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जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
RBE No. 23/2010 PC NO.185
NO.E(NG)I-2009/TR/29. New Delhi, dated 02-02-2010.
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways and Production Units (As per standard list)
Sub: Posting of husband and wife at the same station.
In view of the utmost importance attached to the enhancement of women’s status in all walks of life and to enable them to lead a normal family life as also to ensure the education and welfare of the children, the instructions regarding posting of husband and wife at the same station were issued vide Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG)II/71rrR/14 dated 01.10.71, as reiterated in” letter No.E(NG)I-86/TR/14 dated 06/01/88. Pursuant to a recommendation of the 5th CPC, the scope of these instructions was further widened and detailed guidelines were issued vide this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)I-97/TR/28 dated 05.11.97 in a consolidated form.
2.In the context of·the need “to make Concerted efforts to increase representation of women in Central Government jobs, these guidelines have been reviewed to see whether the instructions could be made mandatory. It has been decided vide Deptt. of Personnel &
3.The guidelines, as framed by DOP & T in view of the 6th CPC, have been examined in this Ministry and it has been decided to adopt these with certain modifications. Accordingly provisions of guidelines issued under Board’s letter dated 5.11.97 ibid have been modified as under :-
a.Where both the spouses are railway employees and belong to the same seniority units:
The husband & wife, if working in the same Department and if the required level of post is available, should invariably be posted together in order to enable them to lead a normal family life and look after the welfare of their children especially till the children attain 18 years of age. This will not apply on appointment under the Central Staffing Scheme. Where only wife is a Government servant, the above concessions shall be applicable to the Govt. servant. Hence both the railway servants may be posted at the same station/place ensuring that one of them does not work as subordinate to the other.
b. Where both the spouses are railway servants but belong to different seniority units.
Efforts may be made to pqst both the railway servants at the station where posts at appropriate level exist in the respective seniority units failing which requests for change of the category may be considered sympathetically keeping in view all other relevant rules in the matter,
c. Where one of the spouses is a railway servant and the other belongs to All India Service or another Central Service.
The Railway servant should be posted ‘at station/place in the Railway/Division/PU in whose territorial jurisdiction the place/state of posting of his/her spouse falls or as close to it as possible if there is no Railway Organization/post at the place/state of posting of the spouse.
d. Where one of the spouses is a railway servant and the other belongs to a state service; ,
The Railway servant should be posted at the station/place in the Railway/Division/PU in whose territorial jurisdiction the place/state of posting of his/her spouse falls. If it is not possible, if a requesUrom the railway servant to the Controlling Authority of the spouse for his/her posting at the place of posting 6f”the railway servant is received the same may be forwarded to the concerned authority for sympathetic consideration,
The railway servant may apply to- the controlling Authority for a posting . at the place of posting of his/her spouse which may be considered favorably by the competent authority. If no post is available for posting of the railway servant at the place of posting of the spouse he/she may be posted to a place closer to the place of posting of the spouse. If this also is not possible application form the railway servant for posting of the spouse who is working in the Central/ State/Public Sector Undertaking may be forwarded” to the controlling authority of the spouse of his/her posting at or near the place of the railway servant.
4, Complaints are sometimes received that even if posts are available in the station of posting of the spouse, the administrative authorities do not accommodate the employees citing administrative reasons, In all such Cases, the cadre controlling authority should strive to post the employee at the station of spouse and in case of inability to do so, specific reasons, therefor, may be communicated to the employee.
6.While all out efforts may be made to post the husband and wife at the same station, instructions issued by the Board from time to time in regard to request transfers/change of category should be followed in all such cases. A separate register may be maintained at each Divisional and Zonal headquarters of the Railways for registering requests for transfers from railway servants for posting at the place of posting of their spouses, which may be reviewed from time to time, by competent authority.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board.
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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Circulars -Transfer, Establishment, Railway Employee Tags: division, Employee, Indian Railway, Railway, Railway Board, Railway Employee, Spouse Ground, station master, Transfer
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