I’m interested in modelling; are there hobbyists’ groups or associations that I can get in touch with to get info? Or places to buy models and modelling supplies?

June 28, 2019, 3:36 PM

The Model Railway Society of Pune (MRSP) does a lot of model construction. Members of this club have in the past built a 1/16th brass model of a WP, and several models of locos such as WDM2, YDM4, WAP1, etc. They also run a Museum of Miniature Railways. Please write to Dr Ravi Joshi for more information on either the society or the museum:

Dr Ravi Joshi
c/o Soudamini Instruments
17/1 B/2 G. A. Kulkarni Road, next to Sangam Press
Kothrud, Pune 411 029
Phone : +91 20-5435378 FAX : +91 20-5431165
The layout is a mixture of German & Indian Styles. The Tracks are all Marklin 3 rail HO with Marklin Locos, rolling stock and signals. The buildings are mixture of Vollmer & Faller kits. There is also a working Wuppertal monorail on the layout along with a circus, amusement park, swimming pool and faller working road system, and a model of the Khandala reversing station in the ghats. Dr Joshi also sells Fleischmann models at the museum. The Museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays in the evening.

Andrew Emery’s Indo-Pak (subcontinental) modelling group. For info send e-mail to: historian@dial.pipex.com

A mailing list, ModellingIR at Yahoo Groups, has discussions on topics of interest to IR modellers, with some emphasis on HO.

Mr S K Mahajan in Dehradun manufactures steam loco models at scales of 1:40, 1:66, 1:70, etc. He has done DHR locos, the Fairy Queen, B-26 units, etc. The models are priced at Rs. 800. [3/99]. Contact:

Mr. S K Mahajan
152, Chuckuwala, Dehradun – 248 001, INDIA
Phone: +91 135.657013
His models are also available through the National Railway Museum in New Delhi, and some gift shops (Giggles in Connaught Place, New Delhi).

Mr Raman Chitale in Pune makes kits of WP and WDM-2 loco models and has supplied these to various IR sheds as well. Contact info??

Mr Dilip Bhat in Pune supplies some larger models of diesel and other locos. Contact info??

Marklin train sets are available through Rolex Lanolin on Princess St. in Mumbai (www.rolexlanolin.com). Marklin and Hornby sets are also available at other hobby stores and some other places (India Hobby Centre, Benzer, Akbaralli’s, Odyssey(Chennai)).

Brass models of ‘B’ class DHR locos are available at Siliguri, and from one craftsman in Tindharia.

Mr Adarsh Narayan, an IRFCA member, runs TrainAidsa, a modelling supplies company, and also organizes workshops on modelling in India at various times.

Source – IFRCA.org




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