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Master Circular No. 4 – Staff Benefit Fund (New English) Updated on 30.09.2019
दक्षिण मध्य रेलवे पर क्षेत्रीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की बैठक संपन्न
Master Circular No. 4 – Staff Benefit Fund (New English) Updated on 30.09.2019
M.C No.4/90
Update-Sept./2019 E(W)2019/FU-l/4 GovernmentofIndia MinistryofRailways (RailwayBoard)
NewDelhi, dated-:3,0.09.2019
The GeneralManagers, AllZonalRailways,ProductionUnitsetc.(AsperStandardList).
Sub: StaffBenefitFund(SBF) – Master Circular updation reg.
Master Circular No. .4/90 on “Staff Benefit Fund” (SBF) was issued vide . Board’s letter No. B(W)90/FU-1/8 dated 12.11.1990 which consolidated salient features of the scheme and instructions issued by Board. Since then, a number of instructions on this subject have been issued. The question of consolidation of these circulars into an updated Master Circular has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). It has now been decided to issue a consolidated revised Master Circular on the subject for information and guidance of all concerned.
2. .SBF is governed by provisions contained in Statutory rules i..e. chpater S of Indian Railway Estt. Code Volume I [Third. reprint edition 2008] (i.e.. 13.-.1) & other subsidiary instructions. .SBF scheme is functional on Indian Railways since year 1931.0ver the years, the .fund. has grown in stature and on date, the following activities are financed out of the fund for the welfare of the Railway Servants and their eligible family members:
(i) Education: Scholarship for Higher Technical/Professional education forwards of Railway Servants
(ii) Scholarship for higher technical/professional education of Girl children of Railway Servants
(iii) Scholarship for higher technical/professional education of Male children of Railway Servants
(iv) Women ernpoweunent activities
(v) Recreation other than sports
(vi) Recreational. facilities at Institutes and Clubs etc.
(vii) Promotion of Cultural Activities
(viii) Relief of distress, sickness, etc
(ix) Sports activities
(x) Scouts & Guides activities
(xi) Indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy
(xii) Immediate relief in times of crisis arising out of flood, famines, landslide, fire or any other calamity
(xiii) Developing occupational skills of those Railway Servantswho are covered under ‘The Rights of Persons with disabilities ACT 2016’ and their wards –
(xiv) Miscellaneous
3. Sources of Staff Benefit Fund:-
SBF is credited with:
(i) Annual grant on the lst of April of each financial year from the railway revenues on per capita basis based on the sanctioned strevh of non-gazetted Railway servants, both permanent and temporary, as on 31′ March, excluding the posts charged to capital on each Railway/PU; (`Sanctioned strength of non-gazetted Railway Servants’ also include sanctioned strength of RPF non-gazetted staff.)
(ii) All receipts from. fines; (iii) 50% of the expenditure incurred by the respective Railways on grant of scholarships for technical education of children of Railway servants during the preceding year; and 3.1 For calculating the per capita contribution, the Railway Administrations should not take into account’ the perthanent/tenaporary railway servants of open line on transfer/ deputation to Railway Electrification project and COFMOW. (Reference: E(W)84 FU1-7 dated 17.1.85 and 4W) 9017U1-2 dated 5.10.90) |
4. Per capita contribution, to the SBF in regard to the various activities referred to in Para 2 above is 800/- and its distribution is as follows:
(i) The scheme of scholarship @ Rs 1,200 per month for higher education of girl children was introduced in the year 2009-10 for 26 girl children along with modalities thereof. (Board’s letter No. E(PJ92009/FU-1/4 dated 17.8.09). Presently the amount of scholarship is Rs 1,500 per month for girl children of Railway Servants in grade pay upto Rs 2,400/-.
(ii) Following cash award. Schemes have also been introduced, under SBF w.e.f 1.04.2015: (a) Cash awards for wards of Railway servants for outstanding performance in Academics (Annexure I); (b) Cash award for wards of Railway servants for outstanding performance in the field of. Sports (Annexure II). (Reference: EM088PVE1-16 dated 21-3-89, E(W)97/FU-114 dtd 13-10-99, E(W)2004/FU-1/1 dated 12-3-04, E(W)2014/FU-111 dated 08.12.2014 and E(W)20141FU-111 dated 01.06.2015)
(iii) The SBF Committees on Railways have been empowered for inclusion of degree courses in the already approved courses for the purpose of grant of scholarship in term of the conditions/priorities laid down vide Board’s letter no. E(W)85/FU-i/4 dt. 19.11.1985 and other, instructions issued from time-to-time and. subject to recognition of the course by the recognised. Universities/State Government. (Reference: E(W)2008/FU-1/5 dated .5.11.2008)
(iv) With regard to item 4(1),(2) &. (3), besides existing provisions regarding re-appropriation, the CSBF committees shall have powers to re-appropriate funds between items 4(2) and 4(3) depending upon demand. The preference however will be given to girl children. Other modalities regarding scholarship as already advised vide pare-2 in Board’s letter No. E(W)2004/FU-1/4 dated 17.08.2009 ibid shall equally apply in such cases. (Reference: E(W)2014/FU-111 dated 30.07.2014)
(v) Further the ceiling limit of Grade Pay of upto Rs 4,200/- with regard to item No.4(1) under the heading “Education” contained in Board’s letter no. E(W)2014/F11-111 dt. 30.07.2014 has been withdrawn and the scheme is now available for wards or all non-gazetted Railway Servants subject to the staff in lower Grade Pay being given precedence. (Referenced E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 08.12.2014)
(vi) With regard to item 4(8) viz. allocation for ‘Relief of distress, sickness’ etc. for the staff in grade pay up to Rs 4,600/-, this will include instance of long sickness, extraordinary leave/leave without pay and the need to meet the cost of good prosthetics. (References: E(W)55F171-5 dated 13.8.55, E(W)57FU1-2 dated 7.5.58, E(W)59FU1-5 dated 27.12.60, E(W)56FU1-12 dated 5.11.66, E(14070FU1-5 dated 16.2.73, E(W) 74FU1-5 dated 13.3.75, E(W)761-7711-4 dated 27.3.76, E(W)74F171-5 dated 26.6.76, E(W)82FU1-9 dated 17.8.82, E(W)82FU1-9 dated 12.1.83, E(W)84 FU1-7 dated 17.1.85, E(W)86FU1-1 dated 14.5.87, E(W:)87FU1-8 dated 16.11.89, E(W)88PVE1-16 dated 21.3.89, E(W)90 FUl-.dated 27/28.3.90, E(W)93 FU1-3 dated 2.8.93, E(W)961FU-115 dated 17,7.96, 15.1.97, E(W)97/FU-112 dated 8.8.97, E(W)97/FU-1/5, dated 19.3.98, E(W)97/FU1/4 dated 13.10.99, E(W)2004/FU-111 dated 12.3.04, EM92014SU-1-1 dated 30.07,14, and E(1402014/FU-11.1 dated 08.12.2014)
(vii) Based on the overall per capita contribution of 30 for promotion of sports activities and 22 for promotion of Scouts and Guides activities, allotment for promotion of these activities shall be made by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) in consultation with the ‘Railways Sports Promotion Board'(RSPB) and. Railway Scouts and Guides Board(RSGB) respectively.
(viii) Rs 24/- per capita allotted for “Immediate relief in times of crisis arising out of flood , famines, landslides, fire and any other calamity” will be made from the “SBF Calamity Relief Fund” at the level of the Ministry of Railways. Modalities in this regard are contained in Board’s letter no. E(W)2007/FU-1/1 dt. 19.11.2007.
Therefore, allotment for Rs 76/- (i.e. for Sport activities, Scouts & Guides activities and immediate relief in times of crisis arising out of floods famines, landslides, – fire or any other – calamity) wilt be a Utii0PiSed ; centrally by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) from sanction6d Budget allotments. (References: E(W)86FU1-1 dated 14.5.87, E(W)90 FU1-1 dated 27/28.3.90, E(W)93 FU1-3 dated 2.8.93, E(W)96/1-7U-1/5 dated 15.1.97, E(Tf097/FU-1/4, dated 13.10.99, E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 30.07.14, ACS No.127, E(W)2007/FU-1/1 cit. 19.11.2007, No. E(W)2010/FU-1/4 dated 12.10.2015)
(ix) The amount at 4(11-) above should he used exclusively on promotion of indigenous system of medicines. No carry fbrward will be allowed against this item of expenditure from the Staff. Benefit Fund.
5.. Re-appropriation of Funds:
Central SBF Committee (CSBFC) functioning in the various Zonal Railways/PUs etc. have been empowered to re-appropriate funds not exceeding 25% of the amount amongst different head, activities under SBF, except ‘Education’, `Sports activities’ and ‘Scouts activities’. (Reference: E(W02008/FU-1-2 dated 29.01.09)
6. CSBFC of Railway/PUs etc. are empowered for inclusion of degree courses including Post graduate technical/professional courses recognised by the- eminent universities and be treated at par with MBA, MCA and degree courses in medicine and various branches of engineering in the already approved courses for the puipose of grant of scholarships subject to recognition of the course by the recognised Universities/State Governments.
7. Since even after placement in higher Grade Pay under the MACP Scheme the Railway Servant continues to retain the classification of his/her basic ‘post, such staff continue to be eligible for these benefits under SBF. The grant of these benefits shall, however, be subject to the Railway Servant in the lower Grade Pay being given precedence.
8. The Railways/Production Units have been advised to ensure that: (i) RPF strength (Group C & D) is taken into account for drawing contribution to SBF; and (ii.) RPF personnel are extended all benefits as are available under SBF as also under welfare measures outside SBF.
9. Grants available under SBF for the head/activity at • S.No.4(6), i.e. for Recreational facilities at Institutes & Clubs etc. can be utilised for Officers Club as well,
10, It has been decided that for booking of special coaches for holiday camps organised by Railway Administration under the SBF:
i) No Security deposit shall be levied. ii) No fare, service charge, development charge, Super fast charges and detention charges. No empty haulage charges will be levied. (Reference: TC-II/2495/2008/2 dated 09.08.2011)
11. Management of the Fund — The fund shall be managed by a Committee (i.e. CSBFC) at the headquarters of the Railway ..presided over by the Chief Personnel Officer. Besides Chairman, the CSBFC shall consist of the following:-
(i) The Chief Personnel Officer; (ii) The Chief Medical Officer; (iii) The Additional Chief Engineer; (iv) A Welfare Officer to be nominated by the General Manager who shall act as the Secretary of the Committee; and (v) Six members from recognised Unions, to be equally divided amongst the recognised unions. (vi) One representative each from All India Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association (AISC&STREA) and All India OBC Railway Employees Association. (AIOBCREA). Note: In the production units where staff council are functioning members elected by the Central Staff Councils will be represented on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. (References: Para 807 of IREC-Vol E(W)97/17U-1-4 dated. 13.10.99; E(W)2012/FU-1-6 dated 27.05.2014 –ACS No. 122) 12. There shall be a Divisional Staff Benefit Fund Committee (DSBFC) on each Division, which shall be presided over by the Divisional Personnel Officer. Besides the Chairman, DSBFC shall consist of the following: – (i) One officer to be nominated by the Divisional Railway Manager; (ii) Two representatives from each recognised union; and (iii) A Welfare Inspector nominated by the Divisional Railway Manager who shall act as Secretary. (iv) One representative each from All India Scheduled Castes & Scheduled . Tribes Railway Employees Association (AISC&STREA) and All India OBC Railway Employees Association (ATOBCREA). (References: Para 808 of IREC-Vol I ; E(W)20121R1-1-6 dated 27.05.2014 — ACS No. .122)
13. Each workshop will also have a:Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committee, the constitution of this Committee being the same/similar as that prescribed above for the , Division. If there is no Senior Scale Personnel Officer in a workshop, his place shall be taken by the Works Manager, or if there is no Works Manager, by the Assistant Works Manager. 13.1 In the event of disagreement with the decision of the Division/Workshop Sub-Committee, the matter shall be referred to the Divisional Railway Manager/ Dy Chief Mechanical Engineer-in-charge of the workshop, as the case may be, whose decision the matter shall be final. 13.2 The Divisional/Workshop Staff Benefit Fund. Committees shall have powers to allot funds for the objects specified in these rules within the rules and. limitations prescribed by the Headquarters Committee. 13.3 Similar Committees may also be formed by the Production Units/Metro Railway/Railway Electrification/COFMOW, In the Production Units where Staff Councils are functioning, members elected by the Staff Councils will be represented on the Staff Benefit Fund Committee. (References: E(W)67FU1-23 dated 28.5.68, E(W)97/Ft.14/4 dated 13.10.99 and Rules 807-808 ofIRE Code Vol. 1)
14. Members to the SBF Committees should be elected in a manner considered suitable by the General Manage, 14.1 A member of the CSBFC or the DSBFC shall hold office for a period of one year unless he is removed by the General Manager or resigns himself. He is however, eligible for re-nomination or- election. (References: EaT)67FU1-23 dated 25.1.68, E(W,)65FU1-11 dated 13.10.65, E(R265.FU1-11 dated 11.8.66, E(W)67FUI-3 dated 4/9.8.67 and Rule 809 of IREC, Vol. 1.) 15. If the Chairman disagrees with a majority of the Committee as regards- (i) Financial propriety of expenditure from the Fund. (ii), Whether the grant comes within the objects mentioned in rule 802 R -I. (iii) Whether it conflicts with the, recognised policy of the Government or the Railway, he/she shall refer the matter to the General Manager whose decision in the matter shall be final. (Reference: Para 810 ofIREC Vol. I) 16. Other salient points to be kept in view are as follows:- (i) Retired Railway servants or persons dismissed/removed or outsiders cannot be nominated to the SBF Committees. (References: E(W)68R11-5 dated 30.4.68 and 4T/975RJ-115 dated 12.12.75) (ii) Railway servants under suspension should not be allowed to attend the meetings of the SBF. However, there is no objection to their substitutes taking their place for the period for which sitting members remain disqualified. (iii) Expenditure on maintenance of Maternity Centres on the Railways is to be borne with effect from 1.4.55 from Railway Revenues instad of contribution from SBE (iv) Railway Servants serving on various Railway Recruitment Boards (previously called Railway Service Commissions) will continue to derive the individual benefit from the SBF of their parent Railway. For collective benefit, such as recreation, sports, etc. they will be attached to the Railway which has the Administrative control of the Railway Recruitment Boards. (v) The cost of stationery, printing charges of forms, postage charges and other contingent expenses relating to the SBF is to be met from the Railway Revenues. Expenditure on entertainment during SBF meeting should be met from the Fund itself.
(vi) Elected representatives when attending meetings of the SBF Committees will be issued passes of the scale to which they are eligible on privilege account. ( under Schedule — VII of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition – 1993) 17, Accounts of the Fund-
The General Manager shall make such arrangements as may be necessary for keeping the accounts of the fund; and audit shall be carried out in such manner as may be prescribed.
18. Annual report on the working of the Fund: The General Manager shall submit annually a report to the Railway Board on the working of the fund during the previous financial year. (Para 811 & 812 of IREC Vol. 1)
19. General (i) While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be . read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority. (ii.) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and (iii) If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration in preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular which has been missed through oversight should be treated as valid and operative, Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board. Please acknowledge receipt. (Madhu Chugh) Dy. Director Estt.(Welfare)IV Raihvay Board
Consolidation has been made from the following Letters/Circulars’ 1. No E(W)55,1FU-1-5 dated 13.8.55 2 No, 13(W)56/F1J-1-12 dated 5.11.56 3 No. E(W)54/FU-2-1 dated 26.9.57 4 No, E(W)571FLI-1-2 dated 7.5.88 5 No. E(W)59/FU-1-1 dated 15.1.59 6 No. E(W)59/F1171-5 dated 27.12.60 7 No. E(W)62/FU-i-26 dated 1.1.63 8 No. E(W)63/FU-1-3 dated 11.4.63 9 No. E(W)62/F1J-1-26 dated 7.8.63 10 No. E(W)63/FU-i-16 dated 10.4.64 11 No. E(W)651FU-1-1 dated 13.10.65 12 No. E(W)65117U-1-30 dated 17.1.66 13 No. E(W)65/FU-1 -1 I dated 11.8.66 14 No. E(W)67/FU-1-3 dated 4.8.67 15 No. E(W)67/FLI-1-23 dated 25.1.68 16 No. E(W)68/17U-1-5 dated 30.4.68 17 No. E(W)67/FU-1-23 dated 28.5.68 18 No. E(W)69/FU-1-5 dated. 17.2.70 19 No. E(W)70/FU-1-5 dated 2.9.72 20 No. E(W)70/FU-1-5 dated 16.2.73
21 No. E(W)74/FU-1-5 dated 13.3.75 22 No. E(W)74/17U-1-5 dated 21.5.75 23 No. E(W)75/FU-1-5 dated 12.12.75 24 No, E(W)761FU1-4 dated 23.3.76 25 No. E(W)74/FU-1-5 dated 26.6.76 26 No. E(W)77/FU-1-6 dated 20.10.78 27 No. E(W)82/FU-1-5 dated 17.8.82 28 No. E(W)82/FU-1-9 dated 12.1,83 29 No. E(W)75/FU-1-7 dated 17.1.85 30 No. E(W)86/FU-1-1 dated 14.5.87 31 No. E(W)88/FU-1-16 dated 21.3.89 32 No. E(W)87/FU-1-8 dated 16.11.89 33 No. E(W)90/FU-1-5 dated 28.3.90 34 No. E(W)90/FU-1-2 dated 5.10.90 35 Chapter 8 of IRE Code Vol. 36 E(W)97/FU-1/4 dated 13-10-99 37 E(W)2004/FU-1/1, dated 12-3-04 38 E(W)20071FU-114 dated 13.04.2007 39 E(W)2007/FU-1/1 dated 18.4.2007 40 E(W)2007/FU-1/1 dt. 19.11.2007 41 E(W)20071FU-115 dtd 13.03.2008 42 E(W)20081FU-1/5 dated 05.11.2008 43 E(W)2008/FU-1-2 dated 29.01.09 44 E(W)2009/FU-1-4 dated 17,08.2009 45 E(W)2010/FU-1-4 dated 15.02.11. 46 E(W)2010/FU-1/4 dated 23.05.2011 47 TC-11/2495/2008/2 dtd 09.08.2011 48 E(W)2012/FU-1/6 dated 27.05.2014 49 E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 30.07.2014 50 E(W)201.4/FU-1 dated 08.12.2014 51 E(W)2014/FU-1 dated 01.06.2015 52 E(W)2010/FU-1/4 dated 12.10.2015 (ACS No.127) 53 E(W)2014/FU-1/1 dated 18.01.2017 54 E(W)2018/FU-1-5 dated 18.09.18 55 E(W)2006/FU-1-5(Pt.) dated 16.10.2018 |
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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Master Circulars
Master Circular No. 4 – Staff Benefit Fund (New English) Updated on 30.09.2019
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