May 22, 2024, 3:34 PM

Focus o­n Safe operation of trains                        ·         Reviews Safety and infrastructure work
·         Night patrolling of tracks

       Sh. Shobhan Chaudhuri, General Manager Northern Railway held a review meeting with the departmental heads of Northern Railway and DRMs at Baroda House, NR headquarter office in New Delhi today. Sh. Chaudhuri, shows deep concern about the progress of developmental work of station upgradation. He further said that the monitoring system of progress of construction projects should also be a prime focus area as the development/improvement of railways are very much dependent o­n these projects. He told department heads to expedite and complete the work in stipulated time manner in particular construction projects.
The General Manager emphasized o­n movement of goods trains and especially coal movement to thermal power stations to meet the increased demand of coal for power generation during the peaks of summer. He emphasis o­n Quality control of raw material during manufacturing of consumables used in safety related works & products. He instructed the divisions o­n conducting drives to enhance the safety for smooth train operations and counsel the staff whenever necessary and required.He also emphasized o­n focusing o­n safety of OHE and electrical equipment’s o­n tracks as well as safety in relay and panel rooms for error free movement of trains. He also instructed the department heads and DRMs, to maintain the punctuality and keep pace for freight loading with safety as priority.


This entry was posted in 1 Rail News, 2 Railway Employee, General, Railway Employee