Are there any trains run by private companies or non-IR public concerns on IR tracks and/or with IR stock?


Occasionally there are some trains run by private companies using IR stock on IR routes - these are perhaps not really 'private' trains but rather trains which have been leased out by IR for private runs. Most of these are heritage or tourism specials chartered by travel agencies, private individuals, or state tourist boards for various occasions. Many of these in recent years have been run with steam locos, such as Darjeeling, or in Assam. The Jodhpur Safari Club has run a private steam-hauled heritage train on the Jodhpur-Oslan stretch (with plans to make it a regular feature on the Jodhpur-Jaisalmer section). Apart from this there are occasionally trains leased by corporations or

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Why are so many railway stations named “[something] Road”?
July 19, 2019

The "Road" after the station indicates that it's the nearest railhead for that particular town. The road to that town originates at this station:you still need to travel a while by road to get to that town. There are a number of examples: Kodaikanal Road, Khurda Road, Mantralayam Road, Jajhpur Kheonjar Road, Nasik Road, etc. Jajpur Keonjhar Road

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How many stations does IR have?
July 19, 2019

This number is naturally a moving target, as IR is constantly opening new stations. Moreover, it is difficult to get a precise count of "stations" when considering junctions that have different gauges, stations with remote or differently named cabins or signalling sheds, derelict or abandoned stations, metropolitan areas with many stations and

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What are the different classes of stations?
July 19, 2019

IR's classification of stations is linked to their rules for block system working. Class A: Such a station is one where the Line Clear indication for the block may not be given unless the line where the train is to be received is clear at least for up to the starter signal (or, in some cases, for at least 400m ahead of the home signal). These are

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What about the abbreviations used for suburban services, and other (non-standard) station abbreviations?
July 19, 2019

In some places -- especially Mumbai -- special codes are used to indicate the destination of a suburban train (either on the rake (CR), or on platform indicators (CR/WR)). These are not the official station codes, but usually just 1- or 2-letter mnemonics. Some of the commonly-used ones around Mumbai are: A : Andheri (WR), Ambarnath

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Are there continuous rail connections from India to Central Asia or Europe?
July 19, 2019

Ignoring political and practical problems in actually using such connections for passenger services, as of 2009 or so the answer is Yes!! There are continuous physical railway connections from easternmost India all the way to the UK. Read on... From Quetta in Pakistan, the Nushki Extension Railway runs through Mirjaveh (Mirjawa) on the border to

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What is the possibility of a rail link to South-East Asia and Singapore?
July 19, 2019

The idea of a rail link to Singapore comes up every so often. Myanmar railway lines are meter-gauge. So are the railways in Thailand and Malaysia. So the value of such a link for freight transportation is greatly diminished by the need for transshipment at some point to get to the main BG network in India. Furthermore, in Burma the southern

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