Auto credit of leave into leave account of employees and verification thereof.

December 21, 2023, 7:03 PM

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/15

New Delhi, Dated :04/12/2023

Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Principal Financial Advisors,
All Indian Railways, All Indian Railways
(As per standard mailing list) (As per standard mailing list)

Sub : Auto credit of leave into leave account of employees and verification thereof.

The leave module of HRMS was launched w.e.f. 01.08.2023. To streamline the leave management function, and to ensure updation of leave ledger of all the employees in a dynamic manner, the following process is being implemented :-

(i) LAP, LHAP due for the employee as on 1″ January of 2024 will be tentatively proposed to be credited to the leave account of the employee subject to verification of details of each employee by the concerned leave admins.

(ii) Actual credit of leave to the leave account of each employee will be done after verification of the details (such as unauthorised absence, superannuation, category of the employee etc) by the concerned leave admin unit.

(iii) This process of manual verification is an interim measure pending launch of related modules such as Cadre Management, D&A module etc.

(iv) Post verification, leave due will be credited to the respective leave account on 31st December, 2023 through dynamic updation.

(v) In respect of cases where verification is pending, leave will not be automatically credited to the account of each employee.

(vi) In respect of CL and RH due for the year 2024, same procedure will be applicable. However, in order to facilitate employees to avail their CL and RH for 2024 from the last week of December, 2023 itself, the process of crediting will be done w.e.f. 20.12.2023 subject to verification.

3. Detailed guidelines for the aforesaid procedure is available in the HRMS website.

4. It was requested vide Board’s communication dated 01.08.2023 and 23.11.2023 to complete the verification of the initial leave balance of all employees by 31.12.2023. It is observed that the process is still not moving at the desired pace.

5. Keeping in view the urgency of the matter all the leave admins may kindly be instructed to complete the verification process in respect of LAP & LHAP before 24.12.2023 and for CL and RH by 19.12.2023.

(V. G. Bhooma)
Additional Member (HR)
Railway Board
Email : pedhr66[at]
Ph: 011-47847174

Copy to : JS and JS(G) Railway Board.

Original Order


This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, HRMS, Leave Rule, Railway Employee