Regarding Minimum Service Conditions For GDCE (General Departmental Competitive Examination )

July 5, 2023, 6:03 PM





The Genera! Manager (P)

All Zonal Railways/PU.

(Except 5ECR)

New Delhi, dated 21.11.2022

Sub: General Departmental Competitive Examination – prescribing minimum service conditions for serving railway employees reg.

One of the Zonal Railways has inter-alio raised the following issues with regard to the extant instructions / procedures regarding filling up vacancies through the GDCE scheme, and has proposed far prescribing certain minimum residency period of say 5 years for appearing in the GDCE


(i) In the event of the selection and sparing of staff to the selected pests, fresh vacancies are created within 3 to 4 years of joining of the incumbent to that post In such situation the purpose for which the employee was imparted induction training at the time of appointment, gets defeated and expenditure borne by railway for imparting such training also goes in vain. Moreover, it has also became difficult to fill the posts, vacated by the incumbents due to their selections under GDCE, from open market till the next recruitment cycle is completed


(ii) Further. all the-newly recruited staff are current and updated so far as pattern and knowledge of competitive exam is concerned and as such, they get undue advantage over the existing employees having rendered longer period of service in the system. Hence. it is desirable to provide a level playing field to all the staff. The issue raised by SECR is under examination in Board’s office_ It is requested that your railway’s comments an the issue may please be furnished to enable a considered decision being taken in the matter.

Signed by Sanjay Kumar

Deputy Director Estt.(N)

Railway Board

E-mail: sanjay,

Ph. No. 43658/01123303658



Railway Employee Information


This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, 6 Departmental Examination, GDCE, Selection, Promotion & Posting, Railway Employee