December 10, 2020, 10:17 PM

10.1 Introduction:- 
The transport of Over dimensional consignment has increased considerably in recent years; it has therefore become necessary to give wide publicity to the procedure in vogue on the railway for arranging movement of such consignment. This circular should be read in condition with the railway boards instructions issued from time to time & should be understood by all the staff responsible for movement of oversize consignment.
2. Maximum Moving Dimensions:- 
i) Overall height at top centre :                                    4115 mm 
ii) Overall height of OHE from rail level :                  4470 mm 
iii) Overall height at the side :                                     3505 mm 
iv) Overall width of eight wheeler :                             3250 mm 
v) Overall width at maximum level at top center :      610 mm 393 
vi) Floor height :                                                          102 mm 
vii) Overall width at bottom :                                      1600 mm 
3. Definition:- 
An ODC is found which, when consignment is loaded on ordinary open wagon, would infringe the maximum moving dimension of the gauge over which is to be moved. 
There are two types of clearances:- 
i) Net clearance 
ii) Gross clearance 
Net Clearance:- The maximum clearance between consignment & fixed structure on running condition will be known as “Net Clearance”. 
Gross Clearance:- The net clearance between consignment & fixed structure in stationary condition is known as “Gross Clearance”. 
NOTE: Net Clearance is less than Gross Clearance. 394 
10.2 CLASSIFICATION OF ODC:- The ODC has been classified in following three categories:- 
i. class ODC 
ii. class ODC 
iii. class ODC 
i. Class ODC ( Permitted Out of Gauge): 
The consignment load which infringes the maximum moving dimension, but do not infringe any fixed structure en-route by net clearance of 150 mm & above & gross clearance 230 mm & above.
i) Speed restriction :                                  40 kmph 
ii) Movement :                                          During day & night 
iii) Escorting :                                            Not required 
ii. B- Class ODC (Exceptional Out of Gauge) : 
The load which infringe the maximum moving dimension, but do not infringe any fixed structure en-route by net clearance of more than 75 mm &less than 150 mm &gross clearance of more than 150 mm & less than 230 mm. 
i) Speed restriction :                                40 kmph 
ii) Movement :                                        During day & night 
iii) Escorting :                                         During Night 
iv) Escorting Staff :                                 PWI, TI & CWI 395 
iii. C- Class ODC:- (Extra ordinary Out of Gauge) 
The load which infringe the maximum moving dimension, but do not infringe any fixed structure by a net clearance of less than 75 mm & gross clearance by less than 150 mm. 
i) Speed Restriction :                   15 kmph 
ii) Movement :                             During day only 
ii) Escorting :                               required
iii) Escorting Staff : JE (P-way), TI, JE (OHE) 
Note: On the basis of gross clearance C-Class ODC is further divided in two categories 
a. If net clearance is more than zero but less than 75mm –speed-15 kmph only in day and must be escorted by TXR,PWI,LI,TI etc. 
b. If net clearance is zero–speed-dead slow, only in day and must be escorted by TXR,PWI,LI,TI etc. 
5. Special Instruction For The Movement Of Electric Section:- 
a) AC Traction – 
b) DC Traction – 
Note: If Clearance is between OHE wire & consignment is less than 100mm in AC traction area and less than 75mm in DC traction areas movement of ODC is not possible. 
6. Procedure For Varification In Ce’s Office:- 
The following particulars shall be furnished in duplicate by the COM’s office to the Chief Engineer’s office in respect of nay over sized consignment. 
i) Length of consignment 
ii) Height of consignment at top center & side 
iii) Width of the consignment at top & bottom 
iv) Weight of consignment 
v) Booking station 
vi) Destination station 
vii) The route by which the consignment is to be booked 
In case of old consignment a sketch showing end & front elevation with the complete dimension Length, width, Height & Weight shall be sent along with the application in duplicate. 
i) Each division will send up to date rolling diagrams showing the moving dimension on the division by 30th September of every year to the Chief Engineer’s 397 Office. Clearance of OHE structure (height of contact wire, horizontal distance of OHE, columns etc.) shall be submitted by the traction branch of the division to the chief engineer’s office. Thereafter CE’s office must be advised to receive the diagram whenever the clearances etc. are affected to rising of track, construction of new structure & alternation of existing structure etc. 
ii) Construction organization shall submit to CE’s office roll diagram showing supposed clearance before taking any work likely to affect the moving dimension. 
iii) While under taking any construction work, such as extension of existing platform, construction of new platform, shelters, road over bridge etc. Whether by open line or construction branch, it must be ensured that the clearance as shown in the Chief Bridge Engineer. 
7. Sanctioning By Chief Engineer’s Office:- 
After verifying the particulars of the consignment vis-à-vis the moving dimension, sectional movement of the consignment will be communicated by the chief engineer’s office to the COM’s office. Such cases which are not within the powers of the chief engineer’s office shall be submitted to CRS for sanction by the chief bridge engineer & as soon as he sanction for the movement is received from the CRS, the same shall be communicated to the COP by the chief engineer’s office.
In each case section will specify the speed restrictions to be observed, the track & structures to be avoided, lowering of 398 track, lifting of over head electrical equipment, shutting off of power etc. as necessary. COM’s office will convey the sanction to the divisions & the division concerned shall be issue massage to all concerned official by wire & in case the movement over a particular division is through locations where restrictive unavoidable structures or over head equipment are located, in addition will send conformation copies & obtain acknowledgment.
If acknowledgement is not received in time from any of the concerned officials it shall be the duty of the divisional control office to obtain in on telephone & recode it in the control diary to ensure that the concerned staffs are aware of the condition of movement & their respective duties.
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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 7 Study Material & Guide, Carriage & Wagon, Operating Guide, TNC Guide, Railway Employee