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Shri Ram Karan Yadav takes over as General Manager, Central Railway
Shri Ram Karan Yadav takes over as General Manager, Central Railway
रेलवे का राजस्थान को एक और वंदेभारत एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन का तोहफा, जयपुर से इस दिन से चलेगी ये ट्रेन
जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
Frequently asked questions:
Question – Can a Retiring employee receive his Pension through any Bank ?
Ans – Retired employees can receive pension only through authorised Nationalized banks and not through private / commercial / other scheduled banks. The list of Pensionable nationalized Bank branches which is available with Personnel branch & Accounts and Welfare Inspectors, can be verified.
Question – What are the lists of documents that the retiring employee would receive on the “Settlement Function ”?
Ans – 1. Pension Payment Authority Letter,
2. Calculation Sheet,
3. Service Certificate,
3. Medical Identity card,
4. Pensioner’s Identity Card,
5. Post retirement Pass Identity Card,
6. Silver Medal (Gold-Plated).
7. Payment of settlement dues i.e Gratuity, Commutation, Leave encashment, Group Insurance and Provident Fund are sent through NEFT to the Bank which the retired employee has opted
for payments.
Question – When will the Retired employee receive the first Pension soon after his Retirement?
Ans – The Pensioner will receive the first Pension within a period of 3 months after his retirement.
Question –Where will the Pensioner get the PPO (Pension Payment Order)?
Ans – As stated above, the PPO will be issued by the Personnel Branch during settlement. Two Copies of the Pension Payment Orders are dispatched from Sr DFM (Finance Dept.) to the Link Branch in the first week of the month, following retirement. The link branch on receipt of the copies of PPO will transfer the same to the Payee Branch (Bank opted by the Retired employee for drawls of pension) by the second or third week. The payee branch after posting necessary entries will intimate the Pensioner by fourth week or fifth week.
Question – Can the retiree transfer his Pension from one Branch to another Branch of the same Bank? What are the steps to be taken?
Ans – Yes. A pensioner can transfer his Pension account from one Branch to another Branch of the same Bank. A letter of Intimation to the Payee Branch to be given by the retiree and the concerned bank will process the transfer.
Question – Can a Pensioner transfer his Pension from one Branch to another Branch of a different bank?
Ans – Yes. The pensioner can transfer his Pension from one Branch to another Branch of a different Bank. The Pensioner along with the letter of request will surrender the Pensioner’s copy of the PPO from where the pensioner was drawing his pension. The concerned Bank Authorities will transfer the PPOs (both Pensioner’s copy as well as the Banker’s copy to the Link Branch). The Link Branch in turn, will ensure that both the PPOs are delivered to FA&CAO/HQ. On receipt of the same, Pension Department of Division will endorse the change of Bank in both the copies of the PPO and will send them to the Bank as opted by the Pensioner, through the concerned LINK Branch. It may take a minimum period of 60 days for the transfer to take effect.
Question – What are the steps involved for obtaining a duplicate PPO if the PPO is lost?
Ans – The pensioner can simply apply for a duplicate from the Bank or From Divisional Accounts office.
8. Question – Is it possible to transfer the retiree’s Pass A/c. from Division to a place of his request?
Ans – Yes. The retired employee may, if he so desires, transfer his Pass Account from DRM(P) to a Pass Issuing Authority of his nearest station. The same could be done by a letter of request addressed to APO. A letter duly intimating the Balance of Post Retirement Passes with Family Composition will be forwarded from DRM (P) Branch to the Authority concerned.
9. Question –Is it possible to transfer a retiree’s Medical A/c. from Division to a place of his request?
Ans – Yes. The retired employee may, if he so desires, transfer his Medical Account from Division to a Hospital /Health Unit of his choice which is closer to his place of residence. This can be done by a letter of request addressed to APO-CMS. Necessary endorsement of transfer will be made on the Medical Identity Card by the CMS Hospital Authorities and a letter duly intimating the transfer will be forwarded to the authority concerned.
10. Question – Can a retiree avail Composite Transfer Grant after a period of One year after his Retirement?
Ans – Normally CTG will be granted if the request is within a period of one year. If the request is beyond a period of one year the same will require the approval of the General Manager. The retired employees are urged to submit their claims if any within one year.
11. Question – What are the documents required for availing the Composite Transfer grant on retirement?
Ans – Merely the proof for change of residence is sufficient to claim CTG and the same shall be claimed within one year from the date of retirement and beyond one year, GM has power to condone the delayed claim. (Authority Railway Board Letter. No.E(I)98 AL-28/10, dt.01.05.1998 and No.F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15,
12. What are the entitlements regarding Post Retirement Passes/PTOs of the retiree on the year of his retirement and in the years following his retirement?
Ans – On the year of retirement, irrespective of the month the employee retires, he will be eligible for the normal full entitlement of three sets of passes. The employee therefore has to plan the drawal of passes in such a manner, that it shall not exceed the 3 sets of passes due in his year of retirement . (For Example- if two sets are availed before Retirement, then the balance 1 set only could be drawn after retirement. From the year following the year of retirement he will be eligible as per his eligibility. As regards PTOs, the retiree cannot avail PTOs after his retirement though he would have had unavailed PTOs at his credit.
13. Is there any system of Grievance Redressal for Pensioners of ICF?
Ans – A Pension Adalat is conducted Twice by Pune Division every year on 15th of June & 15th December for redressing the grievances of retired employees. The employees may submit their representations addressed to APO/Welfare, well in advance soon after an advertisement is published in the local Dailies. They may attend the Pension Adalats in person and get their grievances redressed. Even otherwise their representations will be examined and suitable action will be taken duly sending a reply to the Pensioner.
14. What should a retired employee do to release his withheld Gratuity on vacation of his quarters, which was retained in terms of extant rules?
Ans – A retired employee who wishes to continue his stay in quarters will be allowed extension of quarters for a period of 4 months from the date of retirement. He will be permitted for an extension of another four months on medical / academic grounds by submitting a specific request with supporting documents.
However, within the permitted period of extension the retired employee has to vacate the quarters and intimate the same to the Administration along with his new address of settlement. During the period of extension the retired employees Retirement Gratuity will be withheld and only on vacation of quarters and submission of letter intimating the same; the retirement gratuity, which was withheld/ will be released to the employee.
15. Where will the retired employee receive his last month salary?
Ans – The retired employee will receive his last month’s salary as usual through the bank in which he was drawing his monthly salary. However in the case of Artisan Staff & Supervisory staff unclaimed incentive amount will be sent through ECS to the bank where he is drawing his pension.
16. What are the documents required to be surrendered by the retiring employee to Division.?
Ans – The retiring employee on or before the date of retirement shall surrender the following documents to the authorities mentioned below: Medical card, Employee Identity Card, RC Pass and SIM card (if any) – to the SSE/Controlling officer of the Shop/pay unit concerned or to handover to the official as directed by him.
17. Whether the services rendered in Defence will count for (a) Post Retirement Pass (b) Medical benefits?
Ans – (a) No, the service rendered in Defence will not count for Post Retirement pass.
(Rly.Board Lr.No. E(W)2006 PS 5-1/28 dated 08.05.2008.
(b) No, the service rendered in Defence will not count for Post Retirement medical benefits.
18. What should a Retired employee/Family member do in the event of Loss of Medical Id Card / Pensioner Identity Card.?
Ans – Being a valuable document, the Retired employees are requested to keep the Medical Identity Card/Pensioners Identity Card in safe custody. However, in the event of loss of any of these Identity Cards, the retired employee or any of the family members has to present the request of issue of duplicate Identity Card to the Personnel Branch with the copy of FIR lodged with police about the loss of card and Cash receipt for payment of Rs.35/- towards penalty.
19. Whether (a) Passes of last year a/c can be availed in the current year
(b) Passes of Next year can be availed in the current year?
Ans – a) Unavailed Passes of the previous year can be availed during the current year. However they have to be availed before 30th May and their validity is upto 30th May only.
b) During the last quarter (i.e. October-December) the Retired Employees can avail passes from the next year account also for advanced reservation purpose.
These advance passes are valid only from 1st of January of the next year.
20. What should a family member do in case of demise of the pensioner/ family pensioner?
Ans – In case of death of the pensioner /family pensioner, the spouse/ dependent should inform the pension disbursing authority about the demise with a copy of death certificate. They should also intimate the Division Administration at Bills section, Settlement Section/PB and Pension section/Accounts with a copy of the death certificate of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner. In case of the death of the pensioner, the spouse should also approach the pass/medical card issuing section of Personnel Branch and update the Pass/RELHS ID card duly deleting the name of the pensioner.
21. What should the pensioner/family pensioner do for inclusion/deletion of dependents in post retirement pass /RELHS card ?
Ans – For inclusion/ deletion of dependents, the pensioner/ family pensioner should provide required details to post retirement pass/ medical card section by submitting the relevant documents when the dependents become eligible/ ineligible as the case may be.
22. What is pension ?
Ans: Pension is payable to a Railway employee on attaining the age (60 years) of superannuation after being declared medically unfit, after compulsory retirement or voluntary retirement or if he is discharged owing to abolishment of post shall be entitled for Railway Pension
23. Who are eligible for pension ?
Ans: Staff those who were in service on or after 16.11.1957 All those employees not governed under SRPF (Cont) Rules as on 01.01.1986 The pension scheme is eligible to those employees appointed upto 31.12.2003.
24. Since when was family pension introduced ?
Ans: 1-1-1964 (Railway Boards letter No F(P)63 PN 1/40 dated 17.01.1964 ated 04.07.1964)
25. What is the percentage of pension given as ordinary family pension at present?
Ans: 30 % of Basic Pay (Subject to minimum of Rs 9000)
26. What is minimum family pension?
Ans: Before 1.1.2016 was Rs 3500 and after 1.1.2016 it is Rs 9000
27. Whether unmarried daughter above the age of 25 yrs is eligible for family pension ?
Ans: Yes w.e.f. 06.09.07 ( RBE 116/07 )
28. Who are eligible for family pension ?
Ans : Wife or wives including judicially separated wife/wives in case of male servant.
A. Husband including judicially separated
B. Son including step son , adopted son till attaining the age of 25 or employed whichever is earlier.
C. Daughter , step daughter and adopted daughter / widow and divorced daughter provided she is dependent on the last pensioner .
D. Father and Mother Including adoptive parents
29. Whether unmarried daughter is eligible for family pension ?
Ans: Unmarried daughter is eligible for family pension.
30. Till what date she is eligible for family pension ?
Ans: Till the date of marriage or death whichever is earlier .
31. Whether physically handicapped , mentally retarded child is eligible for family pension ?
Ans: Yes. Child having 40% or more disability and not having any source of income or having income less than 9000/ p.m . is eligible for family pension.
32. When is he eligible?
Ans: He is eligible for family pension when his turn comes.
33. Whether the pensioner should declare the name of handicapped child at the time of his retirement?
Ans: Yes the Pensioner should can declare his name and get recorded in the records at the time of retirement .
34. Whether a divorced daughter is eligible for family pension ?
Ans: Yes provided the divorce is finalized or filed when the pensioner is alive and should be fully dependent on the pensioner.
35. What is the formula for Commutation of pension?
Ans: Formula for Commutation: 40 % of Pension x12 x Relevant Age factor.
36. Whether pensioner can commute less than 40 % of his pension?
Ans: Yes , he can opt commutation less than 40% of his pension.
37. What is retirement gratuity?
Ans: This is lump sum payment to a Railway Servant on his retirement or medical invalidation.
38. What is the maximum amount of DCRG?
Ans: Rupees 20 lakhs
39. What is the maximum qualifying service for computation of gratuity ?
Ans: Maximum qualifying service is 33 years.
40. What is formula for calculation of Gratuity?
Ans: Last Pay drawn + Dearness Allowance X Qualifying Service/2..
41. What is service Gratuity ?
Ans: Service Gratuity is granted to those railway employees who exit from service before completion of 10 years of service and not eligible for Pension in short service gratuity is paid in lieu of pension.
42. Whether Service gratuity is payable in addition to retirement grauity?
Ans: Yes.
43. What is Death Gratuity ?
Ans: If a Railway servant expires while in service the amount of Death Gratuity shall be paid to the family i.e to all legal heirs.
44. Whether commutation is recovered from family pension?
Ans: No
45. Is Accident Free Award granted as per the revise Seventh Pay Com Scales ?
Ans: Yes, but w.e.f. 28.11.2018, past cases finalized are not to be paid Arrears of the same.
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