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Clarification regarding bunching of stages under revised pay structure.

January 23, 2018, 6:14 PM

F.No. PC-VII/2016/RSRP/3
New Delhi,
dated: 15/01/2018
Sub: Clarification regarding bunching of stages under revised pay structure.
Detailed guidelines on the subject have been issued vide MoF’s OM No. 1-6/2016-IC dated 03.08.2017, which has been adopted in Railways through letter 27.09.2017. Para 7 of MoF’s OM dated 03.08.2017 states clarify inter alia “…..benefit on account of bunching cannot be extended with reference to pay stages lower than the Entry Pay indicated by the 7th CPC (emphasis added) for that level in the Pay Matrix. Extending the bene×t of bunching with reference to pay stages below the entry pay will perpetuate the difference in pay on account of differential Entry Pay which was addressed by 7th CPC (emphasis added)”.

2. However, para 8 (iv) of the said OM states “All pay stages lower than the Entry Pay in the 6th CPC structure (emphasis added) as indicated in the Pay Matrix in 7th CPC Report are not to be taken into account for determining the extent of bunching”
3. However, certain cases have come to notice of this Ministry where this crucial difference in terminology in para-7 & para-8 of the OM is leading to confusion/ambiguity as to whether entry pay in 6th CPO alone and not 7th CPC is the deciding factor for determining bunching eligibility. Relying on the terminology adopted in para-8, cases have been noticed where benefit of ‘bunching’ has been given to direct of×cers of 2002 allotment year w.r.t. their junior of 2003 allotment year. Their pay fixation details are enclosed at Annexure-A. Similar cases involving certain retired of×cers in Level-13 and Level-14 has also been received. Illustration in this regard is enclosed at Annexure-B. 4. While the over-riding spirit of the clari×cations issued by Ministry of Finance’s OM referred to above, was to avoid differential entry pay and was not to provide bene×t of bunching at the entry level, this dichotomy in para-7 & para-8 is leading to differing interpretations. Clarifications over the issue may kindly be provided to enable uniform interpretation.
Encl. As above.
Executive Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board


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