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Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
Shri Ram Karan Yadav takes over as General Manager, Central Railway
Result of Train Manager (Goods Guard) Departmental Exam
जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
Loco Pilot General duties
1. While report on duty he must be in proper uniform and well disciplined.
2. He should be aware of rules related to his duty, whether he is in possession or not a copy of rules or translated copy of rules.
3. He should be present on the time, at the place for duty which is assigned by administration, more ever if required on other place and time for his services. He should always alert and cautious while on duty.
4. In all conditions he should obey all lawful orders of his loco pilot.
5. He should have the knowledge of the following –
a. Lay out of all types of loco, its system and their sub systems, its subsidiary equipment with locations.
b. While on run able to trouble shoot the troubles of coaching and goods wagon like brake-binding, isolation of distributor valve, single/double pipe air brake working, changing of hose pipes etc.
c. Modern loco and operating instructions.
d. Safety rules related with track and train.
e. Connections, disconnection of multiple units, wedging of relay and contactor.
f. Rules and procedure of locomotive condition while taking charge from shed, from incoming staff, taking charge of dead locomotive.
g. Use of whistle code during various conditions as prescribed in GR&SR. h. Speed limits in various conditions i.e. passing facing point, horn failure, head light failure, foggy weather, poor visibility, abnormal condition etc. i. Various forms and authorities used in train operation.
6. He should take charge or hand over charge of equipment if given by lobby in charge/ crew controller for train operation
While Sign ON
1. He should sign on after breath analyzer test.
2. He should have two pair of spectacle to use on duty if required.
3. He should read all general and local instructions.
4. While on duty, he should note all speed restrictions related with section in which he is to be worked.
5. He ensure that safety equipment like torch, flag, detonator and flair signal, supplied to running staff is in working condition.
While Taking Charge
1. Check the equipments of under truck.
a. On starting station.
a) Spare VRR fuse
5. He should be responsible for keeping watch on abnormalities such as ACP; hose pipe disconnection, brake binding, hot axle, on line.
6. He should be more alert and vigilant while all type of abnormal working such as TSL, all communication failure, defective signal, load parting, load dividing, accident etc.
7. On hault he will drain out the moisture from MR1, MR2, J-Filter and check the fuel oil level and safety fittings. He will also check the temperature of axle boxes if train is stopped more than 15 minute. (Time limit is not applicable incase of mail express and passenger.)
8. He should note down the reading of various oil/air pressure, speed Notch position, etc. in every 30 minute. He should also record train running time.
9. He will keep loco pilot cab neat &clean to maintain cab environment.
10. He will uncouple the loco when loco is required detach for maintenance work.
11. If the loco pilot is not able to drive the train, he should stop the train by applying A-9 gradually & protect the train as per G&SR, then inform to guard & try to inform SM/SCOR immediately. If he is competent and having loco pilot competency certificate then he should clear the section after informing guard, that he should be alert.
12. In single line section where ball token is exchanged he should ensure that ball token is handed over to authorized station employee of previous station and new functional ball token is collected properly.
13. If loco is shut down or failed in section, he will apply the hand brake, wooden wedges and pin down the wagons to prevent from rolling down, after consulting with loco pilot.
14. If train is derailed or capsized, he will assist the LP in following manner
a. Put on flasher light.
b. If flasher light is defective, put on /off repeatedly head light switch.
c. By protecting opposite line in double line section , from front direction in single line section and he should help to LP for informing to controller / nearest station master by field telephone/nearest gate/ loco pilot of opposite train/with the help of other railway employee.
15. He will apply emergency brake instead of informing loco pilot to stop the train if he noticed any abnormality in running train after passing last signal or there is obstruction in running train. Above duties are not sufficient, he will also follow the GR & SR or instructions issued by local officers and instructions issued by headquarter officers time to time with any mean.
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