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Shri Anil Kumar Khandelwal,Member Infrastructure Railway Board visits USBRL Project
Mutual Transfer For Railway
Read Moreमहाप्रबंधक ने विभिन्न श्रेणियों में मंडलों/यूनिटों को 27 दक्षता शील्डें प्रदान की अहमदाबाद मंडल को मिली महाप्रबंधक की प्रतिष्ठित
Read MoreMutual Transfer For Railway
Read MoreRail Management Guide MANAGEMENT Management is the technique of getting things done through & with others. Management is a new discipline, it has drawn concept and principles from economics, sociology, psychology and anthropology, history, statistics and so on. The result is that each group of contributors has treated management
Read Moreराजभाषा विषय पर विभागीय परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी प्रश्नोत्तर राजभाषा विषय पर संवैधानिक प्रावधान से संबंधित उपयोगी प्रश्नोत्तर -
Read More186th meeting of Divisional Official Language Implementation Committee, Mumbai concluded The 186th meeting of the Divisional Official Language Implementation Committee, Mumbai was held on 21.03.2024 under the chairmanship of Shri Rajneesh Kumar Goyal, Divisional Railway Manager, Mumbai Division. The meeting started with the release of the 5th
Read MoreSyllabus Station Masters Through General Selections Operating Department. A) Regionalization of Indian Railways into Zones and Organization of Your Railway B) Transportation: 1) Rules and instructions: a) Necessity of Rules: General & Subsidiary rules. Station b) Station Working Rules c) Working Time
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Read Moreभारतीय रेल वित्तीय वर्ष 2023-24 में माल ढुलाई व्यवसाय, कुल राजस्व, ट्रैक बिछाने के मामले में अपने इतिहास में अब तक का सर्वश्रेष्ठ
Read More50 की बजाय 10 की रफ्तार से रेंगती है गाडिय़ां, हर माह 4 करोड़ का राजस्व, फिर भी रेलवे नहीं करा रहा एनआइ वर्क, 2019 में बना था प्रस्ताव कटनी
Read MoreSyllabus for Work Study Inspector G. P.- Rs. 4200/- (Level-6) 1. Industrial Engineering, History application and contribution of Mr. Taylor, Gibbs and others. 2. General idea about Work Study, Yardsticks. Benchmarking. Development of Work Study, Method Study. Basie step in Method Study i.e. select, record charging convention, use of symbols,
Read More1990 बैच के भारतीय रेलवे यातायात सेवा (आईआरटीएस) अधिकारी श्री संजय कुमार जैन ने आज भारतीय रेलवे खानपान और पर्यटन निगम लिमिटेड
Read Moreरेलवे सुरक्षा बल 12 से 16 फरवरी तक लखनऊ में 67वें अखिल भारतीय पुलिस ड्यूटी सम्मेलन की मेजबानी करने के लिए तैयार रेलवे सुरक्षा बल
Read Moreसमर्पित माल गलियारा परियोजनाएँ रेल मंत्रालय ने दो समर्पित माल गलियारों (डीएफसी) के निर्माण कार्य अपने हाथ में लिया है। पूर्वी
Read Moreभारतीय रेल में गो ग्रीन पहल रेल मंत्रालय ने 2030 तक भारतीय रेलवे को ग्रीन रेलवे में बदलने के लक्ष्य के साथ ग्लोबल वॉर्मिंग को कम करने और
Read MoreEastern Railway proudly announces the outstanding performance of its RailMadad wing in efficiently resolving passenger grievances. From April 2023 to December 2023, the average time taken to resolve RailMadad complaints is an impressive 41 minutes, with an extraordinary disposal rate of nearly 99.98%. Key Highlights: Diverse Complaint
Read MoreShri Vidyadhar Avinash Malegaonkar, an officer of Indian Railway Traffic Service IRTS (1991 Batch) has taken over the charge of Principal Chief Operation Manager of Western Railway.Prior to this, he was working as Chief Vigilance Officer atJawaharlal Nehru Port, Mumbai. Shri Malegaonkar has served in Indian Railways in various capacities such as
Read MoreCR registers Best Ever Freight Loading of 64.09 Million Tonnes for the period April to December 2023 which is 9.7% more as compared to 58.45 million Tonnes for the corresponding period Best Ever Freight Loading of 7.90 million tonnes for December-2023 Central Railway registered Best Ever Freight Loading of 64.09 million tonnes
Read MoreDr. Swapnil Dhanraj Nila, an officer of Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) 2011 Batch has taken over as the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO), Central Railway on January 1st, 2024. He is a medical graduate from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. He succeeds Dr Shivraj Manaspure. Before taking over as CPRO, Central
Read MoreChange in the name of Ayodhya Junction Railway station to " Ayodhya Dham Junction" अयोध्या जंक्शन. का नाम अयोध्या धाम जंक्शन हुआ It is notified for the information of the general public that with immediate effect, the name of Ayodhya Junction (AY)
Read MoreRBE No.112/2023 भारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I/2023/PM1/15 New Delhi, dated 06.10.2023 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways & PUs. Sub: Clarification on “Regular Employees” for appearing
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भारत सरकार) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेल मंत्रालय) RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड) File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/15 New Delhi, Dated :04/12/2023 To, Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Principal Financial Advisors, All Indian Railways, All Indian Railways (As per standard
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भारत सरकार) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेल मंत्रालय) RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड) File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/15 New Delhi, Dated : 04/12/2023 To, General Managers, All Indian Railways and Heads of all Railway units (As per standard mailing list) Sub : Launch of
Read MoreCentral Railway Vigilance Team busts fake recruitment racket-nabs fake recruitment handler in planned operation The Central Railway Vigilance Team busted a fake recruitment racket and nabbed a fake recruitment handler in a well planned operation on 13.12.2023. A written complaint was received on 12/12/23 regarding one Mr.Narsimha Pai who
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Central Railway stays on top in scrap revenue- Achieves highest percentage increase among all Zonal Railways up to November-2023 "Zero Scrap” mission gains momentum – registers 34.09 % increase of Sale of Scrap over proportionate sale target for period up to November-2023 Central Railway’s determined efforts to turn scrap into revenue
Read Moreआरबीई सं. 133/2023 भारत सरकार/ GOVT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/MINISTRY OF RAILWAY रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD सं. ई(एनजी)I/2019/पीएम4/8(ई-3417344) नई दिल्ली, दिनांक: 04.12.2023 महाप्रबंधक
Read MoreTransfer on Spouse Ground at Same Station RBE No. 23/2010 PC NO.185 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY-BOARD) NO.E(NG)I-2009/TR/29. New Delhi, dated 02-02-2010. The General Managers (P) All Indian Railways and Production Units (As
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लखनऊ मंडल के बाराबंकी स्टेशन के यार्ड रिमॉडलिंग और समस्तीपुर मंडल के बापूधाम मोतिहारी यार्ड स्टेशन पर नॉन-इंटरलॉकिंग कार्य के
Read MoreCR Mumbai Division RPF Comes Down Heavily on Touts – arrests 128 persons and seizes 2850 tickets worth Rs.64.61 lakh during April to November- 2023 Railway Protection Force (RPF) of Mumbai Division, Central Railway intensified the campaign against touts to counter the menace of touting of railway reservation tickets and to safeguard the
Read Moreरेल, संचार और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्री श्री अश्विनी वैष्णव ने राज्यसभा में एक प्रश्न के लिखित उत्तर में बताया कि
Read More30 सितंबर 2023 तक पिछले पांच वर्षों में 2,94,115 रिक्तियां भरी गईं भारतीय रेलवे के आकार, स्थानिक वितरण और परिचालन की गंभीरता को देखते हुए
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे ट्रेनों में स्वच्छता बनाए रखने और यात्रियों को अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाला भोजन उपलब्ध कराने के लिए कई कोशिशें करता है भारतीय
Read More31.10.2023 तक रेलवे विद्युतीकरण की वर्तमान स्थिति इस प्रकार है: क्र. सं. राज्य 31.10.2023 को विद्युतीकृत बीजी आरकेएम 1 उत्तर
Read Moreप्रधान कार्यालय, राजभाषा विभाग, दक्षिण पूर्व मध्य रेलवे, बिलासपुर मे दिनांक 01 दिसम्बर, 2023 को क्षेत्रीय हिंदी प्रतियोगिता-2023 संपन्न
Read MoreCentral Railway has devised and implemented a groundbreaking solution aimed at streamlining the testing process for LHB power cars. The introduction of Static Water Load Testing Units at the coaching depots of Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and Wadi Bunder marks a significant advancement in enhancing efficiency and reducing operational constraints.
Read Moreश्री राम करण यादव ने आज दिनांक 01/12/2023 से मध्य रेल के महाप्रबंधक का पदभार संभाला अपने काम के पहले दिन, उन्होंने उपनगरीय लोकल और मेल
Read Moreपंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय मंडल में रेल कर्मियों के वेतन एरियर पीएफ में हुई गड़बड़ी के बाद भारतीय रेलवे में हलचल मची हुई है। मामले की
Read MoreCentral Railway continues to make substantial strides towards sustainable energy solutions with its rooftop solar initiative. With a robust commitment to sustainable practices, Central Railway has successfully installed a cumulative capacity of 8.119 MWp in solar power across its infrastructure. The Central Railway, committed to harnessing
Read Moreआरपीएफ यात्रियों की सुरक्षा, संरक्षा और आराम सुनिश्चित करने का काम पूरी जिम्मेदारी से कर रहा है। रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (आरपीएफ) रेलवे
Read More1.80 लाख वर्ग फुट स्थान रिक्त हुआ और 224.95 करोड़ रुपये (लगभग) का राजस्व सृजित हुआ o अभियान के दौरान 2.88 लाख से अधिक जन शिकायतों का समाधान किया
Read Moreरेलवे बोर्ड ने सोमवार 30 अक्टूबर की देर रात देश के विभिन्न रेल जोनों व संगठनों में महाप्रबंधकों की नियुक्ति के आदेश जारी किये हैं. इन
Read Moreमध्य रेल में सतर्कता जागरूकता सेमीनार का आयोजन मध्य रेल कामकाज में पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सतर्कता जागरूकता के लिए
Read More14 तस्करों की गिरफ्तारी के साथ 29 लोगों को तस्करों के चंगुल से छुड़ाया गया 'ऑपरेशन जीवनरक्षा' के तहत आरपीएफ कर्मियों ने प्लेटफॉर्म और
Read Moreसूक्ति एसोसिएट फर्म के प्रोपराइटर प्रणव त्रिपाठी की शिकायत पर सीबीआई ने प्रमुख मुख्य सामग्री प्रबंधक केसी जोशी को गोरखपुर के
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे (Indian Railways) दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा रेल नेटवर्क तो नहीं है। लेकिन यहां हर रोज ट्रेन में यात्रा करने वाले पैसेंजर्स दुनिया में
Read Moreमध्य प्रदेश में एक रेलवे अधिकारी ने अपने कर्मचारी के साथ मिलकर विभाग का 42 टन स्क्रैप बिना टेंडर के बेच दिया. आरोपियों ने रेलवे का
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Read MoreF.No. 19039/4/2008-E.IV Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, the 14th July, 2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :- Implementation of the Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission- Revision in the rates of Cycle (maintenance) Allowance. Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations
Read MoreSri Deepak Nigam, Divisional Railway Manager, Sealdah, Eastern Railway chaired a high level co-ordination meeting with BSF, Immigration, Customs & Govt. Railway Police on 05.10.2023. During this meeting, different issues like smooth operation of Railways, safety and security of passengers, assistance for law & order and miscellaneous
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Read Moreखेल कोटे से भारतीय रेलवे में भर्तियां शुरू की गई है, इन भर्तियों के लिए अप्लाई करने के लिए आवेदन की मांग की गई है. ये भर्ती आरआरसी
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Read MoreQ Paper & Answer AEN (Assistant Engineer) CBT Exam 2023 (Hindi/English) Dt 25.06.2023 ALSO SEE RAILWAY QUESTION BANK & STUDY MATERIAL Selection & Eligibility
Read MoreQuestion Paper & Answer AOM (Assistant Operations Manager) CBT Exam 2023 30% LDCE Quota (Hindi/English) Date of Examination: 25.06.2023 0n YouTube CLICK HERE ALSO SEE RAILWAY QUESTION BANK & STUDY MATERIAL Selection & Eligibility
Read Moreप्रिय रेल परिवार, भारतीय रेल की स्थापना सौ वर्षों से अधिक की अत्यंत समृद्ध एवं गौरवशाली विरासत है। पिछले कई वर्षों से हम विकास के पथ
Read MoreDetermination of date of increment after expiry of duration of penalties of withholding of increments/reduction to lower stage imposed for less than a year regarding.(RBE No. 9/2014) Click Above or see below
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Read MoreIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), which offers passenger ticketing and catering services to Indian Railways passengers online and from its mobile application also offers a service where in an individual can book an entire train or a coach for travel purpose. IRCTC's Full Tariff Rate or FTR service allows individuals or
Read Moreकेंद्र ने आज जया वर्मा सिन्हा को रेलवे बोर्ड का सीईओ और चेयरमैन नियुक्त किया, जिससे वह रेल मंत्रालय के 105 साल पुराने इतिहास में यह पद
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Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भारत सरकार) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेल मंत्रालय) RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड) File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11 New Delhi, Dated : 16/08/2023 The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs/TIs (As per standard mailing
Read MoreMASTER CIRCULAR Master Circular No. 24 Transfer of Non-gazetted Railway Servants. Click ABOVE RAIL NEWS
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Read MoreIn order to push rail infrastructure & promote rail connectivity in tribal dominated regions, "Janjatiya Gaurav Corridor” initiated During last three years 32 Surveys (19 New Line and 13 Doubling) having a total length of 1,467 km falling fully/partly in Odisha have been completed The Railway projects are sanctioned Zonal Railway
Read MoreRegarding installation and safety features of Kavach, the details are: Kavach is indigenously developed Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system. Kavach is a highly technology intensive system, which requires safety certification of highest order. Kavach aids the loco pilot in train running within specified speed limits by automatic
Read MoreOnly single online application (common to all the notified posts - ALP & Technicians) has to be submitted by the candidate through the link provided on the official website of RRC. The entire recruitment process shall involve CBT, Computer Based Aptitude Test and Document Verification as applicable. The CBT shall have two parts viz. Part A
Read MoreMumbai monsoon is at its peak and the everyday commuters are once again faced with many problems. To ease their travelling experience, Central Railway’s YATRI app has been proven to be effective and useful. The app, which is the first official local railways app, provides regular and timely live updates of the trains running through the
Read MoreHon’ble Minister of Railways congratulates Ms Shaina NC and her team and Central Railway for their efforts in restoration of Byculla station to its original Architectural glory and winning the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award of Merit for Heritage Restoration & Conservation Shri Ashwini Vaishnav, Hon’ble Union Minister for Railways,
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Read MorePromotion Order -Train Manager (Guard) to Sr. Train Manager Dt 26.7.2023 Click Above or See below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER Railway Employee
Read Moreमध्य रेल द्वारा चालू वित्त वर्ष के दौरान ऑटोमोबाइल लोडिंग में शानदार प्रदर्शन- वित्तीय वर्ष 2022-23 के लिए राजस्व के रूप में 159.14 करोड़
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Read Moreभारतीय रेल ने यात्री सुविधा के लिए लोकप्रिय क्षेत्र को स्टेशन के नाम से जोड़ने का नवाचार दृष्टिकोण अपनाया लोकप्रिय
Read MorePCSTE/ER, CSE/ER, CCE/ER, CSE/SER, CCE/SER तथा विभिन्न अधिकारियों मिलकर रखी बात KOLKATTA. बालासोर रेल दुर्घटना के बाद सिग्नल और टेलीकाम विभाग के कर्मचारी काफी
Read Moreरेलवे बोर्ड ने बड़ा प्रशासनिक फेरबदल करते हुए देश के 68 मंडल रेल प्रबंधकों (डीआरएम) में से एक साथ 35 का तबादला कर दिया। इनमें दिल्ली, लखनऊ,
Read MoreIn order to offer globally competitive infrastructure, ambience and facilities for rail passengers, Southern Railway has taken up Station Redevelopment projects. The transformation of Rameswaram railway station is poised to revolutionize the travel experience of rail passengers, given its status as a renowned pilgrimage site and popular tourist
Read Moreश्री विनीत गुप्ता ने 10 जुलाई, 2023 को पश्चिम रेलवे के मुख्य प्रशासनिक अधिकारी (निर्माण) का पदभार ग्रहण कर लिया है। इससे पहले, आप दक्षिण
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MIN/STRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) E(INIG)1/2018/PM1/23Pt The Genera! Manager (P) All Zonal Railways/PU. (Except 5ECR) New Delhi, dated 21.11.2022 Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination - prescribing minimum service conditions for serving railway employees reg. One of the Zonal Railways has inter-alio
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF LNDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No.202 3/TG-1/20/P1PRS Ticket(c-file) New Delhi. dated 15.06.2023 Principal Chief Commercial Managers. All Zonal Rails Sub: Discontinuation of printing of reservation charts. Ref: Letter no. 1-RTA/0/Policy/Charting/07 dated 30.05.2023 Pasting of reservation
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भारत सरकार) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेल मंत्रालय) RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड) File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11 New Delhi, Dated: 3/07/2023 The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUS/TIS (As per standard mailing list) Sub: Updation of Leave Balance of Railway
Read Moreभारत सरकार/ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(MPP)/2023/3/16 New Delhi, dt. 08.06.2023 The Director General, IRISET, Secunderabad. Sub: Admissibility of training allowance to teaching faculty of Centre of Excellence(CoE) for
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (भारत सरकार) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेल मंत्रालय) RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड) No. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 New Delhi, dated: 21.06.2023 The General Manager, Northern Railway, New Delhi. Sub: Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur
Read MorePromotion Order -Train Manager (Guard) to Sr. Train Manager Dt 26.6.2023 Click Above or See below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER Railway Employee
Read MorePromotion Order - Sr. Train Manager (Guard) to Sr. Passenger Train Manage Dt 26.6.2023 Click Above or See below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER Railway Employee
Read MoreThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi flagged off five Vande Bharat Express trains at Rani Kamalapati Railway Station in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh today. The five Vande Bharat trains are Bhopal (Rani Kamalapati) - Indore Vande Bharat Express; Bhopal (Rani Kamalapati) - Jabalpur Vande Bharat Express; Ranchi - Patna Vande Bharat Express; Dharwad -
Read MoreRailway Board Order- Regarding Own Request
Read MoreRBE No. 81/2023 भारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. EC(W)2017/ED-2/3 New Delhi, dated 21.06.2023 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/PUs. Sub: Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance (CEA) to Railway
Read MorePosting Order of Pro TNC Dated 22.06.2023 Click Above or See below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER Railway Employee
Read Moreमहाप्रबंधक ने मानसून तैयारियों की समीक्षा की मध्य रेल ने मानसून की तैयारियों के साथ कमर कसी मध्य रेल के महाप्रबंधक श्री नरेश
Read MoreIndian Railways (IR) is proactively working towards the achievement of Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2030. IR has strategized multipronged approach. As part of its commitment to reduce carbon footprints, Indian Railways is taking several initiatives. In line with this, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Indian Railways,
Read MoreModification of Recruitment Rule of Train Manager (Guard) Click Here or See below
Read MoreMinistry of Railways organized a two days long Chintan Shivir on 1stand 2nd June, 2023 at Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi. Minister of Railways Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw presided over the sessions today. Ministers of State for Railways, Shri Raosaheb Patil Danve and Smt Darshana Jardosh also graced the event. Chairman & CEO, Railway Board Shri
Read Moreभारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(P&A)II/2023/PP-2 New Delhi, dated 16.05.2023 The General Manager (P), East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar Sub: Pay protection due to
Read Moreपश्चिम रेलवे के जगजीवन राम अस्पताल में मनाया जा रहा है 'तंबाकू निषेध सप्ताह’ तंबाकू के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में जागरूकता फैलाने के
Read MoreVacancy Notification - Filling up of Various Ex-cadre posts of IRIEEN, Nashik road by Volunteers Non-Gazetted Employees. CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER Railway Employee
Read MoreErnakulam Junction Railway Station (also known as Ernakulam South Station) is one of the busiest Railway Junction Stations in South India with more than 128 scheduled daily train services. Southern Railway has taken up the redevelopment work of Ernakulam Junction and the tender for the work was awarded in July 2022. The redevelopment works
Read MorePosting Order of Pro Station Master Dt 26.05.2023 Click Above or See Below PDF Railway
Read Moreखण्ड नियंत्रक की विभागीय परीक्षा हेतु Syllabus PART A 1- परिभाषायें 2- सिगनल - सिगनल के प्रकार, सिगनलों का साधारण उपयोग, गेट सिगनल, पटाखा सिगनल,
Read MoreVacancy Notification - Section Controller लेवल
Read MoreKOLKATA METRO'S SMART CARD TO COST Rs. 150/- FROM 1ST JUNE, 2023 Due to the shortage of changes and inability of commuters to tender exact fares, it has been decided to increase the minimum Metro Smart Card value from present Rs. 120/- to Rs. 150/- from 1st June, 2023 (Thursday). Security deposit of the Smart Card will remain same i.e. Rs. 80/-.
Read Moreप्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी 29 मई को दोपहर 12 बजे असम की पहली वंदे भारत एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन को वीडियो कॉन्फ्रेंसिंग के जरिए झंडी
Read MoreThere has been an overwhelming response to passengers opting for AC local on Central Railway. From 1.1.2023 to 24.5.2023 – Total no of passengers travelled by AC locals – 71.33 lakhs Total earnings from AC locals – Rs.32.22 crores In May month (1.5.2023 to 24.5.2023)- Daily average passengers travelled by AC locals
Read MoreCentral Railway have 9 more brands of bottled drinking water to be stocked and sold on railway stations and premises to meet the ever increasing demand for drinking water especially in the summer season. These brands are regularly checked and certified by competent authority. The 9 approved brands of bottled drinking water apart from Railneer
Read MoreShri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway addressed the Senior Divisional Operations Manager’s Annual Conference at Mumbai HQ on 24.5.2023. Shri Alok Singh, Additional General Manager and Shri Mukul Jain, Principal Chief Operations Manager, Central Railway were also present. The conference was attended by Heads of Coaching
Read Moreमीडिया में रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (आरपीएफ) में कांस्टेबलों और सब-इंस्पेक्टरों के 9000 पदों पर भर्ती के संबंध में एक काल्पनिक संदेश प्रसारित
Read MoreIndian Railways is operating 6369 special trips to ensure smooth and comfortable travel for the passengers during this summer season Total 380 Special Trains are making 6369 Trips with over 80 thousand coaches Indian Railways is running 1770 more trips this year as compared to total summer special trains (4599 trips by 348 trains) run in
Read Moreभारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD) CIRCULAR Sub: Availability of Visitor Pass in SWAGATAM portal. At present, the Ministry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) Reception Cell at Ground Floor in Rail Bhawan issues daily visitor passes
Read MorePromotion & Posting order of Guard (Train Manger) dated 16.5.2023 Click Above or see Below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read MoreThe Indian Team comprising of 24 (twenty-four) members including Shri Sumit Mukherjee, a Metroman, has won 4 Gold Medals in the just concluded Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle-East Championships (BFAME) at Lahore. This Championship was played from 5th to 13th May, 2023. Shri Sumit Mukherjee is a staff of Metro Railway, Kolkata and was the
Read MoreRBE No, 66/2023 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No. E(NG)I-2022/PM20/2 New Delhi, dated 10.05.2023 The General Manager (P). All Zonal Railways and Pus etc, (As per
Read MoreA Meeting of Heads of Railways Administration of SCO Member States was held from 8-10 May 2023 under the Chairmanship of India. The Meeting was attended by the Heads and Representatives of the Railways Administration of the SCO Member States (Republic of India, Republic of Kazakhstan, People's Republic of China, Kyrgyz Republic, Islamic
Read More33.33 % विभागीय कोटे के तहत् सी.सी.टी.सी, वाणिज्य विभाग, पे.मेट्रिक्स 21700-69100 लेवल 3, के चयन बावत्। (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); (adsbygoogle =
Read MoreRail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) granted Navratna Status - Youtube video Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), a Central Public Sector Enterprises of Ministry of Railways, has been granted Navratna Status. RVNL was incorporated as PSU on 24th January, 2003, with the twin objectives of implementation of projects relating to creation and augmentation
Read MoreCentral Railway’s Mumbai Division launches new Ticket Checking Initiatives: UPI/QR code payment system and Body Cameras for TCs Shri Rajnish Goyal, DRM, Mumbai Division of Central Railway launched new ticket checking initiatives with the introduction of a UPI/QR code payment system for accepting payments from passengers
Read MoreClarifications regarding Fixation of pay and grant of increments in the revised pay structure Click Here or See Below PDF RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read Moreभारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD) No.ERB-1/2013/2/70 New Delhi, dated: 24.04.2023 CIRCULAR Sub:- Comprehensive Transfer Policy guidelines for tenure posting in Railway Board, RDSO,
Read MoreShri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway visited Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial Hospital of Central Railway which offers OPD & IPD services in all major and minor specialities. It is also a renowned DNB Postgraduate Teaching Centre in 8 specialities and is planning to expand further both in quality and quantity. Shri Naresh
Read Moreपिछले वित्त वर्ष के मुकाबले यह राशि करीब 49,000 करोड़ रूपये अधिक है, जो कि 25 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि दर्शाती है। माल भाड़ा राजस्व उछलकर 1.62 लाख करोड़
Read More प्रश्न . लाइन में कार्यरत रनिंग स्टाफ के लिए कॉल बुक या कॉल नोटिस क्या है ? उत्तर :- निर्धारित विश्राम की अवधि पूर्ण होने
Read MoreSouth Eastern Railway Central Hospital, Garden Reach celebrated its 60th Foundation Day on 19.04.2023 at BNR Auditorium, SER Headquarters. Ms Archana Joshi, General Manager, South Eastern Railway was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Dr. A.K.Malhotra, Principal Executive Director (Health), Railway Board, Dr Mihir Kumar Chowdhury, Principal
Read MoreRevised travel entitlements on Duty Passes, Privilege Passes and Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (PRCP) for Railway Employees RBE No. 16 /2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(W)2016/PS5-1/8 New Delhi, dated 31.01.2019 The General Managers (P) All Zonal Railways & Productions
Read MoreShri Naresh Lalwani, General Manager, Central Railway along with Principal Head of the Departments & Divisional Railway Manager, Mumbai met Hon’ble Members of Parliament at “ Chintan” Conference Hall, Central Railway Headquarters Building on 19.04.2023. Hon’ble Members of Parliament Shri Arvind Sawant, Shri Manoj Kotak and
Read MoreRBE No.48 /2023 भारत सरकार Government of India रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways (रेलवे बोर्ड Railway Board) No. E(NG)II/2021/RC-4/1 New Delhi, dated 03.04.2023 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways. (As per standard mail list) Sub: Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(MPP)2022/1/28 Dated: 172 .04.2023 The General Managers, All Indian Railways, including Production Units and Others Sub: Merger of OHE & PSI cadres of Electrical Department Rationalization of posts is periodically done, based on manpower requirement. Manpower planning
Read Moreदो मालगाड़ियों में भीषण टक्कर at Singhpur Railway station, one Loco Pilot Dead This morning at 7:00 am, a horrific accident took place at Singhpur railway station due to the collision of Goods Train. * Home signal overshoot and dashed to Rear loco at SNGP Yard ( SECR
Read MoreRBE No. 53/2023 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I/2023/TR/05 New Delhi, dated 13.04.2023 The General Manager (P) All Zonal Railways &
Read MoreHeritage Walk and Booklet-Release on Matheran Light Railway organized at CSMT Central Railway observed World Heritage Day with great ardor and zeal as it is moving ahead into the 171st year of dedicated service in India. World Heritage Day offers us the platform to focus on reviving and conserving the ancient heritage and take pride in the
Read Moreभारत सरकार Government of India रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board) No. E(NG)II/2020/RC-4/2 (Pt.2) New Delhi, dated: 03.03.2023 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/PUs, (As per standard mailing list). Sub: Re-engagement of retired State Government
Read MoreAs per letter No. TC-1/2023/304/1(3421419) dt:/3 04.2023 Regarding Customer facilities at Goods Shed Railway Board has been decided that Zonal Railways should make concerted efforts for provision of facilities at Goods Sheds to enhance customer experience and to attract more business. For facilitating loading, following facilities should
Read Moreभारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवेबोड/RAILWAY BOARD) No.2022/Sec(Spl)/6/76 (E-3394083) New Delhi dated: 16.03.2023 The Principal Chief Security Commissioners/RPF, All Zonal Railways, PUs, CORE and Kolkata Metro, The Principal Chief Security Commissioner/RPSF, IG/
Read Moreभारत सरकार रेल मंत्रालय (रेलवे बोर्ड) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA . INISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2021/Sec(E)/PM-3/1 New Delhi, dated: 05.04.2023 Principal Chief Security Commissioner/RPF All Zonal Railways, RPSF, ICF, CLW, RCF, KRCL, CORE, RDSO IG (Con)-ECoR/NR Director, JR
Read MoreADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP No. 07 Amendment in Para 703.2 & Para 705 of Indian Railway Vigilance Manual- (2018 Edition) Existing Para 703.2 in Para 703 of Chapter VII of the Indian Railways Vigilance Manual (2018 Edition) shall be replaced as under:- Para 703.2: The details of cases devoid of vigilance angle resulting in administrative action
Read Moreसंरक्षा के सजग प्रहरी को महाप्रबंधक ने सम्मानित किया रेल परिचालन में संरक्षा दक्षिण पूर्व मध्य रेलवे की सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता है ।
Read MoreSyllabus For Selection of JE (P Way / Works / Bridge) On CGA Click Above or See below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreSri Chetan Kumar Shrivastava has taken over as charge of Additional General Manger(AGM) of Eastern Railway on 10.04.2023. He is an Electrical Engineer belonging to 1987 batch of IRSEE. He has also done M Tech in Industrial Management from IIT Kharagpur (1988), Masters in Public Administration from National University of Singapore (2007)
Read MoreOn the night of April 6th, 2023, a tragic incident occurred in the Angul-Sambalpur Railway Section, where an elephant lost its life due to a train accident between Boinda and Jarapada Stations. Some media outlets have reported that the incident occurred due to a lack of coordination between the Railway and Forest Department. It is mentioned
Read MoreSOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Headquarters Office Personnel Department. Secunderabad. No. P 55/NHA/Vol III Date.10.03.2023. The General Secretary, SCRE Sangh, Secunderabad. Sir, Sub: Payment of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to the Group ‘C’ non- gazetted Railway employees who are getting higher pay level beyond Level-8 under MACPS –
Read Moreभारत सरकार/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA रेल मंत्रालय/MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2023/CR/1 New Delhi, dated 23.03.2023 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways and PUs etc, (As per standard list). Sub: Introduction of provisions for writing of APAR of
Read MoreA High-Level Conference on Accelerating Rail Digital Transformation in Asia and Pacific region was held in New Delhi, India on 5 and 6 April 2023. The Conference was organized by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Railways. The Conference was attended by the
Read MoreCentral Railway ran 294 trips of time-tabled Parcel Trains, Lease & Indent Parcel Cargo Express Trains in FY 2022-23. Central Railway registered a revenue of Rs.251.49 crores transporting 4.71 lakh tonnes of Parcel & Luggage during Financial Year 2022-23 (April to March). During the Financial Year 2022-23, 294 trips of time-tabled
Read MoreCentral Railway’s best ever Freight Loading of 81.88 million tonnes for FY 2022-23 Best Ever Freight Loading of 8.70 million tonnes for March-2023 Central Railway's Freight Loading of 81.88 million tonnes for the Financial Year 2022-23 against loading of 76.16 million tonnes over Financial Year 2021-22 with an increase of 7.5%, is the Best
Read MoreShri Suvomoy Mitra, Commissioner Railway Safety (CRS)/Eastern Circle inspected the newly constructed (22.13 km) Broad Gauge line between Hansdiha and Harlatanr stations on Mohanpur – Hansdiha section of Eastern Railway today (31.03.2023) for opening the route for running goods and passenger traffic (Electrified section). Shri V.K.Srivastava,
Read MoreA false message is being circulated on social and print media regarding recruitment for 20000 posts of Constable in RPF. It is informed for the guidance of all concerned that no such notification has been issued by RPF or Ministry of Railways on their official websites or through any print or electronic media. RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read MoreConsolidated Orders of MACP Scheme Click Above RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read Moreविषय: अन्य मंडलों/रेलों आदि में स्थानांतरण की मांग करने वाले कर्मचारियों के अंतर रेलवे स्थानांतरण संबंधी आवेदनों के अनुरोध के संबंध
Read MoreThe Amrit Bharat Station Scheme has recently been launched for development of Railway stations on Indian Railways. This scheme envisages development of stations on a continuous basis with a long-term approach. involves preparation of Master Plans and their implementation in phases to improve the amenities at the stations like improvement of
Read MoreUpgradation List of ECRC dated 30.03.2023 Click above or see below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read MoreUpgradation List of COMMERCIAL SUPERINTENDENT dated 30.03.2023 Click above or see below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read MoreUpgradation List of CTI (chief Ticket Inspector dated 30.03.2023 Click above or see below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read MoreConsolidated Comprehensive Transfer policy - 2022 CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF RAIL EMPLOYEE INFORMATION Railway Transfer Policy (Rules, Orders &
Read MoreUpgradation List of Station Superintendent dated 22.03.2023 - OPERATING Click above or See Below PDF RAIL NEWS CENTER RAIL EMPLOYEE
Read Moreleave Rules - Lecture By Smt Geeta Satish, BCT, Indian
Read MoreLeave & Pass Rules - Indian Railway (Lecture By Smt Geet Satish, BCT) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||
Read MoreRailways is one of the key drivers of the PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan. Ministry of Railways has set up a multi-disciplinary Gati Shakti Directorate in Railway Board. The Gati Shakti Units in all 68 divisions are also created. The PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan has helped in expeditious sanction of projects, monitoring of execution
Read MoreThe existing Broad Gauge network of Odisha (2,822 Route kms) is now 100% electrified Electrification will reduce line haul cost by 2.5 times On the lines of setting the target of achieving Net Zero Carbon Emitter by 2030, the Indian Railways has 100% electrified existing Broad Gauge network of Odisha. The existing Broad Gauge network
Read Moreरेलवे कर्मचारियों को रेलवे प्रशासन द्वारा दि जाने वाली सुविधाएं - YouTube 1. ऐसे कर्मचारी जिनकी सेवा पाँच साल पूरी नहीं हुई है तो उसे साल
Read Moreसहायक लोको पायलट के कर्तव्य सहायक लोको पायलट के सामान्य कर्तव्य. ड्यूटी पर रिपोर्ट करते समय, दिखने में साफ सुथरे समुचित वर्दी
Read MoreDefinition of Railway: - Railways mean Railway or any portion of Railway for the public carriage of passengers, animals or goods and include – i) All land within the fences or other boundary means indicating the limits of land appurtenant to a Railway ii) All lines of Railway, sidings or branches worked over for the purpose of or in
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 14/2022 No. E(P&A)I-2021/HL-1 New Delhi, dated 4 .02.2022 The General Managers and PFAs, All Indian Railways and Production Units etc. Sub: Clarification regarding grant of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to those non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay
Read More डीआरएम कार्यालय में नवनिर्मित सी.बी.टी. सेन्टर, सोपान का शुभारम्भ रेलवे की विभागीय परीक्षाओं को संपादित करने के लिए
Read MoreSyllabus for Tech III Level 2 in AC Fitter Trade in Electrical Dept. 1. अंग्रेजी शब्दों और अंको को पढ़ने में सक्षम हो। 2. फूट रूल, इनसाईड व आउट साईड कैलिपर, फिलहर गेज इनसाईड व
Read MoreList of Twitter handle account of General Managers and DRMs 1. Central Railway @gm_crly @drmmumbaicr @drmcrngp @drmpune @drmsolapur @bhusavaldivn 2. Eastern Railway @EasternRailway @drmsdah @drmhowrah @DRM_ASN @drmmalda 3. East Central
Read Moreइस ट्रेन का संचालन रेलवे के पीएसयू - आईआरसीटीसी द्वारा किया जाएगा। फर्स्ट एसी और सेकेंड एसी क्लास वाली ये अत्याधुनिक भारत
Read MoreSyllabus - Carpenter 1. कारपेन्टरी में प्रयोग होने वाले विभिन प्रकार के औजारों का ज्ञान, वर्गीकरण संरक्षण तथा इस्तेमाल करने से पहले औजारों की
Read MoreSyllabus for the post of Clerk, Level 2 (Stores Dept.) Purchase - Types of tender, Purchase agencies, Basics of purchasing. Depot - Basics of stores Depot English Language - Grammar, Jumble words, Verbs, Fill in the blanks, Tenses, Word meaning (English to Hindi & Hindi to English). Translation, Preposition, jumble sentences
Read MoreChief Law Assistant in Level-7 against 60% Promotional Quota vacancies by General Selection. 1) Eligibility Criteria Employees / Volunteers called from Serving Group 'C' employees (except RPF/ RPSF/Prosecution cadre) working in substantive grade of Level-2 and above and up to and including substantive grade of Level-6 with 5 years regular
Read Moreअग्रदाय राशि (Imprest Cash) 1. प्रत्येक स्टेशन पर निर्धारित धनराशि अग्रदाय के रुप में दी गयी है। 2. इस राशी के रखरखाव व किये गये खर्चों का
Read MoreSyllabus for the selection in the category of JE (Elect.) Level-6 The question paper will be in two parts first part of technical knowledge and second part about establishment and general matters as above. At least one question from the second part will be compulsory. I) Shop Management 1. Knowledge of functions of Time Keeping Office and
Read MoreSelection & Eligibility Criteria - Chief Vigilance Inspector (Stores) Level-7 1. Volunteers should be working in the category of Ch. OS/CDMS in Pay Matrix Level-7 on regular measure (not under MACP) of Stores Department. 2. Staff working in the category of OS/DMS in Pay matrix Level-6 of in substantive grade, who have put in 02 years
Read MoreSelections Procedure & Syllabus of LDCE, Group ‘B’ of AFA in Accounts Department In supersession of this office letter of even number dated 28.10.2022, the pattern of examination for 70% Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AFA in Accounts Department is modified as under: a) One paper on Professional Subject
Read MoreTraining Allowance: - The faculty members who are drawn on deputation from the field for the various training centers recognized by the Railway Board and whose duty is to impart training to the trainees may be granted Training Allowance as under. * 24% of Basic Pay to Faculty Members in National / Central Training Academies and Institutes for
Read MoreSyllabus for Selection of Chief Vigilance Inspector- Store General Topics on Stores Department 1. Organization of Stores Department on Zonal Railway & Production Units. 2. Objectives of Stores Department in brief. 3. Functions of the Principal Chief Material Manager (PCMM) & other officers
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No 2011/F(E)I11/2(2)/3 New Delhi, Dated: 29.12.2022 . The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisers, All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc., DGs of RDSO and NAIR. Sub: Study Leave Rules-Clarification
Read MoreRevised Organizational Structure of Railway Board i) Chairman, Railway Board & Chief Executive Officer - (CEO & CRB), ii) Member (infrastructure), Railway Board- (M/lnfra), iii) Member {Traction & Rolling Stock (T&RS)}, Railway Board -(M/TRS), iv) Member {Operations & Business Development (O&BD)}, Railway Board
Read Moreभारत के माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने दाहोद में रेलवे के कारखाने में 20 अप्रैल 2022 को इस की आधारशिला रखी थी यह कदम 'मेक इन
Read MoreSYLLABUS - 30% SELECTION TO GR.B POST OF AEN (IN CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT) As Per Railway Board’s order No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 07.11.2022 SYLLABUS - AEN ( Gr.B 70% Selection Quota) - Click Above As per order dt 07.11.2022 (A) Civil Engineering (General) 1. Surveying a.
Read MoreNational Pension System (NPS) Important initiatives for Central Government employees covered under NPS: CCS (Implementation of National Pension System ) Rules, 2021 were notified on 30.03.2021 for regulating service related matters for Central Government employees covered under NPS. New Pension
Read MoreEligibility Criteria - selection to post of AEN (70% LGS Quota) (i) Non-ministerial Group 'C' staff of the Civil Engineering Department holding the post in level-6 (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400) and above in the pay matrix with three years of regular service as on 01.01.2023 in level-6 (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400) and above in the 7th CPC pay matrix (including
Read MoreAll India LTC Scheme for Railway - General Information, Forms & Clarification (In Hindi) Click Above or See Below PDF RAILWAY EMPLOYEE
Read MoreMaster Circular No. 4 - Staff Benefit Fund (New) Updated on 30.09.2019 Click Above or See Below PDF MASTER
Read Moreअभी SM category में GP 4200 अर्थात लेवल 6 में कुल sanctioned stength का 60% और GP 4600 अर्थात लेवल 7 में 40% होते हैं। अब जो लोग वर्तमान में 4600 में हैं उनका 50% अर्थात 4600 वाले
Read MoreVacancies of Investigating Inspectors in the Railway Board are filled by drafting suitable persons from the different disciplines of Railway working for which purpose a notification is issued and applications are called for. Those recommended by the SDGMs / CVOs are subjected to a written test followed by Vigilance Aptitude and Computer Knowledge
Read MoreIncentives for Acquiring Higher Educational Qualifications - Railway Board Click Above or See below PDF ALSO
Read MoreThe CBI has arrested a principal chief mechanical engineer of Central Railways in Mumbai for allegedly receiving a Rs 1 lakh bribe for clearing bills of a Kolkata-based private company, officials said Tuesday. A 1985-batch officer of Indian Railway ServiceIndian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering (IRSME), Ashok Kumar Gupta, posted
Read More1. Q. What is the objective of privilege pass/PTO module ? Ans. The objective is to enable serving railways staff to book tickets using E-pass/PTO which can be applied online and is issued online. 2. Q. What is the benefit of E-pass/E-PTO? Ans. For E-pass / E-PTO staff does not need to go to pass clerk to apply for pass/PTO.
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Read MoreQuestion Paper Written for Jr. Engineer level-6 against Mechanical / C & W department of Raipur Division dt 30.07.2022. Click Above or see Below PDF ANSWER INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION
Read More18 interesting facts about India Railways 1) Indian Railways started its service 161 years ago on 16 April 1853 when the first passenger train was run over a stretch of 33 kilometres from Mumbai to Thane. The train with 14 railway carriages, carrying around 400 guests, left Bori Bunder at 3:30 p.m. that day. It was declared a public holiday
Read More. While the necessity of a national timetable was obvious, it raised one fundamental and thorny question: what time is it? . The 1830s saw a boom in railway building in England, as local companies seized their chance to establish themselves within a burgeoning national rail network. A national timetable, however, did not appear until this
Read Moreनवदूत न्यू कटनी जंक्शन के इलेक्ट्रिक लोको शेड में एक नई शंटिंग लोको में एक नवाचार विकसित किया गया है जो डुअल मोड बैठरी के साथ-साथ ओएचई
Read MoreDuties & Responsibilities of Nursing Sister i) She is in-charge of nursing of the indoor patients and she will provide full range of nursing services commensurate with her training and qualification and the requirement of the patient. She will : ii) Be responsible for dressing of the female patients and for giving treatment to
Read MoreDUTY LIST OF SHUNT MASTER 1. The shunting master will be responsible for all shunting movements carried out during his duty hours and see that all shunting is conducted in a safe and proper manner and in time. 2. He is responsible for seeing that the line nominated by the outdoor ASM/AYM on duty for reception of trains remains clear until the
Read MoreRBE No. – 155/2016 – Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railway Employees . . CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF . Railway Circulars &
Read MoreDuties & Responsibilities of Chief Matron 1. Supervise the work of the hospital staff and ensures that the instructions left behind by the medical officers in respect of individual patients are correctly carried out. 2. She is responsible for proper cleanliness and maintenance of the hospital, both inside and outside, and matters related
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Shunting Master Departmental Exam Dt 17.7.2022 Click Above or See Below PDF ANSWER INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION BANK ALSO
Read MoreJoining Time Rules 1101. Extent of application. --Joining Time shall be granted to a Railway servant on transfer in public interest to enable him to join the new post either at the same or a new station. On temporary transfer. --No joining time is admissible in the case of temporary transfer for a period not exceeding 180 days.
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Rajbhasha Adhikari Dt 6.5.2008 Click Above or see below PDF INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION
Read MoreQuestion bank for post of Enquiry Cum Reservation Clerk Click Above or see below PDF INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION
Read MoreQuestion bank for the selection to the post of Chief Enquiry and Reservation Supervisors Click Above or see below PDF INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2017N-1)ALSL/1/1 New Delhi, Date 11.07.22 Sub: Transfer/ posting of officers/officials working in vigilance unit CVC circular no.020-VGL-054/502950 dt. 03.02.22 on the above subject is enclosed herewith for perusal & necessary action. In this connection, it is advised that for
Read MoreMaster Circular - 19 (Update June 2019) Confirmation of Non-gazetted Railway Employees CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF MASTER
Read MoreQuestion Bank - Commercial Departmental Exam CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF INDIAN RAILWAY QUESTION
Read Moreवरिष्ठ नागरिकों को समय-समय पर निम्नलिखित सुविधाएं दी गई हैं: कंप्यूटरीकृत यात्री आरक्षण प्रणाली (PRS) में वरिष्ठ नागरिकों, 45 वर्ष और
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No. E(LL)/2009/HER/1 New Delhi, dated: 17.07.2018 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways, PUs, Metro Kolkata and RDSO Lucknow. Sub: Rest Rules for running staff. Attention is drawn to Board's letter No.
Read MoreQUESTION BANK JUNIOR ENGINEER (TRACK MACHINES) Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreMaster Circular No. 17 (Revised) - Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy (Hindi) Click Above or See Below PDF Master
Read MoreReimbursement of Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy Regards Click Above or See above RAILWAY CIRCULARS - EDUCATION
Read MoreSyllabus for the Selection to the post of JE/TMC (Intermediate Apprentice Quota) 1. Railway Organization i.e History of Railway, Railway Organization, TMC Organization 2. General Establishment 3. Track Technology i.e Track Components, Welding; of Rail, LWR, CWR, Curves Maintenance of Track and Track Tolerances, 4. Workshop
Read MoreSyllabus for Mechanical & Allied Engineering Exam Group – JE Pattern and Syllabus of CBT 1. No of Questions: 100 & Duration of Exam - 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) 2 The question paper will be will be of objective type with multiple choices in English / Hindi /Nominated Regional
Read MoreSyllabus for GDCE for the post of JE Electronics & Allied Engineering Exam Group Pattern and Syllabus of CBT 1. No of Questions: 100 & Duration of Exam - 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) 2 The question paper will be will be of objective type with multiple choices in English / Hindi
Read MoreSyllabus for Electrical & Allied Engineering Exam Group – JE Pattern and Syllabus of CBT 1. No of Questions: 100 & Duration of Exam - 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) 2 The question paper will be will be of objective type with multiple choices in English /
Read MoreSyllabus for Civil & Allied Engineering Exam Group – JE Pattern and Syllabus of CBT 1. No of Questions: 100 & Duration of Exam - 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) 2 The question paper will be will be of objective type with multiple choices in English / Hindi /Nominated Regional
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Apo ( Assistant Personnel Officer) of 07-01-2012 Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Apo ( Assistant Personnel Officer) of 28-04-2007 Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Apo ( Assistant Personnel Officer) of 13-11-2011 Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreSyllabus Departmental Exam - JE / Electrical TRD (ELECTRICAL TRACTION DISTRIBUTION) GENERAL• Establishment - General knowledge about Railway organization and Electrical Department in particular, Level Rule, Pass rule, PNM, DAR and Service conduct rules. Procedure of imposing Minor & Major penalties, Workmen's compensation Act, HOER,
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Apo ( Assistant Personnel Officer) of 10-10-2009 Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read Moreरेल मंत्रालय ने झांसी, कोटा, आद्रा, चंडीगढ़ और सिकंदराबाद में स्थित पांच रेलवे इंजीनियर प्रादेशिक सेना रेजिमेंट को भंग करने का फैसला
Read MoreQuestion Paper – Compassionate Ground Appointment for group C (25.10.2018) Click above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Compassionate Ground Appointment for JE in Civil Engineer Department (10.06.2019) Click Above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Compassionate Ground Appointment for JE in Civil Engineer Department (7.3.2019) Click Above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper – Compassionate Ground Appointment for group C (12.10.2017) Click Above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Compassionate Ground Appointment JE (S&T) Group C (25.11.2015) Click Above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper - Compassionate Ground Appointment Group C (10.02 2021) Click Above or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper – Compassionate Ground Appointment for group C -17.12.2018 CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreQuestion Paper – Compassionate Ground Appointment for group C (12.10.2017) Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read Moreअखिल भारतीय अभियान "ऑपरेशन महिला सुरक्षा" के दौरान रेलवे सुरक्षा बल ने 150 लड़कियों/महिलाओं को सुरक्षित बचाया महिलाओं के लिए आरक्षित
Read MoreRBE No. 62/2022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)/2020/PM1/5/Pt.1 New Delhi, dated26.05.2022 The General Manager (P) All Zonal Railvays/PUUs (As per standard Mailing list) Sub: Timely filling up of vacancies by promotion (Selection/non-selection)/Trade Test/Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Read MorePROCEDURE FOR PROCESSING AILTC (All India Leave Travel Concession) CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY RAILWAY SERVANTS AS PER RBE No. 130/2018 1) A Railway servant willing to avail the optional AILTC in terms of RBE No. 130/2018 for a particular calendar year in a block period of four years (i.e., from 2018-2021 onwards) is required to give at first the
Read MoreScheme of optional "All India Leave Travel Concession' (AILTC) facility, once in a block of four years i.e. 2018-2021 onwards on surrender of Privilege Passes (PP) - Clarification on various points of doubts and Procedure Order for processing the claims thereof. Click Above or See Below PDF RAIL
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – West Central Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Western Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – South Western Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Southern Eastern Central Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Southern Eastern Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreSyllabus – LDCE (GROUP ‘B’) in EDP Center & IT Center Click Above or See below PDF Syllabus - Departmental Examination
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Southern Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreQuestion & Answer - Operating with Elect & Train Lighting Related CLICK ABOVE OR VIEW BELOW PDF” ALSO
Read MoreQuestion paper for selection of Assistant Electrical Engineers through Departmental Examination. - Date: 05-09-08 Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – North West Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – North East Frontier Railway Click Above or see below PDF Indian Railway CUG, Telephone & Email
Read MoreSYLLABUS OF DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION OF GOODS GUARD लिखित परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम - 1. गाड़ी संचालन में गार्ड के मुख्य कर्तव्य तथा सामान्य उत्तरदायित्व । 2. सरल तर्क
Read Moreभारत सरकार रेल मंत्रालया (रेलवे बोर्ड) सं. ई(एनजी)।-2048/टीआर/8 RBE No. 08/2019 नई दिल्ली, दिनांक
Read MoreQ Bank with Answer for J.E / SSE (P-WAY) and Other P Way Exam CLICK ABOBE Rail News
Read Moreरेलवे बोर्ड ने एक ही दिन में प्रथम श्रेणी के 19 वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों को जबरन रिटायर कर दिया है। सूत्रों के आनुसार कामकाज की समीक्षा के
Read MoreCentral Railway to run36 Superfast Bi-weekly Summer Special Trains भारतीय रेलवे और C-DOT ने मिलाया हाथ, जाने क्यों? 3 ग्रीष्मकाल विशेष गाड़ियों का संचालन (Summer Specials Train) Question Bank – AOM
Read MoreSYLLABUS FOR SELECTION TO THE POST OF COMMERCIAL Cum TICKET CLERK CLICK HERE 1. General English (Up to 10th standard) a. English Grammar - Noun, Pronoun, Singular, Plural, Tense, Etc. b. Sentence making c. Official letter writing d. Synonyms, Antonyms 2. General Mathematics (Up to 10th standard) General
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No. E(W)2019/PS5-6/2 New Delhi, date 4.05.2022 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways. Sub: Misuse of Complimentary Card Passes (CCPs)— clarification reg. Please refer to Board's letter of even number
Read Moreप्वाइंटसमेन की ड्यूटी लिस्ट ( list of Pointsman Duty) 1. ऑन ड्यूटी स्टेशन मास्टर के अधीन सभी कार्य एंव बताये गये सभी निर्देशों का पालन करना। 2.
Read MoreShri Anil Kumar Lahoti, General Manager, Central Railway gave away “General Manager’s Safety Award” to ten Central Railway staff i.e. three from Bhusaval, two each from Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur and one from Solapur Division. The awards were given in appreciation of their alertness during duty, their contribution in averting untoward
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Read MoreEAST CENTRAL RAILWAY MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION (30%) FOR PROMOTION TO GROUP 'B' PAPER — Total Marks : 150 Total Time : 03 hours Date : 29.09.2007 Instructions to Candidates : a. Answer any 2 questions from section A and any 4 questions from section B b. Maximum marks for each question are
Read MoreANSWER ↓ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreAs per RB/ESTT.NO 29/1992 No.E(NG)I-2003 /TR/7 dated 29 -4-2003 Sub: Posting of physically handicapped candidates. In the PNM-AIRF a demand was raised regarding issue of Instructions to the effect that physically handicapped Railway employees may be posted near their native place. The matter was discussed in the PNM-AIRF meeting held on
Read More प्राप्त विश्वस्त सूचना के अनुसार 31 मई को भारतीय रेल के सभी 32000 स्टेशन मास्टर्स एक साथ सामूहिक अवकाश पर जा रहे है अर्थात हड़ताल पर जा
Read MoreSyllabus for LDCE ( Group ‘B’ ) for Assistant Commercial Manager in Commercial Department Click Above Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center ( App) RAIL NEWS
Read MoreSyllabus - LDCE (Group ‘B’) APO in Personnel Department Click Above Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center ( App) Rail news
Read MoreCUG PHONE DIRECTORY OF INDIAN RAILWAY OFFICERS – NORTHERN EASTERN RAILWAY Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Northern Railway Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – East Coast Railway Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers – Eastern Railway Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreCUG Phone Directory of Indian Railway Officers - Central Railway Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreLDCE Guide Traffic Syllabus For 70% Selection & 30% LDCE Group 'B' Posts Of AOM & ACM In The Traffic (Transportation And Commercial) Departments CLICK
Read Moreआरबीई सं. 39 /2022 सं. ई(जीपी)2010/2/45 दिनांक: 31 .03.2022 विषय: ग्रुप 'सी' से ग्रुप 'बी' सेवा में पदोन्नति के लिए चयन/आयोजित सीमित विभागीय
Read MoreRBE NO. 39/2 022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(GP)2010/2/45 New Delhi, dt.:31.03.2022 The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units. (Kind attn.: PCPOs/PFAs & Dy.CP0(G)) Sub.: Awarding of Marks in APARs in Selections/LDCEs held for Promotion from Group 'C' to Group 'B'
Read Moreगाड़ी के संचालत से सीधा संबंधित कोई रेल सेवक, अपनी ड्यूटी आरंभ करने से कितने घंटों के भीतर कोई मदिरा तथा अन्य नशीली चीजों या
Read Moreइसके नेटवर्क के कुल 3566 किलोमीटर लंबे मार्ग में से 1734 किलोमीटर का अब तक विद्युतीकरण किया जा चुका है 2030 तक हरित रेलवे के विजन की दिशा
Read Moreकेन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग को शिकायत करने के लिए शिकायतकर्ताओं के लिए दिशा निर्देश केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग को सीधे लिखित
Read MoreThe structure of Vigilance on Indian Railways has been moulded over the years by recommendations of various Committees. At present, the Vigilance Organization on Indian Railways is headed by Additional Member (Vigilance), Railway Board, who is the Chief Vigilance Officer, Ministry of Railways, and reports to Member Staff, Railway Board. He is in
Read MoreExamination for Safety Counselor (C&W) in Level -7 Click Above or See below PDF (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information
Read MoreRBE No 28/ 2022. dated 10.03 2022 Copy and paste this code on your site. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual
Read MoreEXAMINATION FOR SELECTION OF POST OF JE/WORKS CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW PDF ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreQ Paper with Answer for selection of post of JE/works - 24.A2.2421 Click Above or See below PDF ANSWER (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual
Read MoreExamination for selection of post of JE/works - 24.A2.2421 Click Above or See below PDF ANSWER (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual
Read MoreQuestion Paper with Answer for Selection of Instructor Operating Click Above or See below PDF ALSO SEE Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreIn pursuance to Prime Minister’s vision “Gati Shakti” and Ministry of Railways’ Policy regarding ‘Gati Shakti Multi-Modal Cargo Terminal’ (GCT), Asansol division of Indian Railways has successfully commissioned private siding of Maithan Power Limited at Thaparnagar. This is the FIRST such GCT commissioned in Indian Railways since
Read MorePromotion Order of Station Master dated 10.03.2022 Click Above or See Below PDF (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); See Also Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreTransfers Order of Ticket Checking Staff in Commercial Department FOR ORDER CLICK HERE OR SEE BELOW PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MorePromotion Order of CTI in Level - 7 in Ticket Checking Cadre For order Click Here or See below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreDownload Original order Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreFootplate Inspection Format - फुट प्लेट निरीक्षण प्रारूप क्रं. मद निरीक्षण कमियां सुक्षाव 1. गाड़ी नं. ............ गाड़ी का नाम.......... इंजन नं. ............ लोड
Read Moreगार्ड तथा ब्रेकवान का निरीक्षण Guard & Breakeven Inspection-Format गार्ड का नाम ......................... मुख्यालय......................... ट्रेन नं.
Read MoreRailway Station Inspection Format - रेलवे स्टेशन निरीक्षण प्रारूप स्टेशन का नाम :- कार्यरत कर्मचारी
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Read MoreSyllabus for Dresser Departmental Exam 1. To dressing of all types of wounds and Injuries. 2. Sterilization of all Instruments. 3. To autoclave all dressing material. 4, preparation of patients for operation 5. Management of all Instruments and equipment's 6. Preparation and application of splints, plasters and undertake
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Read More Shri Vinay Kumar Tripathi takes over the charge of new Chairman & CEO of Railway Board. He is a 1983 batch officer of Indian Railway service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE). Shri Tripathi has wide experience of Railway management &
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Read More1. Gazetted staff having completed 20 years and more but less than 25 years of service are entitled to get post retirement passes at the rate of a) 1 set per annum b) 2 sets per annum c) 3 sets per annum d) none Answer:- b) 2 sets per annum (Estt. Srl. No. 28/94 & 27/96) 2. Gazetted staff having completed 25 years and more
Read MoreQ 1. What is Pass? (a) Pass is a Privilege. (b) To travel in Railway (c) An authority given by Railway to a Railway employee or to a Person authorizing him to travel in a train gratuitously. (d) None of these. Answer: (c) Q 2. Family means. (a) Wife, Husband, Son/Step sons under the age
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Read MoreAll the railway staff should be withdrawn from their unconnected jobs like workshop staff, ESMs, Pointsmen, BTC staff, RPF costables etc. The list is endless. Even the misuse of office vehicles. While the gangmen working in house is visible the jobs done by others is not visible, but equally deplorable. RPF constables doing the dog walks,
Read MoreKnow About Psychological Tests for Station Master For Detail Click Above or See Below PDF . THE TYPES OF TESTS USED ON INDIAN RAILWAYS Note: The examples of the tests shown here are only indicative. These may changed any time without any prior notice Test 1 Test for measuring your Intelligence In this
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Read More Q.1 Rule 3A of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 relates to …………….. Answer - Promptness and Courtesy Q.2 Railway Servant is barred from editing a News paper without prior permission of the Government under …………………. of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966. Answer - Rule
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Read MoreSpecial Allowance for child care For women with disabilities Women with disabilities shall be paid Rs.1000/-(*) per month as Special Allowance for Child Care. The allowance shall be payable from the time of the child’s birth till the child is two years old. (*)Revised from time to time as below It shall be payable for a maximum
Read MoreQ.26 What is the period of availability of privilege passes? a) Single Journey pass – 3 months from the date of issue b) Return Journey pass – 4 months from the date of issue c) Settlement Pass – 1 year from Retirement d) Kit Wagon Pass – 1 month from issue. Q.27 What is the meaning of “Family” in view of
Read MoreQ.11 What is a tribunal and purpose of CAT.? Ans: It is a forum appointed by a statute having powers to all adjudicate on the matter falling with in its jurisdiction. The Central Government has Established. Administrative tribunals with effective from Nov. Ist 1985. Purpose: Speedy and inexpensive adjudication or trial of disputes or
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Read MoreQ.1 What is Honorarium? Ans: Honorarium is a remuneration for work performed which is occasional or intermittent in character and either so laborious or of such special merit on to justify a special reward. Q.2 What is substantive Pay? Ans: Substantive pay means the pay other than special pay, personal pay or emoluments
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Read MoreCENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSION Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex, Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023 GT. / NO. 000/VGL/A18 Dated 03.12.2021 Circular No. 21/12/21 Subject:- Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings -improving
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Read More Night Duty Allowance is granted to Govt Employees who work in Night Shift. Calculation of NDA Hours is counted from the hours duty performed in Night Shift from 10.00 PM to 6.00AM. Weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between 22:00 Hrs and 06:00 Hrs will be taken for calculation of payment of NDA. The
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Read MoreRunning Allowance Rules 901. Running Allowance for staff performing running Duties 1. Running Allowance Rules are called "The Rules for the payment of Running and other Allowances to the running staff on the Railways" coming to force with effect from 1-8-1981. 902. 2. In the provision of these rules, the following terms shall
Read MoreSeason ticket (AS ON 1.5.07) 1.(i) Rules, rates and other particulars regarding issue of season tickets can be obtained by application to the Railway concerned. Season tickets are issued for suburban as well as non-suburban sections. Fares for Second Class MST is equivalent to the fares for 15 single journeys by second class (Ordinary)
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Read MoreMANAGEMENT Management is the technique of getting things done through & with others. Management is a new discipline, it has drawn concept and principles from economics, sociology, psychology and anthropology, history, statistics and so on. The result is that each group of contributors has treated management differently. So
Read MoreRail Management Guide Level of Management TOP - MANAGEMENT :- Concerned with the defining the objective of organization and designing the planning to achieve them. Policy making is their main job. M I S FOR TOP MANAGEMENT :- Information related to charge of environmental factors, which can affect the growth and
Read MoreRail Management Guide ENVIROMENTAL FACTORS OF MANAGEMENT PROCESS (Effecting Management) ECONOMICAL - Financial position of the people around the Organization EDUCATIONAL - Education background and qualification of the society in general around the organization. TECHNICAL :- Technical qualification
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Read MoreQ. Should I use ice to cool the burn? No, use water only. Ice may further damage the skin. Q. Should I put a plaster over a burn to make sure it doesn't get infected? One should not use any adhesive bandages as it’ll stick to the skin and may cause further damage. Instead the burns should be covered with cling film or a clean plastic bag
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Read More General Rule of Conveyance Allowance. (IREC - 1606) - Indian Railway Rules Conveyance allowance. - (IREC - 1606) - (1) A competent authority may grant on such conditions as it thinks fit to impose, a monthly conveyance allowance to any railway servant who is required to travel extensively at or within a
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Read MoreYARD A yard may be defined on the basis of the functions it performs. It is a place or the activity centres on the Railway system, where the trains or rolling stocks are received, reformed into trains or loads after marshalling and are dispatched to their destination. Necessity of Yard 1. Formation of trains/loads by shunting of
Read Moreरेलवे के एक कर्मचारी ने साल 2017 में अपनी सेक्स चेंज सर्जरी करवाई। सर्जरी करवाने के बाद वह अपने असली रूप में तो आ गया लेकिन अब उसे रेलवे
Read MoreSTOCK REPORT Stock report is summarized statement of available number of wagons in hand or requirement of wagons at station, which is reported to the control office over telephone daily 16 hours by station and yards. Where telephone is not available or there is a busy schedule of works or in non-controlled sections, the stock report is
Read MoreMARSHALLING Marshalling:- Marshalling means scientific and systematic arrangement of vehicles on train to meet specific transportation needs such as safety and security , operational efficiency, elimination of delay, optimum utilization of transport capacity and maximum facility in dealing with traffic during run, at terminal station
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Read MoreARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION ACT, 1996 1. ADR stands for Ans - C A) Automated Discovery Response B) Alternate Dispute Resolution C) Alternative Dispute Resolution D) Automated Dispute Resolution 2. Conciliation proceeding come to an end when Ans - D A) It appears to the conciliator that there exists the possibility of a settlement B)
Read MoreNight Duty Allowance is granted to Govt Employees who work in Night Shift – Calculation of NDA Hours is counted from the hours duty performed in Night Shift from 10.00 PM to 6.00AM. Night Duty Allowance – Weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between 22:00 Hrs and 06:00 Hrs will be taken for calculation of payment of
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Read More1. Introduction of Carriage & Wagon 1.1 Role of C&W in Railways A. Related with Open Line working:- To ensure and co-operate in safer running of rolling stock. To attend required schedule maintenance & running repairs of rolling Stock till the stock are again due for P.O.H. To assist in time running of
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Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2020/TR/2 New Delhi, dated 29.09.2021 The General Managers (P) All Indian Railways & Production Units. Sub: Periodical Transfer of staff – clarifications reg. Attention of PCPO’s is drawn to two letters no. E(NG)I-2020/TB/3 dated 23rd Sept, 2021 and No,
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Read MoreE(NG)-II/96/RR-I/40 20.01.2015 RBE 03 Constitution of Committee for interview/viva-voce in connection with recruitment to Group'C' posts and posts in Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay Rs. 1800) including screening of substitutes on Indian
Read MoreLETTER NO. DATE SUBJECT REF 2015 E(P&A)II-2015/HW-1 23.11.2015 Rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 01.07.2015 149 E(P&A)I-2015/RT-38 12.11.2015 Strengthning of Administration-Premature retirement of Railway Servants-Periodical review under rule 1802 (a)/1804 (a)-R II, 1987
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Read MoreThe Cabinet Committee chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today has approved increase the Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to pensioners with effect from 01.07.2021 to 28% representing an increase of 11% over the existing rate of 17% of the Basic Pay/Pension. In view of the
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Read MoreModified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Central Government Employee - Clarification
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Read MoreModified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Central Government Civilian Employees- Implementation of seventh CPC recommendation. CLICK ABOVE OR SEE BELOW
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Read MoreThrust areas for the year 2019. (To SDGM, Zonal
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Read MoreAmendment to chapter III of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I,1989 Edition regarding "RUles regulating Seniority of non - gazetted Railway Servants." (RB 105/2007) R.B./Estt. No.105/2007 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No.E(D&A) 2007 RG6-24 New Delhi, dated 10.08.2007 The General Manager (P), All Indian
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Read MoreSystem Improvement in Contractual Work of Rewiring of Railway Quarters. (11/1/21) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2006/Elect(G)/150/9/Pt.I/Loose New Delhi, dt: 11.01.2021 General Managers All Zonal Railways & PUs Director General, RDSO System Improvement in Contractual Work of Rewiring of
Read MoreCoverage under Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993, in place of National Pension System of those Railway Employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01.01,2004 but who joined Railway service on or after 01.01.2004.
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Read MoreFiling up non - gazetted posts on Railways - Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department).
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Read MoreMaternity Leave (Para 551 of IREC – Vol-I) A female railway employee with less than two surviving children may be granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of 135 days (*)from the date of its commencement. (*)135 days raised to 180 days w.e.f. 01-09-2008 as amended vide SC 144/2008 The
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Relentless and continuous efforts to provide clean and green transportation to all its stakeholders and commuters has resulted in Indian Railway bagging 13 awards in three prestigious categories of National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA) for the year 2020, organized by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power. Western Railway
Read MoreDEAD LOCO MOVEMENT (FOR DETAILS, REFER RAILWAY BOARD LETTER No. 2000 /M (L) /466/803/Pt. dated 28.06.2006) Hauling 3-Phase loco fitted with E-70 brake system as a dead loco. These locomotives are fitted with electro pneumatic E-70 brake system. These locomotives in dead condition can be hauled both by locomotive fitted with
Read MoreKNORR’s Computer Controlled Brake System In some WAG-9 locos KNORR type brake system is provided which is different from conventional brake system of WAG-9 locos. In conventional loco, loco get failed in case of brake electronics failure. But in this loco, block section can be cleared by 10 KMPH in case of failure of brake
Read MoreMultiple Unit Operation Multiple operation with two locomotives In multiple operations a maximum of two locomotives can be operated. Both must be directly coupled to one another. They must not be separated by a carriage. While in motion, the front driver’s cab is usually activated. When linking up or in unusual situations, it is also
Read MoreLoco Preparation & Inspection: Before commissioning Journey, perform an inspection check of the locomotive and through the machine room. In particular, check the following items: 1. In front Of Cab: 1. Ensure that loco is standing on the rail and under the OHE 2. Ensure that both side MRE, BCE BP , FP hoses are connected properly
Read MoreDO’s and Don’ts for Loco Pilots DO’s 1) Acknowledge VCD always within every 60 sec. 2) Do maximum use of regenerative braking, it not only control the train but participate in generating the power. 3) In case of any trouble, as a last step, switch off the CE for 5 min. 4) In panto down condition and in CE off condition, to
Read MoreControl Electronics All functions of the locomotive are controlled by the control electronics. It takes the form of bus stations with processors. The bus stations communicate with each other via fiber optic Cables which are resistant to the effects of Electro Magnetic Interference The diagnostic equipment comprises a diagnosis computer with
Read MoreSanding Sanding is done automatically on leading wheels when 1. Pressing ‘foot switch’ of sander. 2. Anti spin device activated. Note :-Don’t press PSA continuously, but press and release it. Continuous sanding is not possible, If PSA pressed continuous for 1 minute, then dead mans penalty brakes will apply. 10-12 sec pause is
Read MoreMemotel (Speedometer) For indicating the speed of the loco, memotel type speedometer is provided in both the cab. Speed is indicated by both needle as well as LCD screen of SPM. For Data entry one push button “A” is provided on SPM When push button ‘A’ is pressed repeatedly following function done.(8 digits) in sequence. 1.
Read MoreMain Reservoir For shortage of compressed air pressure MR are provided on this loco. In WAP-7 & WAG-9 loco, Two MR and one AR is provided in machine Room in vertical manner. Capacity of MR is 450 liters. Drain coc is provided below each MR, which can be operated from machine room. In WAP-5 MR are located in under truck and each MR
Read MoreMiscellaneous Mechanical features of 3-phase AC loco. The three axles, three motor Co-Co bogie assemblies, is one of the major parts of the Locomotive. Two bogie assemblies support the entire weight of the 3-phase locomotive and provide a means for transmission of the tractive effort to the rails. The bogies are designed to withstand the
Read MoreAn Emergency Braking Operation Emergency brakes will apply through brake electronics when: 1.Response from the Vigilance module 2.Permitted maximum speed being exceeded 3.Moving of the driver’s brake handle to position EMERGENCY 4.Actuation of the emergency brake cock on the assistant driver’s side 5.Actuation of the emergency
Read MoreReleasing Parking Brake 1.Press BPPB illuminated red button once red lamp will get extinguished and 6 kg/cm2 pressure enter in parking activators which can seen in PB gauge indicating that PB are released OR 2.Press “Release” push button on parking brake solenoid 30, BPPB red lamp will extinguished, air will be admitted in parking
Read MoreAnti Spin Brakes The principal of the anti-spin brake is to provide the traction equipment, with means to obtain a rapid yet light brake application to the driving wheels. The friction thus generated between the brake shoes and the tyres immediately absorbs the torque, which is in excess of the value that can be absorbed by the normal
Read MoreBrake System There are 5 types of brakes available on this loco. 1. Automatic Train Brake (Pn) 2. Direct Brake (Pn) 3. Parking Brake (Spring Loaded) 4. Anti Spin Brake.(Pn) 5-Regeneration Brakes.(Elect) Note: All the brake system functions are monitored by brake electronics and if there is any wrong configuration, the brake
Read MorePROGRAME SWITCHES 152 Rotary switch Failure mode operations Position 0- Normal Position - Fine control throughout the range 1- Failure mode - Fine control in steps through aux.contacts When throttle is not responding then Driver can keep this switch from 0 to 1 and now same throttle will respond, called failure mode
Read MorePASSING NEUTRAL SECTION ( SU ) Before approaching neutral section: 1-Ensure that MR pressure is between 8.5 to 10 kg/cm2 2-Bring TE / BE throttle to ‘0” gradually before 250M board. 3-At DJ open board, open DJ by BLDJ, LSDJ will glow, Aux. sound will stop, but U meter will show OHE supply. 4-At actual neutral section
Read MoreEmergency Stop Push Button One red colored and arrowed push button is provided on panel ‘A’ at such a place that driver as well as Asst. driver can operate it. In normal condition it remain projected out. In case of an emergency if drivers/Asst. push this button, button go inside and remain pressed and following actions initiated. 1.
Read MoreConstant Speed Controller This system enables the train to maintain a constant speed automatically and can be activated at any speed above 5 KMPH by pressing illuminated push button ‘BPCS’. The control electronics and GTO controls the constant speed by giving tractive or braking effort to the TM as per requirement irrespective of
Read MoreLoco Brake Testing 1) Apply loco brakes by SA-9 2) Ensure that brake cylinders registered 3.5kg/cm2 pressure in WAG9 & 5 Kg/CM2 disk brake pressure in WAP5. 3) Release parking brakes and release A-9 4) Operate MPJ to forward. 5) Move throttle in traction and give 45 % or 150 KN tractive effort in WAG9 & 30% or 100 KN.
Read MoreHow To Change The Cab Single Unit 1. Apply loco brakes by SA-9 2. Open ‘DJ’ by pressing BLDJ at ‘OFF’ 3.Lower the panto by pressing ZPT at ‘DN’Operate 4. BL key from ‘D’ to ‘off’ and remove it (CE will remain ON for 10”). P/ZRTI-BSL 43 5.Set automatic brake controller to position ‘Neutral’ and
Read MoreBanking Mode When it is required to use loco as a banker i.e use of TE / BE without charging BP, at that time loco should be operate in banking mode. Procedure: 1) Trip the VCB and Set switch “ZBAN” “to position “ON” (Panel A). 2) Close coc 70 & 136 provided on Pn panel. 3) Set up the loco in the normal manner. 4)
Read MoreFailure Mode Operation This mode allows the locomotive to operate even if the angle transmitter of the TE/BE throttle has failed. In this mode, driving and electrical braking are controlled by the auxiliary contacts on the TE/BE throttle. Driving in failure mode Driving in failure mode becomes necessary if the difference between
Read MoreDriving 1.After creating MR pressure above 6.4 kg/cm2 and node information no. 570. 2.Move the reverser into desired position. 3.Release the parking brake if applied 4.Put A9 to ‘RUN’ position & ensure BP 5 kg/cm2 5.Check AFI is not deviating. 6.Set the TE/BE throttle to desire position. 7.Put SA9 handle to
Read MoreOperation Of Throttle TE/BE Throttle The TE/BE throttle controls traction and the electric braking effort of the locomotive with angle transmitter and auxiliary contacts. The TE/BE throttle has the following three end positions: For Traction Position 1/3 33% tractive
Read MoreOperation Of Reverser Reverser has following 3 positions. Position ‘F’ = Forward Position ‘O’ = Neutral Position ‘R’ = Reverse Throttle and reverser are interlocked
Read MoreOperation Of BL Key BL key is operated for following mode: 1. DRIVING MODE :- ( Off - D ) 2. SELF HOLD MODE .- ( D - Off ) 3. Switching OFF control electronics: ( D - Off - C - Off ) 4. COOLING MODE:-- ( D - Off - C - Off - C ) Driving Mode: This mode is used to drive the loco. To achieve this mode driver has to: 1) Insert BL key
Read MoreAuxiliary Converter General:- The motors used for the auxiliary circuits are 3-phase squirrel cage motors. The cost of maintenance is therefore low. There are total 12 auxiliaries run by 3-phase, 415 V AC supply. This 3- phase 415 V, AC supply is obtained by Auxiliary converter to feed different 3-phase auxiliaries and one battery
Read MoreHow To Energies The Loco 1.Check the machine room and cubicle HB1/2,SB1/2 and pneumatic panel and ensure that all Circuit breakers, rotating switches and cock at Pn. Panel are at Normal position and ensure that key ‘IG-38’ is provided on pneumatic panel. Also ensure that panto selector switch is at normal position. 2 compartment
Read MoreTraction Power Circuit ( WAG-9 & WAP-7) Traction Power Circuit: Power from the overhead Catenary is directed to the main transformer, mounted on the locomotive under frame, via the pantograph. The traction circuit is split into two separate circuits after the main transformer. The traction converters can
Read MoreMain Transformer General: 25 KV, 1-phase, AC Supply is taken from OHE catenary/ contact wire through pantograph, roof equipment and VCB (DJ). The same supply is fed to charge the “ parallel induction transformer” where it is stepped down to different operating voltage. . The tank is filled with transformer oil: • In
Read MorePantograph Two pantographs are provided on either end of loco. Design of pantograph is same as other AC locos. For raising and lowering of pantograph one switch ‘ZPT’ is provided on panel ‘A’ having 3 positions, UP , Off and DOWN. When we press switch down ward (i.e. position UP) and release - panto will up. When we
Read MoreBattery In ABB loco NiCD Battery is used. There are total 78 cells in the batteries which are placed in 2 boxes at either side of the locomotive. Each box contains 39 cells and each battery has 3 cells. Capacity of battery is 199 A-H and output is 110 V. To charge the battery, one battery charger is provided with circuit breaker no. 110
Read MoreList Of Isolation Messages SSO1: Main power MAIN POWER ISOLATED; VCB inhibited Loco is dead Ask for relief loco SSO2: traction bogie 1 BOGIE-1ISOLATED;Only half T.E.and B.E.available Inform maintenance staff SSO3: Traction bogie 2 BOGIE 2
Read MoreFaults With Priority.1: - The action to be taken is entirely clear. - The action to be taken must be initiated immediately. - A protective action is initiated (VCB OFF) - BPFA will glow. - LSFI will flicker. - Priority-1 message will display on screen Faults With Priority-2: - The action to be taken is not entirely clear. -
Read MoreGENERAL FEATURES OF 3-PHASE AC LOCO Advanced Technological Features: - In addition to the provision of latest 3-phase traction drive system; the 3-phase locomotives have certain improved technical features as compared to the conventional locomotives so being used on IR. Some major features are listed below. 1) Digital electronics based
Read MoreABBREVIATIONS ALG Drive Control Unit - Drive Inverter and Line converter Control ASC Driver Converter Control ASR Drive Converter Key switch BLCP Spring-loaded switch for Main compressors BLDJ Spring-loaded switch for Main circuit breaker BLHO Spring-loaded switch for Hotel load(notactive on
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The Dedicated Freight Corridor shall transform the transportation sector and will create more capacity on trunk routes of Indian Railways as goods trains shall ply on Dedicated Freight Corridor. The Indian Railways is the lifeline of the nation. To make India a five trillion economy it is essential to develop transport networks at the fast
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जैसे पत्थर, कंकर, कोयला, मिट्टी, गर्द, कीड़ा,मच्छर, कांच का टुकड़ा या हाथ की अंगुली आदि आँख में लग जाती है तो अधिक दर्द, बैचेनी, लाली और आंख
Read Moreप्राथमिक उपचार करनेवाले व्यक्ति के गुण विवेकी (observant) - वह विवेकी , सचेत, निपुण एवं परिश्रमी होना चाहिए । जिससे वह दुर्घटना के
Read Moreकिसी रोग के होने या चोट लगने पर किसी अप्रशिक्षित व्यक्ति द्वारा जो सीमित उपचार किया जाता है उसे प्राथमिक चिकित्सा (First Aid) कहते हैं।
Read MoreFirst Aid के उदेश्य घायल व्यक्ति का जान बचाना बिगड़ी हालत से बाहरा निकालना तबियत के सुधार में बढ़ावा देना First Aid के
Read MoreDo's during heart attack: Patient should be made to sit down, rest, and try to keep calm. Loosen any tight clothing. Ask if the patient takes any chest pain medication for a known heart condition, such as nitroglycerin, and help him take it. If the pain does not go away with rest or within 3 minutes of taking
Read Moreआघात प्रायः सभी प्रकार की बड़ी चोटों या आकस्मिक घटनाओ पर हो ही जाता है यह ऐसी शक्तिहीनता की अवस्था है जिससे की शरीर की जीवनावश्यक
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No. 2017 /Trans/Process Reforms/Estt. New Delhi, Dated: 29.11.2017 The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR CAOs, DMW/ Patiala, WPO/ Patna, COFMOW/NDLS, RWP/Bela,
Read MoreTRAIN HANDLING IN HUMP (KNOLL) & CRESTING GRADIENT Starting of train on a hump or cresting grade There are no special requirements for starting on a hump or cresting grade. The starting procedure are the same as for starting the train on an ascending (up) grade. Zonal Railway Training Institute, Central Railway, Bhusawal ©AC Loco
Read MoreDYNAMIC BRAKE Purpose of Dynamic Brake The dynamic brake is used as retarding brake to control the speed of a train. It is not intended that the dynamic brake alone will always limit the train to the desired speed and, at times, the automatic train brakes may have to be applied in conjunction with the dynamic brake to control the
Read MoreType & definition of gradients
Read MoreEngineman ship It is the capability of a Loco Pilots to handle his loco along with its trailing load, so that it reaches destination in time in a most economic manner and without adversely affecting safety. Poor engineman ship adversely affects all these requirements. Same is also a contributory factor leading at times to train
Read MoreParasitic motion of a
Read MoreCOUPLER POSITIONS COUPLER EXTENSION: Movement of two couplers in opposite outer direction is called coupler extension. ( This happens during run out) COUPLER COMPRESSION Movement of two couplers in opposite inner direction is called coupler compression. (This happens during run in) COUPLER
Read MoreADVANTAGE OF SIMULATOR TRAINIG : To reduce energy consumption. For reducing Brake wear. To improve overall performance & confidence of Loco Pilots. To minimise coupler damages. To minimise stalling cases. To reduce in-train coupler forces resulting in train parting or break in two and derailment. To
Read MoreTRAINING METHODOLOGY ADOPTED IN SIMULATOR The object of Indian Railway as transport organisation is to move people & goods safely, on time and at the total lowest cost. To fulfill this object, Loco Pilots are encouraged to think of Simulator facility as a 'temple' where people gather and discuss train-driving technique in an
Read MoreReplacement of the existing SBI Imprest Card with SBI RuPay card; Proliferation of RuPay Card – Railway Board Order RBA No – 97/2020 dated 31.12.2020 Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No. 2012/AC-II/ 21/8 New Delhi, Dated: 31st December, 2020 General Managers All Zonal Railways/Production Units Sub:- Replacement
Read MoreDIESEL LOCO - Safety Devices Safety devices are provided for the safety of the engine & loco. They are 1. Over Speed Trip Assembly (OSTA) - It is located on engine right side free end. It protects the engine from over speeding. On 8th notch the engine rpm is 1050. Due to any reason engine speed exceeds up to 1180 ± 20 rpm, OSTA
Read MoreWDG3A Diesel Electric locomotive W – Broad gauge D - Diesel Engine G – Goods Service 3A –Engine Horse Power -3100 HP This loco is having up rated Diesel engine fitted with fuel efficient kit, Napier or GE make TSC, incorporated IRAB1 and facilitated with AC – DC transmission. Main compartments of WDG3A Loco from
Read MoreDIESEL LOCO - POWER PACK Specialty of WDG/3A loco engine 1. 251-B Up rated type 2. ‘V’ type cylinder arrangement 3. Total 16 cylinder 4. Four stroke cycle 5. Single acting 6. High speed 7. Water cooled 8. Force lubricated 9. Super charged 10. Quality
Read MoreGFC CONTROL CIRCUIT To move the loco, field of Traction Alternator is to be excited by exciter generator. This work is done with the help of GFC contactor. It is electro magnetic contactor. To pickup this contactor GFC coil circuit is designed. This circuit starts from wire no. 13. When both control stand GFCO kept in close and MH
Read MoreEngine Speed Control (WW Governor) Throttle and DMR circuit - This circuit starts from wire no. 50 which energizes when MB2 is kept ON. Supply of wire no. 50 goes to wire no.16D - 16A when MCB1 & 2 kept ON. Supply of wire no.16A goes to 16 through MH Idle & MH in Motoring position of both control stands. When wire no.16 gets
Read MoreElectrical Rotating Machines There are 11 rotating machines provided on loco. 1. Traction Alternator 2. Auxiliary Generator 3. Exciter Generator 4. Techo Generator 5. Axle Generator 6. Traction Motor 7. Fuel Pump Motor 8. Crank Case Exhauster Motor 9. Dynamic Braking Blower Motor 10. Eddy Current Clutch Coil 11. Cyclonic
Read MoreBRAKE SYSTEM Braking: dissipation of amount of kinetic energy into heat energy so as to retard wheel motion is called breaking. IRAB-1 brake system - Locomotive fitted with IRAB-1 brake system can work only on air brake stock. Various valves and cocks are provided in IRAB1 brake system A9 Valve - It is pressure reducing,
Read MoreDIESEL LOCO - HEAT ENGINE Heat engine - Heat engine is the machine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy. Heat engine are of two types. a. External combustion engine - In External combustion engine fuel is burnt or ignited outside the engine cylinder. So it is called as external combustion engine e.g. Steam
Read MoreEx-gratia payment of Rs. 25,00,000/- may be given after sanction of DRM in consultation with associate finance: Railway Board Office of the Pr. Chief Personnel Officer EAST COAST RAILWAY Rail Sadan, 2nd Floor, Bhubaneswar-17 No.ECoR/Pers/Wel/ Policy/Ex-gratia Dated: 15.12.2020 To Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer – East Coast
Read MoreBRAKE SYSTEM Braking: dissipation of amount of kinetic energy into heat energy so as to retard wheel motion is called breaking. IRAB-1 brake system - Locomotive fitted with IRAB-1 brake system can work only on air brake stock. Various valves and cocks are provided in IRAB1 brake system A9 Valve - It is pressure reducing,
Read MoreLUBE OIL SYSTEM Purpose -To lubricate and cool the diesel engine equipment with filtered, cooled and pressurized lube oil. Description – Forced lubrication system is used in diesel locomotive, detail of system is as - Lower portion of engine crank case, it termed as lube oil sump, its capacity is 1210 litters. To fill the lube
Read MoreGENERAL DATA OF WDG-3A LOCOMOTIVE WDG3A Diesel Electric locomotive W – Broad gauge D - Diesel Engine G – Goods Service 3A –Engine Horse Power -3100 HP This loco is having up rated Diesel engine fitted with fuel efficient kit, Napier or GE make TSC, incorporated IRAB1 and facilitated with AC – DC
Read MoreTrain Dynamics Knowledge of different forces which were developed on loco and load during train working and train handling is called train dynamics. Importance- • It reduce train parting cases • It reduce train stalling cases • It reduce wear tear of mechanical parts • Fuel oil saving Definition – Tractive
Read MoreMaintenance Schedules of Diesel Loco It is necessary to maintain a machine in time for obtaining satisfactory service. Maintenance schedules are of two types. 1. Preventive Maintenance 2. Break down Maintenance Preventive Maintenance is carried out to avoid Loco failure or break down but Break down Maintenance is done after failure/
Read MoreHorn Failure 1. If horn is failed at originating station than the loco to be declare failed and other loco is to be arranged. 2. If horn is failed in enroute than inform to station master at first opportunity. The station master will arrange other loco with consult of PCOR. If loco is not available and permitted to work with same loco
Read MoreMicroprocessor Control Loco (MEP-660) Now days, MEP-660 microprocessor is provided in diesel locomotive and such type of loco are called microprocessor control loco. New 11 series locos WDM3D and retrofitted WDG3A, WDM3A are microprocessor control locos. Their General Data as under - Advantages of Microprocessor Control Loco 1.
Read MorePower Ground Earth Power Ground Earth fault occur in power circuit is called power ground. When earth faults in traction motor, traction motor cables, BKT, REV, power contactors, GR1 operates with indications. Check following items - 1. Traction motor cables are tightened properly. 2. If there are any metal or wire pieces in between
Read MoreIndication Lamp Circuit This circuit is provided in the diesel loco to give warning/indication to loco pilot in case of any failure in various system/circuit , a LED (Light emitting diode) indication panel is provided on both control stand and control panel having following indication lamps - One electrical bell (ALG) provided
Read MoreTransition Combination of traction motors are changed automatically on predetermined speed of Loco is called Transition. It is required to increase traction motor speed so that Loco speed can be increased. Back EMF of traction motor restrict Loco speed even on eighth notch. To increase speed Back EMF is controlled by following method
Read MoreEngine Speed Control (WW Governor) Throttle and DMR circuit - This circuit starts from wire no. 50 which energizes when MB2 is kept ON. Supply of wire no. 50 goes to wire no.16D - 16A when MCB1 & 2 kept ON. Supply of wire no.16A goes to 16 through MH Idle & MH in Motoring position of both control stands. When wire no.16 gets
Read MoreElectrical Rotating Machines There are 11 rotating machines provided on loco. 1. Traction Alternator 2. Auxiliary Generator 3. Exciter Generator 4. Techo Generator 5. Axle Generator 6. Traction Motor 7. Fuel Pump Motor 8. Crank Case Exhauster Motor 9. Dynamic Braking Blower Motor 10. Eddy Current Clutch Coil 11. Cyclonic
Read Moreश्री सुनीत शर्मा, जोपूर्वी रेलवे के महाप्रबंधक रह चुके को रेलवे बोर्ड का चेयरमैन और CEO नियुक्त किया गया है.सुनीत शर्मा कोवीके यादव का
Read MoreShri SuneetSharma, has taken over the charge of new Chairman & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Railway Board (Ministry of Railways) and ex-officio Principal Secretary to Government of India. The appointments committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of Shri Suneet Sharma as Chairman & CEO of Railway Board. Prior to this, Shri
Read MoreFormation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office – Railway Board Office Order No. 84 of 2020 Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Sub: Formation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office Subsequent to bifurcation of Prosecution Cadre from RPF as per Board’s Letter No. 2012E(GC) l3-2 (67) dated 12.06.20191 it has been
Read MoreIn furtherance to the objective of providing world class modern travelling experience for the passengers, Indian Railways successfully completed the speed trials of the newly designed Vistadome tourist coach manufactured by ICF. The coach has successfully completed 180 KMPH oscillation trial. Squeeze test of the above coach were already completed
Read MoreRailway Board Clarification - Negative Marking in Departmental Examination (Objective
Read MoreQUALITY EDUCATION SERVICE OF VIVEKANANDA GROUP OF KANCHRAPARA DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF EASTERN RAILWAY BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES The Vivekananda Group of Kanchrapara District Association of Eastern Railway Bharat Scouts & Guides has provided educative material to the needy children today(27.12.2020) as a part of their responsibility and
Read MoreRailways should gear up to ensure all last mile connectivity as it speeds up the problem progress of DFCs in the country. This was said by Shri Piyush Goyal Minister for Railways and Commerce & Industry and Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution while reviewing the progress of upcoming DFCs He asked the officials to continue to
Read MoreGuidelines for e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module of HRMS to the Serving and Retired Railway Employees- AIRF writes to Railway Board All India Railwaymen’s Federation No.AIRF/82(290) Dated: December 24, 2020 The D.G.(H.R.), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Guidelines for e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module of HRMS Ref.: (i) AIRF’s letter of
Read MoreUploading of work experience/service of retiring employees on Anubhav Portal in the prescribed format and uploaded 10th of every month – Railway Board Order No. 2020/PR/13/5 dated 07.12.2020 Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board No. 2020/PR/ 13/5 New Delhi, dated: 07.12.2020 The General Managers, A Zonal Railways &
Read MoreMinistry of Railways has introduced the policy regarding Premium Indent on 11th December 2020 to facilitate freight customers. Under this policy, if a customer places request for Premium Indent, allotment of rakes will be given priority on two days as notified under Preferential Traffic Order issued by Traffic Transportation directorate of
Read MoreNo. Subject 1. Dealing with representation of OBCs. 2 Re-designation of the post of EDME/Transformation 3. Revision in the subject list of E(RRB) 4. ED/Catering to look after the work of ED/NFR & T 5. Biometric Attendence System in Board's Office 6. Looking after arrangement upon promotion of
Read MoreRRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2020 CBT I a) RRB NTPC Syllabus: Mathematics Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics etc. b) General Intelligence and
Read MoreSyllabus – LDCE (GROUP ‘B’) Law Officer Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreThe Railway Protection Force (RPF), Eastern Railway provides all out security to rail users, ranging from arresting of touts, rescuing of minor boys & girls, rendering assistance to the injured and recovering left behind belongings of the passengers. They have made commendable works to extend guidance & assistance to the rail users besides
Read MoreSYLLABUS – LDCE (GROUP ‘B’) AEE In Electrical Engineering Department Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreSyllabus- LDCE (Group 'B') AMM in Store Departmental (New) Syllabus Detail with PDF , Click Here or See below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreState Railway Provident Fund – Rate of interest during the year 2020-21 (1st October, 2020 – 31st December, 2020): Railway Board Order RBE No. 110 /2020 dated 11.11.2020 RBE No. 110 /2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. F(E)II/2003/PF-1/4 pt. New Delhi, Dated: 11.11.2020 The
Read MoreIn an endeavour to address the inadequacies of capacity constraints and improve its modal share in total freight eco system of the country, Indian Railways has come up with Draft National Rail Plan. A long term strategic plan called the National Rail Plan has been developed to plan infrastructural capacity enhancement along with strategies to
Read MoreSyllabus of Group B Signals &Telecom Departmental Examination - PDF Click Above or See Below PDF Indian Railway Question
Read MoreIn accordance with the guidelines of Railway Board, the 35th Pension Adalat was virtually held at S E Railway Headquarters, Garden Reach, this morning (15.12.2020) to settle to the disputed cases of the retired railway employees. As many as 12 cases were received from the Pensioners through e-mail and all the 12 cases have been settled and
Read MoreA Helpdesk, “HRMS SAHAYAK” was inaugurated by Mrs Zarina Firdausi, Principal Chief Personnel Officer, South Eastern Railway at SER Headquarters, Garden Reach, this morning (15.12.2020) in presence of Dr. Mahua Verma, Chief Personnel Officer (Admn.) and senior Officers of South Eastern Railway. HRMS (Human Resources Management System) has been
Read MoreProcedure for disposing off the cases of taking voluntary retirement of Medically unfit Railways’ Employees – Railway Board Clarification RBE No. 108/ 2020 dated 09.12.2020 RBE No. 108/ 2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2020/RE-3/4 New Delhi, dated 09.12.2020 : The General Managers (P) All
Read More12.1.0 Definition Of Scrap : Scrap can be defined as the material, which is no longer useful to the Railways for the purpose for which it was originally purchased or obtained. Scrap also consist of arisings of waste material from manufacturing and repairing processes such as turnings and borings, sweepings, foundry dross, off cuts of metals,
Read More5.1.0 Stocking Decisions : The Stores Department has to first decide what items they would stock for meeting the demands of the various consumers. For items required for maintenance activities, the demands can be generated well in advance as the forecasting is done based on previous consumption pattern. The Stores Department can either
Read More1.1.0 Introduction to Integrated Concept and Objective of Material Management : For running any industry or business, we need a number of resources. These resources are popularly known as 5 M's of any Industrial activity i.e. Men, Machines, Materials, Money and Management. All these resources which are
Read More2.1.0 Introduction to Organisation of Indian Railways : The Indian Railways' net work is owned and managed by the Central Govt. All the operations are controlled and directed by the Railway Board under the overall supervision of the Minister of Railways. The net-work of Railways is divided into nine Zonal Railways each under the
Read MoreNEW WAGON NUMBERING SYSTEM The new wagon numbering system is being done as per railway board’s instruction issued vide letter vide letter Number. 2000/M(N)/60/2/wagon census dated 4th July 2003. As per new scheme, the wagon number shall consist of 11 digits. First two digit will indicate types of wagon, next two digits will indicate
Read MoreFREIGHT STOCK Rolling stock used exclusively for transport of goods is termed as freight stock. Freight Stock are broadly classified either according to their under gear or according to utility. Classification according to under gear: i) Four wheeler wagon ii) Bogie wagons Four wheeler wagons: At present
Read MoreODC:- OVER DIAMENSIONAL CONSIGNMENT 10.1 Introduction:- The transport of Over dimensional consignment has increased considerably in recent years; it has therefore become necessary to give wide publicity to the procedure in vogue on the railway for arranging movement of such consignment. This circular should be read in condition
Read More2. ICF COACHES Introduction An attempt for standardization of manufacturing of passenger coaches led to development of IRS design of steel body coaches. In 1954 Steel body coach design was taken from M/S Schlieren Switzerland for manufacturing of ICF Coaches at Perambur. Initially original speed of ICF coach was 96 kmph since
Read MoreG D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ) A) G D R CHECK LIST: 1. Rake integrity is not disturbed by more than 10 FWUs or Four 8- Wheeled wagons. Only intensively examined wagons duly certified by train examining staff are attached. 2. All CBCs and air hoses are properly coupled and locked. 3. All the angle cocks are in open condition. 4. The
Read MoreHOT AXLE: Symptoms of Hot Axle in plain Bearing:- 1. Axle becomes hot. 2. Whistling sound. 3. Burning smells of grease/ Lubricant oil. 4. Smoking. 5. Fire on Axle. Symptoms of Hot Axle in roller Bearing:- 1. Oozing out of grease. 2. Burning of grease. 3. Dicolourisation of Axle box. 4. Smoking from Axle box. 5.
Read MoreWAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER 1. It’s an important register kept at station. 2. The detail of all approaching and dispatching trains at the station are entered in this register. 3. Wagon No, Name of the owning Railway, Type of wagon whether wagons are loaded on empty, if loaded the detail of commodities loaded in it, the origin and
Read MoreCarriage & Wagon RAIL NEWS
Read MoreEMERGENCY BRAKING DISTANCE (RAILWAY BOARD’S LETTER NO. 2001/M (L)/466/63 DATED 11-02-2004) The emergency braking distances for following train combinations with air and vacuum brake and wagons hauled by diesel locomotive at different speeds and on level sections have been estimated values are as under. EBD of
Read Moreअब स्टेशन मास्टर बटन दबाकर ट्रेन चलाएंगे। नई व्यवस्था से स्टेशन मास्टरों को मैन्युअल काम से मुक्ति मिलने वाली है। नई व्यवस्था के अब
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Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे अपने यात्रियों के साथ-साथ अपने कर्मचारिओं को बेहतर सुविधाएं प्रदान करने की हमेशा कोशिश करती है. इसी कड़ी में गुरुवार को
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD RBE 85/2020 No.E(NG)I/2020/TR/16 New Delhi, dated October 1, 2020 The General Managers (P), All Zonal Railways and Production Units. Sub : Inter-Railway Request Transfer – Hardships being faced by the staff – Reg. As
Read MoreNew Guideline on Fixation of pay on MACP Scheme dated 13 Oct 2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) S.No.PC-VI/404 No.PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 RBE No.88/2020 New Delhi dated 13-10-2020 The General Managers, All Indian Railways and PUs. (As per mailing list) Sub: Fixation of pay on grant of benefit under Modified Assured
Read MoreAs per Apprentice Act in 2016, Indian Railways has reserved 20% vacancies (i.e. 20,734 vacancies) for apprentices in 1,03,769 notified vacancies for level-1 recruitment currently under process. Recently there have been news reports that the trained apprentices at Railway establishments are demanding regular appointment. Apprentices are demanding
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) No. E(P&A)ll/2020/PLB-1 RBE No. 91/2020 New Delhi, dt. 21.10.2020 The General Managers/CAOs, All Indian Railways & Production Uni ts etc. Subject : Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2019-20. The
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दिवाली के बाद जयपुर से दिल्ली, अजमेर और अहमदाबाद के बीच बिजली के इंजन से ट्रेन दौड़ने लगेंगी। नवंबर के शुरुआती सप्ताह में बस्सी से
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रेलवे में कार्यरत सहायक लोको पायलट और ट्रैक मेंटेनरों की स्वत: अनुरोध स्थानांतरण पर घर वापसी की राह आसान हो गई है। दूसरे जोन से रिलीव
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रेलवे की टीम ने सात घंटे में रेलवे फाटक के स्थान पर अंडरपास का निर्माण कर दिया।निर्माण के बाद धीमी गति से मालगाड़ी को चलाया। रेलवे व
Read MoreModernisation of existing rake points and starting of new rake points in the country is a need based ongoing process subject to commercial justification, operational requirement, technical feasibility and resource availability. 60 works of rake point improvement have been sanctioned at a cost of Rs. 1,975 Cr. Out of these 60 works, 31 works have
Read MoreIt is estimated that Indian Railways would need Capital investment of around ₹50 lakh crore up to 2030 for network expansion and capacity augmentation, rolling stock induction and other modernization works to enable better delivery of passenger and freight services and to improve its modal share in transport. To bridge the gap in capital funding
Read MoreThe work of redevelopment is in advanced stage at Gandhinagar (Western Railway) and Habibganj (West Central Railway) railway stations. Re-development works are in progress at Gomtinagar (North Eastern Railway) and Ayodhya stations (Northern Railway). Contracts have been awarded for redevelopment of Anand Vihar (Northern Railway), Bijwasan
Read MoreThe vacant land, which is not required by Railways for its immediate operational needs, is utilized in the interim period for commercial development through Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA), wherever feasible, in order to mobilize additional financial resources. Indian Railways has also initiated colony redevelopment programme wherein funds
Read MoreNational High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd. (NHSRCL) opens technical bids for one of the biggest tenders covering 47% of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail(MAHSR) alignment and 4 stations. Technical bids for the design and construction of 237 km length of mainline for Mumbai- Ahmedabad High Speed Rail corridor were opened today. This tender covers
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Sivok-Rangpo (44.96 km) new line project has been included in Budget in 2008-09. 41.55 km length falls in West Bengal and 3.41 km in Sikkim. The latest anticipated cost of the project is Rs. 4085 crore. An expenditure of Rs. 682 crore has been incurred up to March, 2020 and an outlay of Rs. 607 crore has been provided for financial year
Read MoreRailway projects are sanctioned Zonal Railway wise and not State-wise as Indian Railways’ network straddles across various State boundaries. However, as on 01.04.2020, 57 projects (35 new lines, 05 gauge conversions and 17 doublings), costing ₹74,880 crore, covering a length of 5267 Km, falling fully/partly in the State of Bihar are in
Read MoreThe tender is for '3 phase Propulsion, Control and other Equipment along with Bogies for Trains Sets" Tender has been uploaded on Posted On: 21 SEP 2020 8:55PM by PIB Delhi Indian Railways has floated the revised Tender of semi high speed 44 Vande Bharat trains sets. The Tender is for -3 phase Propulsion, Control and other
Read More सूचना के अधिकार (RTI ACT 2005) का सामान्य नियम
Read Moreइंडियन रेलवे कैटरिंग एंड टूरिज्म कारपोरेशन (आइआरसीटीसी) दिल्ली के बाद अब कानपुर में भी अत्याधुनिक बेस किचन तैयार कर रहा है। इसमें
Read Moreजबलपुर रेल मण्डल को खाली मालगाड़ी के कचरे से कमाई का प्रस्ताव न्यू कटनी जंक्शन ने दिया है। सबकुछ सही रहा और स्वीकृति मिली तो मंडल को
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Railway Board - Cadre controlling Authority of Railway Services Click Above or see below
Read MoreGuideline - Periodical Review of Premature Retirement at 50/55 Yrs or 30 Years Service Of
Read MoreQuestion Paper - ACM (LGS) - 2020 (Railway) Click Above or See Below
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+2 7272 3
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42Nagendra Kumar Patel and 41 others 1
Read MoreLeave on Medical Certificate Rules & General Rules Grant of leave on Medical Certificate General Rules. (1) Medical Officers shall not recommend grant of leave in any case in which there appears to be no prospect that the railway servant concerned will ever be fit to measure his duties. In such cases
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Read MoreRailway Board Order Regarding Applicability in LDCE Examination: Railway Board Order Regarding Applicability in LDCE Examination INFORMATION CENTER -
Read MoreRailway Board Order Regarding Applicability in LDCE
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Read Moreरेलवे ने अपने कर्मचारियों को यात्रा के लिए ई-पास की सुविधा शुरू करने की घोषणा कर दी है। रेलवे सूचना प्रणाली केंद्र (Railway information system center) ने
Read Moreफिरोजपुर मंडल के विद्युत लोको शेड लुधियाना ने बैटरी से चलने वाला लोकोमोटिव बनाकर आत्मनिर्भरता की मिसाल पेश की है। इस उपकरण की
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ARE THERE ANY TRAINS RUN BY PRIVATE COMPANIES OR NON-IR PUBLIC CONCERNS ON IR TRACKS AND/OR WITH IR STOCK? When were Shatabdis introduced? Which was the first one? Know About the Bombay Rajdhani Express ? Which was the first Rajdhani and when was it introduced? Are there two Dadar stations? Are there stations shared by two or more
Read Moreकोरोना संकट काल में रेलवे ने तबादलों पर 31 मार्च तक रोक बढ़ा दी है। रेलवे के दो बड़े कर्मचारी संगठन ऑल इंडिया रेलवे मेन्स फेडरेशन
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SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY - ress Release No. 184 Dt: 06.08.2020 Hubballi Division has come out with an innovative arrangement to carry men and materials to the worksite in between stations or in case of emergency to the accident site. Usually during maintenance work or for inspections, rails and materials are moved to the spot manually or by the push
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27Nagendra Kumar Patel and 26
Read Moreएस.एण्ड.टी. विभाग में अप्रै.ईएसएम-III (सिग) के वे.मा. 5200 - 20200 + 1900 जीपी लेवल - 2 के पद प्रशिक्षण उपरान्त अंतिम लिखित परीक्षा परिणाम बावत्
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इंडियन रेलवे- देश की लाइफलाइन. भारतीय रेल के भविष्य को लेकर जितनी बड़ी प्लानिंग होती हैं, उतना ही गहरा इसका इतिहास भी है. देश के
Read MoreQ. What is RESS? ANS. Railway Employee Self Service (RESS) has been designed and developed by Centre for Railway Information System (CRIS). This is an Employee Centric Application and has been designed to provide all the information, which may be needed by a Railway Employee. Data shown through RESS is captured
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Railway Board Order - Cashless Investigation for Diagnostic Tests from Private Centres/ Labs recognized by Railways. Click Above or See below
Read MoreRBE No. 52/2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINiSTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) E(NG)Jl/2007/RC-4/CORE/l(Pt.) RBE No. 52/2020 The General Manager (P), All Zonal Railways/Production Units, (As per standard mailing list). Sub: Review of policy regarding re-engagement of Group ‘C’ staff. With a view to reduce cost and improve savings in
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Coaching Stock Codes Goods Stocks Codes Silent Feature Of Goods Wagon Silent Feature Of Coaching Stock Silent Feature Of Brake Power Certificate Silent Feature Of Brake Power Certificate
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इंडियन रेलवे के ट्रैक पर अब सोलर पावर की बिजली से ट्रेनें दौड़ेंगीं. भारतीय रेलवे ने इसके लिए तैयारी पूरी कर ली है. दरअसल, रेलवे ने
Read MoreINFORMATION CENTER - Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
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Master Circular No. 58 Increments - Consolidation of Orders 1. The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time, on the subject of Drawal of Increments of Non-Gazetted Staff were consolidated in Master Circular No 46 issued on 29.06.1992. It has now been decided to supplement these
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Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center ( App) INFORMATION CENTER -
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Read MoreGOOD NEWS - RAILWAY BOARD EXTENDED VALIDITY OF PASS & PTO (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||
Read MoreRailway Board Directorates & Cells GAZETTE Finance (Budget Committee) Bridge & Structue (B&S) Passenger Services Committee (RB) Accounts Civil Engineering Coaching Computerization & Information Systems Corporate Co-ordination Economics Efficiency & Research Electrical
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INFORMATION CENTER - Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreKNOW ABOUT - OWN REQUEST INTER RAILWAY / INTER DIVISIONAL DEPARTMENTAL TRANSFER • Railway Ministry’s decision. — Requests from railway servants in Groups C & D for transfer from one railway to another on grounds of special cases of hardships may be considered favorably by the railway administration. • Such staff
Read MoreKNOW ABOUT -MACP SCHEME(Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme) INFORMATION CENTER - Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) NO. PC V1 /2018/R-I/1 Pt. New Delhi, dated 21.05.2020 The General Manager All Indian Railways and Production Units | (As per standard ailing list) Sub: Grant of annual increment due on 1st July to the employees retiring on 30th June of the year A number of representations
Read More File No.PC-VI/2018/R-I/1 -Part(1) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) NO. PC V1 /2018/R-I/1 Pt. New Delhi, dated 21.05.2020 The General Manager All Indian Railways and Production Units | (As per standard ailing list) Sub: Grant of annual increment due on 1st July to the
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे, जिसने अपनी विभिन्न उत्पादन इकाइयों में व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा उपकरणों (पीपीई) का निर्माण शुरू किया, ने उच्च विश्वसनीयता के
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Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center ( App) INFORMATION CENTER -
Read Moreक्या हमें न्यू पेंशन स्कीम के अंतर्गत टियर II अकाउंट खोलना चाहिए ? (Should I open NPS Tier II Account ?) INFORMATION CENTER -
Read Moreआईये NPS (न्यू पेंशन स्कीम) को समझें (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||
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Read More दोस्तों नमस्कार आज आपसे चर्चा करते हैं कर्मचारीयों के सबसे बड़ी समस्या न्यू पेन्सन स्कीम और उसके लिए चल रही आंदोलन
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ESTABLISHMENT RULES - INDIAN RAILWAY : Differences Between Old Pension & NPS System: Differences between NPS and Old pension system Old Pension System (NCSRPF) NPS 1. Full form is Non Contributory State Railway Provident Fund 1. Full form is New Pension Scheme 2. Employees who join till 31.03.2004 are covered
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Differences between NPS and Old pension system Old Pension System (NCSRPF) NPS 1. Full form is Non Contributory State Railway Provident Fund 1. Full form is New Pension Scheme 2. Employees who join till 31.03.2004 are covered under this scheme. 2. Employees who join on or after 01.01.2004 are covered under this
Read MoreA Private Number is a number, obtained over the telephone or telegraph from the station master of the station granting Line Clear or requesting points to be set or signals to be pulled off. This number is noted on the paper forms such as the Line Clear Ticket or Conditional Line Clear Certificate and can be verified later at the receiving station
Read MoreWhen were Shatabdis Express trains introduced? Which was the first one? The Shatabdi Express trains are fast inter-city express trains which aim to provide daytime service noticeably faster than the other "superfast" trains over medium distances, generally providing for a same-day return (leave early in the morning, and return late at night).
Read MoreNo. 1/1/2020-E-11 (B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure ***** OFFICE MEMORANDUM North Block, New Delhi Dated the 23rd April , 2020. Subject: Freezing of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners at current rates till July 2021. The
Read Moreलंबी दूरी की मेल-एक्सप्रेस ट्रेनों में काम करने वाले कर्मचारी यशवंतपुर, दानापुर और जम्मू में फंस गए हैं। इन कर्मचारियों को वापस लाने
Read MoreDearness Allowance Hiked for Central Government Employees: Good news for Central Government Employees! The Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi today approved the proposal to increase the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees by 4 per cent in accordance with the accepted formula based on the 7th Pay Commission
Read MoreCoverage under Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993, in place of National Pension System, of those Railway employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01.01.2004 but who joined Railway service on or after 01.01.2004. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No.
Read MoreRBE No. 27/2020 – Discontinuance of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs)- clarification reg RBE No. 27/2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I/2020/PM 1/2 New Delhi, dated February 26th, 2020 The
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 28/2020 No. D-43/12/2018-F(E)III New Delhi, Dated : 03.03.2020 The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors, All Zonal Railways/Production Units, (As per mailing list) Subject: Coverage under
Read MoreRBE No. 27/2020 GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I/2020/PM 1/2 New Delhi, dated February 26th, 2020 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (as per standard mailing list) Sub:
Read Moreमहिला दिवस के अवसर पर मदन महल पिंक स्टेशन पर समारोह आयोजित किया गया। इस अवसर पर अपर मंडल रेल प्रबंधक अंजू मोहनपुरिया के मुख्य आतिथ्य
Read Moreमहिला दिवस पर टाटा-चाकुलिया पैसेंजर ट्रेन में सहायक महिला लोको पायलट नियुक्त हुई। टाटानगर स्टेशन की क्रू लॉबी का कार्यभार भी सहायक
Read Moreअंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर धनबाद स्टेशन का नजारा पूरी तरह से महिलामय नजर आया। धनबाद-सिंदरी पैसेंजर की बागडोर पूरी तरह से महिलाओं
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Read More8 मार्च को अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस है। इसके दो दिन पहले ही शुक्रवार को धनबाद में महिला सशक्तीकरण का बेजोड़ नजारा देखने को मिल रहा
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Read Moreछत्तीसगढ़ के भिलाई स्थित साउथ ईस्ट सेंट्रल रेलवे (एसईसीआर) कार्यालय में साेमवार को एसीबी ने ऑफिस सुपरिटेंडेंट को 10 हजार रुपए की
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आरपीएफ ने सक्ती रेलवे आरक्षण केंद्र में बड़ी कार्रवाई की है। ऑन ड्यूटी रिजर्वेशन क्लर्क को एसी - टू व थ्री के 14 काउंटर टिकट के साथ
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) No.E(P&A)II/2008/RS-37 RBE No.07/2020 New Delhi; dated: 27.01.2020 The General Managers (P)/CAOs, All Indian Railways and Production Units etc. Sub : Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors appointed prior to 01.01.2006 at par with their junior appointed after 01.01.2006 and
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INFORMATION CENTER - Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
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Read Moreरेलवे के परिचालन विभाग में रामगढ़ कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन के स्टेशन अधीक्षक आशीष कुमार झा और हटिया के प्वॉइंटस मैन महादेव कच्छप को
Read MoreA dead body of a youth has been found on railway track in UP's Balrampur. The youth died as the train hit him while he was sitting on the tracks with his earphones on. He couldn't realise the arrival of the train because of the earphones. Balrampur's SP Devranjan Vermasaid that he was listening to music sitting on railway track due to which he
Read Moreचीफ लोको इंस्पेक्टरों को मिलेगा स्टेपिंग अप पे का लाभ कोटा। न्यूज. रेलवे चीफ लोको इंस्पेक्टरों (सीएलआई) को स्टेपिंग अप पे का लाभ
Read Moreदक्षिण पूर्व मध्य रेलवे द्वारा आयोजित गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह का मुख्य कार्यक्रम एनई इंस्टीट्यूट मैदान पर आयोजित हुआ। मुख्य अतिथि
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Read More“You never know what troubled little girl needs a book,” wrote poet Nikki Giovanni in a poem quoting Mrs Long, who looked after the town library she frequented. It is perhaps this thought that has driven Santhya Vikram, founder-director of Yellow Train, and her team to make books accessible to children wherever they are. “We want to open
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Read MoreHouse Rent Allowance(HRA) HRA is paid for a Railway employee who doesn't have Government accommodation facility. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD NO. E (P&A)II/ 2012/ F.E. 2/4 Dated: 02.04.2019 The General Manager, All Indian
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Read MoreDate of next increment under Rule 10 of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 – Railway Board GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 147 RBE No. 212/019 File No. PC-VII/2017/R-I/7 New Delhi, dated: 18/12/2019 The General Manager/CAOs(R), All Indian Railways &
Read MoreClarification on restriction of Officiating Pay under FR-35 (Rule 1329 IREC Vol. II) in the context of RS(RP) Rules, 2016 in lieu of Charge Allowance – Railway Board GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VII/2017/1/7/5/8 New Delhi, dated: 10.12.2019 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways & PUs (As.per
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No. D-11016/3/2009-Regions Government of India Ministry of Urban Development Directorate of Estates Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 01-07-2014 Office Memorandum Subject: Opening of holiday home at Tirupati. Construction of holiday home at Tirupati has been completed and it has been decided to commence the booking of holiday home at
Read MoreSo for 21 Indian Railway Officers (class-I) were given ‘COMPULSORY RETIREMENT’ from different Railways and Production Units Service wise number of officers IRAS – 1 IRPS – 1 IRTS – 3 IRSE – 6 IRSEE – 3 IRSS – 3 IRSSE – 1 IRSME – 3 TOTAL 21 List of 21 officers (1) Ashok Kumar IRAS (2) G. Setty IRPS ECoR (3) M K
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Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS) (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE 203/2019 No.E(NG)I/2019/PM 2118 cc New Delhi, dated November Dt. 26.11.2019 The General Managers All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (as per standard mailing list) Sub: Relieving of Railway employees in time
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Read MoreRangiya Division of N. F. Railway has chosen to go paperless, as far as goods business is concerned, w.e.f. 1st August 2019, by rolling out eT-RR (Electronic Transmission of Railway Receipt) by replacing RR. RR (Railway Receipt) is a vital document, in the entire chain of freight business of Railways. It is like an acknowledgement of receipt of
Read MoreWith a view to provide better safety and security to women passenger who normally used to travel by passenger trains either alone or with minors, NFR has started earmarking a portion of the SLR coach with Pink colour. This special colour will help the women passenger to easily identify the coach in the platform even during rush hours. SLR
Read MoreAfter two sessions of positive momentum, the overvalued share-price of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) finally gave up some gains on the back of profit-booking by investors and traded in the red territory for the day. The IRCTC stock gained momentum in the initial hours and rose 1% to the intraday high of Rs 720.55
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Read MoreRevised Double honorarium paid to Railway Servants appointed to act as Arbitrators from Rs 500/- per day to Rs 1000/- per day and from Rs 250/- per half day to Rs 500/- per half day GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYSRAILWAY BOARD No. 2019/Trans Cell/S&T/Suggestions from GMs Dated : 02.09.2019 The General Manager, All Indian
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Eligibility criteria for post of OS, PB - II DP 4200, 20% LDCE
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Ready Reckoner Of HRA (House Rent Allowance ) Click Here or See Below
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Last year Esttb..Rues ESTABLISHMENT RULES PUBLISHED DURING THE YEAR 2019 Last year Esttb..Rues Estt.Rule RBE No/ L.No. 5 Subject Date of issue Remarks 158/2019 E(NG)II/2010/RC-4/6 दिनांक 04.06.2019, RBE No. 92/2019 Re-engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis for the
Read MoreKatni in Madhya Pradesh to beat Kerala to have India's longest railway bridge The project will be ready in next 5 years. Reported By: DNA Web Team | Source: DNA webdesk | Updated: Feb 22, 2016, 12:22 AM IST Representational image Almost three and a half times longer than Vembanad rail bridge in Kerala, Katni in Madhya Pradesh will have
Read Moreखत्म होगा वेतन आयोग, नए फॉर्मूले से तैयार होगी कर्मचारियों की सैलरी केंद्र की मोदी सरकार अब वेतन आयोग को खत्म करने की तैयारी कर रही
Read More*Policy on Drunkenness On-duty of Rly
Read MoreOccasionally there are some trains run by private companies using IR stock on IR routes - these are perhaps not really 'private' trains but rather trains which have been leased out by IR for private runs. Most of these are heritage or tourism specials chartered by travel agencies, private individuals, or state tourist boards for various occasions.
Read MoreThe first Rajdhani was introduced between Howrah and New Delhi on March 1, 1969. It was initially a bi-weekly 8 car train - Brake/Luggage/Generator, AC I, AC Pantry, AC Chair, AC Chair, AC Chair, AC Chair, Brake/Luggage/Generator - hauled by a single WDM-4. It left Howrah on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and left New Delhi on Mondays and Fridays. The
Read MoreSome stations are physically in one building complex but are considered separate stations for operational and administrative reasons. Usually, these oddities reflect the historical development of the station, where more than one railway company in British India served that station. The best example of this is Dadar, which actually consists of one
Read MoreMany towns have changed names over the years. In many cases the change in the spelling of a place stems from a desire for the name to more closely reflect the pronunciation of the name in the local language. Older spellings were generally assigned in the Roman script by the British and in some cases did not correspond closely to the spoken version
Read MoreThis is done when there may be other towns of the same name elsewhere that may perhaps be as prominent or even better known than the station in question. Adding the state name as a suffix helps to disambiguate the station from the other towns of the same name. E.g., Berhampur (West Bengal) and Berhampur (Orissa). Hyderabad station is often
Read MoreSee the list of common suffixes in Indian place names (which is a general, not railway-specific list). Many suffixes are self-explanatory. For instance, many cities have a Cantonment station which used to be where the British established military cantonments (and where significant military establishments may still exist. In addition to the Indian
Read MoreThe "Road" after the station indicates that it's the nearest railhead for that particular town. The road to that town originates at this station:you still need to travel a while by road to get to that town. There are a number of examples: Kodaikanal Road, Khurda Road, Mantralayam Road, Jajhpur Kheonjar Road, Nasik Road, etc. Jajpur Keonjhar Road
Read MoreThis number is naturally a moving target, as IR is constantly opening new stations. Moreover, it is difficult to get a precise count of "stations" when considering junctions that have different gauges, stations with remote or differently named cabins or signalling sheds, derelict or abandoned stations, metropolitan areas with many stations and
Read MoreIR's classification of stations is linked to their rules for block system working. Class A: Such a station is one where the Line Clear indication for the block may not be given unless the line where the train is to be received is clear at least for up to the starter signal (or, in some cases, for at least 400m ahead of the home signal). These are
Read MoreIn some places -- especially Mumbai -- special codes are used to indicate the destination of a suburban train (either on the rake (CR), or on platform indicators (CR/WR)). These are not the official station codes, but usually just 1- or 2-letter mnemonics. Some of the commonly-used ones around Mumbai are: A : Andheri (WR), Ambarnath
Read MoreIgnoring political and practical problems in actually using such connections for passenger services, as of 2009 or so the answer is Yes!! There are continuous physical railway connections from easternmost India all the way to the UK. Read on... From Quetta in Pakistan, the Nushki Extension Railway runs through Mirjaveh (Mirjawa) on the border to
Read MoreThe idea of a rail link to Singapore comes up every so often. Myanmar railway lines are meter-gauge. So are the railways in Thailand and Malaysia. So the value of such a link for freight transportation is greatly diminished by the need for transshipment at some point to get to the main BG network in India. Furthermore, in Burma the southern
Read MoreIn the northeast, going up the Brahmaputra valley, the Indian rail network comes quite close to China. It also comes near Burma at two places, though there are considerable gaps before the actual border is reached. The nearest Indian railhead to Myanmar is Lekhapani at the end of the (newly converted) broad gauge branch line from Tinsukia Jn).
Read MoreCurrently there are no railways at all in Bhutan. However, recently a proposal has been floated to link Bhutan's border towns with three railheads in Assam and two in West Bengal. In this proposal, the following cross-border lines would be constructed: Banarhat, West Bengal -- Samchi (Samtse) (16km) Hashimara, West Bengal --
Read MoreJaynagar is a point close to the India-Nepal border in Bihar. This town has MG service on ER from various points, including Darbhanga which is on the BG network. From Jaynagar, there is a Nepal Govt. Railway train service (2'6" NG) up to Janakpur (Janakpurdham) and Bizalpura (Bijalpura), begun in 1937. The total track length of this section is
Read MorePassenger services have been running on a trial basis between the two countries, commencing with the running of the Maitry Express ('Friendship Express') on the 117km stretch between Sealdah and Bongobandhu East in Bangladesh. A 60km stretch from there to Dhaka is under construction (it existed earlier but washed away in a flood in 1978). Prior to
Read MoreThere was a rail link to Sri Lanka from India until 1964, with services from Madras to Colombo (the Indo-Ceylon Express). From Madras Egmore passengers took the Rameshwaram Exp. (then known as the "Boat Mail"). The MG track went through Pamban and reached a pier at Dhanushkodi, the southern tip of the island of Rameshwaram and about 27km from the
Read MoreMost of the very old tracks have by now been relaid and renovated, so that it is very hard to find very old rails. Good bets are the meter-gauge and narrow-gauge lines that don't see much traffic. Abandoned lines (such as at the Bombay Port Trust railway) also sometimes have very old rails left intact. The Bombay Port Trust railway tracks between
Read MoreNormally, rails do not need to be painted as the expected life span resulting from the effects of wheel wear and fatigue is such that corrosion is not a significant problem. In some areas, however, corrosion of rails, especially on the inside of the rail foot below the liners, or on the sides, can be quite severe, and may result in the need for
Read MoreThese small vertical pieces of rail (or other structures such as a small cement post), usually painted yellow or white, are monuments or vertical datum indicators. They have marks on them that indicate the correct intended height of the rail head at that location on the track. When track maintenance crews adjust track for its level, they use these
Read MoreThe three-tier system divides responsibilities for track maintenance as follows: 1. On-Track Machines (OMU). Mechanized maintenance (see above) including systematic tamping, intermediate tamping, shoulder ballast cleaning, ballast profiling and redistribution, track stabilization, and periodic deep screening of ballast. 2. Mobile Maintenance
Read MoreIR has used some track-laying equipment, but much track is still laid manually. A lot of track maintenance is also done manually, with a veritable army of gangmen that are out 'on the line' to inspect track and fix problems. There is, however, a big push to mechanize track maintenance -- the target being complete mechanization by 2012. Tie
Read MoreThese are various formulae for calculating the gang strength required to perform maintenance of different kinds on a section of track. Maflin's Formula, adopted in 1931, is a very simple one (number of gangmen = 2.5 x 'unit per mile' x length of track, where the 'unit per mile' factor depends on the kind of traffic carried on the track). It
Read MoreComplete Track Renewal (CTR) refers to the most thorough track replacement regime where rails, sleepers, etc., are fully replaced. Through Rail Renewal (TRR) refers to the replacement of rails in a given section of track, while Through Sleeper Renewal (TSR) refers to the replacement of sleepers. Similarly, there are Through Turnout renewal (TTR),
Read MoreThe most common system of routine manual (non-mechanized) track maintenance is known as through packing or beater packing (from the name of the tool used for packing ballast, a 'beater'). This includes the following steps: Opening of the road : ballast is unpacked, fittings and fastenings of the rails loosened Examination of track : Rails,
Read MorePermanent way maintenance is largely done by gangs consisting of gangmen under the supervision of a gangmate. The gang goes down its assigned section of track (the gang beat or beat section), inspecting track and performing normal routine maintenance. A patrolman may be separately deputed to perform visual inspections along the length of a section
Read More'Raksha Dhaga' or literally, 'Safety Thread', is a device pioneered by Konkan Railways in landslide-prone areas. It consists of a wire attached to sensors which can be tripped when the wire is moved excessively or snapped by a falling rock. The sensors when tripped activate lights and hooters 0.5km away so that approaching trains can safely stop
Read MoreIn areas where rock falls or landslides are common, IR uses meshes or nets fixed to the rockfaces or the hillsides -- these are 'stitched' to the hillside at frequent intervals. They act to trap and stop, or slow down falling or sliding rocks and boulders so that they either do not fall all the way down, or lose their kinetic energy and fall
Read MoreBroad Gauge Deviations allowed from nominal gauge: -5mm to +3mm on straights and curves over 350m radius, and up to +10mm on curves sharper than 350m radius. (The older specifications were: On straight sections, a deviation of +/- 6mm; and on curves a deviation of up to +20mm/-6mm.) High-speed sections (130+ km/h) have tighter tolerances of +/-
Read MoreErosion of the soil around a track formation can be quite dangerous as the track may subside or warp and move. In many cases IR simply encourages the local shrubby vegetation to grow in the areas near the track to stem the erosion. Where severe erosion is a problem, 'GeoJute' has been used. This is an ecologically safe material made of jute yarn
Read Moreभारतीय रेल को अगर हिंदुस्तान के लोगों की लाइफलाइन कहें, तो गलत नहीं होगा। रोजाना लाखों लोग ट्रेन में सफर करते हैं। ऐसे में मोदी
Read MoreIR generally does not use a separate sub-ballast layer below the ballast layer. A blanket layer of coarse, granular material is usually provided directly below the ballast layer. Blanket layers are not provided for tracks on rocky beds, or on well-graded gravelly or sandy beds. Blankets of at least 45cm thickness are provided for tracks laid on
Read MoreFor all high-traffic lines, IR uses machine crushed hard stone ballast, usually from locally quarried granite stone, or crushed basalt. In the past, broken brick, slag from metal processing, cinders, and waste construction material were also used. For most sections with wooden sleepers, the ballast is of a 6.5cm nominal size (not more than 5%
Read MoreSuper-elevation, or cant, is provided to counteract the centrifugal tendency of trains on curves. On a canted curve (where the outer rail is higher than the inner one of the curve), the weight of the vehicle provides a component that counteracts the centrifugal tendency. Cant excess refers to the condition where the cant or superelevation is too
Read MoreWooden BG sleepers dimensions are usually 2.75m x 0.25m x 0.13m. MG wooden sleepers are 1.8m x 0.2m x 0.115m. NG sleepers are usually of the same thickness as MG sleepers, and are often made by cutting MG sleepers (sometimes discarded ones) to size and adding a new seat for the track. Most sleepers on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway are wooden,
Read MoreThis notation is an old one. The 'N' or 'M' in this stands for the length of a rail in yards. The additional number specified represents the excess of the number of sleepers over the number of yards for a rail. E.g., 'N+3' for 11-yard (33') rails indicates 14 sleepers (11 + 3) for each rail. This was a convenient formulation, especially when rails
Read MoreBroad Gauge (See table below.) Most BG mainline sections now have about 1660 sleepers per km (about 60cm spacing); the earlier standard used to be 1538 sleepers per km (about 65cm spacing). BG branch lines may have 1540 sleepers per km (about 65cm spacing) or 1340 sleepers per km (about 75cm spacing); the older standard was 1307 sleepers per km
Read MoreIR uses various kinds of Pandrol design fasteners, ERC Mark III (850-1100kg toe load), and ERC Mark V (1200-1500kg toe load) (the latter developed by RDSO). Pandrol 'J' clips, often yellow in colour, which have a lower profile and lower toe load), are used where they need to be removed and reinserted easily and where ordinary clips might interfere
Read MoreIR divides the country into five zones based on the normal temperature variation expected in each region. The maximum rail temperature difference is about 70C (ranging from a minimum of -5C to a maximum of 60C or so -- the rail temperature can be several degrees higher than the ambient temperature. The neutral temperature or stress-free
Read MoreCast iron sleepers ('CST-9') are widely used. They are not very suitable for high-speed traffic and so are not usually seen on the mainline BG sections. The earlier 'pot sleepers' were especially prone to problems; newer cast iron sleepers (with ends that have two pockets) are much more laterally stable. Steel trough sleepers ('ST') are very
Read MoreFishplated joints are the most basic joints seen, on lines where there is no track-circuiting, and no welded rail in use. Fishplated joints are so called because of the use of a fishplate, which is a bar that is attached by means of bolts (fishbolts) to the rails on either side of the joint. Usually there are two bolts securing the fishplate on
Read MoreA lot of rails come from SAIL (Steel Authority of India), a public sector company which makes rails at its Bhilai Steel Plant (now the second largest rail supplier in the world). SAIL supplies almost all the 52kg/m rails used by IR, and some of the 60kg/m rails. It supplies the basic 13m, 26m, and 80m rails, and is now manufacturing the 240m and
Read MorePrincipally two types of welding are used for rails. One is Flash Butt Welding, and the other is Alumino-Thermic Welding, also known as Thermit(e) welding. A third kind of welding, known as Gas Pressure welding, is used much less often, and a fourth kind, Metal Arc Welding, is very rarely used. In Flash Butt Welding, a strong electric current is
Read MoreThe term thick web switches most commonly refers to a new design of sturdier BG switches on prestressed concrete sleepers, which can handle higher turnout speeds. These are made for 1:8.5 turnouts (less commonly, 1:12), with 160mm (less commonly 115mm) throw, and have clamp locks, spring setting devices (SSD), and the ZU-1-160 thick web rail. In
Read MoreThe most common length for BG rails is 13m (42'8'') although double-length rails (26m, 85'4'') are seen in some places. MG rails are usually 12m (39'4'') in length. NG rails vary, but the commonest length is 9m (29'6''). Much earlier (before the metric system was adopted!), rails were generally produced in sizes of 11, 12, or 14 yards (33', 36',
Read MoreThe IRS standard for most mainline tracks is 52kg/m (really 51.89kg/m, 105lb/yd), and it allows 25-ton axle loads. Until about 1970, most sections had RBS standard rails of 44.7kg/m (90lb/yd). The RBS standard had been adopted in 1914, and allowed 22.5-ton axle loads at 100km/h. It is still found in many places. For sections with heavy traffic,
Read MoreYes, many marshalling yards have been closed over the years, especially since the 1980s, with the move towards using block rakes that do not need to be broken up and re-classified all the time. A list of closed yards is given below. Central Railway Amla (BG) Agra Cantt (BG) Wardha (BG) Nishatpura (BG) Balharshah (BG) Bina
Read MoreMost of the bigger stations that are junctions or termini for various routes have large yards for stabling and marshalling rakes. E.g., Chennai Central homes rakes for many trains originating from there. Pune has a fairly large yard, as does Ernakulam. The Juhi marshalling yard is pretty big as well. Mughalsarai is the biggest marshalling yard in
Read MoreCONCOR (Container Corporation of India) operates several container depots throughout the country. As of there were 31 Inland Container Depots (ICDs) with facilities for international freight and connected to ports. These are classified based on whether or not they have a Container Freight Station (CFS), and whether they are equipped to handle
Read MoreHere are the goods sheds attached to major centres: Agra: Raja-ki-Mandi Ahmedabad: Sabarmati Bombay (Mumbai): Carnac Bunder, Wadi Bunder, New Mulund, with additional freight yards at Bandra, Sion, Vashi, Kalyan, Borivli, Wadala / Raoli Junction; Wadala and Trombay have oil sidings. Turbhe in New Bombay (Navi Mumbai) deals with some parcel
Read MoreThese empty or water-filled tankers or other wagons are known as 'guard wagons' and are intended to provide a safety buffer for the tankers carrying inflammable cargo. They are intended to take the brunt of any minor collision so that the tankers carrying the inflammable substances are not themselves damaged leading to possible explosions or major
Read MoreThere are a few different reasons that this happens. One reason (and the official one stated in working timetables) has to do with ensuring the couplers (CBC's) along the rake are all engaged and locked before starting off. The backward push forces the couplers to engage if they are loose, not fully engaged, or if the coupler pins had been
Read MoreCrack Trains were introduced on ER for similar reasons as for Link Trains on CR. A crack train is run on a link system (scheduled engine and staff). However, as ER is a dense and relatively compact railway zone where extended runs are difficult (200km might constitute an inter-divisional movement), the idea was to run these trains with one set of
Read MoreAmong goods trains, Link Trains are or were those with a pre-specified regular weekly or daily schedule (the 'link' for the train). Often, these goods trains had dedicated sets of crew, and these trains were usually given priority by the controllers as well. High utilization is achieved by extended running with longer distances between rake
Read MoreGoods trains are classified into a few different categories. Departmental trains are trains run for internal purposes of the railway, such as track maintenance or conveying equipment. They may be ballast trains or other material trains. Breakdown trains and other special-purpose trains for dealing with accidents are also considered to be
Read MoreThese are wagons that do not participate in wagon pooling. Some wagons may be marked as Non-Pooled Wagons (usually stencilled 'N.P.' on the wagons) - these are usually some special-purpose high-capacity wagons used by various railways that generally earmarked for some particular operations on that railway or on particular routes. They do travel to
Read MoreThere are many interchange points between zonal railways for BG goods wagons - practically any junction near a zonal boundary which sees significant BG goods traffic counts as one. For MG wagons, there are four principal interchange points: Khandwa for SCR/WR, Himmatnagar for WR/NWR, Purnia for NFR/ECR, and Forbes Ganj for NFR/NER. International
Read MoreEach zonal railway of IR has a fleet of freight wagons that it owns. Of necessity, most freight trains traverse through territory of more than one zonal railway, and wagons of one railwy may end up outside their home zone after a run. Wagon Pooling refers to the practice of allowing other zonal railways to use the wagons for their own freight
Read MoreCurrently a trial Wabash / Kirloskar roadrailer runs between Konkan Railway (or JNPT) and Nagpur. Konkan Railway has also made some trials of TOFC (trailer on flat car). Intermodal cars are used quite a bit. They are configured with 6 trucks for 5 cars, but double-stacking is not used as the floor height of the cars is usually the same as for
Read MoreRakes of the old freight wagons, classified 'CG', for Covered Goods, consisting of the old 4-wheeled C or CR wagons) up to 1850 or so tonnes (2350t for some types of wagons). With the introduction of bogie stock, mixed CRT/CRC/BCX rakes became more common and brought the maximum up to 2750 tonnes. As noted above, even today the standard load for a
Read MoreIR has only recently begun running a few double-stacked container trains. This is primarily because most of IR's main routes are electrified and raising OHE clearances is not permitted under the present Schedule Of (moving) Dimensions. (But see below.) Other reasons include low axle loads permitted on certain lines and types of wagons (20.32
Read MoreAmong the heaviest freights regularly hauled in India are the 4700+ tonne loads hauled by two (sometimes one, depending on the gradient, etc.) WAG-9 locos in the Dhanbad Division. Earlier, these freights required multiple WAG-5 locos to haul them. Typical heavy freight trains in many sections use two or three WAG-5's at the front and two or three
Read MoreFreight trains run regularly between India and Pakistan via the Attari (Punjab) - Lahore route. The Munabao - Khokhrapar route is under consideration for goods traffic (it is currently only used for the Thar Express passenger traffic). Freight trains have also been running regularly between India and Bangladesh on the Gede-Darshana and Petrapole
Read MoreThe Dedicated Freight Corridor is a project for new railway lines exclusively for carrying freight isolated from normal IR traffic and passenger trains. Conceived in 2004-2005, planning began in 2006, and in 2007 initial proposals have been drawn up. The entire DFC project will include 2,700km or so of exclusive freight lines (new construction),
Read MoreRecently CONCOR has begun running some fast (up to 100km/h) guaranteed delivery container freight trains on certain routes (35 rail corridors have been identified as suitable for such service). The rakes consist of 5-wagon groups of flat cars; the flat cars are low flat cars which allow loading 'Tallboy' containers. A particular freight service
Read MoreMost rail container traffic in India is handled by CONCOR (the Container Corporation of India) which until recently was the only such organization. CONCOR is a public-sector concern, but it maintains its own fleet of wagons and other assets that are separate from IR's, although the traffic moves on IR's tracks. Recently the government has given
Read MoreThe rakes are assigned names in alphabetic sequence starting with a name that begins with an 'A' for the first formation out of a marshalling yard after 0100 hrs, along with a number. This designation can change if the rake is broken up at another yard and regrouped. Thus, freight trains have names such as 'Ahmedabad 10', or 'Bombay 21', or 'India
Read MoreSome goods trains are run as pre-scheduled or timetabled services (Link and Crack trains, Quick Transit Service, etc.). The majority of goods trains, however, are run as requirements arise. The process of arranging for a goods train to run is known as ordering a goods train. Ordering a goods train involves the issuance of written advice to the
Read MoreIR has several freight rate scales for parcel traffic. Scale R or Rajdhani Parcel Service is applicable to parcels carried on the Rajdhani Express trains and thereby being assured of the speediest delivery of all IR's services. Scale P (Premium Parcel Service) applies to parcels carried on certain Shatabdi Express trains, certain other
Read Moreकोसी और सीमांचल के रेलयात्रियों की सुविधा में इजाफा करते हुए रेलवे बोर्ड ने जनसेवा एक्सप्रेस (14617/14618) के परिचालन का विस्तार किया
Read Moreमुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल सरकार द्वारा 5566 करोड़ रुपये की लागत से तैयार होने वाली केएमपी के साथ रेल मार्ग परियोजना की मंजूरी को झज्जर के
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How to Registered a Railway Employee on
Read MoreBefore computerization set in, reservations were generally issued only on the basis of fixed quotas for each station (and, for some important stations, using the 'return journey quota' (RJQ) for the return trips), or after a labour-intensive and time-consuming process of requesting and confirming reservations via telegrams to distant
Read MoreThe early Rajdhani Express tickets were unusual. The Bombay Rajdhani tickets resembled airline tickets in format (although somewhat thinner), and the Howrah Rajdhani tickets were also wide like airline tickets but shorter, so that they resembled excess baggage tickets issued by the airlines of the time. WR and CR began issuing stiff paper tickets
Read MoreUntil a few years ago, the mainstay of IR's ticketing were the Edmondson tickets* which were issued manually (machine-punched or even hand-written in some cases) for all train journeys, reservations, etc. Indian Edmondson tickets show(ed) a fair bit of variation. Apart from the expected information such as the endpoints of the journey, the date,
Read MoreIn the days before walkie-talkies or other means of communication between the cab and the station staff were available, a very simple but effective method was used by a driver or guard to communicate with the station master or his staff at stations where the train did not halt. He would write his message on a piece of paper, wrap it around a
Read MoreSince about 1999, handled radio sets (walkie-talkies) have been issued to most drivers, guards, and other staff on the move. These handsets usually have a fairly short range (a kilometer or so). VHF radio sets have been installed in the loco cabs for a few important trains such as the Grand Trunk Express, Tamil Nadu Express, and the Rajdhanis and
Read MoreMost of IR's telecommunications needs are handled by telephone / telegraph cables and other control communication cables running alongside the tracks (often underground in electrified areas) or overhead (usually in non-electrified areas). Important circuits of control and communication include section control for overall control of train running,
Read More'ROSHAN' stands for ROlling Stock Health ANalyst and refers to some technology developed by Konkan Railway in association with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre for monitoring the running characteristics of coaches and wagons. Accelerometers mounted on rolling stock record the oscillations of the coach or wagon while in use and computer circuitry
Read MoreRolling stock (coaches and wagons) are usually classified into three categories for maintenance purposes. The primary maintenance category consists of vehicles that need thorough inspection and maintenance. They are to be examined closely from all aspects, and all parts that are at the limit of the prescribed running life (in km or calendar time)
Read MoreIf there are no complications because of 3-way rake-sharing and so on, it is easy to figure out the number of rakes that are needed for any particular train service. Assuming 1-2 hours a day to allow for late running, and perhaps 4-6 hours a day for cleaning and maintenance, a rake is used perhaps 16 hours a day for short distance trips, and 18
Read MoreThe order of precedence for trains governs which train gets priority when two trains have to cross on a single line, or are waiting to use a platform at a station, etc. The train with the higher precedence is given priority, and the other train is made to wait (normally, regardless of how much detention this results in, and even if the other train
Read MoreThe overall schedules and numbers of trains, as reflected in the published passenger timetables and working timetables, are decided in advance based on consideration of the operational aspects such as loco availability, loco changeovers, crew changes, section capacity, etc. In implementing these schedules, Deputy Chief Controllers or Dispatchers
Read MoreThe Control Organization of IR has primary responsibility for scheduling and running all trains, and maintaining information on the positions and movements of all rolling stock. (These functions are collectively known as control - an area of the railway network is said to be 'controlled' when a control office is in charge of it.) Each division or
Read MoreLike road traffic, railway traffic is also on the left as a rule. The rule generally applies to all double-line sections, and a train moves on the right side tracks only in exceptional situations. Of course, it does not make any difference for single-line operations, and bidirectional movement is allowed on both tracks in the case of twin
Read MoreMany locos can be used as bankers on ghat sections. Usually, goods locos are used for banking duties, although this is not a rigid rule. The leading loco on a ghat section can in general be any loco provided it has suitable braking systems, etc. There are some ghat special powers -- locomotives that are specially modified for duties on steep
Read MoreThese days, it is more common for crew to be issued walkie-talkies, so communication is a bit less of a problem, but without them, coordinating the banking efforts with the leading loco always called for great skill and ingenuity. The drivers made use of horn signals, brakes, and also closely observed the load on the locomotives (by monitoring the
Read MoreA banker is a locomotive that assists in hauling a train up a steep gradient. A banker is attached to the rear of the train and pushes the train from the rear while the normal locomotive of the train pulls it as usual from the front. Bankers are used for two reasons. One is that, of course, the leading loco may need assistance on a steep
Read MoreCatch sidings are sidings provided to divert runaway trains off the main line on approach to a station, or on steep downward slopes. Points are normally set to route all trains to the siding, which may end in a sand trap to slow down and halt any train that is moving too fast and out of control. This prevents runaways from entering station or yard
Read MoreThe alarm chain in a passenger coach is designed to create a break in the continuity of the brake pipes (whether vacuum or air brakes), immediately resulting in a loss of brake pressure (or vacuum) and thereby cause the train brakes to be applied. With vacuum brakes, a clappet valve is provided that is released by the pulling of the alarm chain,
Read MoreIf a train parts en route with a coupler failure, the guard uses his brakes to attempt to slow down his portion of the train to a safe halt. (If the train is being banked, the banker brings the train to a halt on seeing the guard's signal, and also sounds a danger signal to attract the attention of the driver in front.) If the front portion of the
Read MoreIn case of trains passing signals at danger or running through a station out of control, or moving on block sections without authority to proceed, the station master must inform the next station ahead of this occurrence (and on controlled sections must inform traffic control). The station master of that station then sets its departure and
Read More(Naturally, there are well-defined rules on obtaining medical help and emergency services, etc. in the case of accidents, and assisting injured people and preventing further injury or death takes the highest priority. But here we focus only on train working guidelines which come into play for accidents.) The general principle is to protect the
Read MoreNormally, all trains are required to have a brake van or guard's van and a guard on board. However, in a few cases the brake van and the services of the guard can be dispensed with, especially in sections where block sections are completely track-circuited, which reduces the possibility of undetected train parting. Brake vans can also be dispensed
Read MoreDue to restricted visibility in thick fog which pervades northern India in particular during the winter months, trains are known to get delayed and schedules get thrown haywire. Obviously, these delays have their genesis in the fact that the drivers can't see the signals at sufficient distance and have to reduce speeds when approaching signals, so
Read MoreFlooding is very dangerous to the permanent way. The earthworks become unstable, ballast can be washed away, and the forces of the water by its movement, buoyancy, and scouring action can seriously weaken and move the track so that it is no longer stable and secure enough to support the weight of a train reliably. Hence, great care is taken when
Read MoreIn case of signalling equipment or block equipment failure (e.g., power failure, floods), if communications can be established between adjacent stations (by telephone on the public network or control telephones of the railway network, or in the past, by telegraph or bell code), paper line clear tickets may be issued to trains to proceed. Such
Read MoreA block is a bar on through traffic entering a particular section of track. It may affect only certain kinds of traffic, or may close the tracks to all trains; it may affect one track of a double line or multiple line, or may affect all tracks up and down. A block is used when work of a more involved nature is undertaken and speed restrictions are
Read MoreThese are various kinds of speed limits below the normal sanctioned speed limit for the route section in question, imposed in stretches of track where unsafe conditions exist because of track damage, ongoing repair work to track or OHE, accidents, or unusual circumstances in the construction of the permanent way (see above). A temporary
Read MoreA Caution Order (or caution notice) is a written notice issued by a station master (or other official) to the driver and guard of a train, formally advising them of special conditions and restrictions in effect on the section of track that the train is about to enter. The Caution Order may have instructions on speed restrictions and other special
Read MoreThere are many reasons for a reduction in speed. There may be permanent speed restrictions on the section of track: because of sharp curves or curves with inadequate cant; approaches to crossovers, diamonds, etc.; structures too close to the track; ghat sections; lineside tenements or pedestrian traffic; level crossings; old bridges or culverts;
Read MoreApart from the considerations above, periodic trip inspection schedules form a consideration for determining loco links. Normally, locos must be inspected at a trip shed every 2500km or on completion of a single trip, whichever is earlier. In addition, every 30 to 35 days, locos are withdrawn from service for IA, IB, or IC scheduled
Read MoreLocomotive changes often happen at convenient points where there is an appropriate loco shed where locos can be housed for a while and given some routine maintenance if necessary, etc. Except for long express services (for which keeping down the number of halts is a priority) hauled by WDM-2, WAM-4, WAP-4, WAP-5, and other such locos for which
Read MoreIn order to compute the load to be hauled by the locomotive(s), IR personnel use some rules of thumb. An 8-wheeled passenger coach (of any kind) is counted as 2 units, a 4-wheeled wagon as 1 unit, 8-wheeled wagons as 2, 2.5, or 3 units depending on the payload capacity. A 36 unit load for a passenger train, therefore, may refer to 18 coaches each
Read MoreThe working timetable has a lot of other operational details. It has the load table specifying what loads each kind of locomotive is allowed to haul on sections covered by the timetable. In addition to the schedules for trains including the make-up time, etc., as noted above, it sometimes has a crossing and precedence table that describes which
Read MoreIR provides generous amounts of make-up time or slack (also known as Extra Time Allowed (marked 'EA' in the working timetable), or margin) in the schedules for most long-distance trains. Delays of half-an-hour to a couple of hours are almost inevitable in the running of most long-distance trains (except the 'prestigious' ones such as the
Read MoreThe normal running time of a train between two points (usually two stations) is defined as the time it takes the train to travel between those points at the booked speed allowed for that train on that section, with allowances for permanent or temporary speed restrictions in effect, the time for acceleration and deceleration between the stations,
Read MoreThe minimum running time of a train between two points (usually two stations) is defined as the time it takes the train to travel between those points at the maximum permissible speed allowed for that train on that section, with allowances for permanent or temporary speed restrictions in effect and gradients along the route. Source -
Read MoreThe maximum permissible speed is the highest speed permitted for a train on a particular section, and is not to be exceeded under any circumstances. A train needs to run at this speed only to make up for lost time. Most of the zonal railways fix the difference between max. perm. speed and booked speed as 10% although NR fixes this as 12-1/2 %.
Read MoreApart from unscheduled or emergency stops, there are a number of technical halts provided in the operation of most trains. These are halts for the purposes of changing loco crew, changing locomotives, picking up food or water, etc. These halts do not show up on the normal published timetables, but they do appear in the working timetable which is
Read MoreThe booked speed is the maximum speed at which the train needs to travel in order to maintain the published time-table schedule, if running on time. The commercial speed of a train is the average speed for a section of the route -- i.e., distance between endpoints divided by the time taken, including the time taken for technical halts and
Read MoreIR has many training centres in different places. A large Locomotive Training Centre is at Asansol for training in the operation and maintenance of electric locos, and a Diesel Training Centre is found at Gaya for diesel locos. Another training school for AC locomotives is at Annanur, near the Avadi EMU shed. Arakkonam has a Drivers Training
Read MoreFreight trains, unlike passenger trains, don't always have a fixed time-table, and are scheduled on demand. Every month, the Chief Operations Manager of a division issues a Power Plan which has the expected number of up and down freight trains that will originate from or require crew from a given station/shed. This estimate is used to estimate
Read MoreA Line Box is a box or trunk that is taken on board the locomotive for every trip. It contains the working timetable, and essential equipment such as detonators and flares, perhaps the driver's log and a few personal items should he wish to keep them there. (Most drivers have a separate bag with a change of clothes and other personal items.) It
Read MoreCrew links are drawn up for the scheduled trains passing through a division, in consultation with neighbouring divisions. A crew link must satisfy several conditions on working hours, rest hours, etc., for the loco crew. The average working hours for a crew member in a fortnight should not exceed 104 hours (but should be as close to 104 as
Read MoreCrew changes usually occur at points where accommodations exist for the crew to wait between working sets, and where the schedules of many or most trains along that route are likely to require a crew change based on the hours the crew has been working (see below for regulations on running hours). A changeover point is often determined by one or
Read MoreA train superintendent is an official in charge of the internal operation of a train — the passenger amenities, catering, etc. This official does not have anything to do with the running of the train the way a guard (see above) does. Only a few trains have such a train superintendent — mostly the prestigious Rajdhanis, Shatabdis and a few
Read MoreThe guard is responsible for assuring himself that the station master (directly or indirectly) has authorized the departure of the train from the station. The guard can also require the driver to stop the train, or to operate it under his direction, in special circumstances. For instance, in some cases if the train parts, or breaks down, or if a
Read MoreA driver's link (schedule) is such that once every so many days (34 days in the case of Mumbai division CR drivers) he has to work all the Mail / Express trains. Similarly the passenger drivers have their own links. When there is no A special (mail/express) driver available, a passenger (A grade) or Goods (C grade) driver officiates instead of the
Read MoreThere are some variations across the zones, but in the main the following grades of drivers are usual in the railway hierarchy. An A special driver is one qualified to handle mail, superfast, and express trains. An A driver is qualified to handle ordinary long-distance passenger trains. In some zones, there is no separate category of 'A-special',
Read MoreOriginally, this term was given to trains that had a combination of passenger and freight cars in the rake composition. However, more recently this term is used to denote a train that runs as an express for a partial distance and a passenger for the remainder of its journey. For eg: the 4307/4308 Baraeily - Mughalsarai Express is a passenger
Read MoreMail trains originally were trains that actually carried bags of mail to be delivered between their termini or at intermediate stations, under special contracts with the Post Office. In many cases that was in fact the main or only reason for running these Mail trains, and some of the famous mail trains got their reputation for speed and
Read MoreThis just means that the train was classifed in that category, nothing more or less; its actual commercial speed may be above or below that of other trains classified as 'passenger' or 'fast passenger' trains. However, tickets for a 'superfast' train carry an extra surcharge. Nominally, a superfast train should have a commercial speed in excess
Read MoreLadies Specials are trains that have some or all coaches reserved for women. A 'Complete Ladies Special' is one with all coaches reserved for women passengers (Mumbai suburban EMUs). A 'Semi-Ladies Special' is a train with a few (e.g., 3) coaches reserved for women (also on Mumbai EMUs). These designations can be combined with 'fast', 'slow',
Read MoreMumbai suburban services have various such designations (not all of them official, but in wide use). A 'fast' train or 'fast local' is essentially one that is fast (runs express, skipping stops) until a certain station, and from that station onwards runs like a local, e.g., the Virar Fast runs express to Borivli, and thence is a local. The Karjat
Read MoreIn general, Passenger trains (also 'ordinary passenger trains', or 'stopping passenger trains') are the ones that stop at all, or nearly all, of the stations along a route. Most of these tend to be quite slow. Express trains skip many stations and stop at only selected ones. An express train need not be a particularly fast train, although there is
Read MoreIn India slip coach refers to a coach that is designated to terminate its journey at a station prior to the final destination of the rest of the train. The more accurate term is sectional carriage. The coach or coaches are left behind after being detached from the rest of the train. In India this is done only after the train comes to a halt; the
Read MoreRelics of the Raj :This tape has Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway, 2'6" Western Railway NG network near Baroda, BG steam in Bengal -- WP, 0-6-0, HPS, Bengal NG 2-4-0 at Shantipur, MG in Goa - Steam banking action in Ghat section on the British built 2-8-2, the Nilgiri Line, and lastly about a minute and a half of the Patiala State Monorail. Toy
Read MoreThomas Cook travel bureaus can usually supply these. There are two main timetables from Thomas Cook; one covers Europe (the "European" timetable) and the other covers Russia and all of Asia (the 'Overseas' timetable). They also publish other rail guides and maps that cover Russia, India, the US, Australia, etc. In the US and Canada, these are
Read MoreW. Newman & Co. in Calcutta publish the Indian Bradshaw. It costs about Rs 75 (??) for a copy, to which you should add postage charges. They will deliver by registered book post overseas. They offer an annual subscription for about Rs 830 (as of . The Bradshaw is widely available in bigger railway stations, too. Source -
Read MoreListed below are several books that you might find interesting, on the topics of railways in India. Not all of them are devoted entirely to India. Also note that the books listed here cover a large span of publication dates, with some books having been published over a hundred years ago. The information below may be somewhat out of date. The
Read MoreHistorically, India has had many different railway gauges in different sections, and some sections have changed gauges (sometimes several times back and forth) depending on perceived economic and operational requirements. However, maintaining multiple gauges leads to inefficiencies at transshipment points, etc., so in recent years there's been a
Read MoreMixed-gauge tracks do exist in several places in India, although with the ongoing 'Unigauge' project that is progressing at a frenetic pace, there are not as many now as there used to be earlier. A complete list would be hard to compose. Mostly, mixed-gauge tracks exist(ed) in areas where it is/was difficult to have multiple tracks (built-up
Read MoreThis is now found all over the country, and all major passenger and freight routes are now broad gauge. This is the widest gauge in regular use anywhere in the world. (In the past, though, an 8' gauge was used in Oregon, USA, and a 7'¼" gauge was used for the Great Western Railway in the UK.) Outside India, the 5'6" gauge is found in Pakistan, a
Read MoreYes, many marshalling yards have been closed over the years, especially since the 1980s, with the move towards using block rakes that do not need to be broken up and re-classified all the time. A list of closed yards is given below. Central Railway Amla (BG) Agra Cantt (BG) Wardha (BG) Nishatpura (BG) Balharshah (BG) Bina (BG) Jabalpur
Read MoreMost of the bigger stations that are junctions or termini for various routes have large yards for stabling and marshalling rakes. E.g., Chennai Central homes rakes for many trains originating from there. Pune has a fairly large yard, as does Ernakulam. The Juhi marshalling yard is pretty big as well. Mughalsarai is the biggest marshalling yard in
Read MoreCONCOR (Container Corporation of India) operates several container depots throughout the country. As of there were 31 Inland Container Depots (ICDs) with facilities for international freight and connected to ports. These are classified based on whether or not they have a Container Freight Station (CFS), and whether they are equipped to handle
Read MoreHere are the goods sheds attached to major centres: Agra: Raja-ki-Mandi Ahmedabad: Sabarmati Bombay (Mumbai): Carnac Bunder, Wadi Bunder, New Mulund, with additional freight yards at Bandra, Sion, Vashi, Kalyan, Borivli, Wadala / Raoli Junction; Wadala and Trombay have oil sidings. Turbhe in New Bombay (Navi Mumbai) deals with some
Read MoreCONCOR (Container Corporation of India) operates several container depots throughout the country. As of there were 31 Inland Container Depots (ICDs) with facilities for international freight and connected to ports. These are classified based on whether or not they have a Container Freight Station (CFS), and whether they are equipped to handle
Read MoreAround 1950, legislation was passed allowing the central government to take over many of the independent railway systems that were in operation. In 1951, the following zones were created: SR — April 14: From Madras & Southern Mahratta Rly., South Indian Rly., and Mysore State Rly. (about 9660 km). CR — Nov. 5: From the GIPR, the Nizam's
Read MoreUsually there is no problem, if the master circuit breaker of the loco has been switched off. In most cases of neutral sections, therefore, the driver does not have to lower the pantograph. If a live loco enters this section without its master circuit breaker turned off, then there is a possibility of sparking or transient disturbances, which can
Read MoreAt DC/AC changeover points as on the Virar-Vaitarna section, WCAM locos can switch from one power source to another without stopping. The WCAM-1 has a selector on the rightmost side of horizontal control panel for selecting the pantograph. It has four positions, DC, AC, DC-ALT and AC-ALT. In DC and AC-ALT mode, pantograph with two collector shoes
Read MoreToday while the the Mumbai area is still mostly at 1.5kV DC, there are a couple of important AC-DC transition points such as Igatpuri -- now Kasara -- and Virar. In time, when 25kV AC becomes the norm and DC traction is decommissioned, these transitions will be history and there will be no more traction changeovers! Sad for railfans, but perhaps
Read MorePantographs of electric locomotives have a spring mechanism or compressed-air assembly that keeps the pantograph pushing up against the contact wire with a certain specific pressure. If the neutral section were not wired and the contact wire simply ceased to exist, then then possibility exists that if the driver has not dropped the pantographs at
Read MoreThe catenary has breaks or gaps in its electrical continuity every once in a while at points where successive sections are connected to different substations. A neutral section of catenary is usually provided between the two live sections of different phases or connected to different substations. At such points, single locomotives do not drop
Read MoreThree-phase AC locos such as WAP-5 use some fairly new technology as compared to the earlier generations of diesel-electrics and electrics. In most of the earlier locos, the traction motors driving the axles are DC motors. DC motors were used because they afforded (in those days) far superior speed and torque control compared to AC motors — the
Read MoreThe first electric train ran between Bombay's Victoria Terminus and Kurla along the Harbour Line of CR, on February 3, 1925, a distance of 9.5 miles. In 1926, Thana and Mahim were connected. In 1927, electrification was complete up to Kalyan. In 1928, Borivili in the north was connected (Colaba-Borivili of WR being inaugurated on May 1). In 1929,
Read MoreIn marshalling yards and elsewhere, a common technique of moving a wagon around is "loose shunting", where the wagon to be moved is not coupled to the shunting loco, and simply pushed to the correct location. Usually, a rake that is being built up is on one of several sidings branching off from a section of track where the shunting loco is
Read MoreIR passenger stock is mostly built with side buffers and screw couplers that have to be manually connected. The side buffers have single helical spring elements. The notable exceptions are the new Alsthom LHB design coaches that have CBC (centre-buffer-coupler). IR is now introducing tightlock CBC on passenger stock. This started as an
Read MoreMany locos used in steep ghat sections also have an 'auto-emergency' ('AE' or 'AEB') brake system, which consists of an additional safety circuit which monitors the speed and applies the brakes to slow down or halt the locomotive if the speed rises above a certain threshold (sometimes 25km/h or so, but this varies with the route and the working
Read MoreLocos in India typically have air brake systems these days. As there is still a lot of freight stock, and some passenger stock that is not air-braked, many locos do have dual braking capability where they can deal with both vacuum braked and air-braked stock. For instance, the original WDM-2 locos were vacuum-braked. As air braked stock came into
Read MoreIn older stock, both passenger coaches and freight wagons, the continuous braking system consists of vacuum brakes. Newer stock is almost always air-braked. The guard often has mechanical brakes acting on his van. In addition, each piece of stock has mechanical parking brakes. Continuous brakes were tried out by the various railway companies in
Read MoreMost wagons today are manufactured by private firms such as CIMMCO, Texmaco, HDC, Besco, Binny Engineering Works, Titagarh, and Modern. Public-sector organizations such as Burn Standard Co., Braithwaite, Jessops, Bharat Wagon and Engg. Co. (these last four are held by the Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam, Ltd.), Bridge and Roof, Indian Standard Wagon,
Read MoreCONCOR is the organization that handles container traffic in India. More details here. CONCOR has about 1905 BLC type low-bed wagons for fast container traffic. CONCOR also plans to acquire new 45-foot wagons to carry 22-foot domestic containers as well as 45-foot international containers, and also to take over some BRN wagons from IR and convert
Read MoreFollowing trains system In this system, trains are worked between two stations by dispatching them one after the other (all in the same direction) at specific intervals (generally at least 15 minutes). The trains are run at specific speeds (less than 25km/h). This ensures that there should only be one train in every 5km stretch in the section
Read MoreAuthority to proceed is the formal name for the permission or authorization that allows a driver to take a train into a section of track, in either block or non-block systems of working. It is also known as train working authority. In places where token block instruments are in use, block tokens constitute the authority to proceed. Normally in
Read MoreNormally, in Absolute Block Signalling, the single-line section between points where sidings or loops are provided must be treated as a single block in order to prevent two trains from entering it at the same time. However, this also reduces track utilization in the case of trains following one another in the same direction. In these cases, a
Read MoreIn Automatic Block Signalling (ABS) the signals are automated and operate in conjunction with track circuiting or other means of detecting the presence of a train in a block section. As of March 2003, IR had 3,606 kms of track under the ABS system. When a train enters a block section, the stop signal protecting that block changes automatically
Read MoreMoving block is a more advanced system usually associated with ATC (Automatic Train Control). It is not in use anywhere on IR. In moving block systems, a train's position and speed are communicated to control equipment which then computes the appropriate headway to be maintained between and other trains on the same track, and accordingly
Read MoreControlled Manual Block is a system where a manually operated block instrument is used for obtaining the Line Clear permission from the station in advance; however, the clearance of the section must first be verified through track circuiting. The block instrument is connected to the track circuits, and it is not possible for Line Clear to be
Read MoreThe basic token-based Absolute Block system described above has three states: Line Clear, Train on Line, and Line Closed. (Of course, on single-line systems there may be Train Coming From and Train Going To instead of Train on Line). This is also known as Three-Position Block, or Closed Block, because the fundamental assumption is that the block
Read MoreLock and Block is a refinement of the Absolute Block system which is often used in areas with power signalling. (Although there is no direct connection with power signalling, the availability of electricity makes it possible.) It is especially relevant on double lines where entry of the train to the block section is controlled by taking off the
Read MoreA block hut or block post is a minor station (usually Class C; see section on stations) on a section with light traffic, which does not have the full complement of home and starter signals to control the reception and departure of trains. It often has just a single stop signal, and a permissive signal (a distant) to its rear. Line Clear is not
Read MoreA block station is a station (along with its signalbox) associated with one end of a block section. Each block section has a block station at either end; the block stations control access to the block in either direction. A halt station is a station that is not associated with the end of a block section and has no associated signalboxes and no
Read MoreIntermediate Block Sections are provided to increase track usage in areas with absolute block operations where the distances between successive stations are large, causing each block to be very long. The heart of the absolute block system is the idea of only permitting one train ever to be on a block at any time; however, if the block is very
Read MoreA single line block system has just one track, which may be used for traffic in both directions. Signals are provided for both directions, and the token exchange or other system of interlocking works for traffic going either way. The basic principle is to restrict access to a block of track to a single train at a time, whether going in the up or
Read MoreIR's bell code has some points of correspondence with systems used in the UK in the early part of the 20th century. The system of bell codes to convey messages from one signalbox to another is given below. An 'X' indicates a short strike on the bell, and a dash indicates a pause. Bell Codes Message Code Attention X Line Clear
Read MoreAs may be deduced from the description of token block systems above, there is a problem if the traffic is not symmetric in both directions between the two stations at the ends of a block section. Eventually, one of the stations will run out of tokens to dispense to trains. This condition is known, not surprisingly, as a token exhausted condition,
Read MoreThis system is primarily used for single line routes (although it is seen on others too, e.g. MS-KMU-TPJ). The ball token system relies on the crew's physical acquisition and carriage of a small metal ball to mark a train's permission to enter a section of track. The ball is dispensed by a Token Instrument at either end of the block. The two
Read MoreIn manual block working of double lines, the block instruments that connect the two signalboxes (and which dispense the tokens in the case of token systems) have to be coordinated by the signal operators at the two signalboxes. The signalbox that accepts a train into its block section must first set the Line Clear indication on the block
Read MoreIn India, the most prevalent form of physical token system to be found in recent decades is the Neale's Ball Token System and variants such as Neale's Voucher Block, Neale's Tablet Token, etc. Other systems such as Theobald Key Token, Webb and Thompson electric token staff, Tyer & Co.'s key token instrument (one-wire three-position instrument
Read MoreA token block system uses a physical item (the token) of some sort, such as a ball as in the Neale's Ball token system (see below), which is physically carried or manipulated in some way to indicate permission for a train to enter a block of track. A tokenless system, such as may be obtained by a combination of interlocking and semaphore signals,
Read MoreAbsolute Block' refers to a system where the the track is considered to consist of a series of sections, such that when one train is occupying a section of track (the block section), no other train is allowed to enter that section. In addition, no train can enter an empty block section without first securing the permission of the station in
Read MorePanel Interlocking or Route Relay Interlocking are common in most busy stations. Usually, with these the aspects of all signals and positions of trains in various track sections is shown on a control panel. The control circuits usually use underground cables along the track, and sometimes overhead cables. Trackside cables are not used much because
Read MoreHandheld radios (walkie talkie sets) are widely used now (since the late 1990s) by train crew, yard crew, etc.). Some stations have transmitters allowing them to broadcast to all walkie talkies in the vicinity. Often, because of their higher power they are able to transmit to walkie talkie sets carried by crew that are farther away than the
Read MoreSome WAP / WAM models have in-cab AWS / ATS (auxiliary warning system, automatic train stop). AWS provides prior in-cab notification of distant or home signals that are displaying danger or 'on'. ATS provides for a locomotive to be brought to a halt in case it overshoots an 'on' signal that it should not have. This has been tried out on the
Read MoreIR does not appear to have begun using any hotspot detectors or trailing equipment detectors or other methods for automatic detection of mechanical problems in rolling stock, apart from some isolated experiments. Axle counters or track circuits are the primary means of ensuring that a section of track is clear - problems from broken or detached
Read MoreApart from axle counters or track circuits that indicate that a train has passed out of a section of track, in some places magnetic detectors are used for last vehicle proving. A permanent magnet suspended a few inches above the track from the last vehicle of a train passes right over a sensor which is positioned in the center of the track. The
Read MoreAxle counters are widely used by IR to ensure that all wagons or coaches of a train have indeed passed a given point — out of a block section, out of the station limits, out of yard limits, other point zones, etc. ('last vehicle proving', 'block proving', or 'block verification', serving the same purpose as the visual 'Last Vehicle Check' or LVC
Read MoreThe most common form of track circuit used is the detection of a train by the closing of an electrical circuit between the two rails because of the conducting nature of the rolling stock. This circuit may use DC in the simplest form, or may use AC, at various frequencies or with coded pulses. DC Track Circuit (double-rail) Double-rail DC track
Read MoreA Locking Table is a table that gives the complete set of interlocking relationships among signal and point levers in a cabin. A Pull Sheeet is similar, in that it conveys the same information, but is geared towards the lever operator's convenience in showing which other levers need to be pulled for any lever. A sample locking table is shown
Read MoreWhen signals are operated by single-wire transmission, points are always operated by rodding. Rodding refers to the long rods or tubes that one can see running parallel to the rails from cabins which have point levers, or from line-side point levers, and connecting with the tongue rails so that the action of the point lever moves the tongue rails
Read MoreModified non-interlocked stations are those where setting and locking the points releases a key which has to be used to pull off a signal; however, the block instruments are operated independently. So there is some minimal amount of a safety lock between the points and the signals, but it does not qualify as full-fledged interlocking. Source -
Read MoreNon-interlocked stations are what their name implies: there is no interlocking of any kind. The points have to be set appropriately and locked manually before pulling off a signal. The station master is personally responsible for ensuring that this is done and is supposed to have the keys to unlock the points with him or under his control. Trains
Read MoreA Standard I interlocked station has mechanical interlocking. It also usually has just one running line and a loop line (and perhaps a couple of sidings). These are usually branch line stations. The points are worked by point levers situated near the points, and the signals are worked from interlocking frames in the signal cabin. Key locking (see
Read MoreIn order to ensure that the signalling system never provides unsafe (conflicting) signals and the points are not set for more than one train that might end up proceeding on to the same section of track and hence suffering a collision, various schemes have been developed to coordinate the settings of the points and the signals within the region
Read MoreThe last vehicle of a train is supposed to carry a red lamp at the rear. Earlier, the requirement was for merely an oil lamp, which was often missing or very feeble. In recent years provision of an electric lamp has become more common (it is mandated in the rules). Last vehicle indications are of different types. A large 'X' is often seen painted
Read MoreThe clearing point is the point ahead of a stop signal up to which the track must be kept clear of obstructions in order for a train to be accepted from the rear of the signal. In most cases this is with reference to home or outer home signals guarding entrance to station limits from a block section. The distance from the stop signal to the
Read MoreThe absolute block system is the most widespread method of train working on IR. The block sections may be handled manually or automatically, or by some combination of those. Some sections still use different forms of physical token systems such as the Neale's Ball Token instruments. Other than the block system some other special-purpose methods
Read MoreGenerally, fixed signals have to be provided at all block stations (i.e., classes A, B, and C), except those operating trains under the One Train Only system. The minimal signal provisions for block stations with manual absolute block working are described here. Additional signals may be always be provided based on local requirements. Note that
Read Moreजबलपुर के रेलवे प्रोटेक्शन फोर्स (आरपीएफ) के डीआईजी के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज की गई है. डीआईजी विजय खातरकर ने कथित रूप से चलती ट्रेन में
Read MoreSignal installations are designed as far as possible for fail-safe operation, which means that any failure should leave the system in a state where dangerous train movements are not allowed. For instance, in case of a failure detected at a panel interlocking installation, all signals controlled by it are designed to revert to On. Similarly, a
Read MoreA fixed signal is any signal that is permanently erected at a location. The term is used to distinguish normal signals and indicators from hand or lamp and flag signals, detonators, flares, bells, and other special-purpose methods of signalling. Source -
Read MoreAll orientation terms used when talking about track, points, signals, stations, etc. are given from the point of view of the driver of a train looking in the direction that the train is moving. Thus, a signal may be ahead of him or behind him. A signal or station that he is approaching is referred to as being in front, and one that he has passed
Read MoreA co-acting signal is a duplicate signal provided on the same mast as a stop signal, which always shows the same indication as that stop signal. The purpose of such a co-acting signal is to allow a continuous unobstructed view of the signal indication from all positions where a driver might need to observe it, in cases where an overbridge or other
Read MoreStop signals controlling the approach to goods yards or goods-only lines have a black ring fixed to the end of the semaphore arm. No corresponding indication is provided in colour-light territory. Similarly, semaphore signals controlling lines for dock platforms have a black semicircle (in the shape of a 'D') fixed to the end of the semaphore arm.
Read MoreMultiple signals may be mounted on a signal assembly (bracket post, signal gantry, etc.) to provide signal indications for diverging routes. The signals from left to right correspond to the diverging routes from left to right. If one of the routes is the main line, the signal for it is usually placed higher than the others (the maximum permissible
Read MoreRunning signals are the normal signals that control the movement of regular trains. Subsidiary signals are those that control other movements such as shunting, or which provide additional information (repeater signals, points indicators, etc.). Source -
Read MoreThe most common indications shown by various signals are the following: Stop This requires a train to stop dead and not pass the signal except under special instructions or emergency procedures. (Stop signals may be passed after halting and waiting in automatic block territory – usually 1 min. during the day & 2 min. during the night.) This
Read MoreThere are three systems of colour-light signalling in use. (In IR terminology, the term Multiple-Aspect Colour-Light signalling includes both 3- and 4-aspect signalling, and 2-aspect signalling is usually treated as a variant of 2-aspect semaphore signalling. Hence the classification below is not the same as IR's.) Two-aspect colour-light
Read MoreIn single-wire transmission, heat causes the transmission wire to stretch or shrink, and this can result in an incorrect indication of the signal aspect. For instance, the most restrictive aspect may end up being below the horizontal in upper-quadrant signalling on a hot day - this is termed a drooping signal when the angle is more than 5 degrees.
Read More'Single-wire' apparatus, as the name implies, utilizes a single wire or cable connecting the signal lever at the cabin or elsewhere where the signal frame is located, to the actual semaphore mechanism on the signal post. Operating the signal lever to take the signal off causes the transmission wire to be pulled, moving the semaphore arm to the
Read MoreIn IR's lower quadrant system (Two-aspect Lower Quadrant) the semaphore arm can only be in two positions. The horizontal on position shows the most restrictive indication (requiring the train to stop or slow down or proceed with caution depending on the kind of signal), and a lowered position where the semaphore arm is at about 60 degrees or more
Read MoreR uses several forms of signalling. In IR manuals reference is made usually only to 4 main types of systems, Lower Quadrant semaphore, Modified Lower Quadrant semaphore, Multiple Aspect Upper Quadrant semaphore, and multiple-aspect colour-light signalling. But in practice there are some variations in the kinds of colour-light signalling seen, so
Read MoreIR uses several kinds of signals. Semaphore signals have generally given way to colour-light signals although there are still many places with semaphore signalling in use. Semaphore signals are the older style signals seen widely throughout the country, where each signal has an assembly with an arm mounted on a mast, where the arm can move
Read MoreMultiple aspect signals, by providing several intermediate speed stages between 'clear' and 'on', allow high-speed trains sufficient time to brake safely if required. This becomes very important as train speeds rise. Without multiple-aspect signals, the stop signals have to be placed very far apart to allow sufficient braking distance, and this
Read MoreSignal installations are designed as far as possible for fail-safe operation, which means that any failure should leave the system in a state where dangerous train movements are not allowed. For instance, in case of a failure detected at a panel interlocking installation, all signals controlled by it are designed to revert to On. Similarly, a
Read MoreA fixed signal is any signal that is permanently erected at a location. The term is used to distinguish normal signals and indicators from hand or lamp and flag signals, detonators, flares, bells, and other special-purpose methods of signalling. Source -
Read MoreAll orientation terms used when talking about track, points, signals, stations, etc. are given from the point of view of the driver of a train looking in the direction that the train is moving. Thus, a signal may be ahead of him or behind him. A signal or station that he is approaching is referred to as being in front, and one that he has passed
Read MoreA co-acting signal is a duplicate signal provided on the same mast as a stop signal, which always shows the same indication as that stop signal. The purpose of such a co-acting signal is to allow a continuous unobstructed view of the signal indication from all positions where a driver might need to observe it, in cases where an overbridge or other
Read MoreColour-light signals that are not in use (just set up but not yet commissioned, or in the process of being decommissioned) are often turned to point away from the tracks, so that it is clear to all locomotive drivers that the signal is not in service. Otherwise, it would be treated as an active signal that is malfunctioning (lamps burnt out),
Read MoreMultiple signals may be mounted on a signal assembly (bracket post, signal gantry, etc.) to provide signal indications for diverging routes. The signals from left to right correspond to the diverging routes from left to right. If one of the routes is the main line, the signal for it is usually placed higher than the others (the maximum permissible
Read MoreRunning signals are the normal signals that control the movement of regular trains. Subsidiary signals are those that control other movements such as shunting, or which provide additional information (repeater signals, points indicators, etc.). Source -
Read MoreThere are three systems of colour-light signalling in use. (In IR terminology, the term Multiple-Aspect Colour-Light signalling includes both 3- and 4-aspect signalling, and 2-aspect signalling is usually treated as a variant of 2-aspect semaphore signalling. Hence the classification below is not the same as IR's.) Two-aspect colour-light
Read More'Single-wire' apparatus, as the name implies, utilizes a single wire or cable connecting the signal lever at the cabin or elsewhere where the signal frame is located, to the actual semaphore mechanism on the signal post. Operating the signal lever to take the signal off causes the transmission wire to be pulled, moving the semaphore arm to the
Read MoreIn IR's lower quadrant system (Two-aspect Lower Quadrant) the semaphore arm can only be in two positions. The horizontal on position shows the most restrictive indication (requiring the train to stop or slow down or proceed with caution depending on the kind of signal), and a lowered position where the semaphore arm is at about 60 degrees or more
Read MoreR uses several forms of signalling. In IR manuals reference is made usually only to 4 main types of systems, Lower Quadrant semaphore, Modified Lower Quadrant semaphore, Multiple Aspect Upper Quadrant semaphore, and multiple-aspect colour-light signalling. But in practice there are some variations in the kinds of colour-light signalling seen, so
Read MoreIR uses several kinds of signals. Semaphore signals have generally given way to colour-light signals although there are still many places with semaphore signalling in use. Semaphore signals are the older style signals seen widely throughout the country, where each signal has an assembly with an arm mounted on a mast, where the arm can move
Read MoreThere are several diesel-electric multiple units (DEMUs) and diesel-hydraulic multiple units (DHMUs) in operation. Most are made by ICF. The BG DEMUs have a Cummins VTA 1710 V-12 prime mover of 705 HP, whereas the BG DHMUs have two 350hp underfloor engines (Cummins 855R) driving two separate Voith hydraulic transmissions via propeller shafts and
Read MoreIn the Mumbai area, the most commonly seen coaches have General Second Class accommodation. Some coaches or compartments are for First Class ticket-holders. There are also compartments, coaches, or entire trains reserved for women, known as Ladies' Compartments or Ladies' Specials. In some cases the Ladies' coaches or compartments are reserved for
Read MoreMany different EMU formations have been used in different areas. In the 1930's, Madras suburban service started with 3-car EMUs which were notable in having coupled bogies across cars, thereby making the entire 3-car formation a rigid unit. Later Madras also got some 4-car (non-rigid) EMUs. They were sometimes operated in pairs at rush hours,
Read MoreBombay area EMUs date back to the 1920's. In 1925, EMUs from Cammell-Laird and Uerdingenwagonfabrik (Germany) were used on the line from Victoria Terminus to Kurla (what would become the core of the CR suburban service). In 1928 EMU rakes from Cammell-Laird / BTH were used on what is now WR. These were in use until 1974. The BTH rakes were even
Read MoreIR has electric multiple units in operation in several suburban sections (Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, Bandel-Katwa, etc.). The Mumbai region with 1.5kV DC traction has several models of EMUs, classified from WCU-1 through WCU-15 (and beyond??). Most models have DC traction motors with rheostatic control (resistance banks to vary the input power
Read MoreUMID - Unique Medical Identity Card (FULL MANUAL Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
Read MoreInitial training period- counting towards eligibility for appearing in departmental examination – clarification reg. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL WAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/24 New Delhi, dated June 25th, 2019 The General Managers All Zonal
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL WAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/24 New Delhi, dated June 25th, 2019 The General Managers All Zonal Railways & Production Units etc. (as per standard mailing list) ********** Sub: Initial training period- counting towards eligibility for
Read MoreHistorically, many sections have seen railcar or railbus service in India. There have been several imported models used, and also homegrown versions which are often literally buses or truck bodies placed on rails. In recent years, many sections have seen the introduction of railbus or railcar services. This recent program of adding railbus or
Read MoreThere are several diesel-electric multiple units (DEMUs) and diesel-hydraulic multiple units (DHMUs) in operation. Most are made by ICF. The BG DEMUs have a Cummins VTA 1710 V-12 prime mover of 705 HP, whereas the BG DHMUs have two 350hp underfloor engines (Cummins 855R) driving two separate Voith hydraulic transmissions via propeller shafts and
Read MoreIn the Mumbai area, the most commonly seen coaches have General Second Class accommodation. Some coaches or compartments are for First Class ticket-holders. There are also compartments, coaches, or entire trains reserved for women, known as Ladies' Compartments or Ladies' Specials. In some cases the Ladies' coaches or compartments are reserved for
Read MoreMany different EMU formations have been used in different areas. In the 1930's, Madras suburban service started with 3-car EMUs which were notable in having coupled bogies across cars, thereby making the entire 3-car formation a rigid unit. Later Madras also got some 4-car (non-rigid) EMUs. They were sometimes operated in pairs at rush hours,
Read MoreBombay area EMUs date back to the 1920's. In 1925, EMUs from Cammell-Laird and Uerdingenwagonfabrik (Germany) were used on the line from Victoria Terminus to Kurla (what would become the core of the CR suburban service). In 1928 EMU rakes from Cammell-Laird / BTH were used on what is now WR. These were in use until 1974. The BTH rakes were even
Read MoreQUESTION PAPER OF TICKET EXAMINER DEPARTMENTAL EXAM Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreIR has electric multiple units in operation in several suburban sections (Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, Bandel-Katwa, etc.). The Mumbai region with 1.5kV DC traction has several models of EMUs, classified from WCU-1 through WCU-15 (and beyond??). Most models have DC traction motors with rheostatic control (resistance banks to vary the input power
Read MoreThere are two senses of the phrase "multiple unit" to be distinguished. Two or more regular locomotives may be coupled together for greater hauling capacity. In such a cases the locos are said to be operating as multiple units, or to be "MU'ed together" (US terminology: "lash-up"). This is not to be confused with the terms electric multiple unit
Read MoreThere are several diesel-electric multiple units (DEMUs) and diesel-hydraulic multiple units (DHMUs) in operation. Most are made by ICF. The BG DEMUs have a Cummins VTA 1710 V-12 prime mover of 705 HP, whereas the BG DHMUs have two 350hp underfloor engines (Cummins 855R) driving two separate Voith hydraulic transmissions via propeller shafts and
Read MoreIn the Mumbai area, the most commonly seen coaches have General Second Class accommodation. Some coaches or compartments are for First Class ticket-holders. There are also compartments, coaches, or entire trains reserved for women, known as Ladies' Compartments or Ladies' Specials. In some cases the Ladies' coaches or compartments are reserved for
Read MoreMany different EMU formations have been used in different areas. In the 1930's, Madras suburban service started with 3-car EMUs which were notable in having coupled bogies across cars, thereby making the entire 3-car formation a rigid unit. Later Madras also got some 4-car (non-rigid) EMUs. They were sometimes operated in pairs at rush hours,
Read MoreBombay area EMUs date back to the 1920's. In 1925, EMUs from Cammell-Laird and Uerdingenwagonfabrik (Germany) were used on the line from Victoria Terminus to Kurla (what would become the core of the CR suburban service). In 1928 EMU rakes from Cammell-Laird / BTH were used on what is now WR. These were in use until 1974. The BTH rakes were even
Read MoreMaster Circular No. 31 Promotion of Non-gazetted (Group 'C') Staff to selection posts - Policy and
Read MoreThere was a rail link to Sri Lanka from India until 1964, with services from Madras to Colombo (the Indo-Ceylon Express). From Madras Egmore passengers took the Rameshwaram Exp. (then known as the "Boat Mail"). The MG track went through Pamban and reached a pier at Dhanushkodi, the southern tip of the island of Rameshwaram and about 27km from the
Read MoreThe IRS standard for most mainline tracks is 52kg/m (really 51.89kg/m, 105lb/yd), and it allows 25-ton axle loads. Until about 1970, most sections had RBS standard rails of 44.7kg/m (90lb/yd). The RBS standard had been adopted in 1914, and allowed 22.5-ton axle loads at 100km/h. It is still found in many places. For sections with heavy traffic,
Read MoreIR has several freight rate scales for parcel traffic. Scale R or Rajdhani Parcel Service is applicable to parcels carried on the Rajdhani Express trains and thereby being assured of the speediest delivery of all IR's services. Scale P (Premium Parcel Service) applies to parcels carried on certain Shatabdi Express trains, certain other
Read MoreThere are several trains which split/amalgamate at a junction, Example: the 6635 Dn Netravati Exp from Kurla (Mumbai) used to work as one train upto Shoranur Jn in Kerala, thereafter one half of the train went as 6635A to Mangalore and the rest went as 6635B to Cochin. This trains now runs through Konkan Railways and hence does not spilt up at
Read MoreThe Railways Year Book is published annually and has a compilation of IR statistics and information on all aspects of IR. Urban Railways is a bi-annual publication covering various issues relating to railways in India. (Approximate annual subscription is INR 100 / US $20 with additional charges depending on delivery method.) Transport Track is
Read MoreHistorically, India has had many different railway gauges in different sections, and some sections have changed gauges (sometimes several times back and forth) depending on perceived economic and operational requirements. However, maintaining multiple gauges leads to inefficiencies at transshipment points, etc., so in recent years there's been a
Read MoreMixed-gauge tracks do exist in several places in India, although with the ongoing 'Unigauge' project that is progressing at a frenetic pace, there are not as many now as there used to be earlier. A complete list would be hard to compose. Mostly, mixed-gauge tracks exist(ed) in areas where it is/was difficult to have multiple tracks (built-up
Read MoreHere are the goods sheds attached to major centres: Agra: Raja-ki-Mandi Ahmedabad: Sabarmati Bombay (Mumbai): Carnac Bunder, Wadi Bunder, New Mulund, with additional freight yards at Bandra, Sion, Vashi, Kalyan, Borivli, Wadala / Raoli Junction; Wadala and Trombay have oil sidings. Turbhe in New Bombay (Navi Mumbai) deals with some parcel
Read MoreIn 1984, the Railway Reform Committee had proposed the creation of four new zones to cope with the growth of freight traffic across the country and to rationalize the traffic handling of IR. This proposal went nowhere. In the 1990s IR had been considering setting up more zones, ostensibly to improve administrative and operational efficiency.
Read MoreIn 1984, the Railway Reform Committee had proposed the creation of four new zones to cope with the growth of freight traffic across the country and to rationalize the traffic handling of IR. This proposal went nowhere. In the 1990s IR had been considering setting up more zones, ostensibly to improve administrative and operational efficiency.
Read MoreThe 1.5kV DC overhead system (negative earth, positive catenary) is used around Bombay (This includes Mumbai CST - Kalyan, Kalyan - Pune, Kalyan - Igatpuri, Mumbai CST - Belapur - Panvel, and Churchgate - Virar). There are plans to change this to 25kV AC by 2010. In preparation for this, BHEL has been retrofitting some Alstom EMUs with AC drives
Read MoreThe following codes are used now for classifying freight wagons . The classification scheme is not entirely systematic. Older wagons especially have codes that are not easily explained in this way. But in general an optional gauge code is followed by a type code which is followed by an indication of the coupler and whether the wagon is
Read MoreMultiple aspect signals, by providing several intermediate speed stages between 'clear' and 'on', allow high-speed trains sufficient time to brake safely if required. This becomes very important as train speeds rise. Without multiple-aspect signals, the stop signals have to be placed very far apart to allow sufficient braking distance, and this
Read MoreThere are two senses of the phrase "multiple unit" to be distinguished. Two or more regular locomotives may be coupled together for greater hauling capacity. In such a cases the locos are said to be operating as multiple units, or to be "MU'ed together" (US terminology: "lash-up"). This is not to be confused with the terms electric multiple unit
Read MoreVery few private railways are left over from the days of the Raj, usually small sections on private estates, etc. (Are some foreign-owned??) E.g. the 2'6" Dehri-Rohtas Light Railway (Rohtas Industries Dehri - Tiura Pipradih). This appears to have stopped working a few years ago -- date uncertain. There are also some railway lines owned and
Read MoreIR is skittish about anybody photographing or videotaping anything at supposedly strategic locations such as railway stations, bridges, workshops, etc. Technically, a permit is required for almost all photography or videotaping done on or near railway premises. However, in practice, this rule is often used by the railway security persons (RPF,
Read MoreA few of the more useful sites are given below. Indian Railways Reservation Online has status, schedules, fares, train numbers, station codes, passenger service rules, and more. Indian Railways' official website has a searchable timetable, and tourist information, etc. is IR's online train status site with current running
Read MoreThe Model Railway Society of Pune (MRSP) does a lot of model construction. Members of this club have in the past built a 1/16th brass model of a WP, and several models of locos such as WDM2, YDM4, WAP1, etc. They also run a Museum of Miniature Railways. Please write to Dr Ravi Joshi for more information on either the society or the museum: Dr
Read MoreLoco, coach, and wagon manufacturers whose products have been used in India ABB ASEA Brown-Boveri, Switzerland ALCO American Locomotive Co., Schenectady, NY, USA BBUNL Bharat Bhari Udyog Nigam, Ltd. BEML Bharat Earth Movers Limited BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited BLW Baldwin Locomotive Works,
Read MoreThe first Rajdhani was introduced between Howrah and New Delhi on March 1, 1969. It was initially a bi-weekly 8 car train - Brake/Luggage/Generator, AC I, AC Pantry, AC Chair, AC Chair, AC Chair, AC Chair, Brake/Luggage/Generator - hauled by a single WDM-4. It left Howrah on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and left New Delhi on Mondays and Fridays. The
Read MoreIR uses alphabetic codes to identify the railway stations. Some selected codes are given below. The selection below is not really meant as an aid to the traveller; many entries are chosen for railfan interest and may be otherwise obscure. Extensive lists of station codes are available: See the section on books for details of a publication,
Read MoreBefore the partition of the subcontinent, there used to be several trains running across what is now the India-Pakistan border. Today, there is only one active rail connection, and the others are in disuse or have been dismantled. See below for updates! The active link goes Amritsar - Attari - Wagah - Lahore. Attari and Wagah are towns on either
Read MoreAll trains on IR are identified by primarily through their numbers (either the 4-digit nationwide numbers or the zonal numbers for local passenger trains). However, as a convenience, most trains (other than some very frequent local services such as EMU/MEMU or passenger shuttles) are referred to by names in IR's literature and also by the
Read MoreThe permanent way sections are classified by IR according to the maximum speed (or more precisely, the maximum speed proposed for the immediate future) that the tracks are capable of supporting. In most cases this classification is more an indication of the priority of the route and IR's plans for it in the future, rather than an indication of the
Read MoreIR carries the entire gamut of goods, ranging from parcel traffic and small consignments, agricultural products, raw materials like iron ore and petroleum, and finished goods like automobiles. Over the last few decades, IR has made an effort to move away from small consignments or piecemeal freight, and to increase the number of block rakes where
Read MoreIn India slip coach refers to a coach that is designated to terminate its journey at a station prior to the final destination of the rest of the train. The more accurate term is sectional carriage. The coach or coaches are left behind after being detached from the rest of the train. In India this is done only after the train comes to a halt; the
Read MoreNo. The last BG steam loco built by CLW was a BG ‘WG’ class loco named Antim Sitara ("The last star"), #10560, built in June 1970. Mysteriously, this loco's final disposition is not known; SER records it as "untraceable". One of the two WG locos preserved at CLW bears a name board 'Antim Sitara', but the loco is not #10560! The last WP was
Read MoreThe 'Indian Railways' magazine is the primary periodical published by IR covering its activities and events. Although it is intended mainly for railway staff, it is available to all for purchase or subscription. Articles in the magazine usually cover news items about new trains, construction, etc., as well as activities (whether of a railway
Read MoreRoni Kappel's IR-specific downloads for MSTS are available on this site! The MSTS World of Indian Railways has IR-specific MSTS downloads. Microsoft sells the Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS) developed in conjunction with Kuju Entertainment of the UK. Auran has a train simulator, Trainz, which includes simulations of train driving, railway
Read MoreBroad Gauge - 5'6" (1676mm) This is now found all over the country, and all major passenger and freight routes are now broad gauge. This is the widest gauge in regular use anywhere in the world. (In the past, though, an 8' gauge was used in Oregon, USA, and a 7'¼" gauge was used for the Great Western Railway in the UK.) Outside India, the 5'6"
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As I expect most people who read this document will not be railway enthusiasts and would be researching a period when the steam locomotive reigned supreme, I thought that some very brief notes on steam locomotive wheel arrangement should be included. ये भी पढ़े - योगासन का इतिहास तथा योग से
Read MoreThe higher up the ranks your ancestor got, the easier it ought to be to find out about him. He would probably have had to join his relevant professional institution, and this will give you at the least dates of admission, promotion within the institution, possibly an article written by him, and an obituary. When searching for obituaries bear in
Read MoreThe Indian Railways FAQ section on books on Indian Railway history shows what has been available. For general overviews of history, see the books by Westwood, Kerr, and Sahni. The books by Bhandari have concise summaries of the histories of several railway systems. The 3-volume set, Railway Construction in India, has a lot of historical detail on
Read MoreIn the 1840s, when the first proposals for railways in India were being debated in Great Britain, there was intense lobbying in support of these proposals by banks, traders, shipping companies, and others who had a strong interest in seeing railways be formed in India. These supporters prevailed upon the British Parliament to create the Guarantee
Read MoreThe customary answer to this question is 3:35pm on April 16th, 1853, when a train with 14 railway carriages and 400 guests left Bombay's Bori Bunder for Thane, with a 21-gun salute. It was hauled by three locomotives: Sindh, Sultan, and Sahib. The journey took an hour and fifteen minutes. That, however, was just the first commercial passenger
Read MoreWAP was set up in 1984 at Yelahanka, in Bangalore, for the manufacture of wheels and axles, since other local manufacturers such as the Durgapur Steel Plant were unable to satisfy IR's needs, and imports were costly. WAP uses some advanced techniques such as pressure-moulding of wheels. A lot of WAP's products are made from scrap metal generated
Read MoreICF was set up in 1955 with the collaboration of the Swiss Car and Elevator Manufacturing Co. of Schlieren, Switzerland. The factory was set up originally with a capacity to produce 350 coach shells annually. ICF over the decades became very successful in producing the signature integral design (underframes, sidewalls, and roof integrated to form
Read MoreParel Workshops of CR have been manufacturing diesel shunters (WDS-6 class, mostly) using components produced by DCW and DLW, since 2006. The workshops are also a leading establishment for repairs and overhauls of locomotives. Established in 1879, they were engaged in steam locomotive repair and overhaul and since 1972 (after the decline of BG
Read MoreDMW, Patiala, formerly known as the Diesel Component Works(DCW) was set up in October 1981 for the manufacture of diesel and electric loco spare parts. DCW manufactures large components such as traction motors and locomotive power packs, rebuilds engine blocks, traction generators, etc. They have more recently been upgrading WDM-2 locos to WDM-2C
Read MoreInaugurated on Jan. 26, 1950, CLW produced its first locomotive by Nov. 1, 1950 (a WG loco, #8401, named 'Deshbandhu' for Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, an Indian freedom-fighter; incidentally it was his widow, Basanti Devi, who inaugurated the works). CLW, originally named just the Locomotive Manufacturing Works, was located near a village called
Read MoreWestern Railway Shed Type Loco / MU's Comments Ratlam Diesel WDS-6, WDM-2, WDM-3A, WDM3-D, WDG-4 Formerly home for the double-headed diesel-hauled Rajdhanis' locos. Started receiving EMD locos from 7/13. Locos mostly serve on routes in Gujarat and down Konkan Railway. Vatwa (for Ahmedabad) Diesel WDM-3A, WDM-3D, WDG-3A,
Read MoreHome sheds for locos are often, but not always, indicated somewhere on the loco itself. For instance, the station code of the home shed may be painted on the side of the loco, or the full name of the shed may appear on the front. Some sheds have elaborate logos, whereas others may just bear stylized renditions of the shed names. Logos often appear
Read MoreAround 1950, legislation was passed allowing the central government to take over many of the independent railway systems that were in operation. In 1951, the following zones were created: SR — April 14: From Madras & Southern Mahratta Rly., South Indian Rly., and Mysore State Rly. (about 9660 km). CR — Nov. 5: From the GIPR, the Nizam's
Read MoreIn 1984, the Railway Reform Committee had proposed the creation of four new zones to cope with the growth of freight traffic across the country and to rationalize the traffic handling of IR. This proposal went nowhere. In the 1990s IR had been considering setting up more zones, ostensibly to improve administrative and operational efficiency.
Read MoreIn terms of route kilometers the sizes of the 9 older railway zons are as follows. Not updated for the new zonal structure!! (Figures are approximate; although from 1999, they were little changed until the creation of the new zones. "BG/MG" indicates the route is served by both BG and MG.) ये भी पढ़े - 10 ईज़ी वेट
Read MoreEach zonal railway is made up of a certain number of divisions, each having a divisional headquarters. The 9 older zones were split into 59 divisions in all. With the creation of new zones the divisions have also been reorganized, and new divisions have been created in 2002 (some came into effect in April 2003), bringing the total number of
Read MoreIndian Railways is divided for administrative convenience into several regional railways. Until recently there were 9 zones, and this structure had not changed much for four decades. Recently, 7 new zones have been created, giving a total of 16. In 2010, Kolkata Metro was given the status of the 17th zone of Indian Railways. Additionally, Konkan
Read MoreDown refers to a train travelling away from its headquarters (i.e., the homing railway) or from its Divisional headquarters, whichever is closer. Up refers to a train travelling towards its headquarters or divisional HQ, whichever is closer. Eg, 2903 DN Frontier mail is down travelling away from its HQ (Bombay) and from the division that homes it
Read MoreThe 4-digit system with a unique number for each long-distance train regardless of the zones that it operates in came into force around 1989. Earlier, trains were numbered from '1' all the way up to 3-digit numbers within each zone. Numbers were thus not unique across zones, and a given train sometimes changed numbers on the same route as it
Read MoreLocal and suburban trains Passenger services within a zone sometimes had just two or three digits, not conforming to the pattern above, and sometimes prefixed with codes indicating the station they served (e.g. 'LK21' passenger service from Lucknow; 'DK-1' for the Delhi-Khurja EMU; 'AD-3' for one of the Aligarh-Delhi MEMUs; etc. SR ran EMU
Read MoreFrom 1989, but prior to December 20, 2010, trains were numbered differently. A system of 4-digit numbers was used for all long-distance passenger trains, while local (intra-zone) trains, suburban services, etc., had numbering schemes that varied widely. Before 1989, trains had numbers that were allotted by their respective zonal railways (and
Read MoreOn December 20, 2010, IR switched to a system of 5-digit numbers that are supposed to be used for all passenger trains across its system. The first digit In the 5-digit train numbering scheme, the first digit indicates the type of the passenger train, as follows: 0 is for special trains (e.g., summer specials, holiday specials, etc.) 1 is for
Read MoreThere is in principle no difference between using the front and the rear pantographs for most locos as each is fully capable of delivering the required electric current from the catenary to the loco. (The AC-DC locos are special in that each loco is intended for a different traction supply.) Generally on IR there is no need for both pantographs to
Read MoreNormally, pantographs do not have to be lowered and raised on the run. The principal exception is the case of the AC-DC switchover by the WCAM series locos as described above. Other than that, there are a few points where the catenary has a gap (no cable physically present, not even a neutral or dead section), for instance at level crossings where
Read MoreUsually there is no problem, if the master circuit breaker of the loco has been switched off. In most cases of neutral sections, therefore, the driver does not have to lower the pantograph. If a live loco enters this section without its master circuit breaker turned off, then there is a possibility of sparking or transient disturbances, which can
Read MoreNot all IR locos have protection against incorrect line supplies, and the loco can be severely damaged in such cases. In some cases, this will blow a fusible link located near pantograph, and the driver will have to raise the appropriate ALT pantograph to continue. No further damage is possible because the only equipment that is live when
Read MoreThe WCAM-1 has a selector on the rightmost side of horizontal control panel for selecting the pantograph. It has four positions, DC, AC, DC-ALT and AC-ALT. In DC and AC-ALT mode, pantograph with two collector shoes is raised; in AC and DC-ALT, pantograph with one collector shoe is raised. The DC pantograph has two shoes and is thicker in its
Read MoreToday while the the Mumbai area is still mostly at 1.5kV DC, there are a couple of important AC-DC transition points such as Igatpuri -- now Kasara -- and Virar. In time, when 25kV AC becomes the norm and DC traction is decommissioned, these transitions will be history and there will be no more traction changeovers! Sad for railfans, but perhaps
Read MorePantographs of electric locomotives have a spring mechanism or compressed-air assembly that keeps the pantograph pushing up against the contact wire with a certain specific pressure. If the neutral section were not wired and the contact wire simply ceased to exist, then then possibility exists that if the driver has not dropped the pantographs at
Read MoreThe catenary has breaks or gaps in its electrical continuity every once in a while at points where successive sections are connected to different substations. A neutral section of catenary is usually provided between the two live sections of different phases or connected to different substations. At such points, single locomotives do not drop
Read MoreThree-phase AC locos such as WAP-5 use some fairly new technology as compared to the earlier generations of diesel-electrics and electrics. In most of the earlier locos, the traction motors driving the axles are DC motors. DC motors were used because they afforded (in those days) far superior speed and torque control compared to AC motors — the
Read MoreThe first electric train ran between Bombay's Victoria Terminus and Kurla along the Harbour Line of CR, on February 3, 1925, a distance of 9.5 miles. In 1926, Thana and Mahim were connected. In 1927, electrification was complete up to Kalyan. In 1928, Borivili in the north was connected (Colaba-Borivili of WR being inaugurated on May 1). In 1929,
Read MoreThe 1.5kV DC overhead system (negative earth, positive catenary) is used around Bombay (This includes Mumbai CST - Kalyan, Kalyan - Pune, Kalyan - Igatpuri, Mumbai CST - Belapur - Panvel, and Churchgate - Virar). There are plans to change this to 25kV AC by 2010. In preparation for this, BHEL has been retrofitting some Alstom EMUs with AC drives
Read MoreThe National Railway Museum has the following: Broad gauge Oudh and Rohilkund Railway Saloon of 1890 4 wheel saloon Oudh and Rohilkund Railway Covered wagon 148 Central Workshops Alambagh, Lucknow 1879 Gaekwar's Baroda State Railway Saloon Parel workshops of BBCI 1886 MSMR 6 wheel Saloon built by Southern Railway at Perambur EIR Sheep wagon
Read MoreSaloon cars, commonly used for luxury travel by the nobility and high-ranking officials in the past, are now far less common. A few air-conditioned saloon cars are kept for the exclusive use of General Managers of zonal railways and members of the Railway Board. Divisional Railway Managers (DRMs) have exclusive use of a non-air-conditioned saloon
Read MorePrior to the 1930's, various arrangements for cooling the interiors of passenger coaches existed, mostly for the first-class coaches. From the 1860's onwards, it was quite common to hang moistened mats of khas to cool the air by evaporation. In 1872, the Saunders system was introduced, which consisted of a long duct running along the length of
Read MoreThe North-Western Railway introduced air-conditioned stock in the late 1930's (the earliest was probably the Frontier Mail in 1936 or 1937). BBCI Railways also experimented with air-conditioning at about the same time. By the early 1950's, air-conditioning was available on several long-distance trains. For example, in 1952-53 there were
Read MoreThere are several kinds of special-purpose coaches that may be spotted on IR. There are various kinds of inspection cars and manager's saloons used by railway officials on their travels. These may often be spotted stabled at sidings off from the main tracks at various stations. Two very special coaches are the Presidential Saloon coaches. There
Read MoreA large yellow 'X', or a series of concentric circles (yellow or white) are painted on the end of a coach which is used as the last coach in a rake -- it allows station crew or signalmen to visually check that the rake is intact by sighting this last vehicle indication. At night, a small red lamp is used at the end (this used to be an oil lamp in
Read MoreThe GIPR's Poona Race Special trains had vestibuled rakes back in 1906. Later, the prestigious Deccan Queen (Bombay - Poona), starting in 1930, regularly had a vestibuled rake. ये भी पढ़े - जानें कैसे करें लोहे के तवे को साफ.. Today most long-distance trains are vestibuled. NG
Read MoreMuch of the information here is likely out of date! Double-decker coaches are found on several WR trains such as the 9021 dn Flying Ranee running between Surat and Mumbai Central (WR), Saurashtra Exp., the Bharuch-Virar shuttle, Mumbai-Ahmedabad-Anand Passenger, and the Valsad Fast Passenger. The Pune - Daund Passenger on CR had double-decker
Read MoreLength The IRS standard underframe for BG, adopted in 1925, was 68' long over headstocks. Side buffers are always 2' 2", giving a total length of 72'4" (22m) over buffers. After World War II, some stock was built on this underframe to 70' (21.3m) length, but most before that date was 68' or a fraction over. The ICF integral stock, and the similar
Read MoreThere are a great many indications, marks, and annotations that can be found on the typical coach. The most prominent, of course, are the indications of the accommodations (class, whether sleeper or not, air-conditioned or not, etc.) along with the coach serial number that is on the side of the coach, above the windows. Small destination boards
Read MoreIn February 2000, IR received a consignment of new lightweight all-metal passenger coaches from Alsthom LHB (Germany). The initial units were earmarked for the New Delhi - Amritsar Swarna Shatabdi, but later allotted to the new New Delhi - Lucknow Swarna Shatabdi. The coaches are approximately 2.2m longer than the standard ICF-built integral
Read MoreThe typical maximum speed specification for passenger coaches in good condition is 100km/h. Older coaches and those in poor condition can be seen with annotations restricting their maximum speed to something lower, such as 80km/h. Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains and other fast trains of course have stock that can be hauled at higher speeds. The newer
Read MoreIn the late 1990's RCF, under the auspices of a UN-assisted program, came out with some prototype coaches of new designs, classified IRX/IR15 (IRW?), IRY/IR20, and IRZ/IR30. The first part of the code (e.g., IRY) refers to the shell design, and the second part (e.g. IR20) to the bogie design.) The IR20 bogies are based on the Eurofima design (in
Read MoreThe ‘integral’ coaches built by ICF have monocoque or single-shell bodies (based on a 1950's Swiss design, ‘Schlieren’ Swiss Car and Elevator Manufacturing Co.) with the floor being part of the body; it is an anti-telescopic design, which prevents coaches from being crushed lengthwise in the event of a train collision. Since they were
Read MorePassenger coaches are manufactured at three principal places: Integral Coach Factory (ICF) at Perambur, Railway Coach Factory (RCF) at Kapurthala, and Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. (BEML) at Bangalore. A few coaches are (or were) also manufactured by Hindustan Aircraft Ltd. (HAL) and Jessop. Some auxiliary equipment and repair works are carried out at
Read MoreA characteristic feature of most passenger stock on IR today is the presence of welded bars on the windows. These were apparently introduced at first on night trains to provide security against theft by persons at stations, around the 1970s, but in the 1980s their use spread to most trains and now they are almost universal. Very few older coaches
Read MoreSome early coaching stock was built in Great Britain and imported to India. This included 'pattern' coaches of the 1850s, many prototype steel coaches from 1913 and much EMU stock well into the 1960s until ICF's production built up. However, most coaching stock was built on underframes which had been imported ready-made or in
Read MoreAs railway operations in India were handled by a large number of companies at first, there was a lot of variety in the kinds of stock used and the classes of accommodation provided. Larger railways tended to have three or four classes of accommodation, from First through Fourth (and many special-purpose luxury saloons and the like in
Read MoreThe BG 3-tier sleeper coach is very common, and provides accommodation for 72 persons. Each compartment in it has 6 berths: 3 seats forming a bench on either side of the compartment; these form two bunks, the back-rests of the seats fold out to become bunks at night, and lastly, there are two bunks further up. Across the aisle from a compartment
Read MoreCoaches usually have a 4-, 5-, or 6-digit number, where the first two digits denote the year of construction (e.g., 8439 denoting a coach built in 1984, or 92132 denoting a coach built in 1992). In some cases the first two digits may represent the year the coach was transfered to the zonal railway, and sometimes the year represented is the year
Read MoreCoaching stock in general is divided into two categories, Passenger Coaching Vehicles (PCV) (sometimes 'Passenger Carrying Vehicles') which are coaches that carry passengers, and Other Coaching Vehicles (OCV), which include service coaches such as pantry cars, parcel vans, mail vans, etc. Coaching stock is classified using the codes shown below.
Read MoreHistory of the modern trains spans the range of last two hundred years of modern human civilization, who in that time used this incredible discovery to drastically change industry, human expansion, and the way we travel on daily basis. From the first time steam train rolled over the railways of industrial England in early 1800s to the modern
Read Moreसीएसटी का निर्माण 1878 में तेजी से शुरू हुआ था। मुंबई का यह रेलवे स्टेशन जब आम जनमानस के लिए 1887 में शुरू हुआ था तब इसका नाम विक्टोरिया
Read Moreमधुबनी रेलवे स्टेशन पर विश्व का सबसे बड़ी पेंटिंग बनाई गई है. 7005 वर्ग फीट में बनी मधुबनी पेंटिंग ने मधुबनी रेलवे स्टेशन को एक अलग
Read MoreIndian Railways is the world’s fourth largest railway system. Founded in 19th century, this system serves millions of tourists and locals, every day. The first passenger train of India took 400 people for 1.6 km from Mumbai to Thane. From there, the Indian Railways has evolved into a superpower industry. Let us dive into the history of these
Read Moreपहली बार ट्रेन की परिकल्पना 1604 में इंग्लैण्ड के वोलाटॅन में हुई थी जब लकड़ी से बनायी गई पटरियों पर काठ के डब्बों की शक्ल में तैयार किये
Read MoreSignal installations are designed as far as possible for fail-safe operation, which means that any failure should leave the system in a state where dangerous train movements are not allowed. For instance, in case of a failure detected at a panel interlocking installation, all signals controlled by it are designed to revert to On. Similarly, a
Read MoreA fixed signal is any signal that is permanently erected at a location. The term is used to distinguish normal signals and indicators from hand or lamp and flag signals, detonators, flares, bells, and other special-purpose methods of signalling. ये भी पढ़े - योगासन का इतिहास तथा योग से
Read MoreAll orientation terms used when talking about track, points, signals, stations, etc. are given from the point of view of the driver of a train looking in the direction that the train is moving. Thus, a signal may be ahead of him or behind him. A signal or station that he is approaching is referred to as being in front, and one that he has passed
Read MoreA co-acting signal is a duplicate signal provided on the same mast as a stop signal, which always shows the same indication as that stop signal. The purpose of such a co-acting signal is to allow a continuous unobstructed view of the signal indication from all positions where a driver might need to observe it, in cases where an overbridge or other
Read MoreColour-light signals that are not in use (just set up but not yet commissioned, or in the process of being decommissioned) are often turned to point away from the tracks, so that it is clear to all locomotive drivers that the signal is not in service. Otherwise, it would be treated as an active signal that is malfunctioning (lamps burnt out),
Read MoreStop signals controlling the approach to goods yards or goods-only lines have a black ring fixed to the end of the semaphore arm. No corresponding indication is provided in colour-light territory. Similarly, semaphore signals controlling lines for dock platforms have a black semicircle (in the shape of a 'D') fixed to the end of the semaphore arm.
Read MoreMultiple signals may be mounted on a signal assembly (bracket post, signal gantry, etc.) to provide signal indications for diverging routes. The signals from left to right correspond to the diverging routes from left to right. If one of the routes is the main line, the signal for it is usually placed higher than the others (the maximum permissible
Read MoreRunning signals are the normal signals that control the movement of regular trains. Subsidiary signals are those that control other movements such as shunting, or which provide additional information (repeater signals, points indicators, etc.). ये भी पढ़े - योगासन का इतिहास तथा योग से
Read MoreThe most common indications shown by various signals are the following: Stop This requires a train to stop dead and not pass the signal except under special instructions or emergency procedures. (Stop signals may be passed after halting and waiting in automatic block territory – usually 1 min. during the day & 2 min. during the night.) This
Read MoreThere are three systems of colour-light signalling in use. (In IR terminology, the term Multiple-Aspect Colour-Light signalling includes both 3- and 4-aspect signalling, and 2-aspect signalling is usually treated as a variant of 2-aspect semaphore signalling. Hence the classification below is not the same as IR's.) Two-aspect colour-light
Read MoreIn single-wire transmission, heat causes the transmission wire to stretch or shrink, and this can result in an incorrect indication of the signal aspect. For instance, the most restrictive aspect may end up being below the horizontal in upper-quadrant signalling on a hot day - this is termed a drooping signal when the angle is more than 5 degrees.
Read More'Single-wire' apparatus, as the name implies, utilizes a single wire or cable connecting the signal lever at the cabin or elsewhere where the signal frame is located, to the actual semaphore mechanism on the signal post. Operating the signal lever to take the signal off causes the transmission wire to be pulled, moving the semaphore arm to the
Read MoreIn IR's lower quadrant system (Two-aspect Lower Quadrant) the semaphore arm can only be in two positions. The horizontal on position shows the most restrictive indication (requiring the train to stop or slow down or proceed with caution depending on the kind of signal), and a lowered position where the semaphore arm is at about 60 degrees or more
Read MoreR uses several forms of signalling. In IR manuals reference is made usually only to 4 main types of systems, Lower Quadrant semaphore, Modified Lower Quadrant semaphore, Multiple Aspect Upper Quadrant semaphore, and multiple-aspect colour-light signalling. But in practice there are some variations in the kinds of colour-light signalling seen, so
Read MoreIR uses several kinds of signals. Semaphore signals have generally given way to colour-light signals although there are still many places with semaphore signalling in use. Semaphore signals are the older style signals seen widely throughout the country, where each signal has an assembly with an arm mounted on a mast, where the arm can move
Read MoreMultiple aspect signals, by providing several intermediate speed stages between 'clear' and 'on', allow high-speed trains sufficient time to brake safely if required. This becomes very important as train speeds rise. Without multiple-aspect signals, the stop signals have to be placed very far apart to allow sufficient braking distance, and this
Read MoreHistorically, many sections have seen railcar or railbus service in India. There have been several imported models used, and also homegrown versions which are often literally buses or truck bodies placed on rails. In recent years, many sections have seen the introduction of railbus or railcar services. This recent program of adding railbus or
Read MoreWR EMUs are numbered differently, identified by 3-digit numbers identifying the rake and a letter (e.g., 'C') added to distinguish the individual coach in the EMU rake. (Contrast this with CR's use of '72', '70', '76' prefixes.) 'A' : Trailer coach, 'B' : Motor coach, 'C' : Driving trailer coach Hence a 3-coach formation could be something like
Read MoreOn CR, a 3-coach unit is classified as 76, 70, or 72, where 76 is the leading motor coach (has driving cab if at either end of rake, and reserved seating for handicapped persons when in the middle of the rake), 70 is the motor coach with a pantograph and traction motors (usually has only second-class general accommodation), and 72 is the trailer
Read MoreThere are several diesel-electric multiple units (DEMUs) and diesel-hydraulic multiple units (DHMUs) in operation. Most are made by ICF. The BG DEMUs have a Cummins VTA 1710 V-12 prime mover of 705 HP, whereas the BG DHMUs have two 350hp underfloor engines (Cummins 855R) driving two separate Voith hydraulic transmissions via propeller shafts and
Read MoreIn the Mumbai area, the most commonly seen coaches have General Second Class accommodation. Some coaches or compartments are for First Class ticket-holders. There are also compartments, coaches, or entire trains reserved for women, known as Ladies' Compartments or Ladies' Specials. In some cases the Ladies' coaches or compartments are reserved for
Read MoreMany different EMU formations have been used in different areas. In the 1930's, Madras suburban service started with 3-car EMUs which were notable in having coupled bogies across cars, thereby making the entire 3-car formation a rigid unit. Later Madras also got some 4-car (non-rigid) EMUs. They were sometimes operated in pairs at rush hours,
Read MoreBombay area EMUs date back to the 1920's. In 1925, EMUs from Cammell-Laird and Uerdingenwagonfabrik (Germany) were used on the line from Victoria Terminus to Kurla (what would become the core of the CR suburban service). In 1928 EMU rakes from Cammell-Laird / BTH were used on what is now WR. These were in use until 1974. The BTH rakes were even
Read MoreThe Mumbai region with 1.5kV DC traction has several models of EMUs, classified from WCU-1 through WCU-15 (and beyond??). Most models have DC traction motors with rheostatic control (resistance banks to vary the input power supply). DC EMUs are also used on the Lonavala-Pune section. Information on the precise differences among various older EMU
Read MoreThere are two senses of the phrase "multiple unit" to be distinguished. Two or more regular locomotives may be coupled together for greater hauling capacity. In such a cases the locos are said to be operating as multiple units, or to be "MU'ed together" (US terminology: "lash-up"). ये भी पढ़े - योगासन का
Read MoreThe section on diesel and electric loco specifications has information on most diesel and electric locomotives of IR, and includes figures on power, max. speed, serial numbers, etc. The information is drawn mostly from Jal Daboo's book, with updates and additions from IRFCA members. Also see the section on additional electric loco specifications
Read MoreThis FAQ section was not meant to be a comprehensive list of features or history of locomotive classes. Some classes have been selected for railfan interest, and in the case of locos that are restricted to certain areas, information on where they may be seen today has been provided. Detailed information on dimensions and operating figures, makers'
Read MoreDiesel and electric locos' wheel arrangements are described using a system where the axles of a loco are counted, with powered axles being described using letters and the unpowered axles (if any) indicated by digits. A set of two independently powered axles on a bogie is indicated by ‘Bo’, and a set of three independently powered axles on a
Read MoreTraditionally, steam locomotives have been classified by their wheel arrangements. The system most widely used was the Whyte system. In this, the loco's leading non-powered wheels, the (usually coupled) driving wheels, and the trailing non-powered wheels are indicated separately. Indian practice (following the UK) was to count wheels and not just
Read MoreIn the UK, diagrams from major locomotive manufacturers are preserved at several libraries: Mitchell Library, Glasgow (drawings from North British Locomotive) University Library 'Business Archives', Glasgow (also NBL) Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester (Beyer Peacock drawings) National Rail Museum, York In India, diagrams and other
Read MoreCompressed Natural Gas (CNG) is another fuel that IR has experimented with. Trials with a stationary diesel engine modified to use CNG were carried out at Shakurbasti station. More recently two diesel railcars have been modified to run on CNG. A DEMU rake (one diesel power coach and three trailer coaches) has been modified for CNG use and has
Read MoreBio-diesel is the name given to various fuels or diesel fuel mixtures that incorporate varying amounts of oils derived from plants. While in western countries interest has centred on soybean oil and other crops' oils for use in diesel engines, in India, local plants such as 'Ratanjyothi' (Jatropha curcas), 'Karanjia' (Pongammia pinnata), and
Read MoreOther than the Garratts mentioned above a few articulated locos were used in India. Perhaps the best known are the WCG-1 (EF/1) 1.5kV DC locos ('Crocodile') and the NDM-1 dual-engined diesel loco for the Neral-Matheran hill run. The bonnets of both these types of locos were able to swivel around. ये भी पढ़े - सरदार
Read MoreYes. Bengal Assam Railway had 2-6-2+2-6-2 Meter Gauge Garrats made by Beyer Peacock & Co. Manchester, the same maker of the earlier Garrats in Burma. A B/W picture of Garrats from Bengal Assam Railway appears on page 19 of Indian Locomotives, Part 2 (Meter Gauge) by Hugh Hughes. There were also a few 4-8-2+2-8-4 MG Garratts in use. One is
Read MoreThe situation is changing all the time with many old locos reaching the end of their useful lives. The list below shows the loco classes that can be considered as being really rare on the IR network . YAM-1 : Only at Tambaram (SR), decommissioned and probably scrapped by now but were occasionally used for departmental duties as late as
Read MoreTwo other good places to start are the loco picture pages at the Indian Train Gallery and RailInIndia. See S Shankar's IR pages for dozens of links and pages on different kinds of locomotives with pictures. ये भी पढ़े - सर्वाइकल पेन दूर करने के लिए 5 कारगर आसन Source -
Read MorePush-pull operations are seen in a few places. The Bangalore-Mysore Passenger has a loco at one end and driving trailer cab at the other end for true push-pull operation. The trailer cab is sometimes seen in the middle of a rake instead of the very end (Bangalore-Arsikere-Nanjangud Passenger) The 6057/6058 Sapthagiri Express between Chennai
Read MoreAs of 1998, IR operated a fleet of about 4,400 diesel locos, and about 2,550 electric locos. In mid-1997, it still counted 85 steam locos in its fleet, although most of those are not in service any more (see the section on the last of steam. In 2005, IR had about 4,800 diesels, 3,065 electrics, and 44 steam locos. ये भी पढ़े -
Read MorePrior to 1940 or so, each railway company had its own system of numbering different classes of locomotives. Beginning in the early 1940s, the state began taking over several of the railway companies, and newer locomotives acquired thereafter were allotted numbers based on the ‘IRS’ (and later ‘IGR’) classes; but numbers were duplicated
Read MoreYes. Western Railway inherited from the BB&CI Railway two broad-gauge battery-powered shunters that were used in a yard that was not electrified (and where the use of steam or diesel locos was thought to be too noisy). There is a picture of one of these in Jal Daboo's book. These were locomotives built in England in 1927, and for their time
Read MoreWhat do the designations such as ‘WDM-2’ mean? Locos, except for older steam ones, have classification codes that identify them. This code is of the form '' In this the first item, '', is a single letter identifying the gauge the loco runs on: W = Broad Gauge Y = Meter Gauge Z = Narrow Gauge (2' 6") N = Narrow Gauge (2') The second
Read MoreFor mainline BG locomotives, there were, until the 1980s, two main alternatives. The venerable WDM-2 which existed (exists) in vast numbers, along with the WDS-6, WAM-4, WAG-5, and some of the WCAM-1/2 locos used an Alco design asymmetric trimount (Co-Co) cast bogie design. Most other mainline BG locos used some variant of the GM-EMD 'Flexicoil'
Read MoreLocos traditionally had a rotary converter (of Arno make) to generate 3-phase AC on board to power auxiliary equipment such as traction motor blowers, compressors, exhausters, etc. Starting in the 1980s static converters using solid-state circuitry to generate 3-phase AC on board have been used instead of the Arno converter, driving up efficiency
Read More'Microprocessor control' can mean a few different things. A few of the newer electric locomotive models such as the WAP-5 or WAG-9 with complex 3-phase AC drives have circuitry and equipment controlled by microprocessors. In these, the microprocessor or computerized control is an integral part of the locomotives' design. Some of the newer diesel
Read MoreNew locomotives are run in for a period of time after being commissioned from the factory in order to shake out any possible initial manufacturing defects and for all the components to settle into normal wear and usage patterns. In order to give the loco a reasonable load and much starting and stopping opportunities, usually the new loco is run in
Read MoreSeveral loco classes have speed limiters with buzzers that go off when the prescribed speed is exceeded. In some cases these may also result in the application of brakes. Some WAP-4 locos have the buzzer system and it is set for a speed of 130km/h although they are capable of going faster, while a few WAM-4 locos have it at 110km/h (although not
Read MoreSome locomotive classes such as the WAP-5 and WAP-7, as well as the WAG-9, have controls in the cab that can 'lock' the train to travel at a certain speed (the speed at the time the control or button is set). The button is known as the 'BPCS' button. The computerized loco controls then manage the tractive effort and braking effort and attempt to
Read MoreToday, almost all braking of trains moving at speed is done using the train brake system which activates (air) brakes along the length of the entire rake. The loco brake system is not used for bringing the train to a halt. However, as soon as the train comes to a halt, most drivers switch immediately to the loco brake system to hold the train at a
Read MoreWhere can I find locomotives from India that have been preserved or restored outside India? During the World Wars, many Indian locomotives were transferred to the middle East, Africa, and elsewhere to support British military efforts. Most of these locomotives of course do not survive now and may be difficult to trace. Details of these wartime
Read MoreThe WDM-2 loco, like most diesel-electric locos, has several configurations of its traction motors that are used as the loco accelerates from rest (Series Parallel - Series Parallel Shunt - Parallel - Parallel Shunt, and weak field configurations). There are three important transitions: At 30.8-39km/h 2S-3P Full Field to 2S-3P Weak Field, at
Read MoreWhere can I find plinthed or preserved locos in India? Some information is provided below. Also see the locomotive lists which detail steam survivors in south Asia, preserved locos in Sri Lanka, etc., and also the industrial loco list which has information on many preserved locomotives in India and other south Asian countries. The page on steam
Read MoreTwo to four or so locos can usually be coupled together to operate automatically, without any special provisions, with the crew manning only one of them. (This mode of operation is known as ‘Multiple Unit’ operation, or ‘MU’.) Using more than about 4 or 5 locos together without some form of automatic control for them is problematic
Read MoreThe ‘tractive effort’ is a measure of how large a load the loco can pull and set in motion from a standstill — the maximum force it can exert at the drawbar or coupling. While the raw horsepower rating of the loco is important, it is not the whole story. The loco's weight also comes into play, as a heavier loco can pull a larger load without
Read MoreIn 1905 Kerr Stuart delivered a 12hp 0-4-0 petrol-driven 2'6" loco to Morvi Railway and Tramways. In 1909, a railcar with a Dodge petrol engine was supplied to the Matheran Light Rly. In 1909, a 0-6-0 petrol-driven MG loco was supplied by McEwewn Pratt and Co. of Wickford in Essex to Assam Oil Co. In 1910, Morvi Railway and Tramways obtained a
Read MoreWhat sorts of lights do locomotives display? Headlight — All IR locomotives have headlights. Usually this is a single centrally mounted light near roof level at each end, although some locos have it at mid-level. Some of the newer locos feature twin-beam headlight fixtures. The headlights can be dimmed if needed. Steam locos had their
Read MoreTwo MG electric locos using overhead electrification were supplied to the Mysore Gold Fields in 1910 by Bagnalls of Stafford. Electrical equipment for these was supplied by Siemens. ये भी पढ़े - सिर्फ माउथफ्रेशनर से कहीं ज्यादा गुणकारी है सौंफ,
Read MoreEarly locos (late 19th century) were almost all imported. The first steam locomotive was built in India in 1895 at the Ajmer workshops. Details of some of the more important manufacturers are to be found in the section on production units and workshops. Domestic Manufacturers CLW: Large-scale loco production in India did not begin until the
Read MoreEarly locomotives in India had a bewildering variety of classification schemes. Regional railways had their own classification schemes too. For more details on this, refer to reference works such as Hugh Hughes' classic 4-volume work on Indian locomotives. The first BESA standard classes appeared in 1903. The HPS, SPS, HGS, and SGS steam loco
Read MoreWhere can I find locomotives that have been exported from India by IR? There are several locomotives that have been manufactured specifically for other countries, or rebuilt and then exported, sold/resold, or otherwise given to other national railways by Indian Railways, such as the many YDM-4's sold to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Togo, etc.
Read MoreLocos, except for older steam ones, have classification codes that identify them. This code is of the form '' In this the first item, '', is a single letter identifying the gauge the loco runs on: W = Broad Gauge Y = Meter Gauge Z = Narrow Gauge (2' 6") N = Narrow Gauge (2') The second item, '', is one or two letters identifying the power
Read MoreWhere can I find locomotives from India that have been preserved or restored outside India? During the World Wars, many Indian locomotives were transferred to the middle East, Africa, and elsewhere to support British military efforts. Most of these locomotives of course do not survive now and may be difficult to trace. Details of these wartime
Read MoreHeadlight — All IR locomotives have headlights. Usually this is a single centrally mounted light near roof level at each end, although some locos have it at mid-level. Some of the newer locos feature twin-beam headlight fixtures. The headlights can be dimmed if needed. Steam locos had their headlights mounted in various positions; either with
Read MoreIn the 19th century and early this century, named locomotives were quite common. Many were named after administrators ("Lord Clive") or nobility ("Prince Albert"), or mythical figures ("Hercules"). Indian names were also included ("Tungabhadra", "Shakuntala"), and some whimsical ones as well ("Moth", "Ant", "Jimpeebuttee", "Perleewerlee"). Some
Read MoreThere are several locomotives that have been manufactured specifically for other countries, or rebuilt and then exported, sold/resold, or otherwise given to other national railways by Indian Railways, such as the many YDM-4's sold to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Togo, etc. Many of these are in active use on those railways. However, it is often
Read MoreDuring the World Wars, many Indian locomotives were transferred to the middle East, Africa, and elsewhere to support British military efforts. Most of these locomotives of course do not survive now and may be difficult to trace. Details of these wartime transfers are found in works such as 'Middle East Railways' by Hugh Hughes as well as railway
Read MoreWhat about other articulated locomotives? Other than the Garratts mentioned above a few articulated locos were used in India. Perhaps the best known are the WCG-1 (EF/1) 1.5kV DC locos ('Crocodile') and the NDM-1 dual-engined diesel loco for the Neral-Matheran hill run. The bonnets of both these types of locos were able to swivel around. Other
Read MoreSome information is provided below. Also see the locomotive lists which detail steam survivors in south Asia, preserved locos in Sri Lanka, etc., and also the industrial loco list which has information on many preserved locomotives in India and other south Asian countries. The page on steam locomotives and the current steam page have some more
Read MoreWere Garratts used in India? Yes. Bengal Assam Railway had 2-6-2+2-6-2 Meter Gauge Garrats made by Beyer Peacock & Co. Manchester, the same maker of the earlier Garrats in Burma. A B/W picture of Garrats from Bengal Assam Railway appears on page 19 of Indian Locomotives, Part 2 (Meter Gauge) by Hugh Hughes. There were also a few 4-8-2+2-8-4
Read MoreWhich locos are the rarest ones on IR? The situation is changing all the time with many old locos reaching the end of their useful lives. The list below shows the loco classes that can be considered as being really rare on the IR network . YAM-1 : Only at Tambaram (SR), decommissioned and probably scrapped by now but were occasionally used for
Read MoreDoes IR have push-pull operations? Push-pull operations are seen in a few places. The Bangalore-Mysore Passenger has a loco at one end and driving trailer cab at the other end for true push-pull operation. The trailer cab is sometimes seen in the middle of a rake instead of the very end (Bangalore-Arsikere-Nanjangud Passenger) The 6057/6058
Read MoreHow many locomotives does IR have in its fleet? As of 1998, IR operated a fleet of about 4,400 diesel locos, and about 2,550 electric locos. In mid-1997, it still counted 85 steam locos in its fleet, although most of those are not in service any more (see the section on the last of steam. In 2005, IR had about 4,800 diesels, 3,065 electrics, and
Read MoreSerial numbers: How are/were locomotives numbered in India? Prior to 1940 or so, each railway company had its own system of numbering different classes of locomotives. Beginning in the early 1940s, the state began taking over several of the railway companies, and newer locomotives acquired thereafter were allotted numbers based on the ‘IRS’
Read MoreDiesel and electric locos' wheel arrangements are described using a system where the axles of a loco are counted, with powered axles being described using letters and the unpowered axles (if any) indicated by digits. A set of two independently powered axles on a bogie is indicated by ‘Bo’, and a set of three independently powered axles on a
Read MoreTraditionally, steam locomotives have been classified by their wheel arrangements. The system most widely used was the Whyte system. In this, the loco's leading non-powered wheels, the (usually coupled) driving wheels, and the trailing non-powered wheels are indicated separately. Indian practice (following the UK) was to count wheels and not just
Read MoreIn the UK, diagrams from major locomotive manufacturers are preserved at several libraries: Mitchell Library, Glasgow (drawings from North British Locomotive) University Library 'Business Archives', Glasgow (also NBL) Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester (Beyer Peacock drawings) National Rail Museum, York In India, diagrams and other
Read Moreompressed Natural Gas (CNG) is another fuel that IR has experimented with. Trials with a stationary diesel engine modified to use CNG were carried out at Shakurbasti station. More recently two diesel railcars have been modified to run on CNG. A DEMU rake (one diesel power coach and three trailer coaches) has been modified for CNG use and has
Read MoreWhat does ‘Static Converter Fitted’ or similar annotation mean on a locomotive? Locos traditionally had a rotary converter (of Arno make) to generate 3-phase AC on board to power auxiliary equipment such as traction motor blowers, compressors, exhausters, etc. Starting in the 1980s static converters using solid-state circuitry to generate
Read MoreOther than the Garratts mentioned above a few articulated locos were used in India. Perhaps the best known are the WCG-1 (EF/1) 1.5kV DC locos ('Crocodile') and the NDM-1 dual-engined diesel loco for the Neral-Matheran hill run. The bonnets of both these types of locos were able to swivel around. Other articulated locomotives used in the
Read MoreYes. Bengal Assam Railway had 2-6-2+2-6-2 Meter Gauge Garrats made by Beyer Peacock & Co. Manchester, the same maker of the earlier Garrats in Burma. A B/W picture of Garrats from Bengal Assam Railway appears on page 19 of Indian Locomotives, Part 2 (Meter Gauge) by Hugh Hughes. There were also a few 4-8-2+2-8-4 MG Garratts in use. One is
Read MoreThe situation is changing all the time with many old locos reaching the end of their useful lives. The list below shows the loco classes that can be considered as being really rare on the IR network . YAM-1 : Only at Tambaram (SR), decommissioned and probably scrapped by now but were occasionally used for departmental duties as late as
Read MoreTwo other good places to start are the loco picture pages at the Indian Train Gallery and RailInIndia. See S Shankar's IR pages for dozens of links and pages on different kinds of locomotives with pictures. ये भी पढ़े - इंडिया की इन खतरनाक और रहस्यमयी जगहों पर
Read MorePush-pull operations are seen in a few places. The Bangalore-Mysore Passenger has a loco at one end and driving trailer cab at the other end for true push-pull operation. The trailer cab is sometimes seen in the middle of a rake instead of the very end (Bangalore-Arsikere-Nanjangud Passenger) The 6057/6058 Sapthagiri Express between Chennai
Read MoreWhat’s the cause of the characteristic jerk or momentary loss of power felt when a WDM–2 accelerates? The WDM-2 loco, like most diesel-electric locos, has several configurations of its traction motors that are used as the loco accelerates from rest (Series Parallel - Series Parallel Shunt - Parallel - Parallel Shunt, and weak field
Read MoreWhat’s the method that IR uses to couple together multiple locos? or, What’s ‘Locotrol’? Two to four or so locos can usually be coupled together to operate automatically, without any special provisions, with the crew manning only one of them. (This mode of operation is known as ‘Multiple Unit’ operation, or ‘MU’.) Using more than
Read MoreAs of 1998, IR operated a fleet of about 4,400 diesel locos, and about 2,550 electric locos. In mid-1997, it still counted 85 steam locos in its fleet, although most of those are not in service any more (see the section on the last of steam. In 2005, IR had about 4,800 diesels, 3,065 electrics, and 44 steam locos. ये भी पढ़े -
Read MoreWhat’s the ‘tractive effort’ of a locomotive? The ‘tractive effort’ is a measure of how large a load the loco can pull and set in motion from a standstill — the maximum force it can exert at the drawbar or coupling. While the raw horsepower rating of the loco is important, it is not the whole story. The loco's weight also comes into
Read MorePrior to 1940 or so, each railway company had its own system of numbering different classes of locomotives. Beginning in the early 1940s, the state began taking over several of the railway companies, and newer locomotives acquired thereafter were allotted numbers based on the ‘IRS’ (and later ‘IGR’) classes; but numbers were duplicated
Read MoreYes. Western Railway inherited from the BB&CI Railway two broad-gauge battery-powered shunters that were used in a yard that was not electrified (and where the use of steam or diesel locos was thought to be too noisy). There is a picture of one of these in Jal Daboo's book. These were locomotives built in England in 1927, and for their time
Read MoreFor mainline BG locomotives, there were, until the 1980s, two main alternatives. The venerable WDM-2 which existed (exists) in vast numbers, along with the WDS-6, WAM-4, WAG-5, and some of the WCAM-1/2 locos used an Alco design asymmetric trimount (Co-Co) cast bogie design. Most other mainline BG locos used some variant of the GM-EMD 'Flexicoil'
Read MoreLocos traditionally had a rotary converter (of Arno make) to generate 3-phase AC on board to power auxiliary equipment such as traction motor blowers, compressors, exhausters, etc. Starting in the 1980s static converters using solid-state circuitry to generate 3-phase AC on board have been used instead of the Arno converter, driving up efficiency
Read More'Microprocessor control' can mean a few different things. A few of the newer electric locomotive models such as the WAP-5 or WAG-9 with complex 3-phase AC drives have circuitry and equipment controlled by microprocessors. In these, the microprocessor or computerized control is an integral part of the locomotives' design. Some of the newer diesel
Read MoreNew locomotives are run in for a period of time after being commissioned from the factory in order to shake out any possible initial manufacturing defects and for all the components to settle into normal wear and usage patterns. In order to give the loco a reasonable load and much starting and stopping opportunities, usually the new loco is run in
Read MoreWhich were the earliest electric locomotives in India? Two MG electric locos using overhead electrification were supplied to the Mysore Gold Fields in 1910 by Bagnalls of Stafford. Electrical equipment for these was supplied by Siemens. Electrically operated rail trolleys (patented by T A White, an EIR engineer, and hence known as White's
Read MoreSeveral loco classes have speed limiters with buzzers that go off when the prescribed speed is exceeded. In some cases these may also result in the application of brakes. Some WAP-4 locos have the buzzer system and it is set for a speed of 130km/h although they are capable of going faster, while a few WAM-4 locos have it at 110km/h (although not
Read MoreQ. Which were the earliest diesel locomotives in the Indian subcontinent? In 1915, a 2'6" gauge diesel loco was supplied to the India Office by Avonside (Bristol). This is presumed to have worked on some tea plantation in Assam. In 1921, a 2'0" gauge 0-4-0 diesel loco built by Baugleys of Burton-on-Trent was delivered to Bengal. In 1923,
Read MoreSome locomotive classes such as the WAP-5 and WAP-7, as well as the WAG-9, have controls in the cab that can 'lock' the train to travel at a certain speed (the speed at the time the control or button is set). The button is known as the 'BPCS' button. The computerized loco controls then manage the tractive effort and braking effort and attempt to
Read MoreThe WDM-2 loco, like most diesel-electric locos, has several configurations of its traction motors that are used as the loco accelerates from rest (Series Parallel - Series Parallel Shunt - Parallel - Parallel Shunt, and weak field configurations). There are three important transitions: At 30.8-39km/h 2S-3P Full Field to 2S-3P Weak Field, at
Read MoreTwo to four or so locos can usually be coupled together to operate automatically, without any special provisions, with the crew manning only one of them. (This mode of operation is known as ‘Multiple Unit’ operation, or ‘MU’.) Using more than about 4 or 5 locos together without some form of automatic control for them is problematic
Read MoreThe ‘tractive effort’ is a measure of how large a load the loco can pull and set in motion from a standstill — the maximum force it can exert at the drawbar or coupling. While the raw horsepower rating of the loco is important, it is not the whole story. The loco's weight also comes into play, as a heavier loco can pull a larger load without
Read MoreWhat is the history of the classification schemes for locos? Early locomotives in India had a bewildering variety of classification schemes. Regional railways had their own classification schemes too. For more details on this, refer to reference works such as Hugh Hughes' classic 4-volume work on Indian locomotives. The first BESA standard
Read MoreWhat do the designations such as ‘WDM-2’ mean? Locos, except for older steam ones, have classification codes that identify them. This code is of the form '' In this the first item, '', is a single letter identifying the gauge the loco runs on: W = Broad Gauge Y = Meter Gauge Z = Narrow Gauge (2' 6") N = Narrow Gauge (2') The
Read MoreFor contemporary applications, see the section on alternative fuels. In 1905 Kerr Stuart delivered a 12hp 0-4-0 petrol-driven 2'6" loco to Morvi Railway and Tramways. In 1909, a railcar with a Dodge petrol engine was supplied to the Matheran Light Rly. In 1909, a 0-6-0 petrol-driven MG loco was supplied by McEwewn Pratt and Co. of Wickford in
Read MoreTwo MG electric locos using overhead electrification were supplied to the Mysore Gold Fields in 1910 by Bagnalls of Stafford. Electrical equipment for these was supplied by Siemens. Electrically operated rail trolleys (patented by T A White, an EIR engineer, and hence known as White's Patented Rail Motor Trolleys) were used in a few places
Read MoreIn 1915, a 2'6" gauge diesel loco was supplied to the India Office by Avonside (Bristol). This is presumed to have worked on some tea plantation in Assam. In 1921, a 2'0" gauge 0-4-0 diesel loco built by Baugleys of Burton-on-Trent was delivered to Bengal. In 1923, two diesel locos built by Ruton Proctor of Lincoln were used on the Barsi Light
Read MoreEarly locos (late 19th century) were almost all imported. The first steam locomotive was built in India in 1895 at the Ajmer workshops. Details of some of the more important manufacturers are to be found in the section on production units and workshops. Domestic Manufacturers CLW: Large-scale loco production in India did not begin until the
Read MoreEarly locomotives in India had a bewildering variety of classification schemes. Regional railways had their own classification schemes too. For more details on this, refer to reference works such as Hugh Hughes' classic 4-volume work on Indian locomotives. The first BESA standard classes appeared in 1903. The HPS, SPS, HGS, and SGS steam loco
Read MoreLocos, except for older steam ones, have classification codes that identify them. This code is of the form '' In this the first item, '', is a single letter identifying the gauge the loco runs on: W = Broad Gauge Y = Meter Gauge Z = Narrow Gauge (2' 6") N = Narrow Gauge (2') The second item, '', is one or two letters identifying the power
Read MoreRead More
QUESTION BANK - P WAY, INDIAN RAILWAY Click Above or See Below PDF SOURCE - SRCETC / TBM & Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (INDIA), East Coast Railway Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
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Read MoreRailway Order – Grant of compassionate appointment to spouse/ward/dependent of deceased trainee employees Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) RBE No.90/2019 No.E(NG)II/2019/RC-1/5 New Delhi, dated 04.06.2019 To The General Manager(P), All Zonal Railways/PUs, Sub: Grant of
Read Moreरेलवे के इतिहास को देखने या समझने के लिए किसी किताब की जरूरत नहीं होगी। अब रेलवे अपने गौरवशाली अतीत को जीवित रखने के लिए ऐतिहासिक
Read MoreQUESTION PAPER FOR SELECTION JUNIOR ENGINEER(TELE) Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
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सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग/मुख्यालय, पमरे के बाह्य संवर्ग-प्रचार निरीक्षक वेतनमान रु.२९२००-९२३०० जीपी रु.२८००/- के ०१ (एक) रिक्त पद को भरने
Read MoreRBE NO.79/2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I/2017/PM 1/11 New Delhi, dated May 13, 2019 The General Managers All Indian Railways & Production Units (as per standard mailing list) Sub: Filling up the posts of Instructors in recognized
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Read MoreIRCTC or Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation allows train ticket holders to apply for a refund under certain conditions. The request for such a refund can be made online through the IRCTC's booking portal or through its mobile app before the preparation of chart, according to IRCTC, the online ticketing arm of Indian Railways. Such
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समय के साथ कदमताल करने के लिए रेलवे ने भी अपने अंदर तेजी से बदलाव करना शुरू कर दिया है। इसी प्रयास के तहत पश्चिमी रेलवे ने महिला कोच को
Read MoreIndian Railway Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules 601. 1. The authorised medical officer means the Railway Medical Officer within whose jurisdiction the Railway employee is headquartered or one who is specifically nominated for the purpose. (Railway Boards letter No.89/H/6-1/dated 10-7-1989) Note:
Read MoreRules regulating seniority of Railway servants SECTION - A : NON-GAZETTED 301 General 302-308 Seniority in initial recruitment grades 309 Seniority on promotion 310-311 Mutual exchange 312 Transfer on request 313 Medically unfitted Railway servants 313 A Assignment of seniority to redeployed surplus
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Read MoreRailway Order – 7th Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Qualification Pay renamed as Railway Accounts examination Allowance Railway Order – 7th Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Qualification Pay renamed as Railway Accounts examination Allowance GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY
Read MoreRailway Order – Minimum Service Condition for Inter-Railway requested transfer GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE NO. 67/2019 E/R No. 119/2019 No.E(NG)I/2015/TR/20 New Delhi, dated April 23, 2019 The General Managers (P) , All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (As per
Read MoreRailway Order – 7th Pay Commission accepted by the Government – Qualification Pay renamed as Railway Accounts examination Allowance GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) PC-VII No.136/2019 RBE NO.71/2019 No.E(P&A)I-2012/SP-1/Genl-1 New Delhi, dated 01.05.2019 The General Managers and Principal Financial
Read MoreTechnical Guide for SSETechnical Guide for Mechanical Supervisor Indian Railway - Note by Training Centre
Read MoreRBE No. 65 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2018/PM1/23 New Delhi, dated 23.04.2019 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (As per standard mailing list) Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination – Reservation for “horizontal” categories including Persons with
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. F(E)I/2019/AL-28/21 New Delhi, dated: 29.03.2019 The General Manager, All Indian Railways / PUs, (As per standard mailing list). Sub: Grant of Air Travel permission to RPF / RPSF personnel on Jammu – Srinagar sector. The proposal regarding grant of Air Travel permission to RPF
Read MorePREVIOUS QUESTION PAPER FOR WELFARE INSPECTOR Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreRailways Circular Journey Rules, Tickets, How It Works, Details Here Indian Railways (IRCTC) offers a special service for travellers who wish to go for a trip connecting many destinations. The service is known as Circular Journey and Circular Journey Ticket is issued for all journeys (other than regular routes) which begin and complete at the
Read MoreQuestion Bank for Selection - Group ‘D’ to Jr.Clerk) - SET 1 Click Above or See Below
Read MoreQUESTION BANK -SM LDCE EXAM DATED 05-05-2015 Click Above or View Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreQUESTION BANK SN Department Google Drive Link 1 Compassionate Ground Appointment Download 2 Commercial Download 3 Electrical Download 4 Engineering Download 5 General Admn Download 6 Mechanical Download 7 Operating Download 8 Personnel Download 9 Signal &
Read MoreMaster Circulars - 1 (Scout Activities on the Indian Railways) “Click Above or View below
Read MoreSchedule of Periodical Medical Examination As per Rly Bd's Guideline of Medical Exam issued vide Letter No. 88/H/5/12 dated 24-01-19931) PME would be done at the termination of every period of 4 years from date of appointment / Initial medical Exam till the date of attainment of age of 45 years, 2) After 45 years- every 2 years upto 55
Read Moreइज्जत नगर मंडल का काठगोदाम रेलवे स्टेशन ऐसे तो ए ग्रेड के स्टेशनों में शामिल हैं। लेकिन स्टेशन पर बने रेलवे कर्मचारियों के आवास
Read MoreQuestion Paper - AME 70%Quota - 17.04.2016 Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MorePrevious Question Paper AME (30% LDCE) - 2009 Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read Moreअगर आप ट्रेन टिकट बुक करना चाहते हैं और आपके पास पैसा नहीं तब क्या करेंगे? ऐसी स्थिति में आप टिकट बुक नहीं कर पाएंगे. लेकिन आपको ऐसा
Read Moreरेलवे कर्मचारियों की स्वास्थ्य सुविधा अब स्मार्ट होने जा रही है। रेलवे अपने सभी मौजूदा व सेवानिवृत कर्मचारियों को उम्मीद नाम से
Read More*A Letter which created history* Date: letter0 2 - 07 - 1909 Divisional Railway Officer, Sahibgunj, Respected Sirs, I am arrive by passenger train Ahmedpur station and my belly is too much swelling with jackfruit. I am therefore went to privy. Just I doing the nuisance that guard making whistle blow or train to go off and I am running
Read Moreरेलवे में तीन से चार लाख रुपये लेकर पदोन्नति देने का खेल चल रहा है। अधिकारी दलालों के माध्यम से वसूली कर रहे हैं। इसे लेकर सबूत के साथ
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All India TLC (Indian Railway) Phone Numbers Click Above or see below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Railway Mutual Transfer (App) Information Center (
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Central Railway C Rly - Press Release Mumbai Nagpur Bhusawal Pune Sholapur Eastern Railway E Rly - Press Release Howrah-I Howrah-II Sealdah Malda Asansol Chitaranjan Kolkata
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Central Railway Mumbai Nagpur Bhusawal Pune Solapur Eastern Railway Howrah-I Howrah-II Sealdah Malda Asansol Chitaranjan Kolkata Metro East Central Railway Danapur Mugalsarai Dhanbad Sonpur Samastipur East Coast Railway Khurda
Read MoreQUESTION PAPER FOR SELECTION OF CHIEF LAW ASSISTANT LEVEL -7 Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read More* PROCEDURE AND POLICY ON GROUP ‘B’ SELECTION Q BANK - EXAM - GROUP 'B' Syllabus Syllabus - LDCE Group ‘B’ of TRAFFIC (TRANSPORTATION & COMMERCIAL) Syllabus - LDCE Group 'B' of APO ( Personnel Department) Syllabus for LDCE of ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) SYLLABUS - LDCE Group 'B'
Read MoreCentral Railway Mumbai Nagpur Bhusawal Pune Sholapur Eastern Railway Howrah-I Howrah-II Sealdah Malda Asansol Chitaranjan Kolkata Metro East Central Railway Danapur Mugalsarai Dhanbad Sonpur Samastipur East Coast Railway Khurda
Read Moreआदर्श आचार संहिता के उल्लंघन को लेकर चुनाव आयोग सख्त नजर आ रहा है। इस बाबत चुनाव आयोग ने रेलवे और नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालय को भी नोटिस
Read MoreRBE 53 / 2019 - Introduction of 100% Objective type Multiple Choice Questions in the written examinations held as part of Selections and pre-qualifying examination(PE) in LDCEs for promotion from Group 'C' to Group 'B'
Read Moreस्टेशन में कैंटीन का संचालन पिछले एक हफ्ते से बंद है। संचालक ने कई महीनों से बिजली बिल नहीं पटाया और 4 लाख रुपए से अधिक का बकाया हो गया
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IRCTC cancellation charges 2019: Have you recently cancelled your IRCTC next generation e-ticket due to last minute circumstances? On the official e-ticketing website of Indian Railways, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) has specific rules of refund charges which the passengers will receive upon cancellation of e-tickets.
Read MoreAlipurduar railway division: In a bid to provide a comfortable experience and better facilities to women staff, a portion of the existing office of DRM (Divisional Railway Manager) building of Alipurduar railway division has been recently converted into a ladies room. The Alipurduar railway division, which is also known as APDJ division falls
Read MoreWith a view to pay compensation to the victims of railway accidents or their relatives, the first-ever Lok Adalat was conducted at the Railway Claims Tribunal (RCT) here Tuesday where an amount of Rs 6.68 crore was finalised for disbursal. According to a senior official of the claims department of the Western Railway, the WR had proposed 106
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रेलवे प्रशासन की ओर से रेल हादसों को रोकने और ट्रेनों की गति बढ़ाने आधुनिकीकरण का काम किया जा रहा है। इसे तेजी से पूरा करने रेलवे ने 26 से
Read Moreअधिकतर लोगों को मानना होता है कि ट्रेन में सिर्फ बुजुर्ग और दिव्यांग यात्रियों को किराए में छूट मिलती है, हालांकि ऐसा नहीं है. दरअसल
Read Moreरेलवे अब जल्द ही लंबी दूरी की पैसेंजर्स ट्रेन में शॉपिंग की सुविधा देने जा रहा है। पैसेंजर्स को ट्रेन में ही होम प्रोडक्ट, किचन
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Question Bank For Departmental Exam Of Carriage & Wagon For detail – Click Above SOURCE – RRB PORTAL INFORMATION CENTER -
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 134 File No.PC-VII/2016/RSRP/3 RBE No.50/2019 New Delhi, dated: 13.03.2019 The General Managers/CAOs(R), All Indian Railways & Production Units, (As per mailing list) Sub: Bunching of stages of pay in the pre-7th CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) S.No. PC-VII/ 117 No. PC-V/20016/PS/1(Stipend) RBE No. 133/2018 New Delhi, dated 11-9-2018 The General Managers All Indian Railways and PUs (As per mailing list) Sub: Revision of rates of stipend to apprentices and trainees on Railways. Consequent upon the revision in training
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SENIORITY LIST OF KUR DIVISION EAST COAST RAILWAY Operating - Seniority list Commercial - Seniority list Personnel - Seniority list Engineering - Seniority list. Electrical(G) - Seniority list Electrical (TRD) - Seniority list Electrical(OP) - Seniority list ELS/ANGL - Seniority list Mechanical
Read MoreSouth Central Railway has registered yet another milestone in its freight traffic business, surpassing the earlier best ever annual performance, by crossing the same in the current fiscal 2018-19 (well before the end of the financial year). The Zone has recorded the highest ever freight loading of 117.16 Million Tonnes (MTs), touching the mark
Read MoreIndian Railways takes a tough stance for ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’! More often than not we find people spitting betel saliva on railway platforms and railway premises. Even the strict penalties imposed by Indian Railways have failed to check such annoying practice. The Western Railway has started a drive to make passengers aware about the ills
Read Moreट्रेन में सफर के दौरान किसी इमरजेंसी पर पैसेंजर्स को पूरी ट्रेन में टीटीई को खोजने में कभी-कभी घंटों लग जाते है। पैसेंजर्स की इस
Read MoreKNOW - How to Add Your Self (an Employee )in Online Directory as Community of Indian Railway Step 1 - Go to Directory Plus – . Step 2 - Click on Sign Up. Step 3 - Fill the Sign Up Form and Submit it. Step 4 – Add Your Details – After Submitting the form, Go to
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महिला दिवस के मौके पर हम आपको एक ऐसी महिलाओं से मिलवा रहें हैं, जिन्होंने अपने लिए ऐसा करियर चुना, जहां पुरुषों का वर्चस्व होता था.
Read Moreरेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड के रिजल्ट आने के साथ ही हंगामा भी शुरू हो गया है। ग्रुप डी के पदों को लेकर हुई परीक्षा में जिन उम्मीदवारों ने पेपर
Read Moreजब आप भारतीय रेलवे में सफर करते हैं तो आपको एक टिकट खरीदने के बाद सिर्फ सफर करने का ही अधिकार नहीं मिलता है. आपको टिकट के साथ कई ऐसे
Read MoreRotation of officials working in sensitive post – Lists of sensitive posts operating in the Zonal Railways/ Production Units etc. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA/BHARAT SARKAR MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS/RAIL MANTRALAYA (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2017N-l/ALSL/l/1 New Delhi dated: 4th February, 2019 The General Managers,. All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE
Read MoreNepal has chosen a railway-track gauge used by China for its network and not the main one India uses citing lower costs, a minister said on Tuesday, a setback for India as it tries to limit Chinese involvement in the Himalayan country. Last year, India proposed laying a broad-gauge (1,676 mm) rail link from Bihar's Raxaul to the Nepali capital of
Read MoreWhile reading RK Narayan's Malgudi Days, did you ever feel like going to Malgudi and meeting Swami? Though Swami might be a fictional character placed in the fictional land of Malgudi, however, now it is possible to take a trip to the town. Indian Railways has decided to rename the Arasalu railway station to Malgudi railway station, which is on
Read Moreरात्रि ड्यूटी भत्ता की गणना संबंधित नियमो की जानकारी सभी डिपो को प्रदान करने बाबत INFORMATION CENTER -
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SUBJECT LIST OF LETTERS ISSUED FROM F(E)I BRANCH F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 19.02.2019 --- Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tours. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 31.12.2018 -- Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tour: Purchase of Air Ticket From Authorized travel
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) RBE No. 34 /2019 New Delhi, dated 22-02-2019 S.No. PC-VII/ 129 No. PC-V/2017/A/TA/1 The GMs/OSDs/CAO(R)s, All Indian Railways and PUs. Sub: Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway Employees availing concessional Season Ticket/Suburban passes. Ref: Railway Board’s letter
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भारत का रेलवे नेटवर्क बेहद विशाल है. दुनिया में चौथे नंबर पर आता है. अमेरिका, रशिया और चाइना के बाद भारत में ही पटरियों का इतना लंबा जाल
Read MoreChief Loco Inspector Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreQuestion Bank For Rajbhasha Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
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Read MoreChief Loco Inspector Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreThe Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for Cadre Review of 8 organized Group 'A' Services in Railways namely Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS), Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Service
Read Moreरेल राज्य मंत्री मनोज सिन्हा ने आरपीएफ के अलंकरण परेड-2019 में अधिकारियों को सम्मानित किया मनोज सिन्हा ने बैरकों की निगरानी के लिए नया
Read Moreभारतीय रेल विश्व का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा रेल नेटवर्क है. आज भी कई युवा रेलवे में नौकरी पाने के लिए कई प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी करते
Read MoreUSEFUL INFORMATION FOR RAILWAY EMPLOYEE Click Above or see below PDF SOURCE - कार्मिक विभाग ,
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Formation of Panel for the post of Chief Loco Inspector (Electric Traction) in Level – 7 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix (PB – 2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 + GP Rs.4600/-) in Mechanical Loco Running Department of SC Division. INFORMATION CENTER -
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Q BANK - ALP psychological & Aptitude Test Click Above or See Below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center ( App) SOURCE - UPKAR & AJ
Read Moreरेलवे पास के लिए आवेदन पत्र INFORMATION CENTER -
Read Moreरेलवे स्वयं स्थानांतरण आवेदन INFORMATION CENTER -
Read Moreरेलवे – पासपोर्ट अनुमति हेतु आवेदन पत्र Download - form Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read Moreमुफ्त स्कूल कार्ड पास आवेदन/ स्कूल कार्ड पास का विवरण INFORMATION CENTER -
Read Moreमुफ्त स्कूल कार्ड पास आवेदन/ स्कूल कार्ड पास का
Read Moreशिक्षण शुल्क भत्ता प्रतिपूर्ति हेतु आवेदन पत्र INFORMATION CENTER -
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रेल चिकित्सा परिचय पत्र हेतु आवेदन पत्र INFORMATION CENTER -
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पश्चिम रेलवे स्टाॅफ यूनियन (PRSU) तथा इंडियन रेलवे एस एडं टी मैंटेनरर्स यूनियन (IRSTMU) की ओर से आनंद रेलवे कालोनी में पुरानी पेंशन की बहाली
Read Moreपीएम मोदी ने दुनिया की पहली डीजल से इलेक्ट्रिक लोकोमोटिव इंजन को हरी झंडी दिखाई. इस इंजन का निर्माण वाराणसी रेल इंजन कारखाना में किया
Read Moreसर्दी का मौसम आने के साथ ही ट्रेनों के लेट होने का सिलसिला भी शुरू हो गया है. भारत में ट्रेन लेट होना काफी आम भी है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते
Read Moreचंडीगढ़ रेलवे स्टेशन को वर्ल्ड क्लास बनाने का काम अप्रैल से शुरू हो जाएगा। इसी कड़ी में रविवार को नार्दर्न रेलवे के जीएम टीपी ¨सह ने
Read MoreIndia’s first semi high speed train Vande Bharat express train successfully completed its inaugural run from Delhi to Varanasi on 15th Feb 2018. It is scheduled to start its commercial run from 17th Feb from Delhi. During the transportation back from Varanasi it was stopped at Chamraula station of National Capital Region, about 18 kms after
Read MoreIn August 2014 the first coach was rolled out and since then it has doubled production almost every year. It is expected to produce 1,422 coaches in 2018-19 of which 1,220 coaches have already been produced till date. MCF has least cost among all Production Units of Indian Railways for coaches produced. New concepts such as extensive use of
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रेलवे बेंगलुरु के बाद अब चार और स्टेशनों पर यात्री सुविधाओंं को निजी हाथों में सौंपने की तैयारी कर रहा है। दिल्ली के आनंद विहार
Read MoreIndia's first semi-high speed train the Vande Bharat Express was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi today from the New Delhi railway station. Railway Minister Piyush Goyal and members of the Railway Board were on board the train on its inaugural journey. The launch was a sombre affair in the wake of the terror attack on a CRPF convoy
Read Moreकिशनगढ़ रेलवे स्टेशन पर अब राजस्थान की कला-संस्कृति के रंग नजर आने लगे हैं। यहां के एक प्लेटफार्म पर जहां किशनगढ़ शैली से बने चित्र
Read Moreरेल मंत्रालय ने रेलवे क्लेम ट्रिब्यूनल में 100 करोड़ से अधिक के घोटाले की जांच सीबीआइ को सौंप दी है। घोटाला 5 मई 2015 से 16 अगस्त 2017 के बीच का
Read MoreWestern railway will kick off month-long events beginning February 11 to commemorate the heritage of Indian Railways. The programmes include a Heritage Walk on February 11, an exhibition from February 12 to February 14 at Mumbai's Bandra station. The exhibition will display the iconic past of Western Railway (WR) through artifacts, informative
Read MoreWomen might not be able to apply for some Railway jobs in the future. Citing tough and unfavourable working conditions for drivers, porters, guards and so-called gangmen (or trackmen who inspect tracks), Indian Railways has written to the Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT), asking them to allow it to hire only men for these post, and
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आजकल ऑनलाइन वाला ज़माना है. सारा दिन फेसबुक-ट्विटर होता रहता है. इसी घुमक्कड़ी के दौरान एक पोस्ट नज़र में आई. किन्हीं ब्रजेश शर्मा की
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देश भर में कई रेलवे स्टेशनों के नाम जल्द ही बदलने वाले हैं. पिछले दिनों मुगलसराय जंक्शन का नाम बदलकर दीन दयाल उपाध्याय करने के बाद
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मथुरा जंक्शन रेलवे स्टेशन के बाद अब कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन की सूरत बदली जा रही है। स्टेशन को मंदिर के लुक में तैयार किया जा रहा है। 70 फीसदी
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Network Rail is making it easier for third parties to invest in Britain's railway. On 30 January, Harriet Hepburn, corporate finance and business development director at Network Rail, spoke to delegates including representatives from investors, the government and the broader rail sector to explain how we're improving the investment process. More
Read Moreअयोध्या में राम मंदिर निर्माण के लिए कुंभनगरी प्रयागराज में दो-दो धर्मसंसद के आयोजन से माहौल गरमाया हुआ है. तो वहीं राष्ट्रीय
Read MoreAnnual Budget for 2019 eagerly anticipated, the investment in the Railways sector is expected to witness a sharp increase in the fiscal year 2019-20. As per the latest reports, Interim Finance Minister Piyush Goyal may announce Rs 70,000-75,000 crore bonanza for the Indian Railways. Apart from announcing new high-speed trains in Interim Budget
Read Moreआज शुक्रवार को पेश होने वाले बजट को लेकर देश के हर नागरिक की निगाहें उसकी हर घोषणा पर रहेंगी लेकिन वहीं रेलवे और सरकारी कर्मचारियों
Read Moreकस्बे के रेलवे स्टेशन पर बुधवार को आगरा मंडल की ओर से संरक्षा सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि वरिष्ठ मंडल
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MP Suresh Angadi also lays foundation stone for a foot overbridge MP Suresh Angadi laid the foundation stone for a new railway station and a foot overbridge at Ghataprabha in Belagavi district on Tuesday. These works are part of line doubling between Londa and Miraj, which is in progress, according to Mr. Angadi. Once the project is completed
Read MoreMinimum prescribed educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Technician Grade III in Level-2 of Pay Matrix of 7th CPC Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) RBE No. 13/19 No. E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/5 New Delhi, dated
Read Moreमंगलवार दोपहर करीब एक बजे रेलवे स्टेशन पर स्टेशन सुपरिटेंडेंट के दफ्तर के अंदर ही दो गार्ड आपस में भिड़ गए। एक दूसरे के साथ मारपीट
Read Moreअमूमन रेलवे के आम पैसेंजर्स की यही धारणा रहती है कि केवल नेता, मंत्री या दूसरे वीवीआईपी लोगों के टिकट ही कोटे के तहत कंफर्म होते हैं.
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Interest Rate For State Railway Provident Fund From January-March 2019 State Railway Provident Fund – Interest at the rate of 8% (eight percent) w.e.f. 1st January, 2019 to 31st March, 2019 RBE No. 14/2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. F(E)III/2003/PF1/1 New
Read MoreState Railway Provident Fund – Interest at the rate of 8% (eight percent) w.e.f. 1st January, 2019 to 31st March, 2019 RBE No. 14/2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. F(E)III/2003/PF1/1 New Delhi, Dated 21.01.2019 The GMs/Principal Financial Advisers, All Zonal
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RBE ORDER (RAILWAY BOARD ESTABLISHMENT ORDER) RBE - 2020 RBE – 2019 RBE – 2018 RBE – 2017 RBE – 2016 RBE – 2015 RBE – 2014 RBE – 2013 RBE – 2012 RBE – 2011 RBE – 2010 RBE – 2009 RBE – 2008 RBE –
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15 RPF Personnel Awarded Indian Police Medal for Meritorious Services On the occasion of Republic Day-2019, the Hon’ble President of India has awarded President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Services and Police Medal for Meritorious Services to the following Railway Protection Force (RPF)/Railway Protection Special (RPSF) officers and
Read MoreRAIL NEWS CENTER: Implementation of Modules relating to Quarter and
Read MoreRBE NO. 8 /2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2018/TRJ8 New Delhi, dated 11.0 1.2019 The General Managers(P), All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (As per standard list) Sub : Comprehensive policy on Mutual Transfer of non-gazetted staff on the Zonal Railways. Policy instructions
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे ने 7th Pay Commission की सिफारिशों को ध्यान में रखते हुए अपने सभी ऐसे कर्मचारियों की सूची तैयार करना शुरू कर दिया है जिन्हें ड्रेस
Read MoreBudget 2019 से पहले रेलवे ने अपने कर्मचारियों (railway employee) को बड़ा तोहफा दिया है। अब रेलवे कर्मचारियों (railway employee) के 2 बच्चों को 33 वर्ष की उम्र तक रेलवे
Read MoreRBE No. 201/2018 – Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ categoriesGovernment of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board RBE No. 201/2018 No. PC-VI/2009/1/3(Vol.II) dated: 27/12/2018 The General Managers, All India Railways/Pus etc. (As per standard Mailing List) Sub:- Revision of designations
Read MoreRBE 198/2018 – Creation of posts for new assets-” Pool of Surrendered Posts” – Posts Surrendered due to Work Study Reports RBE. No. 198/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No. E(MPP)2018/1 /11 Dated. 19 /12/2018 The General Managers, All Indian Railways, including Production Units
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board RBE No. 201/2018 No. PC-VI/2009/1/3(Vol.II) dated: 27/12/2018 The General Managers, All India Railways/Pus etc. (As per standard Mailing List) Sub:- Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ categories As a result of the implementation of the 6th CPC’s recommendations,
Read MoreRBE 166/2018 – Discontinuation of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs) RBE 166/2018 - Discontinuation of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 166/2018 No. E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/31
Read MoreRBE No. 199/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARA T SARKAR) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 124 File No. PC-VII/201 7/I/7/5/7(Pt.) New Delhi, Dated: -20-21.12.2018 The General Managers/ CAOs(R), All Indian Railways and Production
Read MoreRBE No.197/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 123 New Delhi, dated 11.12.2018 File No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1 The General
Read MoreRBE 166/2018 - Discontinuation of Direct Recruitment to the posts of Senior Section Engineers (SSEs) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 166/2018 No. E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/31 New Delhi, Dated: 25.10.2018 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways/PUs, New Delhi. Sub:- Discontinuation of
Read MoreIf you commute via train, then this news is for you. Chances are that you spend time on your mobile phone while waiting for a train on the platform. BEWARE! A shocking incident took place in Mumbai's western suburb Borivali on January 16, 2019. A family was waiting for a train to Surat at Borivali Railway Station when a thief snatched one of the
Read Moreदो दिन बाद देश 70वां गणतंत्र दिवस मनाने जा रहा है. इस दिन आज़ादी मिलने की खुशी में जगह-जगह झंडा फहराया जाएगा, प्रभातफेरी निकाली जाएंगी.
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A major ruckus broke out at the New Delhi railway station when the chairman of the Passenger Services Committee visited the station for inspection. The station staff accused Ramesh Chandra Ratan of misbehaving with them. Ratan entered the station director's room and allegedly threatened him, sources said. However, there is no clarity on the issue
Read Moreनई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन पर यात्री सेवा समिति के प्रमुख के निरीक्षण के लिए पहुंचते ही वहां बड़ा हंगामा खड़ा हो गया। सूत्रों ने बताया कि
Read MoreQUESTION BANK FOR SELECTION OF OFFICE SUPDT/Gr.II LDCE QUOTA Click Above or See below PDF Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Information Center (
Read MoreQuestion Bank for selection from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ (Jr.Clerk) (33 1 /3 % Promotion Quota) Click Above or See below
Read Moreजम्मू एसएंडटी (सिग्नल एंड टेलीकॉम) ब्रांच में हेल्पर पद पर तैनात रेलकर्मी मुदासिर राशिद आतंकी संगठन लश्कर-ए-तैयबा का आतंकी बन गया है।
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आगामी लोकसभा चुनाव को देखते हुए सरकार अगले एक-डेढ़ महीने में जनता को रेलवे की कई नवीन सुविधाओं और सेवाओं की सौगात देने वाली है। इनमें
Read MoreProvisional appointment of BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak subject to pending verification of character and antecedents/caste certificate/educational qualification on one time basis File No.17-23/2016-GDS/Vol.III Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. Dated :
Read MoreRailway Board issues Comprehensive Mutual Transfer Policy for Railway Employees who are Non-Gazetted – Mutual Transfer Policy provides for Transfer to desired state and station for Railway Employees if another employee is interested in transfer from that place RBE NO. 8 /2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBA No. 5/2019 No. 2017/AC-II/21/2 New Delhi, dated 15.01.2019 PFAs All Zonal Railways and PUs Sub: Authorisation of withdrawals under National Pension System (NPS) At present, the Personnel Deptt are exercising function of initiation as well as authorisation (approval) of
Read MoreSpecial Kinds of Leave 551. Maternity Leave- (1) A female railway servant (including an apprentice) with less than two surviving children may be granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement. (2) During such period, she shall be paid leave salary
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे ने अपने ग्रुप D के कर्मचारियों के पदों के नामों में बड़े पैमाने पर बदलाव किया है. रेल कर्मचारी लम्बे समय समय से इस तरह के
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) S No. PC-VIl/122 RBE NO. 191/2018 No. PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 New Delhi dated 11-12-2018 The General Manager All Indian Rallways
Read MoreThe Loan Agreements were signed here today in New Delhi between the Government of India and JICA, New Delhi under Japanese Official Development Assistance Loan Program. The Loan Agreements were signed by Dr. C.S. Mohapatra, Additional Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Mr. Katsuo Matsumoto,
Read Moreरेलवे यात्रियों के लिए खुशखबरी है, अब चार्ट बनने के बाद भी Waiting ticket कंफर्म हो सकेंगे। टीसी के पास अब रिजर्वेशन रद कराने वालों की अपडेट
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I-2013/CR/1 RBE NO. 9 /2019 New Delhi dated 11/01/2019 The General Managers (P)All Zonal Railways & Production Units(As per Standard list). Subject : Introduction of Provisions for writing of APAR of Railway Employees Working in Grade Pay Rs.1800/- Level-I. Attention is
Read MoreSENIORITY LIST – NAGPUR DIVISION OF CENTRAL RAILWAY SENIORITY LIST S&T 2018 - CLICK HERE MECHANICAL (C&W) 2018 - SSE and JE Click Here - ARTISAN Click Here -HELPER Click ELECTRICAL(TRO) 2018 - Loco Pilot Mail, Pass, Goods, Shunter Click Here - Loco Inspector Click Here - Care Taker &
Read MoreSwedish public transport operator Skånetrafiken has received the final 30 Coradia Nordic regional trains from Alstom. This then completes orders placed in 2014 and 2015. The 30 regional trains add to the operator’s existing fleet of 69 trains. This brings Skånetrafiken’s total fleet of Coradia Nordic regional trains to 99, making it one of
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टैक्स नहीं चुकाने पर आरा रेलवे स्टेशन नीलाम हो सकता है, नगर निगम ने 15 दिन का वक्त दिया आरा नगर निगम यहां के रेलवे स्टेशन को नीलाम कर
Read MoreCLASSIFIED SENIORITY LIST Seniority list - Ministerial Cadre & Gr'D' staff of all Dept as on 01.04.2018 Seniority list of S&T Deptt. as on 01.04.2018 Seniority list - Trolley Man & Chowkidar of S&T as on 01.04.2018 Seniority list of Elect TRD as on 01.04.2018 Seniority list of Technician & Helper of
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Seniority List – South Easter Railway – Ranchi Division Seniority List: Education Department Mechanical Department: Artisan, Helper & Ministerial Mechanical Department: Tech Supervisor Engineering Personnel & General Admin Running Staff Commercial Department Electrical Department Electrical (OP)
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Ad-hoc promotion to Senior Scale in Law Department. Click Above or See below
Read MoreRBE No. 204/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(P&A)II/2017/RS-22 New Delhi Dated:- 28.12.2018 The General Managers/CAOs,· All Zonal Railways & Production Units. Sub:- Payment of leave
Read Moreप्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की अध्यक्षता में केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने भारत का पहला रेल और परिवहन विश्वविद्यालय- राष्ट्रीय
Read MoreShri Piyush Goyal & Shri Nitin Gadkari flag off Container Corporation of India Ltd (CONCOR’s) maiden voyage vessel- SSL Mumbai from Kandla Port to Tuticorin Port Ministry of Railways PSU, Container Corporation of India Ltd (CONCOR’s) maiden voyage vessel- SSL Mumbai is flagged off from Kandla Port to Tuticorin Port by Shri Piyush Goyal,
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ट्रेन 18 को लेकर सरकार खूब प्रचार-प्रसार कर रही है. ट्रेन बनकर तैयार है और ट्रायल जारी हैं. ट्रेन को इंटीग्रल कोच फैक्ट्री, चेन्नई में
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR)MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA)(RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 04/2019No. E(G) 2008 QR – 1 – 9 New Delhi, dated 09.01.2019 The General Manager/Director GeneralAll Indian Railways/Production Units/RDSO-Lucknow(As per Standard mailing list) Sub : Retention of Railway quarters at the previous place of
Read MoreTen months after a TOI report detailed the trauma faced by loco pilots in cases where trespassers are run over, the railways has started a policy-level discussion on engaging psychologists to deal with such issues. A December 12 letter from the Railway Board said a two-member team of safety experts visited Germany to study similar systems adopted
Read MoreR.B.E. No. 32/1996 Subject: Facilities to course completed Act Apprentices for submission of application for employment in Group D posts on the Railways. Attention is invited to the detailed procedure for recruitment of Group D staff laid down in para 179 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol. I (1989 Edition).
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Ministry of Railways has initiated several measures to promote heritage preservation in the Railways. These include revival of Steam Locomotives, up-keeping Hill Railways, special delegation of powers to Divisions for promoting Hill and Steam tourism, strengthening Railway museums, conservation of built heritage, digitization of Railway Heritage
Read MoreAbout our new CRB Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav has taken over charge as General Manager, South Central Railway today i.e., 10thJanuary, 2017. Prior to this new assignm ent, he was serving as Executive Director, Railway Electrification Projects, Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), New Delhi. Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav belongs to the
Read MoreQUESTION & ANSWERED ON – Increase in pay fitment factor and HRA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE RAJYA SABHA QUESTION NO 78 ANSWERED ON 11.12.2018 Increase in pay fitment factor and HRA 78 Shri Ravi Prakash Verma Shri Neeraj Shekhar Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state :- (a) whether
Read Moreरिटायर हुए अश्विनी लोहानी, भ्रष्ट, कामचोर और आरामपसंद कर्मचारियो मे खुशियो की लहर अश्वनी लोहानी के बारे में चर्चा है कि या तो वे
Read Moreनए वर्ष में गोरखपुर रेलवे स्टेशन पर पहुंचने वाले लोगों को अब गर्व की अनुभूति होगी। सोमवार को स्टेशन के सामने रेलवे के अधिकारियों ने
Read Moreभारतीय रेल की स्थापना 16 अप्रैल 1853 (164 साल पहले) को हुई थी. वर्ष 2015-16 में भारतीय रेल की शुद्ध आय 1.6 बिलियन अमेरिकी डॉलर थी. इसमें काम करने वाले
Read Moreएक युवक को ब्लेकमैल करते हुए एक करोड़ रुपए की लगातार डिमांड करने से परेशान युवक द्वारा फांसी लगाकर आत्महत्या कर ली, इस घटना पर
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Bringing Christmas cheer for tourists, the Western Railway (WR) Tuesday introduced a special heritage train on the picturesque Patalpani-Kalakund section in Madhya Pradesh’s Ratlam district. Railways ministry had decided to create infrastructure to preserve the British era Patalpani-Kalkund metre gauge rail line, which is part of Western
Read More1. संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद के अनुसार हिंदी देश की राजभाषा है ? उ. भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 343(1) के अनुसार हिंदी हमारे देश की राजभाषा है
Read Moreभारतीय रेलवे ने मात्र 04 घंटे में एक नॉर्मल हाइट सबवे बना कर एक नया रिकॉर्ड बना दिया है. यह कारनामा दक्षिण - पूर्व रेलवे के रांची मंडल ने
Read Moreरेलवे बोर्ड ने टिकट चेकिंग स्टाफ कर्मचारियों को रनिंग स्टाफ का दर्जा देने के लिए तीन वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों की कमेटी का गठन किया है।
Read Moreसं. 4-13/17-आईसी/ई-III(ए) भारत सरकार वित्त मंत्रालय व्यय विभाग नई दिल्ली 12 दिसम्बर, 2018 कार्यालय ज्ञापन विषय: केन्द्रीय सिविल सेवा (संशोधित
Read More“Work to Rule” from 11th December, 2018 CHARTER OF DEMANDS Improve Minimum Wage and Pay Fixation Formula for all categories of the Railwaymen and all the Central Government Employees. Scrap New Pension Scheme and pay Pension and Family Pension to all the Railwaymen, irrespective of their date of appointment. Improve Retirement
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Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) 2016/F(E)III/1 (1 )/8 New Delhi, dated: 12.11.2018 (As per mailing list) Sub: Settlement Forms to be filled by the retiring Railway servant During the interaction of Board (MS) with the pensioners, the issue of
Read MoreR.B.E. NO. 158/2018 Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Board No. PC-VI /2018/1/RSRP/1 New Delhi, dated 12 .10.2018 The General Managers All Indian Railways & PUs, (As per mailing
Read MoreGovernment of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) No. E(G) 2012/ HOl-13 New Delhi, Dt. 7.5. 2015 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways & PUs, (As
Read MoreFilling up of Inspection (Technical) Posts in
Read Moreकेन्द्रीय रेल विधुत करण संगठन में कर्मचारियों की पदस्थापना
Read MoreMinister of Railways and Coal, Shri Piyush Goyal felicitated 39 outstanding Civil Engineering Staff and Officers of Indian Railways with Certificates of Excellence in a felicitation programme organised by Ministry of Railways here today. The civil engineering staff and officers who had done exemplary and outstanding works in prevention of
Read MoreRRCB holds Recruitment Examination for over One Crore Candidates for Recruitment to Level-1 Posts The examination is being held in over 400 centers. Each day 3 to 4 Lakh Candidates appear at the examination and the attendance is over 60% To help Candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card Railway
Read Morehe foundation stone for India's largest Dry Dock will be laid by Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari and Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at Cochin Shipyard in Kerala on October 30, 2018. The Dry Dock will give a major boost to the “Make in India” initiative under Sagarmala and raise India’s share in global shipbuilding to 2
Read MoreTrain 18, Indian Railways’ record-creating first self-propelled train set for long-distance inter-city travel, will be unveiled on October 29. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 100 crore, the 16-coach AC train set will replace India’s fastest Shatabdi Express train. A project of this magnitude has not been completed in a such a record time
Read Moreरेलवे कर्मचारियों को अपनी सेवाएं देने के लिए चार टेलीकॉम कंपनियां जियो, एयरटेल, वोडाफोन-आइडिया और बीएसएनएल जैसी दिग्गज कंपनियां
Read Moreरेलवे के स्टेशन मास्टरों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। अब स्टेशन मास्टर बिना रिटर्न टेस्ट दिए स्टेशन सुपरिटेंडेंट बन सकेंगे। रेलवे बोर्ड ने
Read MoreTo prevent any Amritsar-like incident, Northern Railways has instructed train drivers to slow down and guards to take appropriate safety measures on spotting a crowd or events related to festivals near railway tracks. On October 19, the guard, barely 400 metres away, had failed to alert either the people watching Dussehra celebrations standing on
Read Moreईस्ट सेंट्रल रेलवे इम्प्लाइज यूनियन की ओर से मंगलवार को मानस नगर स्थित सामुदायिक भवन में संयुक्त कर्मचारी सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया।
Read Moreइंजन एवं ब्रेकयान में एयर प्रेशर की
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राष्ट्रीय ट्रांसपोर्टर के दक्षिणी रेलवे जोन ने लिंक हॉफमैन बुश (एलएचबी) कोचों में इलेक्ट्रिकल उपकरणों के लिए ओवरहेड लाइन से बिजली
Read MoreApplication form - Allotment of Holiday Home at Click Here or See Below
Read Moreचल सम्पति के मामले में लेन - देन हेतु रेल सेवा (आचरण) नियमावली 1966 के नियम 18(3) के तहत सूचना देने अथवा पूर्व अनुमति लेने हेतु
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Read MoreForm of Mortgage Deed to be executed in the case of purchase of ready built house/flat on lease hold land, the absolute right of which is not vested in
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Read MoreApplication Form For Ex - India Leave Click Above or See below PDF USEFUL FORMS – RAILWAY
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Railway Minister Piyush Goyal Friday expressed satisfaction at the pace of work of redeveloping Habibganj railway station here. It is being reconstructed on the lines of Germany’s Heidelberg railway station by the Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation, a special purpose vehicle of the railway ministry, along with a private firm, Bansal
Read MoreGermany on Monday rolled out the world’s first hydrogen-powered train, signalling the start of a push to challenge the might of polluting diesel trains with costlier but more eco-friendly technology. Two bright blue Coradia iLint trains, built by French TGV-maker Alstom, began running a 100-kilometre route between the towns and cities of
Read MoreCentral Railway to introduce another EMU train with a coach painted on nature theme of aqua
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Read MoreCGA (Compassionate Grounds Appointment rules) - Indian Railway (Lecture By Sri N M
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Read MoreRBE 111/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/23 New Delhi, dated August 2, 2018 The General Managers All Zonal Railways & Production
Read MoreRBE No. 101/2018 PC-VII No.: 108/2018 Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) No. F(E)Spi./2008/ADV.J/6 (7th CPC) New Delhi, Dated: 13 .07.2018 The General Managers and PFAs All Indian Railways &
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Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY or RAILWAY (Railway Board) S.No. PC-VI/ 387 R.B.E No. 96/2018 No, PC-V/2009/ACP/2 New Delhi, dated-25/06/2018 The General Managers All Indian Railways & PUs (As per mailing list) Sub: Financial upgradation to Section Controllers ignoring
Read MoreRecommendations - 7th CPC- Grant of Children Education Allowance - RBE 147/2017 FOR ORIGINAL FULL ORDER - CLICK
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Ayurvedic/Homeopathic dispen-saries under Staff Benefit Fund
Read MoreGovernment Of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railway (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board) PC-VII No.:102/2018 RBE No.63/2018 No.F(E)Spl./2008/ADV.3/6 (7th CPC) New Delhi, Dated 27-04-2018 The General Managers and PFAs All Indian Railways & Production Units (As per Standard List) Subject: Small Family Norms in House Building
Read MoreRBE No.69/2018 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)1/2018/PM 1/2 New Delhi, dated May 14,2018 The General Managers (P), All Indian Railways & Production Units. (as oer standard list) Sub: Allowing staff of Technicians category in Grade Pay Rs.1800/- working in EMU, DEMU and
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR)MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA)(RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 New Delhi, Dt. 08.12.2017 ToGeneral Managers (P)All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc.(as per standard list) Sub: Relieving of staff on transfer on mutual exchange basis Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24 dated
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) The General Managers, All Indian Railways including Production Units, (As per Standard Lists No.s I, II, III) No. F(X)I-99/11 /1 New Delhi, dated 10.05.2018 Sub.:Revision of rates of damage
Read MoreEastern Railway (Personnel Department) 17, N. S. Road, Kolkata 700 001 Kolkata, Dated: 09/05/2018 No.E.1216/0/Disable Act Divisional Railway Managers HWH/SDAH/ASN/MLDT Eastern Railway Chief Works
Read MoreGovernment of India / Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Railways / Rail Mantralaya (Railway Board) RBE No. 44/2018 No. F(E)I/2018/AL-28/29 New Delhi, Dated: 23.03.2018. General Manager (P), All Indian Railways, PUs etc. (As per Standard Mailing List) Sub: Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances –
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No. E(W) 2007/PS5-1/9 New Delhi dated 02.09.2015 General Manager (P) Eastern Railway Kolkata. Sub: Issue of advance Pass from next year’s account. Ref: ER’s letter No.G470/0/1/XIV/P dated 31.08.2015. With reference to ER’s letter cited above, it is advised that
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) PC-VI No. 383 RBE No. 12/2018 No.PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/10 New Delhi, Dated: 23.01.2018 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways & Production Units (as per mailing list) Sub: Extension of benefit of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 (Non-functional) to
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA भारत सरकार MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS रेल मंत्रालय (RAILWAY BOARD रेल भवन) RBE No. 04/2018 New Delhi, dated : 12.01.2018 No.E(G)2018/FR 1-1 The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units etc Sub:- Digitalization of Service Records of employees. As
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VI/2016/Z/4 Dated: 04.10.2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Clarification regarding calculation of quantum of Annual Increment in pay in case of Running Staff. Ref.: M/o Finance’s OM No. 332469/2016-E IIIA dated
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No.163/2017 No. E(G)2017/LE 1-34 New Delhi, dated : 03/11/2017 The General Managers All Zonal Railways & Production Units (As per Standard list) Sub : Bio-metric Attendance System on Indian Railways. As you are aware, detailed instructions were issued vide Board’s
Read MoreGovernment Of India Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances and P&PW Department Of Personnel & Training Block-IV, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi Dated: 31st October,2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to the grant of children Education
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25% विभागीय कोटे के तहत स्टे.मास्टर वेतनमान रु ९३००-३४८००+जीपी ४२०० (लेवल-६) के १० रिक्त पदों को चयन के माध्यम से भरे जाने बाबत लिखित
Read MoreRBE No. 147/2017 PC-VII No.68 Government of India Ministry of Railway (Railway Board) No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3 New Delhi, Dated: 12-10-20 17 The General Manager (P), All Indian Railways & Production Units. Sub: Recommendations of the Seventh Central pay
Read MoreGovernment of India ) Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) RBE No. 145/2017 No.E(MPP)2012/3/28 New Delhi, Dated 06.10.2017 The General Managers, All Indian Railway and Production Units. The Director General, NAIR, Vadodara. The Directors, IRICEN, Pune, IRIEEN, Nasik, IRIMEE, Jamalpur, IRISET,
Read Moreअब सीधे बर्खास्त होंगे शाराब पीकर ड्यूटी करने वाले
Read Moreरेलवे में वीआईपी कल्चर पर प्रहार, स्टाफ से घरेलू कामकाज नहीं करा सकेंगे अधिकारी नई दिल्ली एक के बाद एक हादसों के बीच रेलवे में
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) PC-VII No. 56 RBE No. 120/2017 No. E(P&A)I-2011/FE-4/1 New Delhi, dated 05.09.2017 The General Managers and Principal Financial Advisers, All Indian Railways & Production Units. Sub: Payment on account of discontinued allowances — Daily Officiating
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 37 RBE No. 89/2017 No. F(E)I/2017/ AL-4/3 New Delhi, dated 10.08.2017 The General Managers, Ali Indian Railways etc, (As per Standard Mailing List) Sub: Revision of Rates of
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) PC-VII No. 31 RBE No. 84/2017 No. F(E)I/2017 /AL-28/40 New Delhi, dated 08.08.2017 The General Managers, All Indian Railways etc. {As per Standard Mailing List) Sub: Revision of rates of Daily Allowance
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RBE 34-2017 - Engagement of Act Apprentices in erstwhile Group ‘D’ Substitute Pursuant to amendment in the Apprentices Act, 1961, Board has issued instructions vide RBE No. 71/2016 (E(NG)II/2016/RR-1/8 dated 21.06.2016), providing that 20% of the vacancies in case of direct recruitment to posts/categories in Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5,200-20,200
Read MoreGOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2016-2/1 New Delhi, dated 21.04.2017 RBE 37-2017 The General Manager(P)s, All Zonal Railways & Production Units. (As per standard list). Sub : Recording of educational qualification acquired during intervening period by
Read MoreN.F.I.R. National Faderation of Indian Railwaymen No.I/13 (a) Dated: 10/04/2017 The secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Grant of Children Education Allowance to mentally disabled to two children in case of first child being totally mentally disabled – reg. Ref: Railway
Read MoreBhopal: Katni in Madhya Pradesh will have India's longest railway bridge, 14 km on the up line, almost three and half times longer than Vembanad rail bridge in Kerala that connects Edappally and Vallarpadam in Kochi and is 4.62 km long. Called Katni grade separator, down line of the bridge would be of 7 km. Its total length would be 21
Read More? ऑफिस गीता ? हे पार्थ, || तुम अकेले आये थे, ऑफिस में अकेले जाओगे; अस्तु स्टाफ की कमी का रोना न रोओ। अकेले ही युद्ध करो|| ||तुम बेवजह अधिक
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) RBE No. 123/2015 No. E(P&A)II-2012/F.E.2/4 New Delhi, dated 12.10.2015. The General Managers,All lndian Railways & Production Units etc. Sub : Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation. Ref :
Read MoreGovernment of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) RBE No. 108/2015 No.F(E)I/2015/AL-28/46 New Delhi, dated 21.09.2015 The General Managers, All Indian Railways etc. (As per Standard Mailing List) Sub: Payment of difference on arrears of TA/DA arising out of Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18
Read MoreIn 1915, a 2'6" gauge diesel loco was supplied to the India Office by Avonside (Bristol). This is presumed to have worked on some tea plantation in Assam. In 1921, a 2'0" gauge 0-4-0 diesel loco built by Baugleys of Burton-on-Trent was delivered to Bengal. In 1923, two diesel locos built by Ruton Proctor of Lincoln were used on the Barsi
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