Customer facilities at Goods Shed – Railway Board

April 16, 2023, 4:12 PM

As per letter No. TC-1/2023/304/1(3421419)   dt:/3 04.2023

Regarding Customer facilities at Goods Shed

Railway Board has been decided that Zonal Railways should make concerted efforts for provision of facilities at Goods Sheds to enhance customer experience and to attract more business. For facilitating loading, following facilities should be provided as far as possible at Goods shed, Wharf /adjoining circulating area and approach roads as per extant technical specifications issued by concerned directorates of Railway Board.


a. Full rake loading/unloading facilities

b. Provision of mechanized handling facilities

c. Drainage facility within Goods Shed to avoid water logging

d. Sufficient lighting arrangement e.g. high mast tower lights

e. Provision of CCTVs for monitoring loading and unloading areas

f. Development of truck circulating area within Goods Sheds for better truck mobility

g. Provision of covered sheds and warehouses, wherever required

h. Provision of parking facility and signages

i. Measures for pollution control like dust screen walls, water sprinkling system, appropriate green belt cover etc. and obtaining consent from State Pollution Control Board (refer EnHM Dte’s letter 2015/EnHM/15/01 dated 16.04.2018)

j. Merchant room/labor room: provision of toilet facility, drinking water, benches, air coolers, fans, lights, refreshment room/ canteen, etc.

k. Goods Shed Office – modular furniture, cabinets for records, drinking water facility, toilet facility, sufficient lighting, air coolers, fans, etc.



a. Rail level/high level platform/wharf with sufficient circulating area duly keeping in view the nature of commodity handled e.g. bulk consignment, bagged consignment, crane consignment, etc.

b. Facility to reduce terminal detentions, reducing number of placements, removing obstacles on platforms and wharfs.

c.  Cross slope to ensure no stagnation of water on and around the platform.


a. Approach road towards Goods sheds for movement of road vehicles etc.
b. Proper drainage to ensure that there is no stagnation of water


While planning for these facilities, DRMs should take into account the overall planning at station, the works already sanctioned or under sanction as well as other facilities at station so that these facilities are developed in coordinated manner and no haphazard development takes place. For the purpose required consultant may be engaged, if not already done, under powers already delegated to DRMs vide various delegations issued by Board from time to time.

This issues in consultation with Gati Shakti directorate, Traffic Transportation directorates and with the concurrence of Finance (Expenditure) directorate of Railway Board.





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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, Freight Service, Public Facilities, Railway Employee