December 10, 2020, 12:33 PM

Symptoms of Hot Axle in plain Bearing:- 
1. Axle becomes hot.
2. Whistling sound.
3. Burning smells of grease/ Lubricant oil.
 4. Smoking.
5. Fire on Axle.
Symptoms of Hot Axle in roller Bearing:- 
1. Oozing out of grease.
2. Burning of grease.
3. Dicolourisation of Axle box.
4. Smoking from Axle box.
5. Axle Box becomes red hot and clearly visible red glow during night.
6. Metalling Noise.
7. Skidding of wheel and fire on rail.
8. Tilting of spring.
Duties of railway servants in case of Hot Axle/ any unusual condition on Running Train:-

 1. Any railway servant, observing a hot axle, any hanging part, broken spring, and load shifting etc. on a running train must do everything in his power to stop the train and warn the train staffs. 

2. Take immediate steps to short down the electric supply of OHE in electrified section.
3. If all attempts fail to draw attention of the train staffs, the Station Master/ Cabin Master/ ASM/ Switch Man shall inform the SM of the station in advance to stop and examine the train and shall inform the section controller.
4. On receiving the massage “Stop and Examine the Train” the SM shall not admit the train directly at station unless he is satisfied that the train has come to a stop at the first stop signal. Then only the approach signals shall be taken OFF for admission of train on Main Line.
5. In the event of the main line being not available and the train is to be received on a loop line, the SM, after ensuring that the train has come to stop outside the first stop signal, shall arrange to advise the LP of the train of the reason of the train being so stopped through a Station Staff/Points Man. The speed of train, while admitting on loop line, shall not be more than 10 KMPH.
6. The LP on being so advised shall examine the train to ascertain if it would be safe to work the train up to the station negotiating the crossover for entry into the loop line. The train, thereafter, shall be piloted up to the station after fixed signals have been taken OFF and it has been ascertained by the LP that it is safe to do so. The LP while negotiating the facing points shall observe the speed restriction, which under no circumstances, shall exceed 10 KMPH.
7. The vehicles/wagon with hot axle must not be worked onward with the train, instead they would be detached from the train or repaired.
8. If an axle box is observed to be running hot in the block section the train must be brought to a stand immediately and the axle box is examined by the LP. The LP should exercise his discretion with regard to the restricted speed at which it is safe for the vehicles or wagons to travel. On arriving at the first block station with detaching facilities the vehicles or wagons must be detached from the train.
9. Water must not be poured on the Hot Axle for to cool it but wait until it gets cooled by itself. If there is fire on the hot box then fire extinguisher, sand, soil can be used to extinguish the fire.
10. The vehicles/wagons with hot axle shall be detached from the train on arrival at the station. And it will be entered in the Wagon Exchange Register and the concerned TXR shall be informed about it. BMW-4.10 shall be followed for other instructions.
a) The SM must watch carefully each train as it passes the station to ascertain that everything is alright with the train.
b) If the SM observes anything unusual with a train, during its passage, such as signals of alarm by a passenger, doors open, goods or some parts of the vehicle falling off, a vehicle on fire, hot axle box, head light and marker light unlit, without whistling and exchanging hand signal and train entering the section without Authority to Proceed or other mishaps likely to foul or obstruct the railway line, and he has not been able to stop it by showing danger signal or by putting back the departure signals he musti. Give “stop and examine the train” signal to the station in advance. ii. Place all fixed signals at ‘ON’ at his station to stop any train proceeding in the opposite direction if he has reason to suspect that the other line may be obstructed. iii. Till such time the affected train has completely arrived at the station in advance the SMs on either end of the block section shall not allow any train or trains running on adjacent line or lines to enter the section. iv. Advice the controller on the controlled area and the station master in advance on telephone the cause of sending the “stop and examine the train” signal.
c) The SM in advance shall take the following action promptly
i. He must acknowledge the signal and immediately place or maintain all fixed signals at ON for any train coming from or going towards the station from which such signal was received.
ii. In case of hot axle/hanging parts the train must be examined carefully at the first stop signal at its stoppage there only. On the train coming to a stand at the station, the SM will examine the train carefully and take steps to rectify the defect.
 iii. If the SM is unable to ascertain after examination of the train why the signal was sent, he must inform the Loco-pilot traveling in the opposite direction of the circumstances and give him a caution order.
iv. Should any train going in the opposite direction be stopped by either SM, it may be allowed to proceed after it has been ascertained that the line on which it is to run is not obstructed.
v. If the SM observes goods or some parts of the vehicle falling off and believes that they might have fallen off before the train arrived within his station limits, he shall also advice the SM in rear. When such action has been taken, similar precaution will be taken for running of trains between his station and the station in rear. However exchange of such information shall be between the station which apprehends between such danger and adjacent block station in rear.
If station staff observes hammering sound in the running train, he shall try to find out the exact reason of it and immediately inform the same to the station master of the station in advance and to the section controller to stop the train. The Loco Pilot, Guard and Asst. Station Master shall examine the train and the flatness of the wheel teared. If possible the train should run to the next TXR or Loco Examination Center with restrictive speed of 20 KMPH.
Permissible Flatness Limit: 
Coaching Stock :50 mm
Goods Stock : 60 mm
Engine : 50 mm
If the flatness exceeds the above limit the wheel is considered to be skidded. Flat tare damages the Rail, Weld Joint of the rail which leads serious accident. The concerned department should take every possible measure to avoid such damage.

This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 7 Study Material & Guide, Carriage & Wagon, Diesel Loco, Engineering (P Way), Operating Guide, Railway Employee