Breaking News
Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
Shri Ram Karan Yadav takes over as General Manager, Central Railway
Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
(i) Non-ministerial Group ‘C’ staff of the Civil Engineering Department holding the post in level-6 (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400) and above in the pay matrix with three years of regular service as on 01.01.2023 in level-6 (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400) and above in the 7th CPC pay matrix (including non-fortuitous service rendered in the corresponding pre-revised grade).
NOTE – Fortuitous service will not be counted.
(ii) Those Group ‘C’ staff working in level 6 or 7 (Grade Pay Rs. 4200 or Rs. 4600) under MACP Scheme will not be considered. Their position in substantive grade will only be considered.
(iii) Staff whose lien is maintained in Concerning Railway are only eligible.
(iv) Eligible staff on deputation, training and any Ex-cadre Organization including Construction and having lien and seniority in Concerning Railway , who desire to volunteer for the above LGS may submit their application through proper channel i.e. their respective Personnel Dept. Officer (Officer in-charge of Cadre), where they hold lien. The concerned Division/ Unit should send copy of notification to the staff who are on deputation after being released from last Division/Unit.
(A) Written examination ( through centralized CBT is to be conducted by NAIR in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 07.10.2022 & 18.10.2022)
(B) Medical test, as prescribed in Para 530(a) & 532(i) of IRMM Vol-I, 2000 (IIIrd Edition)
(C) Viva-Voce
(AS PER RBE No.53/2019 Dt 19.03.2019 , RBE No 115/2019 dt. 16.07.2019, and Railway Board’s letter no-E(GP)2022/2/4 dt. 07.10.2022)
(i) Selections against 70% quota in Organized Services and 100% Selection in Miscellaneous Cadres :-
The written examination shall comprise of one Paper which shall have 100% Objective type Multiple Choice Question only. The paper will be of 100 marks and the distribution will be as under :-
a) Professional Subject including optional question of 10 marks on Official Language policy & Rules – 70 marks
b) Establishment and Financial Rules – 30 marks
c) Qualifying marks – 60 Marks
(ii) Ten percent of the 100 marks prescribed for Written examination held as part of Selection should be set apart for question on Official Language policy and Official Language rules. While the employees should be encouraged to attempt the question on Official Language policy and Official Language rules, the question should not be compulsory. Thus, there will be question for 110 marks in all, including question for 10 marks on Rajbhasha Policy and rules.
(iii) There shall be negative marking for incorrect answer. One third of the marks allotted for each question will be deducted for every wrong answer.
(iv) The duration of written test will be 02 Hrs. in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)2022/2/4 dated 07.10.2022
(v) The panel will be formed in terms of Para 204.8 & 204.9 IREM Vol. I and other instructions issued by Railway Board from time to time in this regard.
(vi) Relaxation is not permissible to SC/ST employees being Safety Category posts.
(vii) In terms of Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)6/2/96 of 03.06,1977 & 03.08.1977 the employees placed on LGS panel will rank senior to those placed on LDCE panel, for this assessment.
(viii) Selection/Promotion will be subject to the outcome of main SLP (C) 4831 of 2012 and Contempt Petition (C) No 314 of 2016 filed in the same SLP pending before the Hon’ble Apex Court and Railway Board orders and MICR policy no. WCR/PHQ/RP/1350/Promotion Policy/SC/ST dated 20.07.2021 and 20.09.2021.
Max. Marks
1) Viva-Voce 25
2) Record of service 25
Qualifying Marks – 30 (Including at least 15 marks in the record of service part)
(Railway Board’s letter No E (GP)/2005/2/69 dated 05.01.06) MEDICAL
FITNESS :-The candidates who qualify in the written test will be subjected to Medical examination as per para 530(a) & 532(i) of IRMM Vol.1 2000 (111rd Edition) and only those candidates who are found medically fit, will be allowed to appear for Viva-Voce, as per Railway Board’s letter No. E(GP)80/2/8 dated 31.10.1991.
SUPPLEMENTARY WRITTEN EXAMINATION: Normally there should not be occasion for supplementary examination. If required, a supplementary written examination will be conducted subject to the following conditions:-a. Only the candidates who are detained on administrative account for appearing in the main examination will be allowed to appear in the supplementary examination after controlling officer/Unit in-charge gives categorical reason with regard to candidates failure to appear in the main examination.
b. The candidates who are under sick (RMC) during examination or otherwise and are continuing so since the date well before examination date will only be allowed to appear in the supplementary examination after MS/DMO’s Railway Certificate to this effect and duly forwarded by the Sr.DPO/DPO Unit In-charge. If any employee is issued Sick Memo on his request due to sickness, it may please be ensured that in Red Ink it should be clearly mentioned in Sick Memo that the employee concerned has to appear in the written examination for the post of AEN on specific date.
c. Candidates who are absent for main written examination will not be allowed to appear for supplementary written examination except as mentioned in (a) and (b) above
d. It would be personal responsibility of the candidate covered under conditions (a) and (b) to inform Dy.CPO(Gaz.)/JBP through their controlling officer within 03 days failing which they will not be allowed to take the supplementary examination.
(i) The original updated SRs and APARs for the last five years duly, enclosing the acknowledgement having received the copies of APAR for each year of the employees may be kept ready by concerned Sr.DPO/Controlling Officer for immediate transmission to this office whenever called for.
(ii) No leave of any kind should be granted to these employees which may result in their absence in the examination. They should not be sent on line duty.
(iii) If any of the eligible employees are on deputation and working under Central/State Government undertaking and whose lien is maintained in this Railway, their Controlling Officers should be advised to inform the candidates(s) regarding the examinations provided they fulfill the requisite conditions.
(iv) The concerned Personnel Department Officer & Controlling Officers should ensure the submission of service records and ACRs/APARs of last 05 years and DAR/SPE/ Vigilance clearance in respect of staff declared qualified for the Viva-Voce immediately after publication of the result of main examination through special messenger to Dy.CPO (Gaz.)/JBP If any DAR/Vigilance/SPE case is pending/penalties are in operation/pending against anybody, the details thereof may be advised immediately to this office by the concerned Officials.
(v) The concerned Divisional Officers/Executives (Sr. DENs) are advised to give wide publicity to this notification at all major Units under their jurisdiction. The Divisions are advised to submit an undertaking that the notification has been served at all major units where eligible staff are available.
(vi) To ensure that the eligible staff avails of the opportunity for appearing for the LGS, wide publicity should be given by pasting a copy of the notification on the notice Board of the Division Office as well as the subordinate offices. Supervisor-in-charge should bring to the notice of the staff working under them about this LGS.
(vii) Copies of this notification should also be given to local branches of both the recognized Unions and Associations for their information. (viii) Staff should keep themselves in readiness for the written examination, even at a short notice.
This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 6 Departmental Examination, Selection & Eligibility Criteria, Railway Employee
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