BHADRAK-NERGUNDI 3RD LINE PROJECT: 50% of Construction Work completed

June 1, 2023, 10:56 AM

The construction work for Bhadrak-Nergundi third line project in Howrah-Chennai Main line between Bhadrak and Cuttack Railway Stations under Khurda Road Division of East Coast Railway is going o­n in full swing. More than 50% of construction works of this project have been completed.

A patch of 16.80Kms between Haridaspur and Byree which was supposed to be completed by last week of June 2023 has been completed before 1st week of May’2023.

This has been possible due to consistent review of project works by Hon’ble Minister of Railways Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw. General Manager Shri Manoj Kumar Sharma advised officials to focus for the speedy completion of various project works for the critical projects. Shri Sharma also advised officials to coordinate with stake holders including State Government officials for early completion of the projects.       

Hon’ble Minister of Railways Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw is giving priority for the Development of Railway infrastructure of the region along with various project works going o­n in Odisha and also is monitoring the developmental works regularly. Bhadrak-Nergundi 3rd line work will boost the economy of the region and will provide a hassle free train operations in Howrah-Chennai Main Line.   

Bhadrak–Nergundi 3rd Line (92.19 Km) project was included in 2012-13 and the final Sanction was given in Oct’2015. Works between Jakhapura & Haridaspur, a stretch of 23.53KMs was completed in April 2016, from Kapilas Road to Salegaon, a stretch of 4.30 KMs was commissioned o­n May 2019 and from Kapilas Road to Nergundi, a distance of 4.20 KMs was commissioned o­n October 2022 in phased manner.

The target for completion of Bhadrak–Nergundi 3rd Line work has been decided to be by 2023-24, for rest 83.69 Kms work. The latest anticipated Cost of the Project is 1284.39 Crore, where Rupees 648.68 Crore has already been spent. The physical Progress for construction of full Project is about 54% and expenditure made about 50.5%.




This entry was posted in 1 Rail News, Rail Development, General, Public Facilities