationalization of posts is periodically done, based on manpower requirement. Manpower planning requires continuous review in view of changing workload conditions, introduction of new technologies, working
systems, creation of new assets etc. Work studies are regularly conducted for rationalization of manpower in Railways for various activities. This exercise enables Indian Railways to utilize its human resources in most efficient and productive.manner.

2. Based on above, principally the merger of OHE and PSI cadres of TRD is under consideration in Board in view the following advantages. –

a. Better productivity of the staff
b. Effective utilization of the available resources
c. Increase in promotional avenues

d. Improvement in the knowledge of the staff in OHE and PSI matters

e. Beneficial for early TRD restoration work in the electrified section by
utilizing more available staff in both fields of OHE and PSI
f, Management and booking of the staff for different work will be easier

3. The matter was also examined by Electrical Dte. of Board in consultation with the Zonal Railways and as per the feedback received, most of the Zonal Railways have agreed to the proposal. In fact, in some of the Zonal Railways, the cadres are already reportedly merged.

4. Both the Federations have also in principle, agreed to the proposal of
merger of the two cadres.

5. In view of above, in-principle merger of OHE and PS! Cadre has been
agreed upon with a stipulation that retraining, seniority issues etc arising out of proposed merger may be sorted out in consultation with unions

6. All the references, related clarifications/queries, if any, regarding merger of the two cadres are to be made to Establishment Directorate (Non-Gazetted) of Railway Board.


Joint Director E(MPP)




This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Cadre Restructuring, Policy / Guideline, Selection, Promotion & Posting, Railway Employee