General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
General Manager presents Safety Award to 11 Staff of Central Railway
Final Seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Department Indian Railway
1. Q. What is the objective of privilege pass/PTO module ?
Ans. The objective is to enable serving railways staff to book tickets using E-pass/PTO which can be applied online and is issued online.
2. Q. What is the benefit of E-pass/E-PTO?
Ans. For E-pass / E-PTO staff does not need to go to pass clerk to apply for pass/PTO. They can apply from the comfort of their homes and get the E-pass / E-PTO. Also, they can book tickets both using conventional means i.e. through the booking counter, And through IRCTC website or using UTS/PRS apps.
In addition details of the travelling staff and all his family members are verified from HRMS at the time of ticket booking using E-privilege pass/E-PTO .
3. Q. My name/ my family member’s name is longer than 16 digits, PRS accepts only 16 digits .How to enter my name/ family member’s names?
Ans. If name is longer than 16 digits, plz enter first 16 digits exactly as per HRMS name (mentioned on pass also) including the spaces only. PRS has constraint of 16 digits as it has to be printed on Tickets and they have limited space. For example if your name is Amaresh Kumar Srivastava which is greater than !6 digits plz use – Amaresh Kumar Sr. This is 16 digits including spaces. Plz don’t use A K srivastava or A.K. Srivastava or Amaresh kumar as it wont match with HRMS name which is validated during ticket booking. Please do not use punctuation marks (.) etc if they are not there in HRMS name.
4. Q. What is the validity of OTP for pass?
Ans. Presently the validity is 1 hour/ 60 minutes.
5. Q. I obtained OTP for pass, but the queue at counter was very long and my OTP expired, what to do?
Ans. OTP can be obtained again, if the earlier one expires. Also as explained earlier with E-pass/E-PTO you don’t even need to go to the counter, you can also book tickets using the IRCTC site. OTP can be obtained using your smartphone browser also from the HRMS site.
6. Q. Why has OTP been kept, when unique pass number is already there?
Ans. Since OTP will be sent on your registered mobile number and others should not have access to it, it has been kept as an additional layer of security so one that one does not misuse your E-pass / E-Pto.
7. Q. I am getting error during booking ticket booking on IRCTC site/ booking counter using E-pass/E-PTO? What to do?
Ans. Error is shown in such cases. During IRCTC booking its shown in red on top right of screen and for counter booking it is shown as bottom row on booking screen. The error mentions the reason why ticket booking failed. By understanding it , usually corrective action can be taken at your end. If it cant be resolved plz approach HRMS coordinator who will contact HRMS helpdesk to solve your issues.
Some sample errors with reasons are given below
a. Passenger details not matched or no more dependent- This issue arises because either of name, age or gender does not match with pass details. Also if pass is issued and family declaration is resubmitted by employee after that, this issue may arise. –
Most probable reason is that you have not typed passenger names as they are in HRMS, Please type first 16 digits including spaces, as they are in HRMS, as explained in point 3 above. Plz do shorten names using initials only. For example if name in HRMS is Roopesh Kumar Upadhyay plz don’t use R K Upadhyay , use Roopesh Kumar Up ( 1st 16 digits including spaces) , and if it is R K Upadhyay in HRMS plz don’t use Roopesh Kumar Up, use R K Upadhyay only.
One more reason for this error may be that one of your sons has crossed 21 years of age and you have not applied for extension of validity of his pass in HRMS family along with proper certificate and it has not been accepted. Sons after 21 years are allowed on grounds of- being bonafide student, being engaged in research work, working as articled clerk under CA or being invalid with appropriate doctor certificate. If you want the son to be included you have to first get your family member added in HRMS family and then give pass family declaration again. For applying for family members details modification and adding these family member certificates you can use ESS module preferably or you can approach your Service record/ bill clerk.
b. Essential integrity validation checks failed- Wrong data has been entered. For example you have applied for a class in a type of train for which you may not be entitled. For example, the train may be special type train classified as Rajdhani type train by PRS , and passenger may be trying for his entitled berths as per mail/express type train thinking train is mail/express or he may be entering wrong/expired OTP.
c. Return journey completed- Either return journey completed OR ticket cancelled by PRS/IRCTC but details not sent to HRMS by PRS/IRCTC , plz contact your HRMS coordinator to get ticket cancelled by HRMS.
d. Break journey station not in route- It means you have saved Via/break journey in pass that does not fall on route of train. Plz try to minimize number of via journey stations in a pass. Insert Via/break journey in pass, only when train that you intend to book ticket on, is passing through those stations.
e. Passenger entitlement is less than passenger travelling- It means you have applied for more than entitlement, I.e. more berths than entitled or higher class than entitled in that type of train. Plz ask PRS counter about the type of train and check your entitlements.
f. Check your journey date- Inward journey should be after outward journey date.
g. No ent in SUP train type for CC berth class- The train is ordinary mail/exp type train in which there is no entitlement of CC class which is there only in Shatabdi type trains. Plz refer RBE 16/19 for entitlement and check in which class which berths are allowed.
h. Other errors are also usually self explanatory. In case of doubt , helpdesk may be approached
8. Q. Why family has to be entered and accepted in HRMS first, why cant family declaration be given to pass clerk directly?
Ans. Family in HRMS is not only for pass purposes. It is planned to be used in future for other purposes also like welfare( SBF aid, scholarships), CGA appointments, CEA etc.
So HRMS should have complete correct family details. That’s why this process. After once family is accepted in HRMS, it is auto fetched for pass declaration and only family members eligible for pass family have to be selected by employee for giving declaration online.
9. Q. There have been changes in my family composition. (i.e. new child has been born, family member has died) what to do?
Ans. You have to get your HRMS family updated which can be done through ESS and update your family declaration adding or deleting the family member as per need.
10. Q. I was entitled for first class pass, I have now gone on Own request transfer to other unit in lower grade / have been medically decategorised and am entitled to first class pass. How to get first class pass issued?
Ans. In such cases employee has to himself go inside pass declaration menu, and enclose relevant document regarding own request transfer/medical decategorisation and submit it to pass clerk for verification, who will forward it to PIA. Once accepted he/she will get first class pass.
11. Q. I was appointed before 30.6. 87 and at that time I gave written option not to apply for widow pass. How will I get 6 set PTO instead of 4?
Ans. In such cases employee has to himself go inside pass declaration menu, and enclose relevant document regarding the written option and submit it to pass clerk for verification, who will forward it to PIA. Once accepted he/she will get first class pass.
12. Q. I have taken a PTO. I am unable to apply for break journey tickets on it?
Ans. PRS is not allowing cluster booking, group journey at present. So it will not be possible.
13. Q. I want to cancel ticket booked on PTO and book fresh ticket. How to Do it ?
Ans. Cancellation of ticket booked on PTO and rebooking is not allowed. Modification can be done only on tickets booked from counter and modification can be done by counter clerk directly only. This functionality is not available on IRCTC.
14. Q. I want to cancel my Privilege pass, how to do it?
Ans. Provision is there to cancel privilege pass. But pass is usually not cancelled ,except in exceptional circumstances. For cancellation of pass you have to supply documentary evidence regarding the exceptional circumstance like natural calamity, non sanction of leave etc. Cancellation and rebooking on privilege pass , on the other hand, can be done easily as per rules .
15. Q. I am working in pay level 1-4, I am entitled for one set IInd class “A” upgraded pass per year. How to avail it?
Ans. Provision to apply for upgraded pass is available during pass application process, plz click checkbox of upgraded pass to avail the upgraded pass.
16. Q. I want to avail attendant facility in pass. How to avail it?
Ans. Plz click attendant checkbox during ticket booking and process further.
17. Q. I want to understand full working of pass module. How to understand?
Ans. Help manual is available for pass in help section of HRMS. Also help videos are available on YouTube if you search for HRMS e-pass. We have also uploaded help videos on this YouTube channel –
Pass Rules (पास नियम) – Indian Railway
This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 5 Question Paper / Bank, Clarification & FAQ, Q Bank - Establishment, Railway Pass Rule, Railway Employee
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