August 10, 2022, 6:17 PM


1. The shunting master will be responsible for all shunting movements carried out during his duty hours and see that all shunting is conducted in a safe and proper manner and in time.

2. He is responsible for seeing that the line nominated by the outdoor ASM/AYM on duty for reception of trains remains clear until the reception of the train after signing in the line admission book.

3. He shall see that shunting of train and vehicles is carried out only at such times and in such a manner which would involve no danger and all precautions are taken to avoid accidents.

4. He should see that correct vehicles are attached and detached and is responsible for correct marshalling of trains according to the instructions in force.

5. He shall see that fouling marks are crossing with adjacent lines are kept clear during and after shunting.

6. He shall ensure that the points over which shunting is to be done are correctly set and locked/cotter bolted where required.

7. He is responsible for ensuring correct setting of non interlocked points for starting train from non-signaled.


Duties & Responsibilities of Railway Officials

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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Duties & Responsibilities, Railway Employee