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ACT (RS) ABB Loco (English) (15. OPERATION OF BL KEY)

January 10, 2021, 12:03 PM

Operation Of BL Key
BL key is operated for following mode:
1. DRIVING MODE :- ( Off – D )
2. SELF HOLD MODE .- ( D – Off )
3. Switching OFF control electronics: ( D – Off – C – Off )
4. COOLING MODE:– ( D – Off – C – Off – C )
Driving Mode: This mode is used to drive the loco. To achieve this mode driver has to:
1) Insert BL key in ‘OFF’ position.
2) Turn it clockwise from ‘OFF’ to ‘D’
3) By doing this, following indications will confirm the driving mode:
a) LSDJ will glow
b) UBA will show battery voltage.
c) Display screen will activate.
d) Memotel screen will activate. Control electronics will get ON.
Self Hold Mode:
1) Open DJ , lower the pantograph
2) Rotate ‘BL-key’ form ’D’ to ‘OFF’: Now control electronics will remain ‘ON’ for 10 minutes and then it will become ‘OFF’ automatically. This mode is used while changing the cab. Switching Off – Control Electronics: Driver has to switch off control electronics in many cases like;
a) Making the loco dead.
b) During troubleshooting.
c) For taking the isolated sub system in service.
d) Before e resetting circuit breaker or before rotating any switch.
To switch off the control electronics do the following:
1) Stop the train
2) Open the DJ and lower the pantograph.
3)Operate BL-key from ‘D’ to ‘Off’
4)Operate BL-key from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ and wait until display screen,LSDJ, and UBA goes off.
 5) It indicates that CE is get’ OFF’ and now rotate it from ‘C’ to ‘OFF’
 Note :
1) C.E. get automatically ‘off’ after 10 minutes if BL-key is rotate from ’D’ to ‘OFF’ (as explained in self hold mode. )
 2) C.E. will get ‘off’ automatically after 10 minutes in driving mode also, if panto is remain lower for more than 10 minutes.
3) If the key switch is moved from Pos. “D” to Pos. “Off” without opening the VCB, and the panto graph lowering, this will initiates an automatic shutdown on loco.
Cooling Mode:-Whenever temperature of control electronics is increases above 700 then lamp LSCE glows on Panel ‘A’ and throttle will not respond. Control/Coast the train to stop at suitable place like starter etc.
1) Keep the throttle on ‘0’.
2) Try to stop the train at suitable place.
3) Inform TLC/SCOR regarding cooling.
4) Keep SA9- at applied condition and A-9 to emergency.
5) Open VCB and lower the pantograph.
6) CE – Off as per procedure – ( D – Off – C – Off – C)
7) Again put ‘BL key’ from ‘Off’ to ‘C’ and ensure that UBA shows battery voltage and LSDJ glows, Screen is Off – no node information.(Note CE is OFF)
8.Now raise the panto, close the VCB- LSDJ will extinguish and loco will energies in cooling mode.
9.Machine room blowers & scavenge blowers will start automatically to cool the machine Room. Ensure working of machine room blowers.
10.When the machine room temperature goes below 70OC then LSCE will extinguish. 11.Now Open the VCB, lower the pantograph. 12.Put BL from ‘C’ to ‘Off’ and ‘off’ to ‘D’ and energize loco & resume traction.

This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 7 Study Material & Guide, ABB Loco, AC Traction - Locomotive, Railway Employee