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विभिन्न खंडों में नॉन इंटरलॉकिंग कार्य के कारण कुछ ट्रेनें प्रभावित
विभिन्न खंडों में नॉन इंटरलॉकिंग कार्य के कारण कुछ ट्रेनें प्रभावित
Vacancy Notification of Manager Guest Service (MGS)-Staff Welfare, Level-7
जानिए पटरियों के साइड में क्यों लिखे होते हैं नंबर?
On CR, a 3-coach unit is classified as 76, 70, or 72, where 76 is the leading motor coach (has driving cab if at either end of rake, and reserved seating for handicapped persons when in the middle of the rake), 70 is the motor coach with a pantograph and traction motors (usually has only second-class general accommodation), and 72 is the trailer coach (usually with half first-class accommodation and half second-class). So a nine-coach train has three units in the following sequence:
ये भी पढ़े – योगासन का इतिहास तथा योग से होने वाले फायदे
(76-70-72) (72-70-76) (72-70-76)
A 12-coach train would have the following sequence:
(76-70-72) (72-70-76) (72-70-76) (72-70-76)
A few odd coaches have been seen recently that break with this system, and have classifications 86, 80, and 82. The formation then is:
(86-80-82) (86-80-82) (86-80-82)
These are thought to be coaches transferred from other zonal railways, particularly WR, as WR now is acquiring the newer AC-DC EMUs. There is an 86001 coach, for instance. The 8xxxx coaches do not appear to have been transferred in 3-coach units, but as singletons.
CR’s AC/DC rakes (3XX series) and MRVC rakes use the A-B-C system just as in WR (see below) instead of the 72-70-76 system to distinguish the coaches of a 3-coach unit.
The EMU coaches also have alphabetic classifications in line with other rolling stock of IR.
YSYL = Driving motor coach with Second Class + Luggage = class 76
YSZZ = Second Class Motor Coach = class 70
YFYS = First Class + Second Class (trailer coach) = class 72
The identifying number of a coach consists of the prefix corresponding to the type of coach (76, 70, or 72), followed by a 3-digit serial number. E.g., a motor coach may be numbered 70256 and a trailer coach may be numbered 72385.
All Jessop-built CR EMU coaches are allocated a number range between 101 and 399, although the last ones appear to be 350-351-352 (at Sanpada carshed [4/04]). ICF-built ones range from 401 through 590. The ones in the 500-590 range are newer (1990s) coaches. [1/03] CR numbers in the 5xx range have gone past 599 and into the 6xx range now. Blue-livered EMU trailers have been spotted with numbers 72597-72599 and then 72600-72603. Above 524-526, complete rakes with sequentially numbered units don’t seem to exist – newer coaches with higher numbers are simply attached to older rakes as required.
More recently new coaches have been introduced in the 700 series, which are from different manufacturers. 701 to 703 are from BEML. 704 through 715 are also thought to be from BEML, but with some fittings and perhaps some electrical equipment from BHEL. Today [3/02] these serial numbers top out at 715. Update [1/04]: New rakes with serial numbers in the 8xx have been brought into service. A rake with numbers 808, 807, 809 (not arranged sequentially) has been spotted and appears to be a Jessop 200 series perhaps painted over. It is thought that the 800 series coaches are ex-Western Railways, repainted at Matunga workshops.
However, there is an anomalous 900 series rake, which appears to have been an entire 9-car rake transferred from WR in 1998. It is formed with the standard 76-70-72 classification, but the motor coach of the original rake has been replaced by one in the 500 series. 72901, 70901, etc., and similarly 902, 903 series are all believed to be ex-WR. The repainting could be seen with careful observation on some coaches: 901 C became a 72901 and the C was overpainted. The words ‘Western’ and ‘Paschim’ were painted over with ‘Central’ and ‘Madhya’.
Other oddities: Rake 72349 is marked with class ‘YTFS’. Rakes 72570 and 72574 are marked ‘YSFY’ instead of ‘YFYS’.
Prefixes and Suffixes: Lately, CR EMUs have been seen with a prefix ‘O’ before the coach number (e.g. O-72146). All coaches of the new 86-80-82 combination have a lower-case ‘s’ as a suffix (e.g. 86234s). ‘T’ is a rare suffix seen on at least one coach: 72185T. Its significance is unknown [3/02]. [1/03] Another suffix ‘c’ has been seen on at least one EMU coach. It too, is of unknown significance.
CR now has some MRVC rakes. See the list of these MRVC rakes and their numbering.
Updates: Many WR DC rakes have been transferred to CR lately [2010]. They retain the WR style numbering (see below) of ‘XXX A/B/C’. A few DC coaches from the 900x and 9xxx series are now [2010] being scrapped.
Source –
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