Eligibility Criteria – Selection of Chief Law Asst. in L-7

January 14, 2023, 11:02 PM

Chief Law Assistant in Level-7 against 60% Promotional Quota vacancies by General Selection.

1) Eligibility Criteria

Employees / Volunteers called from Serving Group ‘C’ employees (except RPF/ RPSF/Prosecution cadre) working in substantive grade of Level-2 and above and up to and including substantive grade of Level-6 with 5 years regular service and possessing a Degree in Law (LL.B or B.L.), irrespective of the Department in which they may be working, are eligible to apply (ACS No. 274 to IREM, Val, 1989 Edition) as per RBE No. 26/2021 (PBC No. 51/2021). Employees granted Financial Upgradation from Level-1 to Level-2 under MACPS are not eligible to apply. Training/Apprenticeship period will count for the purpose of reckoning the stipulated 5 years regular service as per Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2019/PM1/24 dated 25.06.2019 (PBC No. 145/2019). The Degree in Law should have been obtained either under 11+1+3+3 or 10+2+3+3 or 10+2+5 stream of education from a recognised University. Bachelor of General Law (2 years course) is not an eligible qualification.

Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degrees obtained from Open University / Distance Education mode are acceptable subject to the fulfilment of the terms and conditions of recognition/ acceptability of such qualifications as laid down in RBE No. 116/2013, PBC No. 69/2014, RBE No. 22/2015 & RBE No. 50/2016. However, the LL.B or B.L. degree obtained without classroom study is not acceptable as per the provisions of the Indian Bar Councils ‘ Act, 1926. Such applications which do not fulfil the above stipulations will be summarily rejected.

2) Selection Procedure

i) 100% objective type Written examination with negative marking followed by viva voce test in respect of qualified candidates in the written examination.

ii) In terms of PBC No.263/2018, 46/2019 and PBC 268/2022, the written examination shall comprise of 100 Objective-type muttiple-choice questions and will be conducted on OMR answer sheet only.

iii) Questions on Official Language Policy and marks therefor will be regulated in terms of Para 204.3 of IREM Vol.1 and Para 6 of PBC No.46/2019.

iv) In terms of PBC No.264/2019, there shall be negative marking @ 1/3″ mark reduced for every wrong answer. Cutting, overwriting, erasing or alteration of any type in the answer sheet is not permissible. Zero marks will be given for answer having correction/overwriting.

v) As per Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2008/PM7/4 dated 19.06.2009 (PBC No. 121/2009) issued as ACS No. 209 to IREM, Vol 1, 1989 edition, selection will be based entirely on merit with reference to aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination, Viva Voce test and Record of Service. Minimum qualifying marks in the written examination in order to be called for viva voce test is 60% and placement in the panel will be in the order of merit based on the 60% aggregate marks obtained in the Written Examination, Viva Voce test and Record of Service to the extent of the notified vacancies.

Syllabus Syllabus for Chief Law Assistant – Click Here

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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Selection, Promotion & Posting, Railway Employee