Good News – Launch of Leave Encashment sub module of Leave Module in HRMS.

December 21, 2023, 6:10 PM

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/15

New Delhi, Dated : 04/12/2023

General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Heads of all Railway units
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub : Launch of Leave Encashment sub module of Leave Module in HRMS.

Leave Encashment functionality of Leave Management module of HRMS has been developed and will be available to all the IR HRMS users w.e.f. 11.12.2023. A detailed user manual regarding the leave encashment module is enclosed as Annexure-A and uploaded in the HRMS portal.

2. The following points related to leave encashment function in HRMS may be noted:

(i) The leave encashment module facilitates linking the pass details and leave details from the respective modules and cross validating the details through HRMS itself.

(ii) The previous leave encashment availed needs to be declared and will have to be sent to leave clerk for verification.

(iii) The module includes deduction of leave from the leave balance on sanction and provides for record updation block year wise for future- i.e. post launch of leave encashment.

(iv) There will be no change in the rules regarding availing of sanctioning of Leave Encashment.

v) After the launch of the leave encashment module i.e. w.e.f. 11.12.2023, all leave encashment applications has to be processed through HRMS only. Physical processing of new leave encashment applications shall be stopped w.e.f. 11.12.2023.

(vi) Encashment applications already submitted by employees in physical form and pending for processing shall be processed as per the existing procedure till 11.12.2023 and llpending old physical forms and online applications thereafter, shall processed only through HRMS from 11.12.2023.

(vii) Till the development of salary module and linking leave module with IPAS are still underway, sending for payment processing will be done manually as per current practice.

(viii) HRMS help desk may please ensure necessary guidance to all employees facilitating them to apply through HRMS module for availing leave encashment.

2. ‘It is once again reiterated that all facilities are to be provided to ensure that leave module, including leave encashment, is accessible, easy and comfortable to all employees.

(V. G. Bhooma)
Additional Member (HR)
Railway Board
Email: pedhr66[at]
Ph: 011-47847174


Original Order

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This entry was posted in 1 Rail News, 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Advances, Leave Rule, Service Matter, Railway Employee