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General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
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Only single online application (common to all the notified posts – ALP & Technicians) has to be submitted by the candidate through the link provided on the official website of RRC. The entire recruitment process shall involve CBT, Computer Based Aptitude Test and Document Verification as applicable.
The CBT shall have two parts viz. Part A and Part B as detailed below.
Duration: 90 Minutes & (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe) No of Questions: 100
The marks scored in Part A alone shall be used for short listing of candidates for further stages of recruitment process subject to the condition that the candidate is securing qualifying mark in Part B.
The syllabus for Part A shall be as below:
1. Mathematics: Number system. BODMAS. LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion. Decimals, Fractions. Percentages. Mensuration. Time and Work: Time and Distance. Simple and Compound Interest. Profit and Loss. Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry. Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations. Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.
2. General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analogies. Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding. Mathematical operations. Relationships, Syllogism. Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency. Conclusions and decision making. Similarities and differences, Analytical reasoning. Classification. Directions. Statement — Arguments and Assumptions etc.
3. Basic Science and Engineering: The broad topics that are covered under this shall be Engineering Drawing (Projections, Views, Drawing Instruments. Lines. Geometric figures, Symbolic Representation), Units, Measurements. Mass Weight and Density, Work Power and Energy, Speed and Velocity. Heat and Temperature, Basic Electricity, Levers and Simple Machines, Occupational Safety and Health, Environment Education, IT Literacy etc.
Duration: 60 Minutes & (80 Minutes for eligible PwDD candidates accompanied with Scribe)
No of Questions: 75
Qualifying Mark: 35% (This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible)
This part is qualifying in nature & shall have questions from the trade syllabus prescribed by Director General of Employment & Training (DGET). Candidates with ITI / Trade Apprenticeship qualification will be required to appear in the section having questions from the relevant trade. Candidates holding Degree. Diploma having eligibility for the posts of ALP have to select relevant trade from the list of trades listed against their engineering discipline.
Candidates who do not have ITI/Act Apprentice/Diploma qualifications & have qualified 10+2 with Physics & Mathematics will be eligible for the posts of Tech – III / Telecommunication & Tech-III/Signal only. They should choose a special trade “Physics & Maths”. If, they choose any other trade, they will not be considered for any of the posts. The Physics & Maths trade shall have questions on Physics and Mathematics of 10+2 standard.
Candidates who do not have ITI/Act Apprentice qualifications but have Diploma/Degree in various specified streams will be considered for the post of ALP only. Such candidates should choose their trades for Part-B of the CBT.
The trade syllabus can be obtained from the DGET website. The relevant trades for various 10+2 / diploma/engineering discipline for appearing in the qualifying test is as below:
1. Engineering Discipline (Diploma or Degree) of Electrical Engineering & combination of various streams of Electrical Engineering, Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying Test to be selected from Electrician / Instrument Mechanic / Wiremen / Winder (Armature)/ Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic
2. Electronics Engineering and combination of various streams of Electronics Engineering, Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying Test to be selected from Electronics Mechanic/ Mechanic Radio & TV
3. Mechanical Engineering and combination of various streams of Mechanical Engineering, Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying Test to be selected from Fitter/ Mechanic Motor Vehicle/ Tractor Mechanic/ Mechanic Diesel/ Turner/ Machinist/ Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic/ Heat Engine/ Millwright Maintenance Mechanic
4 Automobile Engineering and combination of various streams of Automobile Engineering, Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying Test to be selected from Mechanic Motor Vehicle/ Tractor Mechanic/ Mechanic Diesel/ Heat Engine/ Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic
5. HSC (10+2) with Physics and Maths, Relevant trade for PART B Qualifying Test to be selected from Physics and Mathematics
Computer Based Aptitude Test (Only for candidates who have opted for ALP)
Qualifying marks: The candidate needs to secure a minimum score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify. This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible.
Candidates equal to 8 times number of ALP vacancies for each of the communities i.e. UR. OBC-NCL, SC and ST (including Ex. Service Man) shall be short listed for Computer Based AT (based on their performance in Part A of the Second Stage CBT subject to their qualifying the Part B of Second Stage CBT) from among the candidates who have opted for the post of ALP.
Candidates will have to qualify in each of the test battery of Computer Based AT for considering them for the post of ALP. The Computer Based Aptitude Test shall have questions and answer options only in English and Hindi. There shall be no negative marking in Computer Based AT.
The ALP merit list will be drawn only from amongst the candidates qualifying in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weightage for the marks obtained in the Part A of Second Stage CBT and 30% weightage for the marks obtained in Computer Based AT.
Candidates are advised to visit websites of RDSO ( than go on Directorates, here go on Psycho Technical Directorate here go on Candidates Corner) for question patterns and other details of AT.
Based on the options and performance of candidates in part-A of the CBT subject to their qualifying the part-B of CBT (for Technician posts) and based on the performance of candidates in both part A of the CBT and Computer Based AT subject to their qualifying the part-B of CBT (for ALP), candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document verification.
Candidates to be asked for their category preference, and exam group in which they will appear in the given format:
This entry was posted in 1 Rail News, 2 Railway Employee, 6 Departmental Examination, GDCE, Policy / Guideline, Syllabus, Railway Employee
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