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Eligibility Criteria & Qualification For Selection of Staff & Welfare Inspector

May 16, 2020, 7:12 PM

(1) Eligibility Criteria:-

The following staff will be considered eligible to volunteer for appearing in the selection for promotion to the post of Staff & Welfare Inspector (S&WLI) in PB-2, Rs 9300-34800+GP-4200/-. The date of notification will be cut of date for eligibility.

(i) Group “C” staff in possession of any of the following qualifications irrespective of the grade or length of service of other qualification :

(a) Diploma in Labour Welfare/ Social Welfare,

(b) Diploma in labour laws,

(c) LLB with paper(s) in Labour Laws,

(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel management awarded by an institution recognised by the government of India; and

(e) MBA with paper(s) in personnel management awarded by an institution recognised by the government of India.

  • Provided that staff working in grade Rs.9300-34800+ GP 4200/- or above on regular basis will not be eligible to appear in the aforesaid selection. Provided further that eligibility of staff in possession of qualification, as mentioned above will also be subject to the condition that they have successfully completed the probation in the respective grade.


(ii) Erstwhile Group “D” staff of GP-1800/- who have completed at least 07 years service in Group “D” on the date of notification and are in possession of any of the qualification mentioned in (i) above.

(iii) Staff in the grades next below the grade of Staff & Welfare Inspector i.e. those in grades Rs.5200-20200+2800/-GP and 5200-20200+2400/-GP with 05 years service in the respective grade as on date of notification in case the higher grade does not fall in the normal line of advancement otherwise 05 years together in these grades

(iv) Staff in the grades Rs.5200-20200+2800/-GP and Rs.5200-20200 + 2400/- GP who are Graduates irrespective of the length of service in these grades provided the staff concerned have successfully completed the probation in the respective grades.

(v) Staff in grades lower than the grade next below the grade of Staff & Welfare Inspector i.e. those in grades Rs. 5200-20200′ +2000/-GP and Rs. 5200-20200+Rs.1900/-GP who are Graduates and who have completed not less than 07 years service on the date of notification in the respective grade in case the higher grade does not fall in the normal line of advancement, otherwise, 07 years service as on date of notification together in these grades.

(2) Procedure for holding selection and empanelment All staff who satisfy the conditions prescribed above would be subjected to a selection which will consist of a Written Test in terms of RBE-161/2009 and panel will be prepared purely on the basis of merit and as per procedure prescribed in Para 219(i) of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I. In terms of RBE-123/2006 the written test will be consist of 50 marks out of which the questions equivalent of 50% (within the range of 45% to 55%) will be of objective type. The type of objective questions will be in the form of multiple choice, filing of the blanks ,tick, true and false”, right or wrong match the following and may include questions requiring one words/ line answer yes or no naming etc. There is no provision to alter/ cutting/ over writing in the answers of the objective type question.

Selection & Eligibility Criteria Railway Departmental Exam




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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 6 Departmental Examination, Selection & Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus, Railway Employee