Privileges & Amenities to Women in Indian Railways – Leave

January 23, 2021, 9:17 PM

Maternity Leave 

(Para 551 of IREC – Vol-I)

[1]A female railway employee [including an apprentice] with less than two surviving children may be granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of 135 days

(*)from the date of its commencement.

(*)135 days raised to 180 days w.e.f. 01-09-2008 as amended vide SC 144/2008
[2]The period of maternity leave on account of miscarriage/ abortion should be restricted to 45 days in the entire career of a female railway servant,

[3](a)Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.

(b)Notwithstanding the provision in sub-rule 527, Leave of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave for a period not exceeding 60 days and leave not due) up to two years (#) may, if applied for, in continuation of maternity leave, be granted without the production of medical certificate. The period of Extra Ordinary Leave without Medical Certificate, if any, shall not be treated as qualifying service for the purpose of pension, annual increment etc.

(#)(As amended vide SC 144/2008)

[4]Leave in further continuation of leave granted under clause (b) of sub-rule (3) may be granted on production of a medical certificate for the illness of the railway servant. Such leave may also be granted in case of illness of a newly born baby, subject to production of medical certificate to the effect that the condition of the ailing baby warrants mother’s personal attention and that her presence by the baby’s side is absolutely necessary.

[5]The maternity leave shall not be debited against the leave account.

Note: – Abortion induced under the MTP Act 1971 [Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act] shall also be considered as a case of abortion under sub-rule (2)

The period of Extra Ordinary Leave without Medical Certificate, if any, granted in continuity of Maternity leave, shall not be treated as qualifying service for the purpose of pension, annual increment etc..

SC 5/2002—SC 84/2014.

Leaves to Surrogate mother

Maternity Leave and Child Care Leave are not admissible to surrogate mother at present…

SC 96/2014

Child Adoption Leave 

(Para 551 (C) of IREC–I)

An adoptive mother on the railways with less than two surviving children may be granted leave of 135 days (*) as ‘Child Adoption Leave’ on adoption of a child up to one year of age, on the lines of maternity leave admissible to natural mothers.

(*)The period of Child Adoption Leave raised from 135 days to 180 days.WEF 11.09.2009—

SC 156/2009

[2]During the period of Child Adoption Leave, she shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately proceeding on leave.

[3]Child Adoption Leave may be combined with leave of any other kind.

[4]In continuation of ‘Child Adoption Leave’, the adoptive mothers may also be granted, if applied for, leave of the kind due and admissible [including leave not due and commuted leave not exceeding 60 (sixty) days without production of Medical Certificate] for a period up to one year reduced by the age of the adopted child on the date of legal adoption without taking into account the period of Child Adoption Leave, subject to the following conditions: –

[i]This facility will not be admissible to an adoptive mother already having two surviving children at the time of adoption.

[ii]The maximum admissible period of one year leave of the kind due and admissible [including leave not due and Commuted leave not exceeding 60 (sixty) days without production of Medical Certificate] for a period up to one year reduced by the age of the adopted child on the date of legal adoption without taking into account the period of Child Adoption Leave as in the following illustrations.

 If the age of the adopted child is less than one month on the date of adoption leave, up to one year may be allowed.

 If the age of the adopted child is six months but less than seven months leave, up to six months may be allowed.

 If the age of the adopted child is nine months but less than ten months leave, up to three months may be allowed.

Child Care Leave 

Introduced w.e.f. 01-09-2008 (6th CPC Recommendations)

∙Women employees having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by an authority competent to grant leave, for a maximum period of two years (i.e.730 days) during their entire service for taking care of up to two children whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc.

∙Child Care Leave shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older.

∙During the period of such leave, the women employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

∙It may be availed of in more than one spell. CCL shall not be debited against the leave account. CCL may also be allowed for the third year as leave not due (without production of medical certificate). It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible. The Child Care Leave shall be admissible for two eldest surviving children only.

CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a calendar year.

No difference between adoptive mother and biological mother to grant CCL.

The restriction of minimum 15 days CCL is removed w.e.f. 05-06-2014….SC 75/2014

Where CCL granted is in excess of 30 days a sanction memorandum should invariably be issued duly indicating the following points :

→Women employees granted CCL more than 30 days will not be eligible for Transport Allowance. When such period of absence falls into two different calendar months (including prefixing and suffixing holidays), reduction in Transport Allowance is to be adjusted on pro-rata basis.

→If the employee is in occupation of Railway Accommodation, she may be advised that retention of Railway Quarters while on leave is permissible only for period not exceeding 120 days on payment of normal rent, provided the authority sanctioning the leave certifies that the employee concerned is likely to be posted back to old station on expiry of the leave.—-

SC 144/2008—SC 198/2008—SC 142/2010— SC 147/2010— & SC 24/2011 – SC 75/2014

Children with disability – CCL

Female Railway employees having children with disability up to 40% and mentally retarded children, can avail CCL for a maximum period of two years [730 days] till the children attain the age of 22 years, subject to the other terms and conditions stipulated…SC 63/2010

SCL – Family Planning (As revised in 2015)

Male Government Servants:

[i]Vasectomy & [ii] Vasectomy for second time due to failure of the first operation.

Existing 6 working days revised as 5 working days

 Female Government Servants:

[i]Puerperal Tubectomy / Non-puerperal tubectomy [including laparoscopic method]

[ii]Puerperal Tubectomy / Non-puerperal tubectomy for second time.

[iii]Salpingectomy after Medical Termination of Pregnancy [MTP] – Not admissible when after Salpingectomy operation along with Medical Termination of pregnancy, facility of maternity leave for Six weeks under Rule 43 of CCS [Leave] Rules, 1972 is availed.

Existing 14 working days revised as 10 working days Post-Sterilisation Complications:


The period of Special Casual Leave for the following purposes remain unchanged:

[a]Post Sterilisation Complications:

in case of Hospitalisation.

[b] Female Government Servants:

When their husbands undergo vasectomy operation.

[c] Recanalisation Operation.

(SC 97/2015)

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