General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
Final Seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Department Indian Railway
901. Running Allowance for staff performing running Duties 1. Running Allowance Rules are called “The Rules for the payment of Running and other Allowances to the running staff on the Railways” coming to force with effect from 1-8-1981. 902. 2. In the provision of these rules, the following terms shall have the meaning assigned to them for the purpose of payment of Running and other Allowances to the running staff : (i) “Competent authority” means the President of India or any authority to whom the power to amend or interpret these Rules may be delegated or any authority in whom powers are vested by or under these Rules. (ii) “Day” means a calendar day beginning at midnight of a day/date and ending at midnight of the following day/date. The concept of “Rostered Day” as existing hitherto shall be abolished with effect from 1-8-1981. (iii) “Running duties” mean duties directly connected with the movement of trains and performed by running staff while employed on moving trains or engines including shunting engines. (iv) “Running staff” performing “running duties” shall refer to Railway servants of the categories mentioned below :
(v) “Running Allowance” means an allowance ordinarily granted to running staff in terms of and at the rates specified in these rules, and/or modified by the Central Government in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), for the performance of duties directly connected with charge of moving trains and includes a “Kilometrage Allowance” and “Allowance in lieu of kilometrage” but excludes special compensatory allowances. (vi) “Terminal” means station/yard from which trains start after formation or the station/yard at which they terminate and does not include Roadside stations. (vii) “Shunting (Section or pick-up) train” means a scheduled goods train regularly run for picking up and detaching wagons, either loaded or empty, at roadside stations. (viii) (a) “Emergency shunting” includes attaching/detaching of all wagons which have developed hot axles or wagons which are not fit to run. (b) “Occasional shunting” includes all attaching/detaching of inspection carriages. (ix) “Through Goods Trains” means a train which is scheduled to run from one terminal to another (including those stabled enroute and stabled trains which are picked and cleared) and which ordinarily has shunting planned at only one station/point with one emergency or occasional shunting, with provision for shunting at one or more station/point in exceptional circumstances. It includes light engines run on traffic account. (x) “Tranship (van) train” means a scheduled goods train regularly run for picking up and delivering consignments of smalls at stations. SQT/ASQT services which were hitherto covered under this category shall be discontinued with effect from 1-8-1981. (xi) “Shunting/Van Goods /Works train” means a goods train which is run to perform scheduled sectional work and which is required to do shunting at more than one station/point and which may also be required to do emergency/occasional shunting. (xii) “Ballast, Material and Crane, Specials” means trains working on departmental account for the carriage of ballast or material or for the haulage of cranes, (xiii) “Breakdown and Medical Relief train” means train working on departmental account on breakdown duties or for Providing medical relief on account of accidents etc. (xiv) “Light engines on mechanical account” means light engines proceeding for repairs to shops/sheds after repairs in shops to sheds and after temporary repairs to shops when they are unfit to work a train. (xv) “Departmental train” means a train working on departmental account and includes ballast trains, Breakdown relief trains, material trains and light engines on mechanical account. It also includes the following services : (a) unloading coal or pump boiler at the pump houses while working light engine or train; (b) light engine ordered with engineering representatives to certify the track; (c) light engine ordered with water tender from one station to another. The following services are to be treated as ordinary services : (a) Inspection specials or specials with Railways Officials in cases of emergency e.g. GM’s Inspection specials, Divisional Inspection Specials; (b) “Damaged rake specials and trial rake specials”. (xvi) (a) “Stationary posts” refers to all posts excluding those specified under item (iv). (b) “Stationary duties” refers to duties performed other than running duties specified under item (iii). (xvii) “Regulations” means the Hours of Employment Regulations in so far as they apply to running staff. (xviii) “Signing on” and “Signing off” shall have the same meaning as in Hours of Employment Regulations. 903. Pay element in running allowance:- 30% of the basic pay of the running staff will be treated to be in the nature of pay representing the pay element in the Running Allowance. This pay element would fall under clause (iii) of Rule 1303-FR-9 21 (a) i.e. “emoluments which are specially classed as pay by the President”. 904. Dearness Allowance on the pay element of Running Allowance:-The running staff shall be paid Dearness Allowance, at the appropriate rates sanctioned by the Government from time to time, on their basic pay plus the pay element of Running Allowance i.e. 30% of the basic pay. 905. Types of Allowances admissible to Running Staff :-Running staff shall be entitled to the following allowances subject to the conditions specified by or under these rules : (i) Kilometrage Allowance for the performance of running duties, in terms of and at the rates specified in these rules. (ii) An allowance in lieu of kilometrage (ALK) for the performance of stationary duties such as journeys on transfer, joining time, for attending enquiries or law courts on Railway business, attending departmental inquiries as Defense Counsel or witness, Ambulance classes, volunteer duty in connection with Territorial or other similar Fund and Staff Loans Fund Committees, meeting of Railway Institutes, Welfare and Debt Committees, Staff Benefit Fund and Staff Loan Fund Committees, Staff and Welfare Committees, for attending the meetings of Railway Co-operative Societies in cases where special casual leave is granted for doing so, medical and departmental examinations, participating in recognized athletic contests and tournaments, scouting activities and Lok Sahayak Sena Camp, representing recognized labor organizations, attending periodical meetings with District Officers, Heads of Departments and General Managers, attending First-aid classes, undergoing training in carriage sheds and as worker teacher under the Workers’ Education Scheme attending training schools for refresher and promotion courses, undergoing sterilisation operation under Family Planning Scheme appearing in Hindi Examination Guards booked on escort duty of treasure and other insured parcels on trains, Drivers and Firemen when kept spare for a day or two to enable them to examine and clean the engines thoroughly before being deputed to work special trains for VIPs, or any other duties which may be declared in emergencies as qualifying for an allowance in lieu of kilometrage. (iii) Special Compensatory Allowances The running staff are eligible for the following compensatory allowances under the circumstances and at the rates specified in these rules : (a) Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities. (b) Breach of rest allowance. (c) Outstation (Detention) Allowance. (d) Outstation (Relieving) Allowance. (e) Accident Allowance. (iv) An officiating Allowance when undertaking duties in higher grades of posts open to running staff or in stationary appointments. 906. Kilometrage Allowance (i) The rates of Running Allowance for every 100 kms. shall be as specified by the competent authority from time to time. (ii) The dual rate system of payment of kilometrage Allowance (III A and III B rates) as in vogue prior to 1-8-1981 shall be abolished w.e.f. 1-8-1981. Accordingly, with the commencement of these rules, no distinction shall exist among the running staff working different types of trains, in the matter of payment of Kilometrage Allowance. The rates of Kilometrage Allowance for the performance of running duties shall, however, be different from those applicable for shunting duties performed by shunting staff. The rates of Kilometrage Allowance introduced w.e.f. 1-11-1986 on account of the revision of scales of pay and increase in the rates of TA/DA shall be as under :
*No. PC IV/86/Imp/24 dated 24-4-1987. employed for shunting duties on shunting engines, the rates prescribed above shall be applied after equating each hour’s work (from ‘signing on’ to ‘signing off’) to 15 kms. 2. Kilometrage shall be calculated according to the distance shown in the Working Time Tables in vogue in the Railways from time to time on the basis of the actual or computed kilometrage performed. 3. Except as otherwise specified by or under these rules, the rates shown above are inclusive of all duties performed from time to time of ‘signing on’ to the time of ‘signing off’, including engine or train attendance, all incidental detentions and all other items of work related to or incidental to running duties. 907. Allowance in lieu of Kilometrage (ALK) When running staff are engaged in or employed on non-running duties as specified in Rule 3 (ii) above, they shall be entitled to the payment of an allowance in lieu of Kilometrage as indicated below for every calendar day for such non-running duties as may be required to be performed by them : (a) When such non-running duties are performed by the running staff at their headquarters, they shall be paid the pay element of the Running Allowance, namely, 30% of the basic pay applicable for the day. (b) When such non-running duties are performed by the running staff at outstations, they shall be paid ALK at the following rates :
*No. PC IV/86/Imp./24 dated 24-4-1987. Provided that, if during the same calendar day, a member of the running staff is engaged in running as well as non-running duties and if the non-running duties are of four hours’ duration or more, he will draw both the kilometrage Allowance for the trip performed as well as the Allowance in lieu of Kilometrage, in full, for the non-running duty performed. Note : 1. Allowance in lieu of kilometrage shall also be admissible for the intervening Sundays/holidays while undergoing training for promotion/refresher course at outstations. 2. When running staff attend training schools for refresher and promotion courses and Lok Sahayak Sena Camp at a place outside their headquarter and where free messing is provided, they shall be entitled to payment of ALK at half the normal rates specified at Rule 907 (b) above. 3. Guards undergoing training as Section Controllers and Drivers undergoing training as Power Controllers in Zonal Schools or in Control Offices, before promotion as such and provided they are not accommodated against non-running posts during the period of training are entitled to ALK at half rate or full rate depending on whether free messing is or is not provided to them. 908. Allowances in lien of Running Room facilities (i) At outstations where running rooms are not provided, running staff may be paid a compensatory allowance known as “Allowance in lieu of running room facilities” at the rates specified for every 24 hours or part thereof reckoned from the time of “signing off” at the outstation subject to the period of rest exceeding four hours between train arrival and train departure timings :�
(ii) This allowance shall be admissible at roadside stations irrespective of whether the train terminates there or not. (iii) In respect of running room where cooks are not provided, the allowance shall be admissible at half the rates specified in para (i) above. (iv) In the case of Ballast and Material trains and trainship Goods Vans, the staff taking rest in Crew Rest Vans may be paid on allowance at half the rates of the Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities during the halts as cooks are not provided in the rest vans. (v) The allowance shall not be payable if rest facilities are made available even if running rooms as such do not exist. (vi) This allowance shall also not be admissible to running staff who are not sent to outstations on stationary duty. 909. Breach of Rest Allowance (i) Breach of Rest Allowance shall be granted to running staff who are detailed for running duties in the following circumstances : (A) When running staff who work a train to an outstation and return to their headquarters are detailed for running duty : (a) before completion of 16 hours’ rest at headquarters when the total period of duty immediately before the rest was for 8 hours or more; and (b) before completion of 12 hours’ rest at headquarters when the total period of duty immediately before the rest was for less than 8 hours. (B) When running staff like Shunters and staff manning suburban services, who avail of daily rest at headquarters are detailed for running duty : (a) before completion of 12 hours’ rest when the total period of duty immediately before the rest was for 8 hours or more; and (b) before completion of 8 hours’ rest when the total duty immediately before the rest was for less than 8 hours. (ii) The allowance shall be payable as Overtime Allowance under Hours of Employment Regulations at the rate of 2 hours for every hour by which rest falls short of the prescribed hours of rest, periods of less than half an hour being neglected and those of half an hour or more shall be rounded off to one hour on each occasion of breach of rest. (iii) The scale of rest applicable to running staff on rostered duty at headquarters (like shunting duty etc.) would remain unchanged. However, suburban staff performing “double details” with rest in a running room/rest room between the two details shall be given liberalized scale of rest of 12 hours or 16 hours depending on whether the total duty hours is less than 8 hours or 8 hours and more. They will however, not be entitled to be paid any Breach of Rest Allowance. Note:- (a) In no case shall running staff be called upon to go out under 6 hours’ rest except when unavoidably necessary as in. the case of accident or breakdown. (b) When a member of the running staff, after performing a short trip, is again called on fresh duty within one hour, the interval should be treated as running duty for purposes of determining whether he is entitled to Breach of Rest Allowance in case he is called back to duty before completing 12 hours’ rest. (c) Duty on ballast, departmental trains etc. is to be treated as running duty in accordance with the definition given in Rule 3 (iii). 910. Outstation (Detention) (i) When running staff are detained at outstations for more than 16 hours from the time they sign off duty, they shall be credited with 70 km. for every 24 hours or part thereof after the expiry of 16 hours from the time of “signing off.” (ii) At an outstation where running rooms are not provided, running staff shall be entitled, in addition, to Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities at the rates specified in Rule 9(i). 911. Outstation (Relieving) Allowance (i) This allowance shall be payable to running staff deputed to work temporarily stations outside their headquarters either on running or stationary duties. Payments will be made as the rates specified in Rule 11 for Outstation (detention Allowance for each day reckoned from the date of arrival at the outstation. (ii) The allowance shall be regulated in the following manner : (a) when the running staff are sent to an outstation to officiate in higher posts, allowance shall be paid for a period of 14 days only. (b) when running staff are sent to an outstation in the same capacity, the allowance shall be paid for a maximum period of 2 months. (c) the period of journey to and from the relieving station shall be treated as duty, either Spare or running, and the allowance paid accordingly. 912. Accident Allowance Running staff who are held up at any station other than their headquarters due to an accident for a period exceeding 8 hours, shall be paid an Accident Allowance at the rate specified in Rule 911 for Outstation (detention) Allowance for every 24 hours or part thereof reckoned from the time of commencement of detention. If the period of detention does not exceed 8 hours, no payment will be made but the hours for which the staff are detained shall be counted towards hours of duty. 913. Officiating Allowance (i) The officiating allowance in respect of running staff officiating in running post shall be regulated as under: (a) When running staff are put to officiate in a “running post” for 30 days or less, they shall be entitled to pay as admissible in the lower grade plus Running Allowance at the rates and on the condition applicable to the higher grade in which they officiate enhanced by 15% (except in the case of Second Firemen put to officiate as First Firemen and Engine Cleaners put to officiate as Second Firemen for whom the enhancement will be by 30% of the kilometrage actually performed for every such higher grade. (b) When running staff are put to officiate in a “running post” for more than 30 days, their pay in the higher post shall be fixed under the normal rules. (ii) (a) When running staff are put to officiate in a stationary post for more than 30 days, their pay will be fixed on the basis of their pay in the lower post plus 30% thereof representing the pay element of the Running Allowance. (b) The fixation of pay of running staff put to officiate in a stationary post for a period of 30 days or less, shall continue to be regulated in terms of para 911 (ii) (a) of Indian Rail way. Establishment Manual. (iii) In cases where the officiating arrangement is initially approved for periods exceeding 30 days the normal rules of fixation of pay will apply; where the period is initially for 30 days, the enhanced kilometrage allowance drawn upto 30 days should be allowed to stand but payments for periods beyond 30 days should be in accordance with the rules for normal-fixation of pay on promotion. 914. Minimum Guaranteed Kilometrage Allowance (i) The existing system of payment, as a rule, of a minimum guaranteed kilometrage in all cases where the kilometrage earned in a day falls short of a prescribed level, shall be discontinued with effect from 1-8-1981. (ii) However, each Railway shall identify such sections and circumstances which do not have the potential for enabling the running staff to earn adequate kilometrage within the stipulated duty hours. For these identified sections and circumstances, the running staff shall be paid at the rate of 120 kms. for the full stipulated duty hours. Note : The concept of rostered day shall be abolished w.e.f. 1-8-1981. 915. Incentive scheme for through Goods Trains (i) An incentive scheme for through goods-trains working on sections and in circumstances other than those identified as per Rule 15 above shall be introduced w.e.f. 1-8-1981 and regulated as under: (a) Steam traction:
(b) Diesel and Electric Traction :
(ii) Inflation of kilometrage as indicated above will be applied with reference to the kilometrage actually performed during one prescribed schedule of duty from “signing on” to “signing off”. It will not be related to either trip or rostered day, which concept has been abolished in terms of Rule 15 above. Note : (a) The inflation of kilometrage shall not be applicable to ghat sections for which a separate method of computation is provided for in these Rules. (b) The distance, as a whole, has to be taken into account while giving the weightage according to the slabs. 916. Computation of Kilometrage for slow move Trains (i) Running staff working shunting and Van Goods trains will continue to be paid at double the kilometrage for the first 60 Kms. and at three times the kilometrage beyond that distance. (ii) In the case of Ballast and Material Trains, Crane Specials and light engines on mechanical account, the computation of kilometrage shall be at the rate of 20 kms. per hour subject to a maximum of 200 kms. for prescribed hours of duty, the period being reckoned from “signing on” to “signing off”. (iii) In the case of Bretckdown specials and Medical Relief Trains the computation of kilometrage shall be at the rate of 25 kms. per hour from “signing on” to “signing off”. Note : The inflation of kilometrage of slow moving trains in the above manner would not be applicable to ghat sections, for which a separate method of computation of kilometrage is provided for under these Rules. 917. Computation of Kilometrage for Passenger Services In the case of running staff working Passenger Trains, the kilometrage shall be computed on the following basis:-
918. All SGT/ASGT services shall be discontinued w.e.f. 1-8-1981. However, Guards who were working SGT/ASQT services and were confirmed in their respective posts at the time of discontinuance of these services shall be granted protection of pay in the grade in which they were confirmed. 919. Running Staff Working Pilots (i) In the case of running staff manning the Coal Pilots of Eastern and S.E. Railways, the target time for completion of trips shall be fixed on the following basis : (a) From bahar line to bahar line and in those cases where the crew is taking over charge at outstations, it shall be fixed from the time of taking over charge of the engine to the time of handing over charge of the engine. (b) In the case of engines, the target time shall be reckoned from train departure to train arrival. (ii) The Trip Allowance to the running staff working the Coal Pilots shall be paid at the rate of 160 kms. for eight hours. (iii) In addition to the Trip Allowance, the running staff working the Coal Pilots shall be paid at bonus equivalent of 50 kms., if they perform the complete trips within the stipulated target time. (iv) The Coal Pilot guards of Eastern and S.E. Railways who perform commercial duties also, shall be paid commercial Duty Allowance of Rs. 50/- p.m. further revised to Rs. 100/- p.m. w.e.f. 1-1-1987. In the case of Guards who are engaged in this job Allow the part of the month, the Commercial Duty Allowance shall, w.e.f. 1-5-1982, be granted at the rate of Rs. 1.70 for each day on which commercial duties are performed, subject to a maximum of Rs. 50/- p.m. with effect from 1-1-1987, this daily rate has been revised to Rs. 3.30, subject to a maximum of Rs. 100/- p.m. (v) The provisions contained in sub-paras (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall be extended to the running staff working all Pilots and also to the loco and traffic running staff working in “Delhi Area” w.e.f. 1-8-1981. Note : In the case of jugglers which are utilized for picking up loads from adjoining yards/stations, the running staff who are booked for them for 8 to 10 hours, shall be paid at the rate of 120 kms. for the stipulated duty hours in terms of Rule 15 (ii). 920. Shunting Duty Allowance : (i) Running staff working through Goods Trains and Shunting Van Goods Trains shall be paid shunting duty allowance to the extent and at the rates indicated below : (a) For through Goods Trains For shunting from 3rd station/point in one trip. (b) For Shunting/Van. Goods trains For shunting from the 4th station/point in one continuous spell of duty. The rates of the allowance for shunting at each station/point are as follows :
(ii) When the main line crew is utilised for shunting duty at the terminals, which is preceded by or followed by train working, such shunting duty shall be paid for at the rate of 15 kms. per hour. 921. Waiting Duty Allowance Waiting duty allowance at the rate of 15 kms. per hour upto 10 hours shall be paid to the running staff in the following cases : (a) Waiting/Stand-by duty as per roster. (b) Station duty including detentions on account of cancellation of the trains or cancellation of booking of the staff after they have reported for duty. (c) Running staff kept back in administrative interest, such as booking for President’s Special, Relief Trains etc. (d) Waiting in steam in the case of President’s Special. 922. Ghat Sections (i) The following criteria shall be adopted for declaring a section as Ghat Section for the purpose of payment of running allowance on the basis of computation as indicated in sub-para (ii) below : (a) The ruling/gradient of a section shall be the determining factor. (b) Sections with a ruling/gradient of 1:40 or steeper shall be classified as Class I Ghat Section and those with a ruling gradient of 1:80 or steeper but less steep than 1:40 shall be classified as Class II Ghat Sections. (c) The distance between two adjacent block sections shall be treated as a section for this purpose. (d) The total length of the stretches in such a section having the gradients specified in sub-para (b) should have at least one third of the length of the section concerned. (ii) Computation of kilometrage for the purpose of payment of Running Allowance to the running staff working trains on a Ghat Section shall be made on the following basis : (a) In the case of running staff working trains on all Ghat Sections where the banker is actually employed in assisting the train, the computation of kilometrage shall be five times the actual distance travelled. (b) In all other cases (including those where the banking engine is run as a light engine or assistance is not required), the computation shall be five times the actual distance travelled in the case of Class I ghat section and three times the actual distance in the case of Class II ghat section. 923. High Speed Trains The following criteria shall be adopted for classifying a train as ‘High-Speed-Train’ for the purpose of payment of Trip Allowance to the running staff working such trains : (a) The maximum permissible speed should not be less than 110 kms. in the case of B.G. and 100 kms. in the case of M.G. (b) The aforesaid limits of maximum permissible speed should obtain over at least 50% of the total run of the train. (c) The average speed should be not less than 66 kms. on the B.G. Section and not less than 60 kms. on M.G. Section. (d) The minimum distance between terminals of the trains should be 400 kms. on B.G. and 300 kms. on M.G. sections. (ii) A trip allowance at the following rates shall be paid to the running staff working High-Speed Trains and Rajdhani Express for completion of trips :
(iii) The co-driver in respect of Rajdhani Express will be in the grade of Mail Driver i.e. Rs. 1640-2900(RS) and the co-drivers in respect of all other High-speed trains will be in the grade of passenger-driver viz. Rs. 1600-2660 (RS). 924. Reckoning of Running Allowance as pay : (i) 30% of the basic pay of running staff shall be reckoned as pay for the following purposes : (a) Entitlement to Passes and P.T.Os. (b) Medical attendance and treatment. (c) Educational assistance. (d) Fixation of pay in stationary posts. (e) Compensatory (City) Allowance, (f) House Rent Allowance. (g) Entitlement to quarter. (h) Recovery of rent for quarters. (i) Dearness Allowance/Addl. Dearness Allowance. (j) Overtime Allowance, (k) Leave Salary. (ii) For the purpose of educational assistance, 30% of the basic pay shall be reckoned as pay for determining the eligibility for all the scheme of assistance given to Railway employees for the education of their children/ward viz. reimbursement of tuition fees, children’s educational assistance and subsidized hostels. (iii) For the purpose of retirement benefits, 55% of basic pay shall be taken into account in the case of running staff retired/retiring on or after 1-4-1979. 55% of basic pay shall also be reckoned as pay for the purposes of recovery of subscription towards Provident Fund. (iv) When running staff are on leave (including casual leave) they shall be paid their leave salary based on their basic pay plus 30% thereof and the other allowances including Dearness Allowance/Addl. Dearness Allowance due on such basic pay plus 30% thereof. (v) For the purpose of deduction of Income-Tax, 30% of the actual Running Allowance earned by the running staff shall be reckoned as pay and the balance 70% of the Running Allowance shall be exempted under section 10(14) of the Income-Tax Act, 1951, with effect from the financial year 1982-83 (Assessment Year 1983-84). (vi) The pay element in Running Allowance viz. 30% of basic pay is also reckoned as pay for the purpose of grant of Interim Relief in terms of Board’s letter No. PC-III-83/PC-IV/3(IR) dated 2-8-1983. Note (a) While 30% of the basic pay of running staff will be taken into account for the purpose of determining entitlement to Passes and PTOs, the members of the running staff who were already entitled to a higher class of Passes/ PTOs on regular basis as on 31-7-1981, shall continue to be eligible to such Passes/PTOs. (b) For the purpose of retirement been fits, 55% of basic pay shall count as pay for calculating pension and DCRG as well as for special contribution to PF Rules. (c) While determining the emoluments for the purpose of calculation of retirement benefits, Dearness Pay as admissible from time to time, shall be calculated on basis of pay plus 30% thereof in the case of running staff retired/retiring on or after 1-8-1981. 925. (i) Running staff learning the road shall be paid for the total kilometrage actually run instead of for three-fourth of the distance. (ii) Inflation of kilometrage on account of incentive scheme, ghat sections etc. is not admissible to the running staff learning the road. (iii) Not more than 3 trips in the up direction and 3 trips in the down direction shall be allowed for learning the road on each section. 926. (i) Running staff traveling as passengers on duty before or after working trains or when they are called upon to work a train at outstations but have to return without working the train due to its cancellation shall be treated as performing “light duties” and shall be paid at half the kilometrage actually traveled. (ii) In the case of trains which are provided with double sets of crew, the spare crew traveling in the crew Rest Vans shall be paid half the kilometrage admissible to the crew on duty. 927. When running staff cannot be allowed running or other duties on account of: (a) occurrence of natural calamities like breaches due to flood etc; or (b) coal shortage. they shall be paid Allowance in lieu of kilometeage as admissible at Headquarters in terms of Role 907(a). 928. The total kilometrage earned by the running staff during a month shall be rounded off to the nearest 50 kms, i.e., 1 to 24 kms. will be disregarded 25 to 74 kms. shall be rounded off to 50 Kms and 75 to 99 kms. shall be rounded off to 100 kms, 929. With the commencement of these Rules namely with effect from 1-8-1981, the provisions relating to Running Allowance in Chapter V of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.1 and in Chapter IX of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual shall stand modified to the extent and in the light of the provisions enumerated in these rules. 930. (i) The power to amend these rules shall vest in the President. (ii) The power to interpret or clarify the provisions in the application of these rules shall be exercised by the Ministry of Railways. |
901-902 | Running Allowance to staff for performing running duties |
903 | Pay element in running allowance |
904 | Dearness Allowance on pay element of running allowance |
905-910 | Types of allowances admissible to running staff |
911 | Out station allowance |
912 | Accident allowance |
913 | Officiating allowance |
914 | Minimum guaranteed Kilometerage allowance |
915 | Incentive scheme for through Goods Trains. |
916-919 | Compilation of Kilometerage for slow moving trains |
920 | Shunting duty allowance. |
921 | Waiting duty allowance |
922 | Ghat Sections |
923 | High speed trains |
924-930 | Reckoning of running allowance and pay |
This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Allowances, Know About, Rules - Rly Employee, Running Allowance, Railway Employee
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Question Paper With Answer of Chief Loco Inspector in Level 7 (ER) dt 08-09-2019
Question Paper & Answer – Goods Guard Selection Exam dt. 28.08.2022
राजभाषा पर विभागीय परीक्षा के लिए उपयोगी प्रश्नोतर
Railway Management Guide – प्रबन्धन
गुड/वैरी-गुड के चक्कर में फसेंगे कर्मी…. Chamchagiri Bahot Jaruri Hai
Post Retirement Complementary Passes For Railway Employees – Revised Entitlement
Clarification on Promotion Effecting Reservation (RBE 91/2018 dated 19.06.18)
Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
Refund Rules of Unreserved & Reserved Tickets of Indian Railway
Good News – Modification of Recruitment Rule of Train Manager (Guard)
Vacancy Notification – Filling up of Various Ex-cadre posts of IRIEEN, Nashik road
Regarding Minimum Service Conditions For GDCE (General Departmental Competitive Examination )
Regarding Committee to Examine issues relating to Supervisory Categories
Vacancies Notification of Station Masters in Level – 6
Materials Management on Indian Railways (English)
Trouble Shooting -SUB SYSTEM – 19 TRAIN BUS- ACT (RS) – ABB Loco (English) (Part – B)
रेलवे में पति-पत्नी एक जगह होंगे तैनात
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