Awarding of Marks in APARs in Selections of Group ‘B’ Posts

April 6, 2022, 8:06 PM

RBE NO. 39/2 022


No. E(GP)2010/2/45 New Delhi, dt.:31.03.2022

The General Managers, All Indian Railways & Production Units.
(Kind attn.: PCPOs/PFAs & Dy.CP0(G))

Sub.: Awarding of Marks in APARs in Selections/LDCEs held for Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ Posts.

Ref.: Board’s letter nos. E(GP)87/2/123 dt.19.9.1988, E(GP)8912/30 dt.29.9.89 & E(GP)2000/2/95 dt.16.01.2001.

In terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter no. E(GP)87/2/123 dt.19.9.1988, it has been laid down that assessment of APARs in Selections/LDCEs held for promotion to Group IT posts should be based on confidential reports of the last five years. Furthermore, in terms of Board’s aforementioned letter dt.29.9.1989, procedure to be adopted for covering the deficiency of APARs through lower grade or previous years (other than the years of reckoning) has been prescribed.

2. Recently, a case has come to light where an employee appearing in LDCE, has been awarded ‘Zero’ marks against a deficient APAR he has not earned for the initial training period. Therefore, it has now been decided that apart from the procedure laid down in terms of aforementioned instructions, assessment of APARs in Selections/LDCEs held for promotion to Group B posts in case a Group ‘C’ employee fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria, has not earned APARs of requisite number of years either on being initial training, study leave etc.; in such a situation average of APARs of all available years should be reckoned for arriving at gradings of the requisite year(s) for which APAR is not written. In this regard, an illustration with fictitious data is enclosed for ease of understanding.


Shri X has been appointed in Railway service on 1.9.2012. His first APAR falls due in the period 1.9.12 to 31.3.2013. Five years APAR upto the year ending 31.3.2016 have been reckoned for calculating marks under ‘Record of service’ in the Selection held for promotion to Group ‘B’ post. As one APAR is not available, average of Attributes A to E of the four available APARs is first divided by 4(66+ 4=16.5) and the same is then considered as his total of A to E for the earlier year 2011-12 and similarly overall marks under grading of the four available APARs is also divided by 4(14+4=3.5) and the same is considered as his marks under grading for the earlier year 2011-12. Hence, his total grading comes to 17.5 (14+3.5) and total of A to E comes to 82.50 (66+16.50).
Calculating further as per the laid down norms, his marks under Record of Service shall be as under: Average of Attributes A to E = 82.5 Divided by 5 = 16.5 Overall average 17.5+16.5 = 34 divided by 2 =17


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