Diesel Loco WDG4 (HINDI) (31 WDG4 तथा WDP4 लोको में अंतर )

Were/are battery-powered electric locos used in India?
June 20, 2019

Were/are battery-powered electric locos used in India? Yes. Western Railway inherited from the BB&CI Railway two broad-gauge battery-powered shunters that were used in a yard that was not electrified (and where the use of steam or diesel locos was thought to be too noisy). There is a picture of one of these in Jal Daboo's book. These were

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What kinds of bogies (trucks) are used by IR’s locomotives?
June 20, 2019

What kinds of bogies (trucks) are used by IR’s locomotives? For mainline BG locomotives, there were, until the 1980s, two main alternatives. The venerable WDM-2 which existed (exists) in vast numbers, along with the WDS-6, WAM-4, WAG-5, and some of the WCAM-1/2 locos used an Alco design asymmetric trimount (Co-Co) cast bogie design. Most other

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Which were the earliest electric locomotives in India?
June 20, 2019

Which were the earliest electric locomotives in India? Two MG electric locos using overhead electrification were supplied to the Mysore Gold Fields in 1910 by Bagnalls of Stafford. Electrical equipment for these was supplied by Siemens. Electrically operated rail trolleys (patented by T A White, an EIR engineer, and hence known as White's

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उत्पीडन से तंग लोको इंस्पेक्टर ने चुनी मौत
May 27, 2018

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