AC Simulator – TRAIN HANDLING IN SAG OR DIP GRADIENT (सैग या डिप में गाडी का संचालन )


TRAIN HANDLING IN SAG OR DIP GRADIENT  Starting of train from sag or dip gradient i) Advance MP to notch 1 st and note the increase of current on the ammeter. ii) Release SA-9 (loco brakes) and wait for the release of the locomotive brakes. iii) After a few second pause advance the MP and again note the ammeter indication. If necessary advance the MP to position 3 rd or 4 th notch. iv) If acceleration is too rapid, reduce notches 1 or more. When the complete train is in a stretched condition & in motion, slowly advance the MP as required. Negotiating sag or dip gradient  i) In order to control slack when moving through a sag or dip, the train speed must be

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AC Simulator – How Loco Pilot can minimize coupler forces (कपलर फोर्सेस कैसे कम करे )
January 6, 2021

How Loco Pilot can minimize coupler forces  1. Progression should be notch by notch. Keep watch on ammeters. Before taking next notch ammeter needle should slightly come down. 2. Avoid fast & heavy Braking. Braking should be as per brake management. 3. Couplers should be in stretch condition while negotiating dip. 4. While

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AC Simulator – How Loco Pilot can minimize brake wear ( ब्रेक ब्लाक का घिसाव कैसे कम कारना )
January 6, 2021

How Loco Pilot can minimize brake wear  To minimize brake wear by 1. By avoiding rash applications. 2. By using minimum number of brake application. 3. By dropping less amount of BP as required & by avoiding long duration

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AC Simulator – Train management (गाड़ी प्रबंधन)
January 6, 2021

Train management    Loco Pilot should 1. Start his train without jerk. 2. Stop his train smoothly. 3. Always keep in mind the incoming gradients, so that he can avoid high forces coming on couplers due to gradient. 4. Always give pause between power &

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AC Simulator – Brake management ( ब्रेक प्रबन्धन )
January 6, 2021

Brake management    1. Reduce notches one by one    2. Ensure NR is on ‘0’    3. Run your train in coasting at least for 100 meter.    4. Reduce BP pressure through A-9 up to minimum reduction (0.5 kg/cm2) only    5. Wait for 8-10 seconds (In this time BP of whole train will be dropped.) 6. Reduce more BP pressure as

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AC Simulator – Driving rules ( चालन नियम )
January 6, 2021

Driving rules  1. Loco Pilot should never over speed at any cost (Normal course as well as caution order). 2. Loco Pilot should blow horn at level crossings, cuttings, passing trains & while passing through from stations. 3. Loco Pilot should never pass the signal at 'ON' (Red signal) without proper authority. 4. Loco Pilot should

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