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AC Simulator – Engineman ship (इंजिमनशिप )

January 6, 2021, 6:11 PM

Engineman ship 
It is the capability of a Loco Pilots to handle his loco along with its trailing load, so that it reaches destination in time in a most economic manner and without adversely affecting safety. Poor engineman ship adversely affects all these requirements. Same is also a contributory factor leading at times to train parting, and on other occasions result in stalling, passing signal at danger, brake binding, loco failure or even derailment. Such of these factors, which are associated with Loco Pilots enginemen ship.
How the tractive effort exceeds the tensile strength ? 
1. Due to sudden notching up. 
2. Sudden application of brakes from rear. 
3. Notching up with out proper recreation of vacuum/ air.







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This entry was posted in 2 Railway Employee, 7 Study Material & Guide, AC Simulator, Railway Employee