Procedure and guidelines to be followed regarding promotion of Railway servants against whom disciplinary/court proceeding etc. have been initiated – circumstances in which a case is to be kept in sealed cover regarding. (RBE No. 97/2007)

March 24, 2021, 2:55 PM

Procedure and guidelines to be followed regarding promotion of Railway servants against whom disciplinary/court proceeding etc. have been initiated – circumstances in which a case is to be kept in sealed cover regarding. (RBE No. 97/2007)

No. E(D&A) 2001/RG6-39 (Pt.)

RBE No.97 /2007

New Delhi,

17 / 7 /2007

The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways and
Production Units etc.
(As per standard list).

Procedure and guidelines to be followed regarding
promotion of Railway servants against whom disciplinary/court proceedings etc. have been
initiated-Circumstances in which a case is to be kept
in sealed cover regarding.

Attention is invited to instructions contained in Para 2(ii) of Board’s letters, No. E(D&A) 92 RG6-149 (A) and No. E(D&A) 92 RG6-149 (B), both dated
21.1.1993 which stipulate that the procedure laid in these letters will be applicable only when the charge sheet has already been issued to the Railway servant and the disciplinary proceedings are pending. The above provisions were also reiterated vide Para 2 of Board’s letter of even number dated 16.12.2003; withdrawing the instructions contained in their letter of even number dated 24.1.2003.
2. Board have further examined the issue and have decided that the provisions contained in Para 2 (ii) of their aforesaid letters dated 21.1.1993 as reiterated vide Para 2 of their letter of even number dated 16.12.2003 should be
rigidly followed in all cases. Representation, if any, received from a Railway servant including a retired Railway servant alleging violation of provisions of
21.1.1993 in his case should be disposed of strictly in accordance with these provisions as reiterated on 16.12.2003.
3.Please acknowledge receipt.

Sd/(Harish Chander)
Dy. Director Estt. (D&A)III
Railway Board



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