Is there any place on the web where I can look up schedule information?

June 28, 2019, 3:39 PM

A few of the more useful sites are given below.

Indian Railways Reservation Online has status, schedules, fares, train numbers, station codes, passenger service rules, and more.
Indian Railways’ official website has a searchable timetable, and tourist information, etc. is IR’s online train status site with current running status of trains, reservation status, and other useful travel information.
Central Railway’s website lets you view timetables and actual arrival/departure times, etc.
Western Railway’s site has some schedules too, including Rajdhani/Shatabdi information.
Southern Railway’s site has current status, schedule changes, etc. has a few IR timetables scanned in.
Rajan Mathew’s Konkan Railway resource page has KR timetables.

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